On the way, Zhou Mu picked some herbs.

After all, it is necessary to save a deer in a while.

In the past ten years, Zhou Mu has done miscellaneous work in the medicine hall, and after stealing a little, he will recognize some medicinal materials.

Not long after, Zhou Mu came to the system marking point.

It is a cave, shaded by many trees.

Just two steps in.


leaves faced Zhou Mu.

Qingniu originally wanted to blow a breath to help him, but Zhou Mu stopped it in advance.

Now that Zhou Mu has reached the Aura Realm, it is not a problem to hide from the two flying leaves.

Urging Reiki, he took two steps and had a strange posture.

Fortunately, it avoided the flying leaves.

There are no spiritual skills, no body skills, and no time to practice actual combat.

I'm still far behind.

The flying leaves flew in front of the green bull.

The green bull's nose spewed out, and the flying leaves instantly fell like ordinary leaves.

Zhou Mu sighed.

Then he walked towards the cave.

At the end of the cave, a deer with flowers on its horns was watching Zhou Mu vigilantly.

One of its legs was covered with red blood.


Seasons Deer [Gender] Male

[Cultivation] Reiki Realm

[Race Name] Four Seasons Deer [Racial Potential] Exotic Beast

[Talent] None [Introduction]

Seeing the deer and knowing the four seasons, the appearance of the Four Seasons Deer

will change with the seasons.

The alien beast ah, I don't know what potential the cat just now is.

Zhou Mu moved forward and wanted to bandage the wound of the Four Seasons Deer.

Who knew that the deer didn't know how to lift it, and all the leaves in the cave flew up, pointing at Qingniu and Zhou Mu.

Just point to me, you mean the old cow

? Don't be too funny, okay?


The sound spreads like ripples on the surface of the water, and the flying leaves in the air all fall down.

The four seasons deer were terrified and did not dare to act rashly.

Zhou Mu quickly stepped forward to find the medicine to bandage.

After the system prompts, decisively mark with the animal seal.

[Successfully mark the four-season deer and get points 2]

Suddenly, the four-season deer actually felt cordial to the two-legged beast in front of him.

[Ding, the host marks the four seasons deer, get points 2]

After leaving, the system suddenly released a task.

[Ding, trigger an emergency

task] [Emergency task] The she-wolf to be delivered

[Task content] Unscrupulous means to let the she-wolf successfully give birth to a young wolf

[Task reward] Random bloodline *1, proficient postpartum care, points 500

[Task duration] Three hours [

Recommendation] Please go to the host as soon as possible, bring the white phoenix, maybe it will make the task smoother.

Although I wanted to complain about that postpartum care, this mission gave a time limit.

Zhou Mu asked Qingniu to take him back.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Mu took Bai Feng to the mission site again.

Qingniu is really fast, worthy of the Xuanling Realm.

If you let yourself go, you have to walk for an hour.

However, it is quite troublesome to go back and forth, and it seems that the teleportation anchor needs to be built.

Zhou Mu began to walk towards the mission site.

Along the way, the closer you get to the mission site, the more wolves there are.

Zhou Mu had already marked nearly a hundred.

And the cultivation is getting higher and higher.

From mortal beasts to exotic beasts, from no cultivation to the Spirit Rain Realm, and even encountered a wolf from the Lingchuan Realm.

If there was no green bull, he would be a pile of white bones by now.

Several of these wolves were marked and attacked Zhou Mu.

Ruthlessly, Zhou Mu recycled them.

[Successfully reclaimed

the alien beast green wolf, obtained the green wolf meat, green wolf teeth, green wolf milli, points one hundred] [successfully recovered the alien beast megalodon wolf, obtained megalodon meat, megalodon milli, points one hundred] [successfully

recycled the alien beast......]


[The item has been stored in the warehouse, please check it by yourself.] This

wave of Zhou Mu has another seven hundred points, plus the points obtained by the mark, and now the balance of points is exactly 1400.

And there is also a bunch of wolf meat, don't worry about hunger for the time being, I just don't know if it's good or not.

As the group got closer and closer to the mission site, a muffled wail could be heard.

Before Zhou Mu could get closer, a white wolf appeared in front of them, roaring lowly.

This wolf is more than three meters tall, most of its hair is snow-white, there are light blue lines on its forehead and body, its teeth are strong, its eyes are wide open, and it is majestic.


] Wind Wolf King [Gender] Male

[Xiuwei] Spirit Sea Realm

[Race Name] Wind Wolf

[Race Potential] Spirit Beast

[Talent] King Zhiwei, Wind Power [

Introduction] A natural king in the race; a believer in Wanfa Stroke.

The Wind Wolf King has been vigilant, glancing behind him worriedly from time to time.

It seems that the she-wolf waiting to give birth is behind it.

"Brother Wolf, I'm here to help your wife. Zhou Mu smiled, trying to make himself look friendly, and then slowly moved forward.

Don't be funny, there's an old cow behind you.

I am weak, but the guardian beast of my farm is not weak.

Seeing this, the Wind Wolf King surrounded his body with strong winds, his hair moved with the wind, and one after another wind blades condensed in front of him.

Zhou Mu was blown by the wind so that he couldn't open his eyes, and then he felt that there was something sharp in front of him.

The white phoenix was blown away, but fortunately the green bull got it back in time.

The wind around the green bull instantly dissipated, and those wind blades disappeared without a trace.

The Wind Wolf King was terrified, that cow was much stronger than it.

Himself is definitely not its opponent.

But it didn't take a step back.

When Zhou Mu came to it, he didn't dare to get too close.

"Brother Wolf, I'm really here to help you, don't be nervous" Zhou Mu squinted, still with that smile.

The Wind Wolf King didn't listen at all, and opened his blood basin at Zhou Mu.

How can I trust other races?

Behind me are my wife and unborn children.


The Wolf King let out a wail, covered in rocks, and only his head was exposed.

Zhou Mu looked at Qingniu and said, "Nice job." Then

he bypassed the Wolf King and walked towards the lair.

The Wind Wolf King roared like crazy, watching Zhou Mu getting closer and closer to the lair, its eyes bloodshot.

But to no avail, it can't do anything but roar now, and even it can roar now because the green bull deliberately did not seal its head.

Zhou Mu came to the wolf king's lair and saw a white wolf lying on the grass pile not far away.

Its belly was a little big, and its body size was smaller than the Wolf King outside, and it was looking at Zhou Mu with hostility at the moment.

Not even wailing.

It heard movement outside, and her husband had just let himself run.

But how to run in his own state?

Zhou Mu shook his head when he saw this.

I'm here to help you, why do you all want to kill me one by one."

If it weren't for the fact that you beasts would be mine in the future, I wouldn't bother to care about you."

Zhou Mu moved forward step by step, and the she-wolf roared back step by step.

In desperation, Zhou Mu had to use the Ten Thousand Beast Technique to summon the phantom.

Using the Ten Thousand Beast Technique, living beings will generally get close to the user.

This moment is no exception.

Seeing the phantom behind Zhou Mu, the hostility of the she-wolf was reduced by more than half.

Suddenly, the she-wolf fell to the ground and kept wailing.

[Ding, detecting that the she-wolf is difficult to give birth, please help the she-wolf give birth as soon as possible]

Zhou Mu hurriedly came to the she-wolf's side.

At this time, the she-wolf also had no spare strength to guard against Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu has worked as a handyman in a pig farmer in the past ten years and has seen them deliver pigs.

So according to his own memory.

Begin delivering babies to she-wolves.

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