Bright Era

Chapter 1511: Noble Assembly (1)

The barrel carried a big hammer, and it shattered the door in front of him.

The dwarves screamed and rushed into the government building like a large group of iron cans. These dwarven warriors are full of strong ale flavor. The light barley can exude an alcohol flavor that is not weaker than rum. God knows how much wine these dwarves poured in.

So as soon as these dwarves rushed into the government building, there was a terrifying sound of shattering objects. These dwarves repeated the scene they had done on Vias Wharf, knocking out all the obtrusive things in front of them.

The gorgeous furnishings in the Vias government, the oil paintings handed down over the centuries, the expensive porcelain vases, etc., everything the dwarf warrior passed by was shattered. Lin Qi heard the noise inside the building outside the door, and just smiled relaxedly. The old one does not go and the new one does not come. Lin Qi sees this very openly.

Anyway, in the future, this country does not need a government, and this building has completed its historical mission. In the future, a large garden will be built here? It seems that this is not a bad idea. Lin Qi hummed a song relaxedly, and walked into the building with a large group of soldiers.

The ground was smeared with large swaths of plasma, and the knights of the Varran family made a tenacious resistance. But before the heavy hammer of the wine barrel, all resistance was vain. The heavy hammer smashed the body and armor into shreds at the same time, blood was sprayed all over the floor, and the ruling government building was filled with an unpleasant smell of blood.

The last scream came from far away. The last few knights of the Varran family died in battle. The barrel of the wine barrel smashed the door of the executive government conference hall, and a large group of soldiers quickly besieged the hall.

Lin Qi led a person to the door of the conference hall, which looked like hell.

Qi Aran looked at Lin Qi with a brilliant smile that was as sacred as a **** sitting on a golden cloud: "I suddenly got the oracle. It turns out that I was wrong. This country does not belong to the Varran family. , So my father and other clansmen have committed serious crimes!"

Qi Aran held Zeppelin's hair, and the old Zeppelin let out a desperate scream. Many corpses of well-dressed nobles fell across the hall. These nobles were consuls killed by Zeppelin himself. They wanted to surrender to the Longshan family, so Zeppelin did not hesitate to kill them.

In Zeppelin's view, the future Wallland Empire may have fewer nobles, and it would be a good thing, so he killed these timid nobles.

But he never dreamed that in just half an hour, his son, Qi Aran, his favorite, would hold his hair like a dog and say something like that to Lin Qi. Qi Aran's eyes were shining with divine light. He looked at Lin Qi majesticly, and nodded solemnly: "He made a mistake, so he must be punished!"

The long sword was resting on Zeppelin’s neck, and Zeppelin let out a horrified cry: "Qi Aran, my child, I am..."

"Sinners don't have the power to speak, this is God's will!" Qi Aran's wrist was hardened, and the long sword in his hand easily cut into his father's neck, opening a deep and long wound. The blood spurted out, Zeppelin's eyes quickly lost luster, his body twitched violently, like a fish jumping ashore.

"God's will is not to be violated!" Qi Aran looked at Lin Qi deeply. He seemed to have done some sacred and terrific work, showing a very relaxed and very bright smile: "Although I am his son, he is my father. , But if he made a mistake, he must be punished!"

"Your Excellency Wanen Longshan, congratulations, this country is yours!" Qi Aran bowed deeply to Lin Qi.

Lin Qi’s heart was chilly, the **** guardian shrine, the **** Mila Sect, their protector, the **** king, this kind of puppet that wiped out all feelings and was completely controlled by their so-called god’s doctrine. What? Lin Qi can only rejoice that he is not controlled by the guardian temple. He can't imagine that if he exchanged with Qi Aran, he did such a terrible thing, then. . .

Lin Qi's body shook slightly. He looked at Qi Aran who killed his father with cold eyes, but still laughed brightly. He muttered gloomily: "I don't need your congratulations. Use your soul as a gift for the new students. Dragon Mountain Empire!"

Tu Junaxe made a low roar of tigers. The Tu Junaxe that had just been shot was just a black cat, but the Tu Junaxe soon expanded to several meters in length and turned into a mighty black tiger. Tu Junhu brought up a cold light and quickly rushed towards Qi Aran.

An indescribable strange light shrouded Qi Aran's body, and a large lot of lotus shining with golden light emerged under his feet, and golden flames sprayed out from the lotus stamens, wrapping Qi Aran whole inside. Qi Aran nodded to Lin Qi with a bright smile, and then his body suddenly blurred, turning into a golden light, breaking through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the conference hall and flying out.

Tu Junaxe hit the golden light, then let out a whine, and was bounced back embarrassedly.

The Tu Jun axe, which turned into a black tiger, rolled on the ground a few times. It was very spiritual. It shook his head like a real tiger, and then dangled his tail to Lin Qi's side, screaming lowly. . Lin Qi patted Tu Junaxe's head, reducing him to a fist-sized cat, and letting him squat on his shoulder.

Da Hei and Xiao Hei looked at Tu Junaxe for a while, and then the two rabbits showed bad smiles at the same time.

"Oh, not even a semi-artifact!"

"However, it seems that the development potential is still good!"

"Follow us obediently, the future is still bright and infinite!"

"Isn't it? Come on, eat this baby first, and then listen to us. As a weapon, of course, you can't be too honest!"

Da Hei smiled strangely and didn't know where he touched out a thumb-sized golden ball of light, and handed it to Tu Junaxe's mouth casually. Tu Junaxe's eyes suddenly sprayed out two light rays, and he opened his big mouth and swallowed the golden light ball. Da Hei and Xiao Hei laughed triumphantly, and patted Tu Junaxe's head with satisfaction.

Lin Qi asked the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in amazement, "What did this rabbit feed to Tu Junaxe? Tu Junaxe is just an axe. Can he eat at random?"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree, the Palace of Doomsday Apocalypse, Longya, and Miyin Mountain sighed at the same time. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree sighed faintly, "It won't do him any harm, but it will be good for him. If you read it right, then Is it the soul core of a broken artifact? After eating this thing, Tu Junaxe's evolution speed will increase very quickly. Maybe it will not take a few years before Tu Junaxe can be upgraded to an artifact?"

"But!" The osmanthus tree's next words suddenly extinguished Lin Qi's ecstasy: "Are you sure you let your portable weapons follow them? I have a hunch that if you let Tu Junaxe follow them, one day, if you use Tu Junaxe slashed at a woman, and he would simply tear the woman's clothes to pieces, and that woman would not hurt a single hair!"

"Or you use the army axe to attack a dirty enemy, this guy will be too lazy because the target is too dirty!" This is a very serious warning from the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse.

"There is another possibility. Every time you let him play in the future, you have to get some beautiful women to perform a strip-dance in front of him. Otherwise, he refuses to play. Based on my knowledge of these two **** rabbits, Tu Junaxe It might become like this!" Long Ya sighed deeply.

And Mithril Mountain's words are extremely simple: "This axe is ruined!"

Lin Qi was horrified. He glanced at the two rabbits who were muttering and didn't know what to say while holding Tu Junaxe's head, grabbed Tu Junaxe, and took him into his body. The two rabbits looked at Lin Qi with great disappointment. They looked at Lin Qi with faint resentment, faint water flickering in their eyes.

"Use violence, this is the best way to deal with them!" Osmanthus and the other three old guys sighed at the same time.

So Lin Qi grabbed the two rabbits, threw them to the ground fiercely, and stomped them fiercely. The two rabbits were stepped on and screamed for'chittering'. They hugged their heads in embarrassment and begged for mercy. After Lin Qi stopped, they scolded Lin Qi's pants and clothes and climbed back onto Lin Qi's shoulders. Down.

"Great fight!" Da Hei suddenly laughed: "The adults in this term are very personal, much better than the previous ones!"

"Yeah, sometimes being beaten is a pleasant life experience!" Xiao Hei sighed deeply, took out a big cigar and held it in his mouth: "Think about the bones of the past, they He didn't even dare to hit us, it really disappointed us!"

Lin Qi was speechless, Longya and the others were speechless. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree sighed and wrapped his trunk with a long rhizome. It seemed that this was his unique posture of seeing people without a face and covering his face with his hands.

There was a loud battle horn from outside the ruling government, dull and neat footsteps sounded, and the Longshan family team rushed into Vias. They quickly captured various traffic arteries and seized all the commanding heights in Vias City. Brigades of soldiers were stationed at every intersection, and large groups of soldiers were stationed outside the residences of the nobles and wealthy merchants.

Zeppelin’s aristocratic mansion was breached, a large number of gold coins, silver coins and other wealth were moved out. Warehouses and other properties under the names of these nobles were sealed up, including their farms and castles outside the city. Nationalization-in other words, when Lin Qi establishes the Longshan Empire, all the property of these nobles will become Lin Qi's private property. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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