Bright Era

Chapter 1055: Goodwill from the church

Standing behind the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at Goring from the gap in the curtains, he walked away quickly. Lin Qi thought for a while and shook his head.

If we can obtain the monopoly of certain special goods in the Gaul Empire, this will be of great benefit to Lin Qi's many future plans. A huge empire consumes astronomical materials every year. In terms of food, the Gaul Empire consumes billions of tons of food every year. From such a huge resource, a little deduction is enough to meet the consumption of the Sha family and several other companies.

Lin Qi is not greedy, as long as he can win the monopoly of five or six provinces, he will be satisfied. Moreover, the franchise he mainly wanted was mainly for food and medicine. As for weapons, Lin Qi didn't value it.

At the sacred level, ordinary weapons and the like are garbage, and top magic weapons can't stand the toss of the great power of the sacred. What is the use of the ordnance circulating in the market of the Gaul Empire, even if Lin Quanquan is in his hands? The reason why the ordnance is included in the franchise list is to facilitate Lin Qi's bargaining.

With a slight smile, Lin Qi sat back on the sofa and asked Arda and others to guard the door to prevent people from entering. Then all his attention was focused on the Victory Palace-the interior of the Victory Palace, mixed with a large group of nobles. , Duke Green Forest, who had a slightly stiff face, smiled slightly, his eyes suddenly filled with agility, and all of Lin Qi's mind fell on this **** puppet.

Spert clenched Shengguang I's neck tightly, gritted his teeth and stared at Wright Dawn slowly falling from the sky.

Wright Dawn's descending speed was very slow, and with a huge pressure that made people palpitating, Wright Dawn's slow down, which gave Spert extremely strong psychological pressure. He slowly said: "Speeter, let go of the Holy Light I and let me heal him. Then you will return to the holy mountain to clean up and do not disturb the normal laws of this world. You will not be punished. ,how about it?"

Speter stared at Wright Dawn, he said coldly: "But Stronen..."

Wright Chenxi said coldly: "The church is responsible for tracking down the death of Stronen. You should believe in the power of the church. But you should not be so impulsive. I firmly believe that King Light I will not use the means of assassination to provoke a war between the two countries. ."

Spert clasped Shengguang I's neck tightly, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, breathing heavily. He looked at Wright Chenxi with a sullen expression, his bones creaking. The huge demigod power circulated in Spert's body, and the dark golden bright light mixed with a trace of blood spread from under his skin, and gradually formed a clear magic pattern under his feet.

The three-fold circular magic pattern is surrounded by three crossed swords, which is the true meaning of the power of the demigod that Speter understood.

Judging from the three long swords at the core of this magic line, if Spert can break through the semi-god realm and become a true **** in the future, he will undoubtedly become a **** in the war temple. Born to death on the battlefield, killing countless Speter, all his strength comes from his huge fighting spirit.

Wright Chenxi's face turned gloomy, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Speeter, do you really want to bring the entire Caesar Empire up and bury it?"

Spert squinted his eyes, he looked up at the huge pale golden eye in the sky, and then muttered in a low voice: "What an annoying artifact! Hey, why does the Void God leave so A disgusting artifact?"

Raising the long sword, Speter was about to slash a sword at the neck of Shengguang I. He shouted sharply: "No one can shake my will!"

Spert is a war madman through and through, a violent lunatic through and through. When he rushed into the Victory Palace in anger and killed all the palace guards in the Victory Palace, he was completely crazy. Under the strong pressure of Wright Dawn, Spert could not have any retreat, because any retreat would severely damage his fighting intent to him and cause his strength to decline drastically.

Able to achieve a demigod cause in just a few hundred years, Spert's reliance is his crazy desire to kill and his crazy will to fight! If his will breaks down, as if a tiger had its spine removed, he would no longer be Speter.

The more you face strong pressure, the more you have to fight to the death.

So, kill Shengguang I in front of Wright Dawn, and then rush out of the siege! The Western Continent can't be mixed, so go to the Black Spirit Continent to lay a foundation! Didn't the Black Spirit Continent establish a Black Spirit Empire? Go there to establish a foundation, and even usurp the throne of the Black Spirit Empire, and make peace with the indigenous forces of the Black Spirit Continent. In the future, you will bring a mighty army and fight back to the Western Continent!

The life span of a demigod is almost endless, and there is a lot of time to let Speter toss!

Therefore, without hesitation, the sword was cut down, and the crazy killing intent caused the Holy Light I to open his mouth and spray a blood mist. There were visceral fragments in the blood mist, and his internal organs were shattered by the crazy killing intent. Up.

Wright Chenxi closed his eyes, even if it was him, it is impossible to save Holy Light I at this time! After all, Spetter is so close, and his strength is the same as a demigod, even if Wright Chenxi possesses a much stronger power than Speter, he will not have time to save people.

Only the Duke of Green Forest, who was possessed by Lin Qi, gave a light cough, and he quickly took out a huge scroll. Before Spert hadn’t released his sword, he shook the scroll open, revealing the countless dense inside of the scroll. A twisted divine text the size of a mung bean. However, this divine text is slightly different from the divine text circulated in the Western Continent. This is the divine text mainly circulated in the temple.

A mouthful of blood spit on the scroll, Duke Lusen sternly shouted: "A noble emperor should not die in such humiliation!"

A large piece of golden light shoots out from the text in the scroll, and the speed of the light is such a block. As soon as Sped's long sword moved, the golden light in the scroll suddenly fixed Sped's figure. His body trembled violently, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't continue to chop off the long sword.

Wright Dawn yelled ecstatically: "The'Da Ding Shen Curse' secretly passed down by the Temple of Heaven! Praise the Supreme God!"

Wright Chenxi is no stranger to the curse of Dading. As a core figure of the veteran church, Wright Chenxi, who has participated in dozens of religious wars with the Eastern Continent, has a deep understanding of the horror of the curse. This is the time when even a high-ranking demigod will be immobilized by the soul, making him lose all his ability to move at that moment.

Like the magic scrolls of the Western Continent, the Great Calming Curse is also a one-time consumable. Its power is huge, the high-level demigod can be held for a moment, the middle-level demigod will be held for a breath time, and the lower-level demigod will simply be powerless within a long time of ten breaths. move.

In the realm of demigod, a single finger time is enough for a high-level demigod to be killed thousands of times! This shows the power of the Great Calming Curse!

In the same way, this great concentration curse is so powerful, the materials it makes are extremely precious, and the production steps are extremely complicated, and even a trace of the blood of the gods is used to blend into the special magic ink. Therefore, there are not many Dading curses. Only the Venerable Ability of the Tianmiao can get a certain quota, and the quota is calculated on the basis of once a hundred years.

Spert is just a lower-level demigod, unable to move for ten breaths!

Wright Chenxi fell to the ground calmly and calmly, smiling and admiring Spetter's sullen expression, then raised the scepter in his hand and chanted the curse in a low voice. Dozens of white chains composed of pure white flames shot out from the void, quickly tying Spetter like a zongzi. A large group of priests of the Temple of Dawn flew down from a high altitude. They helped up the severely injured Emperor Shengguang I, picked up his chopped arms and legs, and sent him to the palace for treatment as quickly as possible.

The scroll in Duke Green Forest slowly burned, and finally turned into a piece of golden smoke.

Wright Chenxi turned his body with a bright smile, smiled and nodded to Duke Green Forest: "Duke Green Forest? If I read it right!"

Duke Lusen came out from the crowd, bowed deeply to Wright Dawn, smiled and walked to Wright Dawn, and laughed in a low voice: "Yueshan salutes you, servant of the noble God of Dawn. "

Wright Chenxi looked at the "humbly and respectful" Duke Green Forest with great satisfaction. With the information network of the Temple of Dawn Sun all over the world, he certainly knew the Duke of Green Forest's'true origins', and even the ears and eyes of the Duke Green Forest in the Eastern Continent had been spread. The news came that the Yue family of Xuexiang was ransacked by the whole family, and only one descendant named Yue Shan escaped.

A young man who was lucky enough to take his family's treasury to escape from birth and travel across oceans to find refuge in the West, but lacked a strong backing!

Wright Chenxi smiled and placed a hand on Duke Green Forest’s deeply bowed head, a white light spilled from his palm, and quickly enveloped Duke Green Forest’s body: "The light of the God of Dawn is willing to shelter everything close to you. Man of Light! Lord Green Forest, you..."

Duke Green Forest quickly interrupted Wright Chenxi's words: "I and all my subordinates are willing to be servants of the gods in the secular world!"

Raising his eyes to look at Wright Chenxi, Lord Green Forest lowered his voice: "Half of the net profit of the family every year! Honorable Lord Wright Chenxi, four deals are given to the Temple of Chenxi, and 10% belongs to you! I think this can be done. It represents my sincerity! And among my descendants, I will select the best descendants and send them to the Temple of Dawn to receive training since childhood!"

The demigods of the Temple of Retribution, the Temple of War, and the Temple of the Void looked at Wright Chenxi with fire-breathing eyes, **** it, why did this guy take advantage of it?

Wright Dawn looked at Duke Green Forest with admiration, what a witty and smart Duke!

With a long sigh of sorrow and compassion, Wright Dawn yelled to the sky: "Welcome back to the embrace of the **** of Dawn, lost child!"

Spetter shook his head and woke up, he suddenly yelled: "Wright Dawn, I'm **** your mother!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to recommend it. Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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