The appearance of this shadow beast was originally dark purple, and there were many pale lines on its body, all of which extended from the eye area.

But now as the pale eyes disappeared, the lines on the body slowly dimmed, and finally only the dark purple body remained.

And this body collapsed on the ground at this time, shrinking into a dark purple ball, without its original appearance.

In fact, the body of the shadow beast is just a crystallization of intelligent energy, and these shadows are just crystals emitting energy.

Their color has been set since birth.

Most are black, dark purple, gray and other colors close to shadows.

Of course, there are also red ones, but those are basically dead because they are easy to spot after diving into the shadows.

The appearance of the shadow beast is also not absolute.

Almost all of them choose the shape that suits them, which is more convenient to exert their power.

This also led to the shadow beasts seen having human forms and various beast forms.

Just like this shrunken shadow beast, it was originally in the form of a beast.

The shadow beast shrunk into a ball, and the energy it emitted was more condensed, protecting the energy crystallization in the middle.

The light of the energy crystals is obscured by dark purple shadow energy.

Zhou Limei's eyes stared at this creature she had never seen before, her face full of puzzlement.

Obviously he already felt that he had touched his body, and he was also injected with evil qi, so he didn't move except for howling twice.

Chen Ruoxi watched quietly on the side, looking at this novel creature with a curious face.

She also didn't understand why the evil qi of the sect leader didn't work.

As everyone knows, the shadow beast, which seems to be motionless, is engaged in a wave of defense at this time.

The evil energy injected by Zhou Li did not dissipate, but was all diluted into this shadow energy.

Now the energy crystals are slowly being invaded by these diluted evil qi.

The shadow beast felt the breath of evil qi and knew that it was not a good thing, so it immediately began to continue to release energy to resist the evil qi invasion.

But the difference in strength is too great, how can it be resisted.

After a few breaths, Zhou Li felt the fluctuation of his breath, and the corners of his mouth hooked, revealing a satisfied smile.

I saw a sudden burst of light in the middle of the dark purple shadow ball in front of me, dazzling and dazzling.

Zhou Li squinted and waved his hand to cover the light.

In an instant, the energy crystals of the shadow beast stained a strange layer of black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The shadows around the crystals also changed from dark purple to black.

The eerie black shadows squirmed like countless entangled bugs.

As the crystallization continued to release energy, the shadow gradually became larger, and with the creeping of the shadow, the shadow beast changed its form again.

The ink-black shadow ball first formed an upper body, and the arms and five fingers were formed one after another.

Immediately afterwards, a scrawled head with a scarlet glow formed at the top.

Then the body extended into two straight legs, and the shadows of the whole body jumped out of the legs like flames, and then disappeared.

There are also some more scales on the body, which is extremely powerful.

Zhou Li looked at this humanoid demon beast as tall as herself, and was pleasantly surprised.

Just now it was in beast form, but now it is actually in human form.

Moreover, after Zhou Li looked carefully, she found that there were some parts of this demon beast that were more similar to her.

It may have something to do with the breath of the evil qi itself.

For example, leg shape, body shape.

It's just too sloppy.

A strange cry came from the shadow beast.

In an instant, a majestic force gushed out from the shadow beast's body, setting off a gust of wind and swaying the surrounding trees.

Then he felt its aura climbing step by step, and it didn't stop until it reached the Spirit Sea Realm.

And this energy with evil qi spread throughout the entire Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

The demon beast was restless after noticing it, and the low cultivation was a human feeling that his emotions were out of control for a while, but it only lasted for a moment.

The five elders sitting cross-legged together opened their eyes at the same time, their brows furrowed.

"How can there be an aura of the Abandoned Heaven Sect here? How did they sneak in? Tian Jing took the lead and asked.

Tian Jing's question was not answered, but what he got was Mu Fang's mockery in a deep voice.

"No matter how he came in, if he can enter under the perception of our five spiritual abysses, his cultivation must be higher than ours."

"If you don't see it, we can't manage it."

Mu Fang looked at him coldly, his voice was low, with a little helplessness.

Shang Qing's expression was stunned, and he quickly spoke: "Then let's quickly inform the sect, abandon the heavens and teach everyone to blame." "

He actually wanted to take the opportunity to call the sect to rob the immortal beast.

But how could others not know what he thought.

As a result, the words fell, and the other four looked at him with a foolish expression.

Call the sect to come?

With the poor Xuan Spirit Realm cultivation of the various sect masters?

It is not ruled out that there are weak disciples in the Abandoned Heaven Sect, but this breath is so strong, it is obviously not those cannon fodder.

Some time ago, the Abandoning Heaven Sect made a big fuss in the Chen family.

Our little sect is a little self-aware, okay?

It's not enough to go up and stuff people's teeth.

Do you have to be remembered and then slaughtered all over the door?

After a brief silence, the five sat with their eyes closed silently.

In my heart, I was still praying not to encounter the Abandoned Heaven Sect.

Some are already thinking about how to run.

At this time, even the immortal beast no longer thought about it.

After all, the immortal beasts would not be related to them in the end anyway.

The shadow beast that cultivated to step into the Spirit Sea Realm looked down at his body.

Clenched hands, felt the majestic power in the body, red eyes kept flashing.

A fierce light burst out from his eyes, and he looked at the two people in front of him.

Just for a moment, the fierceness in his eyes was retracted, and he stood there at a loss.

At this time, Zhou Mu, who was still looking for the abnormal energy fluctuation picture, received a system prompt.

【Ding! Mutant species have been detected in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, and it has been detected that it has been marked with the Ten Thousand Beast Seal, and the information is being included. Zhou

Mu's expression froze, and the speed of his hand slowed down, and he pondered slightly.

But I quickly put my mind at ease.

Genetic mutations are normal and don't make a fuss.

Just thinking about it, the system prompt sounded.

[After the inclusion, the information of the mutated species was detected in the Ten Thousand Beasts Book, and the information was matched. 【

Match successful. 】【


Shadow Beast [Gender] None


] Spirit Sea Realm [Race Name] Shadow Beast (Evil) [Current Potential] Evil Spirit Beast

[Talent] Shadow Hide, Rage Moment, Evil Spirit Body [Introduction]

A demon beast

from the Shadow Realm, but it was accidentally infected by evil qi and mutated, becoming an evil spirit, with a changeable temperament and ferocity and violence.

Seeing the information emerge, Zhou Mu's eyes widened.

Originally, I didn't care, thinking that it was a normal creature at most.

But the name of this demon beast with a prefix doesn't look right!

And the words evil qi, evil spirit, these words are not a good thing at first glance, right?

How could there be this thing in his own Ten Thousand Beast Forest!

One of his few spirit beasts was actually infected with this kind of thing!

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu quickly felt the beast seal, and then turned the picture over.

Let's not look for that anomaly for now.

Monsters are what he should care about.

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