"Zhou Li, who are you?

Zhou Mu frowned, silently asking in his heart, always feeling as if there was a fog covering her.

Even the system he relied on could not give him an answer, which was enough to prove Zhou Li's mystery.

It stands to reason that the system contains at least more information than the Ten Thousand Beasts Collection.

But it is clear that Zhou Li is not a "new species" that has only appeared in the past two months.

And what is that Heavenly Spirit Realm cultivation?

"System, what is the level of cultivation of the Heavenly Spirit Realm?"

Zhou Mu only knew about the Spiritual Qi Realm to the Xuan Spirit Realm, and he had never heard of it above.

After all, his previous strength did not allow him to contact people at that level.

【Ding! The current world generates a spirit lotus above the spirit abyss, steps into the Xuan Spirit Realm, condenses its own spiritual energy in the spirit palace, and the moon enters the earth spirit realm, using the moon as a guide to find the glorious sun and make it appear in the spirit palace as the heavenly spirit realm. Seeing

the introduction of the system, Zhou Mu was even more uncalm in his heart.

Two realms higher than the current Qingniu!

She's only sixteen!

How could it be so fast!

Zhou Mu was shocked, her cultivation was as mysterious as her identity.

For a while, Zhou Mu didn't know where to analyze.

I hadn't paid attention before, but now the ghost made a probe and found a secret that gave me a headache.

Zhou Mu shook his head, feeling that his scalp was a little itchy, scratching his hair, and looking embarrassed.

"Wasn't it taken away?" Zhou Mu could think of only a few in his heart.

Recapture, inheritance, rebirth... Or the system?

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu himself couldn't believe it, and quickly shook his head.

It is simply impossible to reach the Heavenly Spirit Realm in two months.

If you are reborn, you will need time to develop.

Moreover, Zhou Mu didn't think that she was a reborn, she was a traverser, could it be that another reborn person assisted her?

And the reborn are often the only ones who come after disaster or hatred in the world.

Could it be that something big is going to happen in this world?

Just this broken world, there are still people eyeing it?

There is no other reason, the powerhouses on the Holy Spirit Continent said that they must be sixteen years old to open the Spirit Palace

, and children who were six or seven years old in their previous lives were in the first grade, and here they only came into contact with Spiritual Qi at the age of sixteen.

According to Zhou Mu's thoughts, it was too late to get in touch!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have used the rich aura of this world to create such a cultivator.

In an instant, Zhou Mu seemed to have grasped a key point.

Is there a conspiracy?

"It's over, it seems like it's going to grow a brain."

"I really am still suitable for recklessness rather than brains, otherwise I would not raise a pig to be poisoned."

"Let's still think about Zhou Li's things! Others have nothing to do with themselves.

"But now there is no way to ask in person, and I dare not ask indiscriminately!"

"It's better to wait for this trial to pass, try to find her, and slowly understand."

After learning of Zhou Li's cultivation, Zhou Mu did not think that she would honestly stay in the Hehuan Holy Sect.

And I know too little about this sister.

In the past ten years, except for missing a few days from time to time, and then suddenly appearing again after feeling less stressed, there is almost nothing abnormal about anything else.

And the most understanding of Zhou Li is the memory of the original owner of the body.

But that was Zhou Li before the age of six, and Zhou Mu couldn't bring her current situation into it anyway.

At this time, Zhou Li in the picture finished looking at the shadow beast.

Although he was very dissatisfied, he still looked like an adult talking to a child, and instructed the shadow beast: "You received such a point for the opportunity you had, protect my brother well!" Saying

that, Zhou Li jumped and disappeared into the jungle with his back hand.

Chen Ruoxi behind him looked at Zhou Li with a complicated expression.

"It turns out that the stinky man who sent himself to Silver Peak Valley is the elder brother of the sect leader!"

"Then wouldn't you be able to take revenge yourself?"

Chen Ruoxi looked a little resentful, and kept complaining in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

After a pause, Chen Ruoxi followed Zhou Li and disappeared into the jungle.

But Zhou Mu's picture has always locked Zhou Li.

I saw that Zhou Li's temperament changed after leaving the shadow beast, and his face was cold.

The smile on her beautiful face was no longer the same as before, and her clear eyes were also grim.

Immediately, a red robe appeared out of thin air and was worn on the body.

The robe covered the slim figure, and the hood covered the beautiful face.

A sudden sense of oppression appears.

Behind him, Chen Ruoxi had already changed into a black robe and followed Zhou Li.

The night in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts is not silent.

The words of the disciples of the sect, the howls of the demon beasts at night, and the screams that came from time to time.

It seems that they are all making background boards for Zhou Li.

Zhou Li's cold voice sounded: "There is a bed bug also here, you go and solve it, just waste it, don't kill, don't pollute this forest with this dirty thing." "

And scrap that lustful guard again."

Saying that, Zhou Li's figure suddenly disappeared, leaving Chen Ruoxi half-kneeling in place.

This scene was all seen by Zhou Mu.

Despite the shock, Zhou Li seemed to have left, after all, the system monitoring could not find her.

However, he did notice the lustful guard in Zhou Li's mouth.

I remembered the person who inhaled the black gas before.

It won't be him, right?

Moreover, what are bed bugs?

Zhou Mu was too lazy to think more, just picked out Chen Ruoxi's picture alone, and then looked at the shadow beast.

The aura fluctuation that broke through the Spirit Sea Realm just now was so great, it must attract some people.

The sudden appearance of a Spirit Sea Realm would definitely disrupt their trials and affect them to seize the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

According to the urine nature of this group of humans, someone must be sent over.

Even if you can't kill it, you have to limit it.

Zhou Mu was very interested in this.

He was also curious about the combat ability of the shadow beast.

After all, the shadow beast has no special skills anywhere other than assassination.

Sure enough, not long after Zhou Li left, the shadow beast, who was still adapting to his new ability in place, felt three aura fluctuations approaching him.

Three Spirit Sea Realms!

For those five Spirit Abyss Realms, the breakthrough of the Spirit Sea Realm only surprised them, and this degree was not enough for them to make a move.

However, this sudden breakthrough demon beast also made their view of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest slightly different.

Just like the two Spirit Sea Realms besieged the Beast King before, and the result was one dead and one injured.

This time they were smart and sent three over.

There must be no casualties this time!

"I really don't understand what the elder thinks, it's just a newly promoted Spirit Sea Realm demon beast, and he actually let the three of us strike together." Zheng Xin of the Silver Dao Gate said dissatisfied.

"Bacheng feels that we, the Spirit Sea Realm, alone can't deal with this newly promoted demon beast, so let's take care of each other." Huanglongshan Yunyan said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, this elder is afraid that they are not frightened and stupid by those few waste that contain the beast king, and quickly solve this beast, I also have to have an in-depth understanding with the female disciples rescued today." Xuanyang Gang Wang Yuan said with a lewd smile.

When the other two heard this, their expressions were different, but they seemed to remember something, and the lewd smile at the corner of their mouths could not be suppressed.

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