Bright Era

Chapter 1489: Vias Welan (1)

When spring returns to the earth, Vias Port City even feels a bit midsummer because of its location in the southernmost part of the mainland.

Green farmland and colorful flowers and trees covered the entire Vias Plain. The devastation caused by Lin Qi's fire here has long since disappeared. The mad bee wave butterfly flies in the fragrant air, chasing after the sweetness in the flowers.

On the several avenues leading to Viashamn, there are noble cars with ornate decorations from time to time. These cars must be surrounded by a large group of knights with bright armor. The arrogant knights have picked up various flags in the splendid The sun shows off the master's family and himself.

Where these nobles passed, the farmers who were working on the farmland and the gentle hillside bowed and saluted, and it took a long time before they dared to raise their heads.

Suddenly, there were waves of war drums, and the sound of low footsteps shook the earth, and a majestic brigade of people from the north came slowly. At least 20,000 land-traveling dragon knights lined up in a neat team, marching toward Vias Harbor City in neat steps.

Dozens of flying dragon knights sat on the backs of the red, two-footed flying dragons, and brought a violent wind across the head of the team, drew the screams of the terrestrial dragon knights like a tsunami: " Longshan! Longshan! Longshan!"

A fierce and ferocious dragon stood on top of a golden mountain. Such a flag was flying in the strong wind one after another. The flag passed by the farmers like a cloud. Some timid farmers even kneeled. Falling to the ground did not dare to look up.

This is the army of the Longshan family! Terrible, an army composed entirely of Earth Traveling Dragon Knights!

What a powerful army this is. They wiped out an army of orcs on the Black Raven Gorge defense line in conjunction with the Gaul Empire's defenders! And Mr. Wanen Longshan, who is also the Longshan family, killed more than 100 foreign demigods alone!

All countries in the entire Western Continent are looking at them. An earl family has actually played many glorious achievements that the empire has not had for hundreds of years. What an amazing thing!

There is no doubt that the Longshan family at this moment has become the most famous and eye-catching family in the entire Vias Commercial Federation.

Arda was sitting on a large cart pulled by 36-headed dragon beasts, and waved his hand with a smile: "Reward!"

A dozen enchanting maids stood on the verandas on both sides of this specially-made giant cart, smilingly took out a lot of gold coins and spilled them on the farmers kneeling on the roadside. The golden coins ‘ding jingle bells’ fell on the ground, all of them were brand-new, just-baked big gold coins, the goddess of wealth, and there was still a faint smell of dawn’s power.

With such a bold shot, the group of Earl Longshan immediately attracted the attention of everyone, including those nobles who were already in Viasport or still on the road. All the eyes and ears they sent out focused on On Alda.

Lin Qi has taken an ordinary black-painted two-wheeled carriage into Vias Port from an unobtrusive road. He was wearing an ordinary black robe, with a wide-brimmed dome hat, and holding a few pieces of information just passed to him.

Several young people squatting at the intersection with nothing to do saw Lin Qi’s carriage and immediately jumped up. They ran after Lin Qi’s carriage in small steps, and shouted loudly, "Sir, sir, do you need a guide? You need it. Temporary servants? Do you want to know the latest news from Vias Port? Those noble lords are secretly gathering these days. Do you want to know what they are talking about?"

Lin Qi snorted softly, and the driving slowed down.

Picking up the curtains, Lin Qi coldly snorted to a young man with light yellow hair and freckles outside the car window: "What have you heard? Well, forget it, I don’t think you know anything. ."

For so long, Lin Qi has planted a lot of eyes and ears in Vias Harbour. Many aristocratic masters have Lin Qi’s eyeliner in their mansions. If these young people will know something that Lin Qi doesn’t know, it’s true. It's the undead talking nonsense.

The buff-haired young man hurriedly lowered his voice and said hurriedly: "Don't look down on people, sir, my distant cousin is the lover of Viscount Mi Xiu, and Viscount Mi Xiu also said to drive away his wife and marry her. But I am There is unique news that no one knows."

With a soft cough, Lin Qi took out an ordinary Gaulu gold coin and handed it out.

The young man snatched the gold coins quickly. He lowered his voice and pretended to say in a profound manner: "What do you know about the cause of this Vias Noble Meeting? It's a group of people from the East! A group of strange-looking East people!"

"Oriental?" Lin Qi glanced at the young man: "What kind of Oriental?"

Another gold coin was handed out. No matter where the young man got the news, two gold coins are definitely enough to buy all his news. Lin Qi can only admire the abilities of these ghosts and monsters on the streets of the city. The eyeliner he placed on the noble residences could not detect such inside stories, but they had already learned the exact news.

After all, it is the difference between Jianglong and Earth Snake, Lin Qi can only sigh from the bottom of his heart that he will have to work harder on intelligence in the future!

"They are from the East, but they are not from the Eastern Continent. They are said to be from the Eastern Subcontinent? It is a very mysterious and magical continent. They claim to be servants of gods, but it is said that they are all heretical evil gods! "

The pale yellow-haired young man exploded in a low voice with a splash of foam in his mouth. He looked at Lin Qi eagerly, hoping to pass another lovely gold coin. Lin Qi pondered for a while. He glanced at the young man and said calmly: "Very good, your news has a little value, but nothing more, two gold coins are worthy of your efforts!"

Stomping gently, Bilibili immediately increased the speed of the car. A few young people stubbornly pulled the window and the cowl, and wanted to say a few words to Lin Qiduo, but the carriage was getting faster and faster. Gradually, they couldn't catch up with the carriage, so they had no choice but to stop, panting and shouting in a low voice.

The carriage traveled through several streets of Vias, and finally stopped in front of an old seahorse hotel on the side of the central square of Vias. Lin Qi jumped out of the carriage, used a passport of the Baron of the Great Yan Dynasty to ask for two rooms for himself and Bilibili, then took a shower and changed clothes, and comfortably chose a comfortable seat in the open-air bar in front of the hotel .

Lying lazily there basking in the sun and tasting light wines, Lin Qi noticed that there were a lot more patrols stumbling around on Vias Square, and some unidentified men in casual clothes appeared to be standing leisurely at each key. Location chat. These men seem to be well-dressed, distinguished and stylish people, but from Lin Qi's professional perspective, a real gentleman would not hide a dagger in a boot tube, nor would he hide a copper-clad lead on his belt. .

It was very interesting. Lin Qi laughed brilliantly. Arda was still walking slowly outside, attracting a lot of eyeballs. He entered the city ahead of time, just wanting to know that the greedy but timid nobles of the Vias Commercial Federation, they What do you want to do?

One afternoon passed quickly, and the tables next to Lin Qi changed several groups of guests. Several of them were the little bosses of the eyeliner Lin Qi planted in Vias Port, and they kept sending all kinds of information Lin Qi needed.

Lin Qi's request was also passed through them, and soon the answer Lin Qi wanted was sent back.

A few days ago, there was indeed a group of clandestine Orientals who landed in Vias Port. They arrived in Vias Port in the middle of the night in a strange-shaped fast boat. Because they did not carry any goods, nor did they purchase any goods, the merchants of Vias did not pay much attention to them.

After this group arrived in Viasport, they first stayed in a remote hotel for two days. Then they met with Count Heroine, who was in charge of managing the article archives of the Noble House when Lin Qi bought the title of nobility. Earl Lynn got on the line. Through the relationship with Count Heroine, this group of Orientals became the distinguished guests of Zeppelin Wallland.

Then came the news that the Marquis Zeppelin, the supreme governor of the Vias Commercial Federation, called all the nobles to convene a meeting, trying to form a standing federal army, and had a great appetite to maintain this standing army and the Gaul Empire. The Dayan Dynasty is of considerable scale.

Lin Qi flicked the tabletop gently with his fingers, the sky gradually darkened, and lights were lit up all around. Lin Qi frowned and looked at the stars gradually appearing in the sky, sinking into thought. Followers of heretical gods from the eastern subcontinent? There is no doubt that this is a man of Miró. But what do these Mila believers want to do?

Maintain a standing army of thirty or fifty legions in the Vias Commercial Federation? In the traditional atmosphere of the Vias Commercial Federation, the combat effectiveness of this army is really lackluster, and it will definitely become a freak that devours gold coins, but it cannot display any actual combat power.

Just as Lin Qi was thinking about the various possibilities, a tall man wearing a black uniform and wearing a copper helmet similar to the copper hat of the Gaul Empire suddenly took a seat beside him, and then grabbed it unceremoniously. Lin Qi filled himself with a large glass of wine.

"Very nice weather, huh?" The middle-aged man tried to make Lin Qi timid with his extremely penetrating sharp eyes. This is the most effective way for Copper Hats and their colleagues to deal with various criminals who conspired: "Sit down. It's been a long time here, can you tell me, are you waiting here, or are you waiting for something to happen?"

Coupled with the heavy batons in the hands of the two big and thick companions behind him, this big man consciously said his words are very deterrent. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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