Bright Era

Chapter 1394: Rabbits, and relics (3)

After pondering for a moment, Lin Qi casually threw out a Mithril puppet produced by the Silver Iris family.

The eyes of the two rabbits lit up suddenly, and they opened their three-petal mouth and gnawed at the Mithril puppet. The sound of ‘click’ was endless, and the five-meter-high Mithril puppet was eaten as easily as they gnawed carrots. After eating this Mithril puppet, the eyes of the two rabbits were covered with a layer of shiny silver light.

After groaning for a while, Da Hei sighed lightly: "It's good... Moreover, these mithril are not mined from mineral veins."

Xiao Hei squinted intoxicated and nodded: "Yeah, such pure mithril, such pure mithril, hehe, only..."

Esther looked at these two rabbits in horror. They knew the family's greatest secret? The materials used to make these Mithril puppets are indeed not natural Mithril mined from ore veins, but this kind of secret, even the Silver Iris family knows no more than ten people. How did these two strange rabbits know? ?

Lin Qi smiled and stroked the two rabbits, wisps of blue light oozing out of his palm, gently blending into the rabbit's body.

The faces of the two rabbits changed drastically. They were like two thugs who had just escaped from death row. They suddenly saw tens of thousands of heavily armed policemen standing in front of them. They were determined, confident, and confident. Everything that was not on their minds calmly swept away, they became almost hysterical, their small red eyes widened, and their bodies trembled violently.

"No~~~" Da Hei wailed sadly: "My life, my ideal, my little white rabbit sister who can't be seen at a glance!"

"Nightmare?" Xiao Hei looked desperately at the ceiling of the private room, and two lines of tears rolled down: "We are going to go back to the kind of blindness. Every day, we can’t rest, endure hardship, and never enjoy. , Are you tired every day to live like a dead dog?"

The cold voice of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree resounded in Lin Qi's spirit sea: "Dayu, Xiaoyu, I haven't seen you for a long time, I always thought you all fell."

Da Hei had a sullen face and rubbed his teeth fiercely. His voice also sounded in Lin Qi's spirit sea: "Fall? Seeing the undead, how could we fall? We are just...well, we are just a strategic retreat! After all, it was your order to us, let us cover the group of soft guys to escape, and then we couldn't sense your breath, so we used our own initiative and strategic retreat!"

Xiao Hei's face was even more ugly: "Later, we were unlucky enough to be besieged by a few **** bastards. We almost never got torn apart. We ran fast and found a place to sleep until now. Someone used a blood sacrifice a few days ago. Forbidden Curse one guy killed millions, we stole part of our soul and life force, and then we wake up!"

The two rabbits blinked desperately, looking at Lin Qi like a prisoner on the gallows.

"Our injuries are not healed, so we..."

The voice of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree is very determined, as always cold: "So you guys are messing around here? Well, I have checked your body. The damage is not serious. You still maintain considerable combat effectiveness. At the beginning, you all must obey Lin Qi's orders. This is his identity information."

Two extremely thin blue lights pierced Da Hei and Xiao Hei's bodies, and their bodies shuddered, and their gazes at Lin Qi became very strange. The two rabbits sighed helplessly, and then slumped in front of Lin Qi without any energy, and at the same time their voices groaned weakly in the spirit sea: "Yes, we obey all your orders! But , You won't let us do free work, will you?"

Lin Qi smiled and took out two fist-sized magic crystals and stuffed them into the rabbits' mouths.

The two rabbits immediately swallowed the magic crystal with open eyebrows and smiles. They nodded and bowed to Lin Qi in a flattering manner. The flattering sound like the rolling tide kept blowing, boasting that Lin Qi was the most generous, generous and most generous in the world. a warmhearted person.

Karhan looked at these two poorly character rabbits in shock. He blinked his eyes and shook his head helplessly: "It's just two magic crystals. As for this? They are really rabbits? How come they look like two dog!"

The two rabbits turned their heads to look at Calhan at the same time, and a strange light flashed in their scarlet eyes.

Karhan only felt a cold war all over his body, and a chill came out of his bone marrow. He hurriedly smiled at the two rabbits, and then stopped looking at them. Out of the instinct of a hyena merchant, Kalhan noticed the horror of these two rabbits. Maybe they are more terrifying than the dragon? What kind of **** are these two!

The auction is still going on, and there are many good things on the venue, some of which are even the best herbs that only grow in the abyss. Seeing that Lie Xinxi kept making moves, Lin Qi spent a lot of gold coins to purchase a lot of materials that were of little use in the eyes of ordinary people.

During the auction process, Lin Qi took out some precious magic metal and magic crystals from time to time and fed them to the two rabbits. The rabbits smiled so that their eyes were narrowed into a line, and they flattered their bodies to only one The feet are long and short, squatting left and right on Lin Qi's knees, like two loyal watchdogs, shaking their heads and tails to Lin Qi.

Lin Qihao broadly shot, let these two fall asleep for many years, the energy in their bodies has been almost exhausted, and the rabbits whose bodies are damaged and are in urgent need of repairing with rare materials are excited. They finally found that it seems that they have put on a good one this time. the host!

Spit out a piece of magic crystal residue lightly, Da Hei sighed softly: "It seems that luck is very important. Think about our previous commander, the black-faced violent man, that **** guy, except Let us keep working, what else will he do?"

Xiao Hei also smiled brightly: "Sitting here and eating quietly, without hard work, this is the life I dream of!"

With a muffled bang, another auction item was sold at a high price, and then the skinny old man who presided over the auction smiled and took out a golden statue about two inches high. This statue looks like an ordinary cliff with dozens of large and small caves on the cliff, and a deep pool below the cliff.

This statue is slender and subtle, just like a real mountain. But the mountain peaks were densely covered with scars, and it was obvious that they had received extremely serious impacts, and there were even traces of fire left on them.

The skinny old man placed this heavy-weight statue on the wooden table and looked around with a smile: "The'Longshan Seal', the inheritance token of the Yanlong Principality, is not only the seal of the Yanlong Principality's king. , Is a token of the Yanlong Family Patriarch. During the invasion of the nomadic empire, the Yanlong Principality unfortunately fell, but..."

More than a dozen nobles wearing black cloaks stood up at the same time in the auction house. They were divided into four distinct groups and seated in different places in the auction house. Obviously, they are all members of the Yanlong family, but their relationship is not very good. If one of them can get the seal of Longshan, they will be able to restore the inheritance of the Yanlong Principality after the war as a family orthodox identity!

Da Hei and Xiao Hei raised their heads at the same time, and they looked at the little Longshan Yin on the other side in astonishment.

And the voices of the Hall of Doomsday Apocalypse and the sweet-scented osmanthus tree sounded at the same time: "Longya? Take him down at any cost! His breath, he is still intact."

Lin Qi raised an eyebrow in surprise: "Longya?"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree said solemnly: "The core of the Metaverse Dragon Realm, the source of the dragon's reproduction in the early days. Just like the Knights of the Apocalypse, the dragon is also one of the main battle forces of the Metaverse. Controls the dragon cliff and provides enough energy and Materials, you can even create a powerful existence of the Primordial Dragon Emperor!"

Lin Qi's eyes suddenly became crimson. He had already learned the power of the Temple of the Doomsday Apocalypse. Longya was actually a comparable existence of the Temple of the Doomsday Apocalypse, and he had to get Longya at any cost! I didn't expect that such ancient relics were passed down as family tokens in a weak country like Yanlong Principality.

Before the skinny old man could tell the auction reserve price of the'Longshan Seal', Lin Qi laughed and said loudly: "Longshan Seal? This seems to have a lot of fate with our Longshan family! Therefore, our count is willing to pay 100 million gold coins. I think, You of Yanlong Principality, won't you compete with our Longshan family?"

The dozen or so members of Yanlong Principality who stood up abruptly raised their heads at the same time, their bodies trembling with anger. What is the Yongsan family doing? The Dragon Mountain Seal of the Yanlong Principality is a family heritage token known to the aristocratic circles of the entire continent. As long as the Yanlong Principality's clansmen get the Dragon Mountain Seal, they are the orthodox heirs of the family jurisprudence.

It is about the inheritance of the family, unless there is a family with deep hatred, it will not make trouble in the auction of this important item.

But the Longshan family, they brazenly intervened just because of Longshanyin's name, how could this make them acceptable?

The skinny old man showed a bright smile. The Longshan family has strong financial resources. He has seen the prosperous financial resources of the Longshan family in the previous auction process. Lin Qi kept asking prices and hundreds of rare auction items were taken by the Longshan family. Now the Longshan family has offered another 100 million gold coins to Longshan Yin. The gold coins spent by the Longshan family today have accounted for more than 30% of the total auction price!

It seems that Karhan, the lucky little guy, really found a superb customer! What a lucky little guy!

"100 million gold coins, dear guests, the Longshan family bid 100 million gold coins to take this treasure with the same name as the Longshan family!" The skinny old man deliberately looked at the people of Yanlong Principality who stood up: "Perhaps, Some people think that the value of Longshan Seal is far more than 100 million gold coins?"

"One hundred and fifty million gold coins!" A member of Yanlong Principality gritted his teeth and reported the limit price he could bear. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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