Along the way, Mu saw a lot of wild fruits last week, but he only picked the fruits he had tasted and did not dare to eat them indiscriminately.

The green ox also followed behind Zhou Mu, nibbling on a wild fruit from time to time.

Zhou Mu returned after picking some wild fruits and did not wander around the forest.

It was late afternoon when we returned to the top of the mountain.

Qingniu returned to the shed, and Zhou Mu also went back to the house to sleep after eating something.

Tomorrow, he will be able to unlock the Spirit Palace and start cultivating.

After the excitement, he fell into a deep sleep.

The next day.

Zhou Mu was awakened by the system prompt.

I thought it was a prompt from the incubation room, but instead I started the daily mission.

【Daily mission opens today, please check by yourself】【Daily mission

1】Clear five broken trees.

[Reward] 200 points [Daily Mission 2] Clean up the lair of the Flaming Lion [

Reward] 200 points


Zhou Mu read each of them, and the rewards for these tasks were two hundred points, and they were refreshed daily.

But these tasks are particularly trivial.

Like task three, shear sheep for ten sheep. Task four, groom the rock horse.

What outrageous tasks are they?

Although it makes sense for the farm to do this.

But now with his own strength, he doesn't dare to go out without taking Qingniu, how to complete the task.

Zhou Mu complained in his heart.

[Ding, the hatching is complete, please go to the incubation room to get it]

Zhou Mu's spirit was shocked, and he hurriedly ran to the incubation room.

Pushing open the door, I saw a white head sticking out of the eggshell.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the

fairy beast white phoenix] [name] white phoenix [gender] male

[cultivation] aura realm

[race name] phoenix

[potential] fairy beast [

talent] auspicious incarnation, the dance of prayer, qi luck condensation, good luck comes.

【Introduction】From the heavens and realms, although he is a phoenix clan, he is ranked as an immortal beast because he has no combat ability.

Zhou Mu raised his eyebrows, Bai Feng's talent was all related to luck.

Then he checked Bai Feng's talent.

【Xiangrui Incarnation】Bai Feng's own luck is very good, and he can avoid disasters and drive away disasters.

【Dance of Prayer】The white phoenix dances in the air, and those who see it will have good luck.

【Qi Luck Condensation】Where Bai Feng lives, Qi Luck will continue to condense.

【Good luck come】The feathers of the white phoenix are very special, and those who get it will have good luck.

After reading it, Zhou Mu smiled with satisfaction.


saw that the white bird "chirped" and flew to Zhou Mu's shoulder.

The tail feathers were long and white and flawless, similar to the phoenix in his heart.

As for this call, it may not be well developed.

Bai Feng's small beak pecked at Zhou Mu's face.

After pecking twice, he didn't peck anymore, and flew out and landed on the back of the green bull.

Because Zhou Mu didn't wash his face, his clothes were also the same patch linen clothes as before.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu blushed and decided to wash his clothes and take a bath in a while, and there happened to be a river under the mountain.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the first step of breeding

] [Reward distribution]

"Ah!" Zhou Mu wailed, only to feel that his eyebrows were about to explode.

With the sound of a chain breaking, a delicate and clear spirit palace appeared in Zhou Mu's eyebrows.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth also began to slowly float into the spirit palace, and after a while, a wisp of spiritual energy formed, and then stopped.

Zhou Mu only felt that his whole body was comfortable and energetic.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching the Spiritual Qi Realm] [Congratulations to the host for completing the reason for becoming stronger] [Congratulations to the host for

obtaining ten thousand beast tips, one hundred points] [Ding, start a new task

] [Growth Mission] Reason to become stronger

[Task content] Cultivate to reach the Spirit Rain Realm

[Mission Reward]

Random high-level beast soul *1, Spiritual Skill - Zhenhai Fist, one thousand points


After Zhou Mu understood the task, he temporarily placed it and took out the Ten Thousand Beast Tips to start learning.

But after watching it for most of the day, I was stunned that I couldn't learn it at all.

[Do you consume a hundred points to learn the trick of ten thousand beasts]

Well, can it still be like this?

It just so happens that the mall is not open, and the points are useless for the time being.


In an instant, countless information flooded into my mind.

Zhou Mu was dizzy.

[Ten Thousand Beast Tips Have Reached the Beginning]

After Zhou Mu woke up, he began to try to urge the Ten Thousand Beast Tips.

I saw a dark golden shadow appear behind him, and there was pitch black behind the phantom.

The white phoenix and the green bull on the side couldn't help but lower their heads, as if they were worshipping Zhou Mu.

Ten Thousand Beasts Initiation Summon Phantoms.

Xiaocheng phantom shaped, no longer a lump.

Dacheng Illusory Illusion.

Perfection and solidification.

The ultimate photo in one.

These are the five stages of the Ten Thousand Beasts Technique.

And cultivating ten thousand beast techniques can also fuse beast souls, strengthen themselves, and may also obtain special abilities.

After the practice was started, the aura in the Spirit Palace began to grow again, and it was slowly filling the Spirit Palace.

Zhou Mu was overjoyed in his heart, so that he could use the beast seal.

So Zhou Mu took the green ox and the little white phoenix down the mountain and began to mark.

However, Zhou Mu did not forget to take a bath, after all, all the way down, Bai Feng was always on the back of the green ox.

Zhou Mu coaxed him, and he didn't come to his side.

Coming to the river, Zhou Mu looked around, but did not see any woman bathing.

Can't help but relax.

After all, a lot of trouble is caused by women.

Don't get involved with women before you don't have enough strength, except for Zhou Li, of course.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu thought while jumping into the river.

After taking a shower, I washed my clothes again.

After coming ashore, he fell silent as he watched his wet clothes and bare body.

But it's not a big problem, and it's not that I haven't worn wet clothes before.

Put your clothes on without saying a word.

Just then, a gray wolf appeared.

The gray wolf is nearly two meters long and one meter high, and there are scratches on one eye.

Zhou Mu patted the green bull.

The green bull will care.

With a moo, a small ball of fire came out of his mouth and hit the gray wolf directly.

Zhou Mu was stunned.

The gray wolf stayed.

Bai Feng also stayed.

A cow with a fireball in its mouth.

Somewhat outrageous.

The gray wolf could not dodge, was hit by a small fireball, and instantly turned into a cloud of ashes.

Qingniu mooed again, his eyes dodging.

Sorry ha, the gap is too big, I didn't control it.


gray wolves appeared in the woods in front of Shasha, imposing and fierce.

But after seeing the ash, it instantly faded, and he turned his head and fled.

As soon as the front hooves of the green bull stepped on, the four gray wolves suddenly fell into the dirt, unable to move.

Having learned the lesson just now, Qingniu began to use gentle methods.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu praised the green bull a few words and came to the four gray wolves.

The Spirit Palace emerged, and a wisp of spiritual energy floated out from the Spirit Palace, condensing into four dark golden marks in Zhou Mu's hands.

When the four wolves saw it, they all panicked and screamed.

Zhou Mu punched the imprint into the bodies of the four wolves, and the four wolves suddenly became honest and no longer hostile.

The four imprints did not consume much spiritual energy that Zhou Mu did not expect.

Zhou Mu will let Qingniu release them, and originally wanted to try the recycling function of the system.

But as soon as he thought that these wolves had nothing worth recycling, he sent them away.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for having five creatures of his own, the breeding level has been upgraded to one level

] [Reward] Ten thousand beasts, open the system store, the growth rate of the marked creatures in the farm is +30%, and the points are 500.

System Store

! Finally open!

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