Bright Era

Chapter 1443: Troublesome handover (3)

A quarter of an hour ago, they were still falling asleep in the cold and damp death row. Suddenly they were taken out of the prison and tossed on them by some weird means. Then they didn’t wait for them to recover. He was taken high and flew into this mountain forest. They cannot move, cannot speak, or even move their eyeballs.

But take a look at the well-dressed guards around you, this is clearly a pomp only for a certain super noble!

And, moreover. . .

Lin Qi didn't let these guys who had been sentenced to death by the Caesar Empire's law six months ago wait too much, he waved his hand coldly, and said with a gloomy face: "Enough, you don't need to explain, you can't hide you. Your mistake! You offended the most honorable guest of the family, and you must be punished the most severely!"

Etrice's long hair flew slowly, and the black long hair brought a black flame across the necks of the death row prisoners.

Their bodies burst into flames, and their flesh and soul were instantly taken out by Etrice.

Lin Qi smiled gently to Yan Chixing. He bowed and saluted deeply, and expressed his greatest apologies to Yan Chixing very sincerely: "His Royal Highness, all this is the fault of the Longshan family! They are the family. The leader of a very elite mercenary group, but they have always been rebellious, and the family only uses employment contracts to restrain them!"

"They made a mistake this time, and they have received the harshest punishment! Hope this punishment will satisfy you!"

Lin Qi's attitude was very sincere. Yan Chixing only felt that his thoughts and thoughts all over his body were smooth and breathable. It was like eating two slices of frozen watermelon suddenly in the scorching heat. He gave Lin Qi a reserved look, and pretended to snorted: "Well, I can barely forgive them for their mistakes, but my family and I have been seriously hurt!"

Can Yan Chixing be dissatisfied? He saw with his own eyes the amazingly powerful forbidden curse released by "Lin Qi", and saw the shocking methods used by "Alsa" and "Mr. Mo" with his own eyes! Such a strong man was actually executed by the Longshan family! Can he still be dissatisfied?

In the Western Continent, the power of a demigod is extremely precious to a power such as the church! No matter how many demigods this great power has, any demigod must consume a huge amount of resources to cultivate! So any demigod is extremely important combat power!

In order to make amends for themselves, the Longshan family killed several powerhouses who were at least high-ranking demigods. Even if Yan Chixing was dull and irrational, he had nothing to fault! The Yan family has been developing for hundreds of years. How many people belong to their own demigods? As for the powerful existence of high-level demigods, there is not even one!

"You can forgive our mistakes, I feel extremely honored and delighted!"

Lin Qi smiled brilliantly. He looked at the smoke and smoke on his face and complained in his heart--if it weren’t for Yun's sudden proposal to replace the Great Yan Dynasty with the Yunlong family, and Lin Qi felt this If the plan is completely successful, how could he be so polite to Yan Chixing?

Seeing that this guy is destined to marry a concubine of the Yunlong family in the future, and his love for being a brother-in-law, be polite!

Lin Qi flicked the badge on his chest that represented the identity of the saint of the Temple of Dawn, and prayed to the sky very "reverently": "Great Lord of Dawn, my master, my teacher, my god, my Father, you are so great! You are so merciless to all heretics, and you are so kind to your believers! Please give me the infinite power of the morning light, guide the lost lamb before me, and set foot on the correct morning light The way!"

A thin white light fell from a high altitude, with a little golden white light falling on Yan Chixing's body. The magical technique of the Temple of Dawn's "Blessing of Dawn" was activated silently, and Yan Chixing's body floated slowly and suspended. In the air several meters above the ground.

His physical injuries quickly recovered, and the consumed physical strength and spirit were quickly replenished, and in the blink of an eye he returned to his peak state! Even everyone saw a small tent erected under his crotch, which proved that his vitality had reached its peak.

"What a fierce young man!" Lin Qi tilted his mouth, he said solemnly: "Everyone, the environment here is not very comfortable. The carriage is ready outside. Please come with me to Yancheng. Then please You send representatives to see Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Remember, there are strong men of the Fallen Temple hidden in the Palace of the Gods of War! I hope you will keep your secrets about coming to Yan City before dawn, otherwise, those villains of the Fallen Temple are likely to cause harm to everyone! "Lin Qizheng'er warned these Yan Family members, these cold, hungry, startled and frightened Yan Family members nodded and followed Lin Qi hurriedly out of the forest.

Yan Chi strode to Lin Qi's side, he curiously looked at the badge of the Saint of Dawn on Lin Qi's chest.

Just now Lin Qi used such a magical technique, which made Yan Chixing feel a magical and great power. His eyes flickered and thought about some important questions in his opinion-it seems that the **** of dawn is much stronger than the gods believed in the Temple of Fallen God? At least the fallen gods of the Fallen Temple, they have never shown any miracles on Yan Chixing!

Outside the mountains and forests, a long line of black painted carriages waited quietly, and four heavily armed guards stood beside each carriage. Intentionally or unintentionally, these guards exuded a powerful aura, and the breath of an all-powerful celestial power made the faces of the Yan Family's tribes turn pale.

Although they rarely leave the valley in the Griffon Mountains, they know more or less the market on the western continent.

In the Western Continent for so many years, the powers above the holy rank are not allowed to make random moves. Therefore, Tianwei is the peak combat power of the major empires and kingdoms. A country can get the title of honorable nobleman, and obtain the title and annual salary equivalent to earl.

Although the title of the Honorary Earl cannot be hereditary, and there is no fief, but as long as the strong man is still alive, he can get the same treatment as the orthodox hereditary earl. Therefore, in any country, the celestial powerhouse is a real VIP-level figure of the upper class.

But here, the guards of the Longshan family are all heavenly warriors! And in the sky, there are hundreds of black-clothed mages floating in the air, and they also exude magical fluctuations of the heavenly level! Heavenly Master, this is a more popular profession than Heavenly Warrior!

Everyone in the Yan family couldn't turn their heads for a while. These warriors and wizards have such a strong power. They can get glory and wealth by taking refuge in an empire. Why do they stay in the Longshan family as a guard?

Guard, this is a role to be dispatched. Except for an empire, who can let a heavenly master be his guard?

Yan Chixing glanced at Lin Qi quickly, and he secretly came to the conclusion-unless the Longshan family has a strength comparable to the empire, or even a strength several times stronger than the empire, the Longshan family cannot have so many days. Guard of the rank!

Recall that'Wan En Longshan' killed several'demigod masters' without hesitation as soon as they met. Recall that the Longshan family sent a team of'mercenaries' to easily defeat one of the fallen temples. The core stronghold, although there is a relationship between the Fallen Temple and negligence, but it can be seen that the strength of the Longshan family is so tyrannical!

At least Yan Chimei couldn't rescue the tribe from the control of the Fallen Temple, but the Longshan family did it.

Yan Chixing's eyes flickered, and he quickly made plans for his future. He knew that Yan Chimei would hand over the power of the Patriarch to himself, and that he would be the emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty in the future, so as the emperor of the empire, he would definitely need strong support to sit on the throne. Longshan family, if you can master the Longshan family, that would be great!

Yan Chixing racked his brains and began to recall the so-called imperial art that Yan Chimei had counseled for him when he was young, but was abandoned by him.

For a while, countless strange ideas came out, Yan Chixing combined with some of his own'life experience', and suddenly summed up the most suitable way for him-to become in-laws with the Longshan family, and penetrate into the Longshan family through in-laws. , And ultimately control the entire Longshan family. I just don't know, does Earl Longshan have a daughter?

If Lin Qi knew the idea of ​​Yan Chi, he might be able to laugh alive!

The guy who plays the role of Earl Longshan now is Alda. According to Alda's nature and the blood of the Primordial Demon he has now, if he has a daughter, he is also a complete witch! Yan Chihang still wants to control the Longshan family through in-laws? It is fortunate for him not to be drained of his bone marrow and eat it as a big pill.

Alsa habitually hid in the dark, squinting his eyes and looking at the many members of the Yan family with a strange grin.

He saw the twinkling gaze and the strange smile, who had played with the souls of countless people, and knew all the ugly sins of mankind, Alsa couldn't help but laughed: "Aha, the brave mentally retarded child, wants Deal with this terrible guy who is even more devil than a demon? I really don't know life and death! What a great scene, I must appreciate how he played himself to death!"

Alsa almost burst into laughter. Lin Qi had calculated every old devil like him. What kind of thing are you going to smoke, and you dare to think about it? Do you think you live too long?

With Lin Qi's diligent greeting, Yan Chixing boarded a black carriage specially prepared for him. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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