When the words fell, all the demon beasts dropped the cubs in front of everyone.

The encirclement expanded, and the Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts did not leave, and they condensed into an attack to lock on these people.

If they dare to injure these cubs rashly, their heads will fall to the ground in the next second.

The breath of these demon beasts was so overwhelming that they were almost breathless.

Their shock was on their faces.

If they had a chance to kill Zhou Mu before, now there was no chance at all.

Feeling the breath lock on their bodies, their hearts couldn't help but beat wildly.

It doesn't seem that this situation does not want them to live at all!

Some couldn't help but frown.

But now their lives are not in their own hands, and now they don't know if Zhou Mu wants to kill them.

After thinking for a short time, they still felt that it was safe to listen to Zhou Mu's words.

What if Zhou Zhoumu really let these cubs go after they had imprisoned them?

Thinking of this, some people have begun to use confinement.

Seeing this, more than thirty people began to imprison these cubs.

Their movements are extremely skillful, and no matter how big or small the cubs are, they are all forbidden and accurate.

Those cubs opened their eyes and looked extremely clear, and then they were covered by this group of people with one hand, and then several spiritual energy chains rushed out, imprisoning the cubs.

The cub opened its mouth and screamed, but was strangled by the chain, and could only whimper softly.

This group of humans has a cub in one hand, and the confinement speed is very fast.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding demon beasts' eyes turned red, and they kept gouging the soil in place, eager to smash their corpses into ten thousand pieces.

Zhou Mu also sensed their reaction and signaled them not to be in a hurry, which made these demon beasts quiet.

The group also found that their means seemed to be over-nod.

So the means of confinement were much softer, for example, the cub's mouth was no longer strangled with chains, allowing them to scream.

Despite this, their confinement speed is very fast, and they can imprison one in thirty seconds skillfully.

An hour passed, and they had imprisoned a thousand cubs.

Some people couldn't support their aura, slowed down, and tried to hold themselves until the cub was imprisoned.

Seeing that they were so fast, Zhou Mu immediately used the remaining points to pass on more than four hundred cubs from Silver Peak Valley.

Send them back when the task is completed, net a hundred points, no loss.

At this time, several Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts were ordered to leave to continue collecting cubs.

And some demon beasts that did not have time to send cubs also rushed here and handed over their children to Zhou Mu.

They saw the imprisoned cubs in the encirclement, and looked at their own cubs, and they felt a little unbearable, but finally handed the children over to Zhou Mu.

They firmly believe that the owner will never abuse their children!

Looking back, Zhou Mu sent the cub to the group of people, and no one looked at it, holding the cub in one hand, imprisoning it with the hand, and then gently throwing it aside.

He has imprisoned hundreds of them, and he has become numb.

And the cub's mother was also relieved when she saw this, at least she was not injured, she was just crying.

Two hours later, the Spirit Rain Realm cultivators had exhausted their spiritual energy and lay motionless on the ground, some cubs that were not imprisoned jumping around on them.

There are constantly demon beasts sending cubs around, plus the ones sent by the Spirit Sea Realm, this group of people seems to have endless work.

"Sir, we can't complete the task like this!" Someone stubbornly said it.

And Zhou Mu just looked at him and smiled, and didn't say anything.

The man gritted his teeth and continued to imprison the cub.

It's all done at this, you have to stick to it, what if this is a test?

【Ding! There are only 3 minutes left in the task to save the cub, please hurry up and complete the task.

The system prompt sounded in Zhou Mu's mind, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked, and said coldly: "The time is up, you didn't complete the task, I'm sorry."

"That's not right, my lord, we're trusting you!" We have also imprisoned the 10,000 cubs you brought with you at the beginning!" Someone said in disbelief.

Zhou Mu glanced at him indifferently: "But you didn't complete the task."

"And I didn't say that you will let you live if you finish the mission

" "Guys, let's go!"

Hearing this, the group of people suddenly stared at Zhou Mu with wide eyes, eager to go up and tear Zhou Mu to pieces, but their aura had been exhausted in the previous confinement, and there were very few who were still standing at this time.

Zhou Mu stood in front of them and raised his hand and waved gently.

In an instant, the light of time spiritual skills covered this area, dazzling.

Countless spiritual techniques fell on that group of people, and the overwhelming power spread, and half of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest could feel it.

This power spread quickly, and the humans on the periphery of the forest wanted to enter the forest again to investigate, but were deterred back by this force.

Then the beasts roared.

They looked at the forest with trepidation, glad they didn't go in.

The brilliance dissipated, and there was a big pit and a group of demon beasts left here.

Those thousands of cubs were protected by the green bull in advance to survive this.

With the death of the group, the chains that had been placed on the cubs dissipated.

This is when the task time expires.

【Ding, mission completed

】【Congratulations to the host for saving a total of 4,500 cubs and getting 90w points】900,000


Zhou Mu was shocked in his heart, he didn't expect that this loophole that Zhou Mu didn't have much hope for really worked!

Looking at the point balance, Zhou Mu's heart was surging.

For a while, I didn't know how to spend it.

Is it to improve yourself or brush the blood of the chicken cubs!


The green bull barked, and Zhou Mu came back to his senses and laughed as he looked at the group of chirping cubs.

You are my treasure!

So Zhou Mu bought 4,500 cents of intermediate rations and distributed them at a cost of 90,000 points.

Then let the monsters send these cubs back, or let the beasts claim them.

The cubs of Silver Peak Valley are a little difficult, the distance is too far, if you teleport past it is the same as not getting points.

So Zhou Mu asked them to give priority to sending the Yinfeng Valley cubs back.

After working until midnight, the cubs were finally all returned.

Zhou Mu touched the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and returned to Ten Thousand Beast Mountain with Qingniu and other demon beasts.

The Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts returned to silence.

The forest rustled, and Zhou Mu secretly ordered the demon beasts to bring the corpses of those dead demon beasts back to the Ten Thousand Beast Tomb.

Even if you can't find the whole body, bring back the dirt containing blood.

As long as there is a breath, the Ten Thousand Beast Tomb can recall the beast soul.

After this incident, hundreds of graves appeared in the lonely tomb of ten thousand beasts.

The power of the beast soul guarding the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest has increased a little, and I don't know whether to be happy or worried.

Zhou Mu planted on the bed with a tired face, thinking about how to distribute the pile of points, and thinking about what kind of bloodline the chicken cubs would have.

Soon, Zhou Mu fell asleep.

In his dream, Zhou Mu saw seven huge phoenixes flying on the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, their colors were different, their tail feathers were flying, and their chirping was crisp and loud.

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