Bright Era

Chapter 1521: Devil Sacrifice (2)

He clicked his mouth, and the hammer laughed "hehe": "Ah, yes, you are looking for the master? Tsk, good news, master, there are twelve good news, which one do you want to hear? "

Twelve good news? Lin Qi looked at the hammer in amazement: "Whatever, if it's good news, any one is fine."

The hammer swayed to his feet, and then shook his fingers and laughed: "Then, congratulations twelve times, dear Master Xiaolin Qi, you are going to be a brother! Hahaha, the princess whom the master married last time is pregnant Then there are eleven concubines, they are pregnant at the same time, the difference is only half a month!"

Lin Qikui's body shook, and there were bursts of Venus flashes in front of him. He stayed for a long time, and then roared angrily: "When I was working hard for my family in the Western Continent, you told me, my father, He made twelve women pregnant in just half a month? I know that princess, what is her princess title? Well, it doesn't matter!"

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi roared in a low voice: "But what happened to the eleven concubines? No one told me that the old guy found the concubine!"

The hammer rubbed the red rosacea, and he spread his hands helplessly: "Ah, that little concubine, yes, this is also a very strange thing, we don't know why, it seems that the master has not been a prince. The nobles and officials in the territory like to give the master a gift to the charming little girl!"

He clicked his mouth, and the hammer shrank his neck: "It's no better here than Dunerker. We have nothing to do all day. The master would drink with us all day, uh, drink a lot of alcohol. Then, man, it's always better to drink too much. Will you do something? This, it's like when we went to the Dunelker bar back then, when we drank, we had to hug a few wine sellers and go upstairs to be happy?"

Lin Qi exhaled heavily, and he snorted weakly, "In other words, my father gave me twelve younger siblings happy?"

Iron Hammer looked at Lin Qi with a smile, and shook his head repeatedly: "It's not twelve! According to an imperial physician that the little princess invited, four of the concubines were pregnant with twins! So, dear Xiaolin Master Qi, you have sixteen younger siblings!"

Lin Qi held a mouthful of blood in his throat, Da Hei and Xiao Hei jumped up at the same time, and they happily twisted their fat butts on Lin Qi's shoulders: "Wow, praise, perfect twin! Oh, Twin brothers like us are so cute!"

Lin Qi grabbed the two rabbits and smashed them to the ground heavily.

After staring at the blushing hammer for a long time, Lin Qi asked, "So, are you celebrating at the banquet?"

Hammer's eyes widened, and he nodded and said: "Yes, the master said this news, don't tell you for the time being. When you come back to visit the master, it will be a pleasant surprise to see younger brothers and sisters all over the floor. !"

Lin Qi snorted a few times, surprise? I am afraid that the level of horror is relatively high, right?

Well, Lin Qi has no opinion on Blackbeard's marrying the princess, he agreed to this matter. Lin Qi didn't have any comments on Blackbeard's finding so many concubines. Look at the **** Alda, and look at the two scumbags, Longcheng and Hu Xinzhu, who have hunted countless people. Lin Qi feels that his father is not inferior to them in terms of treatment, right?

But letting twelve women around him get pregnant at one time is really terrifying!

"Well, I am worthy of being my father, his combat effectiveness is really too strong!" Lin Qi comforted himself, and then he snorted seriously to Iron Hammer, "Uncle Iron Hammer, hurry up and let my father come. See me, I have very important things to discuss with him!"

The hammer carried a wine jar and swayed out.

After a full quarter of an hour, the black beard ‘creaking’, who was also flushed from drinking and was constantly hitting the wall when he walked, appeared in the light curtain of the messaging magic circle. He smirked and opened his hands to Lin Qi with a smirk: "Lin Qi, my dear son, I tell you the good news, that is that you are the brother! Hahaha, celebrate, cheer, you are the brother! !"

Lin Qi's face turned black for a while. He rolled his eyes and stared at the black beard for a long time, only then suddenly smiled: "Cheers, my father, I am in the Western Continent, and I have made an empire for fun!"

Blackbeard stayed there, staring at Lin Qi, his eyes staring three times larger than the bull's eyes.

A faint white gas continuously sprayed from the top of the black beard's head, and the alcohol on his face quickly disappeared without a trace. He frowned and calculated for a while, took out a cigar and held it in his mouth.

"Son, you will really surprise me! Well, an empire! It's great, you have an empire as a pocketbook?"

The black beard's eyeballs showed a horrible green light, and Lin Qi was pleased to watch the changes in the black beard's expression. This is the black beard he is familiar with, and this is Lin Qi's father! Just now, that drunk old man who was full of aura of happiness nourished by love and because of the reproduction of offspring, Lin Qi did not admit that the old man was his father!

Lin Qi was familiar with Blackbeard’s dark green eyes. When Lin Qi was young, when Blackbeard heard that a group of oily merchant ships had come on the sea, he stared at it like this with green eyes. People are like a tiger about to rush to eat.

"Yes, an empire!" Lin Qi smiled brightly.

Blackbeard'Jie Jie' laughed strangely. He shook his fist in the air triumphantly, and then grinned and asked, "So, which hapless **** was killed by you? Is it the Qilan Empire? The Babur Empire? The Harlan Empire? Well, among the medium-sized empires in the Western Continent, these three empires are the weakest. Which one of the hapless empires was killed by you?"

Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders, and he sighed faintly, "You really look down on your son! Those middle-sized empires, I really don't take it seriously!"

Licking his lips, Lin Qi said solemnly: "It is the Vias Commercial Federation, and now the whole country is in my hands. On the first day of next month, I am going to hold the founding ceremony. My incarnation, Earl Longshan , Will become the first emperor of the empire!"

Blackbeard’s eyes were full of excitement, and he said in a deep voice, "Then you look for me, so you won’t let me go to the ceremony? Ah, dear son, I suddenly remembered something. Since you have mastered one Empire, in other words, you can collect taxes at will, and hit those noble masters at will?"

With a click of his mouth, Blackbeard laughed strangely: "You said, if our Black Tiger family establishes a semicolon in Vias... don't you think that there is no group of thugs in an empire, Is this empire incomplete?"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes and said dryly: "I need manpower, let Uncle Hammer come over and help me. Now I lack people around me, and there are not enough reliable people to help me. The local officials are fine. , The core-level courtier of the empire, I don’t have a candidate yet."

Blackbeard blinked desperately, and he looked at Lin Qi dullly: "Are you sure? Let the old man of the Black Tiger family be a senior official in the empire?"

He grabbed his head hard, and Blackbeard asked again: "Are you sure you think so? You have to know one thing, hammers, butcher knives, Baal, they are good at killing people and arson, and they are also good at blocking roads and looting. Collecting tolls at sea is an expert, but is it an official..."

Lin Qi looked at Blackbeard in astonishment: "But father, don't those nobles all do this? Murder and arson, block roads, robbery, and collect tolls! These nobles are also doing this! But their killing and setting fire are called maintaining the empire. The law, they block the way and rob is called tax maintenance of the empire, and collect tolls for the financial operation of the empire!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi yelled: "Your concept needs to be reversed. My father, nobles and bandits are actually the same thing! It is nothing more than the nobles using the law to kill and set fire, and morals to block the road and rob. The rules charge tolls, and we simply use knives and swords to perform the same steps as them!"

"From this point of view, the nobles and bandits are actually in the same group!"

"Old people of the Black Tiger family, since they can become good bandits, they must be able to become even better nobles!" Lin Qi shrugged, "Even I think our Black Tiger family is morally more noble than the nobles. For example, we rob money without robbing sex, or robbing money without robbing life, but the nobles swallow them all in one bite, and there is nothing to worry about!"

Blackbeard nodded thoughtfully, and pointed his nose fiercely: "Then, my dear Lin Qi, do you think I can become a qualified nobleman? Look, your father , Uncle Black Beard who is honest, simple, enthusiastic, and caring for his neighbors, but he almost became the mayor of Dunelker!"

Lin Qi stared blankly at the shy black beard.

After a long silence, Lin Qi hummed weakly: "If you can arrange our territories in the East properly, then I welcome you. My father becomes the first mayor of the capital of the Longshan Empire and a member of the provincial capital. Chief Executive! Do you need the title of a duke? A gold coin, I will pack and sell you enough noble titles, even the family crest is complete!"

Blackbeard rubbed his hands in excitement, and he laughed loudly: "Then, that's it! Give me two days and I will arrange things here! Let you... Ah, no, let me The little princess from here comes to supervise our territory. This is completely okay. This girl is timid, but the ability is still good!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian) .com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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