The dangerous aura locked onto Song Yixin, and even Chen Ruoxi in front of her was stunned.

The two suddenly turned their heads to look in the direction of Zhou Mu, and saw that the arrow in front of Zhou Mu flickered, and the black light carried the meaning of nothingness.

The bowstring chimed, and the light arrow shot towards Song Yixin like a meteorite, with a magnificent momentum, and the streamer dragged for thousands of meters.

Although Chen Ruoxi sensed that the aura did not completely lock herself, she still did not want to risk it in the face of that annihilation intent.

The black light in Chen Ruoxi's eyes dissipated, and he stepped on Song Yixin's stomach, using his strength to separate the two.

In an instant, the light arrow passed through the position where Song Yixin was before, and the turbulent air flow made the two of them hunt.

Seeing that they had dodged the light arrow, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

The aura carried by this arrow was only the level of the Lingchuan Realm, and it was more than enough for them to block this attack, but that annihilation aura made them dare not take risks.

Then Chen Ruoxi's eyes were cold, staring at Zhou Mu in the distance.

Seeing that he was about to defeat Song Yixin and extract the spiritual energy in her spirit palace, he turned out to be a guy who was in the way.

Song Yixin seized this opportunity, quickly opened the distance, and then looked at Zhou Mu.

And Zhou Mu also looked at her, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.


With a roar, the light arrow that had been dodged turned back, and the momentum did not decrease, and the light was like a rainbow.

Song Yixin was horrified, and after trying several times, he couldn't dodge the aura lock, and in desperation, he could only draw his sword to resist.

Considering that annihilation aura, she also opened a defensive magic weapon beforehand.

The speed of the light arrow was extremely fast, and it came to Song Yixin in one breath.

Song Yixin's black spirit palace instantly emerged, billowing black qi poured into the sword, and in the blink of an eye, the sword body became pitch black, revealing an evil aura.

Then the black light in his eyes burst out, and he pointed his sword straight at the arrow, and the monstrous black qi filled the sky above, wrapped in purple thunder arrows.

The light arrow instantly burst out several purple robbery thunders, in a vain attempt to break through the black qi blockade.

However, Zhou Mu's realm was too low, and he only managed to disperse part of the black qi, but he was never able to break through the blockade.

At this time, a little black glow at the tip of the arrow suddenly moved, wantonly devouring the black qi emitted by the sword body.

As the black qi of the sword was broken, the speed of the black mang's devouring became faster and faster.


A crack appeared in the sword body, and Song Yixin was shocked.

And this seemingly long process is just two breaths in the eyes of others.

Chen Ruoxi originally wanted to go directly to subdue Zhou Mu, but halfway through the flight, he heard the sound of the sword body shattering.

Thinking of the sect leader's previous explanation, Chen Ruoxi turned back to the past.

Although she didn't think that Song Yixin would die on this arrow, this arrow was too weird, and it was better to be safe.

After all, the sect leader said that the old woman's evil guard can only be abolished, not dead.

I don't understand why, but as a subordinate, execution is done.

Just when the black mangs were about to shatter the black sword, the aura of the arrows suddenly decreased, the black mangs dissipated, and the thunder subsided.

Then the light arrow flickered, and a purple beast shadow appeared, as if because of the aura, the beast shadow was only ten meters tall, but the form was extremely powerful.

The beast shadow roared up to the sky, and the demon beasts in the distance except for the green bull all had palpitations, just because the beast seal and the beast shadow in their bodies came from the same source.

If there is no such relationship, it will be like the part of the people on the ground, who is fighting, and suddenly is pressed down by coercion.

This is just a beast shadow, if the real beast comes, I don't know how much it can crush.

The beast shadow raised its claws and swung towards Song Yixin, and the claws tore through the space, leaving a spatial fragment along the trajectory.

Seeing that the claw tore the defensive magic weapon and was about to hit her body, a black light appeared in Chen Ruoxi's eyes, and several black sword qi pointed directly at the giant claw.

The sword qi collided with the claws, consuming the remaining aura of the beast shadow.

The beast shadow let out a long roar unwillingly and dissipated with a bang.

In the beast soul starry sky behind Zhou Mu, the brightness of the stars represented by the Void Tribulation Thunder Beast was a little darker.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu nodded, and understood the power of the current arrow.

He also realized the difference between the two women.

At least the black qi that emanated from the body didn't look like any serious exercises.

While Zhou Mu was thinking, he was thinking.

Song Yixin in the distance looked at Chen Ruoxi in disbelief and said, "Why did you save me?"

Chen Ruoxi sneered: "Save you? Stop being sentimental!

"All obey the order and restrain the pile of demon beasts in the distance."

When the words fell, all the people who were still alive on Chen Ruoxi's side rushed towards Zhou Mu.

There was a blue-robed man who ran even faster, as if he wanted to get close to Zhou Mu quickly.

At this time, Chen Ruoxi approached the weak Song Yixin, and the black light flashed in his eyes.

Chen Ruoxi lifted her chin with one hand and looked at that delicate and cold face.

Seeing this, a scene flashed in Song Yixin's mind, his pupils trembled, and his cold face was full of fear.

"Do you want to..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Ruoxi stretched out a finger with his other hand and pointed at Song Yixin's eyebrows.

Then Chen Ruoxi's Spirit Palace appeared, the spiritual abyss surged, and a black qi lingered in his fingertips.

Chen Ruoxi's fingers slowly pierced into her eyebrows, and a hole was opened in her eyebrows with black qi, which was bloodless and painless.

Let her scream and struggle in horror, but Song Yixin seems to be nailed, and her head is always in one position.

The finger probed in, lightly touched Song Yixin's spirit palace, and a trace of black qi ran down the fingertip into her spirit palace.

On the ground, Chen Ruoxi's fingers jerked out.

Along with it was a raging black Qianzhang Spirit Abyss.

Ling Yuan was suspended in mid-air, Song Yixin's eyes were dull, his body was paralyzed, and he fell from the sky.

Feeling that Song Yixin was still alive, and whether he would die for a while, Chen Ruoxi raised his eyes to look at the Spirit Abyss in the sky.

I saw that the thunder that had not long since the sky subsided surged again, but there was only thunder, but I never saw the thunder fall.

The black spiritual abyss was covered with light masks on both sides, and even some of them exceeded the light mask and were split by thunder at once.

Several black qi stretched out from Chen Ruoxi's Spirit Palace, connecting the spiritual abyss in the sky, continuously absorbing the spiritual energy in it, and assimilating into Chen Ruoxi's Spirit Palace.

In the distance, Zhou Mu was protected in the middle by a group of demon beasts at this time.

The demon beasts that had not been addicted to fighting before were now the first to find an opponent, while the five beast kings were respectively restrained by the blue-robed people.

However, they had already suffered some losses in the previous battle, so the demon beasts brought by Zhou Mu could still be distributed.

"That woman is not dead, but it is wasted, and it will not be a threat to you for a while." Qingniu Lingnian inspected Song Yixin.

Zhou Mu listened to the sounds of battle around him and nodded.

"No, didn't I say let you go up and use all your strength? Why are you stupid tigers still grinding there? Zhou Mu Yuguang accidentally glanced at a demon beast and opened his mouth to instruct.

When Na Hu heard this, he suddenly burst into flames, and directly used all his strength, hitting the opponent and retreating one after another: "I'm sorry for the field owner, the first time I participated in the battle." When

Zhou Mu heard this, he no longer paid attention to it, so far his demon beast had not died, and the advantage was in him.

At this time, Zhou Mu looked at Chen Ruoxi, who was drawing the spiritual abyss in the sky, and just wanted to pull the bow, but was stopped by Qingniu.

"Let's go, less contact with them."

"Don't kill?" Zhou Mu put away his bow and asked.

"You're going to be a savior?"

"What am I doing with that thing?"

"Then leave it alone, get your farm right, and it won't be a problem if anything happens in the future."

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