Bright Era

Chapter 1493: God King vs. God King (1)

In the central square of Vias, Lin Qi jumped into a carriage and pressed his hands to the people and nobles watching around.

"Quiet, dear ladies and gentlemen, be quiet!"

Looking around at the tens of thousands of onlookers, Lin Qi smiled and nodded to everyone: "Old Wanen is very happy. There are so many beautiful ladies and ladies, so many handsome young masters and gentlemen to welcome the Longshan family back. To Vias, the great business capital Vias!"

The nobles who had already had a tacit understanding with Lin Qi suddenly burst into laughter. They leaned forward and backward with laughter, their mouths splashed, and their big teeth were exposed. The people who didn't know the reason laughed happily, and some enthusiastic people also blew their whistle and issued a sharp whistle.

For the people of Vias, they lived in a strong commercial atmosphere. They did not have the awe of the royal family like the Gaul Empire or the Harran Empire, and there was no royal family in Vias. The people of Vias fear only two things-the church and gold coins!

The church controls the soul, while gold coins control the soul and body!

Except for the church and gold coins, the people of Vias didn't really care about the nobles.

Standing on the top of the carriage in the central square and speaking loudly, this kind of thing happened a lot in Vias, especially when the nobles wanted to run for consul or other official positions, they would always perform here several times. So seeing Lin Qi jumped into the carriage, they just applauded from their habit, hoping to hear something different from other nobles.

"The Longshan family!" Lin Qi said loudly, "Everyone knows that the Longshan family did a good job in the north!"

Low exclamation sounds sounded from all sides. Everyone knows the reputation of the Longshan family, so it's not just a good job? That was an incredible achievement and record! Especially the ordinary-looking old man standing on the carriage, he killed more than a hundred foreign demigods alone.

Of course, ordinary people cannot understand what a demigod is, but they know that a heavenly warrior can obtain the title of Honorary Earl in any country, and a heavenly warrior can easily defeat an army of hundreds of people! But that demigod is said to be several times stronger than the Heavenly Warrior! So a person who can kill more than a hundred demigods in a single battle is amazing.

"So, the Longshan family has gained some fame in Vias!" Lin Qi said unceremoniously: "I am here today. As you can see, the Longshan family is also very strong! We have dragon knights and dragon mages. There are large-scale flying dragon knights, and there is also a huge land-traveling dragoon army. Our Longshan family has enough strength to maintain something that should be maintained!"

"For example, the business order of Vias, this is something our Longshan family must maintain!"

"We feel that the existing taxation of the Vias Commercial Federation is very reasonable. We absolutely do not allow anyone to increase even one copper extra tax in any name. No matter what the name, no matter what the excuse, no matter what it is. Reason! Vias is a free country of business, and the ruling government has already got enough money from Vias’ people!"

"The executive government has received enough tax revenue, so they shouldn't get more!"

"Whether it is collected from the nobles or the people, it is unreasonable!"

Lin Qi nodded to the people around, applause and cheers resounded from all directions, like a tsunami. Ordinary people don’t know what Lin Qi’s words mean, they don’t know what Lin Qi’s words mean, and they don’t even know that the ruling government is preparing to form a large-scale standing army, and the salary of this standing army will be paid extra. Taxes to pay.

The nobles knew what Lin Qi's remarks meant, so they supported Lin Qi with the most surging enthusiasm. The nobles are greedy, and the nobles of merchant origin are more profitable. They are too late to evade taxes. If you want to increase taxes on the nobles, then you are the enemy of all the nobles!

And Lin Qi said he wanted to maintain the current tax rate, so he won the support of the nobles.

"In addition, Vias needs a stronger leader!" Lin Qi pressed his hands, and there was silence around him. Lin Qi shouted: "Vias needs a stronger leader!"

"Vias should have a greater say in mainland affairs, and Vias’s army should contribute more to the mainland’s resistance to foreign races! Vias’s navy... I must say that I have a greater say in the current situation. Yass Navy is disappointed!"

"My expectation is that in the future, in the near future, Vias’ navy will be rampant across the seas, and our merchant ships will be unimpeded on the seas, and whoever sees our flags will look out for the wind, our merchant ships. Under the protection of our powerful navy, goods from all continents will be shipped to Vias, and our goods will be dumped to all continents!"

Lin Qi's remarks were very straightforward and naked. He glanced at all the nobles and businessmen present: "I hope everyone will consider my words. What do you need?"

With gold coins, almost everyone had the same thought. If the people of Vias didn't need gold coins, what else would they need? Gold coins, gold coins, golden gold coins, this is the only thought in the hearts of all the citizens of the Vias Commercial Federation, nobles or commoners.

Even though Lin Qi was just a few simple words, everyone thought of a lot.

Vias’ naval fleet runs rampant in various seas, wherever the Vias’ naval flag goes, pirates watch the wind, and merchants’ fleets can sail safely on the ocean. Without the harassment of pirates, merchants’ profits are at least Can skyrocket several times!

And can Vias gain a greater say in the mainland?

The people of Vias don’t care about issues such as the right to speak shit. They only know that if Vias can really become a country that speaks for itself, then their goods will be able to enter other countries more easily. market. The thing is as simple as that. If Vias can truly become a powerful country alongside the Gaul Empire, then the merchants of Vias can do business with them.

The nobles looked at Lin Qi and nodded their heads, their smiles almost seeped from every pore.

Although the people still don't know what Lin Qi's two bizarre words mean, they are very impressed with the Longshan family! The people of Vias are very good at grabbing key points from fragmented information and grabbing key points related to gold coins.

If Lin Qi's two paragraphs seem inconsistent, the key points are very clear!

If the Longshan family holds the power of Vias, then the Longshan family will not increase tax income!

If the Longshan family has the power of Vias, then everyone's business will be easy and the income will be higher!

Very well, with these two promises, if the Longshan family can really come true, these people of Vias will eat the scales and follow the Longshan family desperately. For the sake of profit, for the gold coins, the people of Vias did everything they did to kill and set fire, and there was nothing they were afraid to do.

Lin Qi jumped out of the carriage, and then a large group of nobles rushed up. They solemnly shook hands and hugged Lin Qi, and when they were giving a face-to-face ceremony, they leaned in Lin Qi's ear and murmured in praise of Lin Qi. The words are very in line with their wishes.

The people applauded enthusiastically. Except for a handful of smart big businessmen, other ordinary people still didn't see what happened here. But this did not prevent them from joining in the fun. They loudly praised the mighty and mighty men transformed by dozens of giant dragons, and loudly sighed that the flying dragon knights in the sky were so mighty and extraordinary.

At this moment, the coquettish Arda strode over with a hundred soldiers who had opened the war pattern halo. The sky filled the halo, magic elements drove a large area of ​​light to cover the square, the central square suddenly became bizarre, magnificent, and for a while, it seemed to have entered the world of the legendary magic elves.

"Wow", tens of thousands of exclamations sounded at the same time, no matter if they are savvy or pretending to be savvy, everyone watched the hundred feet stepping on the war pattern halo ranging from hundreds of meters to thousands of meters in diameter. The warriors of the people admired the strength of the Longshan family.

And several nobles with powerful warrior guards around them changed their faces and asked the guards around them what this kind of omen meant. When they learned from their confidant guards about the terrible meaning of this war pattern aura. , The attitude of these great nobles towards Lin Qi and Arda became more respectful and even a little frightened.

A hundred might be the powerhouses of the demigods, just the close guards of Earl Longshan?

Great goddess of wealth, how many gold coins does this guy have to throw away to hire so many such powerful guards?

The Vias Commercial Confederation, which was founded in commerce, all the nobles in this country devoted all their energies to earning huge amounts of gold. They didn't pay much attention to their own practice. They believed that they could get everything with gold coins. Therefore, most of the strong men in their clan are hired, many families have saint teacher-level worship, and even a few families have demigod-level worship elders.

But like the Longshan family, showing off a hundred demigods grandiosely, this is really amazing!

Soon, Arda spilled half a million gold coins when he entered the city to hire civilians to build barracks. The small citizens near the central square also exclaimed-how rich this is. My family, for a temporary camp, hundreds of thousands of gold coins can be smashed out. This is really too rich!

Soon, Arda let these citizens know what it means to spend money. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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