The hyena's figure dissipated, Zhou Mu came to the warehouse to take out its beast soul, and under the suppression of the Void Tribulation Thunder Beast Beast Soul, Zhou Mu fused it effortlessly.

Zhou Mu then put his cultivation on hold and sharpened his combat skills and spiritual techniques.

He is too weak, and it is extremely difficult to fight in the same realm, let alone cross borders.

The exercises and spiritual skills are only small, but now the points are no longer enough, no matter how many demon beasts there are, the rations cannot be fed, not to mention tens of thousands of spiritual skills.

Zhou Mu was just thinking secretly in his heart, and suddenly heard the system prompt tone.

[Ding, detecting that the current point reward power is too low, start the point reward upgrade task. 【

Points reward upgrade task: After completing the task, the system reward points are greatly increased. Hearing

this, Zhou Mu's eyes lit up.

The system turned out to be so human, and knew how to adjust the mechanism according to the situation.

As long as there are enough points, they can be used to improve their strength, whether it is upgrading spiritual skills or cultivating ten thousand beasts.

[Now release the mission: Melancholy Bishui Snake King.] 】

【Mission content: Help the Bishui Snake King find the lost item.】 】

【Mission reward: random bloodline *1, Revenant Bead, 10,000 points, point reward mechanism upgrade

】【Mission time: none】After

reading the task content, Zhou Mu immediately became excited.

It's just a lost item, it's not difficult.

Where can I lose it again? I launched 100,000 demon beasts to look for it together, and I turned the forest through and could I still find it?

Immediately took the green ox down the mountain and walked towards the Bishui Snake King's territory.

However, it is a pity that the training plan I just planned has to be postponed again.

Looking at the departing Zhou Mu, Bai Feng was extremely bored, let out a long sound, and followed.

The other little beasts also wanted to follow, but Zhou Mu sternly refused them.

Bai Feng's cultivation is the same whether he cultivates or not, but other beasts are different, they are still too small, and they must focus on cultivation first.

Along the way, the demon beasts saw Zhou Mu with reverence.

Just because their strength has been greatly improved in a short time.

Zhou Mu nodded in satisfaction, but he was thinking in his heart: "The time is still too short, there are still too few demon beasts in Gao Xiuwei, it's time to change the rations." Thinking

of this, Zhou Mu's pace quickened.

I don't know if it was because of Bai Feng, Mu encountered several spirit grasses along the way, but he didn't pick them.

It's all your own anyway, you can't run.

At this time, Qingniu's ears moved, and Lingnian transmitted: "Someone has seen us." "

If it is usual, you will see it when you see it, after all, Zhou Mu and Qingniu are very ordinary in appearance.

But today is different, Bai Feng's appearance is too recognizable.

The long and white tail feathers have a faint brilliance, and the whole body is white and subconsciously makes people feel unusual, coupled with a particularly recognizable cry.

The grass not far away suddenly moved, and Bai Feng subconsciously cried.


The pride that belongs to the phoenix alone is hidden in this cry, and the breath of the fairy beast is overflowing.

"Immortal Beast!?" A man suddenly emerged from the grass in the distance and exclaimed.

The man seemed to be afraid that his voice would attract others over, and he hurriedly covered his mouth, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

"This little brother, the fairy beast is not something you can feed, give him to your uncle, and your uncle will not kill you." The man held the sword in his hand, slowly walked out of the grass, and said excitedly.

Hearing this, Zhou Mu glanced at it and sighed.

He was completely disappointed in the humanity of this world.

You want to keep everything for yourself.

The man approached slowly, the spirit palace emerged, dozens of rivers surrounded him, and the spiritual energy rushed.

"How? Brother. The man teased.

In his cognition, a person as big as Zhou Mu had just entered the Lingchuan Realm after reaching the sky, and it was impossible for him to cultivate higher than him.

But he guessed correctly, Zhou Muwei was indeed not as tall as him.

I saw Zhou Mu summoning out of the Spirit Palace, a winding river emerged, the Spirit Rain fell in a uproar, and the Spiritual Qi filled his body.

The man burst into laughter, and the last trace of caution in his eyes dissipated, replaced by unbridled mockery.

"It's noisy!" Zhou Mu snorted coldly, and a huge humanoid phantom appeared, and the beast soul starry sky behind him flashed with hundreds of starlight.

The Ten Thousand Souls Star Bow appeared in the hand, and the bowstring was full.

The brightest purple star behind him split a ray of light and fell on the full bowstring, condensing into a purple light arrow, flashing with thunder.

Zhou Mu's face was calm and he loosened the bowstring.

The purple arrow thundered and roared through the sky.

The monstrous power spread throughout the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, feeling the breath inside, the demon beasts with beast marks were not too surprised, but those beasts and humans were panicked in their hearts.

The arrow carried a little black light, and the space where it passed was distorted and disappeared, turning into nothingness.

Before the man could come to his senses, the arrow had pierced through his chest.

The power of nothingness eroded his body, the distorted space twisted his body into shape, and the cracked flesh and blood splattered blood.

And his expression was still stuck in laughter.

In the blink of an eye, a living person turned into nothingness and disappeared into this world.

Only that stain of blood proves that he ever existed.

The purple arrow stopped after piercing the man and levitated there.

Seeing that the man died so quickly, the light arrow turned into a ball of light again and returned to the beast soul starry sky.

It hasn't even used the beast shadow yet.

Zhou Mu put away the bow and dispersed the ten thousand beast tips, and his heart was secretly shocked.

The divine beast beast soul is so strong!

I didn't have time to use it before, this time I wanted to try it, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful, the cross-border realm is a stone's second, and even the beast shadow is useless.

Zhou Mu smacked his tongue and smiled.

He has another hole card.

But these people don't seem to have a long memory!

I just kicked them out once the other day, and it's only been a few days, and so many people have come.

Looking at the red dot on the surveillance map, Zhou Mu felt a little unhappy.

"Oh? Actually started running? Is it because of that arrow just now? Zhou Mu was surprised.

"This allows you to run? What if it gets out? The corners of Zhou Mu's mouth rose, revealing a grim smile.

Then countless green dots flocked to those red dots.

When Zhou Mu came to the Bishui Snake King's lair, the red dots had all been emptied, and only the green dots remained on the monitoring map.

When Zhou Mu arrived, the Bishui Snake King came out of the nest to greet him, but his interest was not too high, and he was a little puzzled about why Zhou Mu suddenly came.

It was grieving, and the wave of killing missions just now didn't pay much attention.

Seeing the Bishui Snake King, Zhou Mu's face softened: "Have you been a little melancholy recently?" The

Bishui Snake King was stunned and looked at Zhou Mu in surprise.

Can this be guessed? Is it for this that you came to find yourself?

This is his own hands, otherwise he would have reached out and wiped his tears by now.

Really, moved to death.

"The owner... You know all about it? The Bishui Snake King whispered.

Zhou Mu smiled when he heard this: "That's right, what did you lose?" I don't believe that 100,000 demon beasts can't be recovered. The

Bishui Snake King's face suddenly twisted, and he stopped talking.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu frowned and said, "How?" Don't believe me?

"No, it's mainly a little difficult to talk about." The Bishui Snake King hurriedly said.

"Say it quickly!" Zhou Mu urged angrily.

He was still in a hurry to complete the task, how could he delay time.

Seeing this, the Bishui Snake King gritted his teeth and said with a strong face: "My wife is lost!" "

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