Bright Era

Chapter 1543: Defeat the enemy and pledge (1)

The strong voice shook the ground faintly, and the people in black blocking the entrance of the manor, as well as Lin Li and Yun Tianyi, were shocked by the sound and backed away. Small waves a few feet high were thrown out of the air in the fountain in the yard, and waves of white air visible to the naked eye spread out in waves.

When this person opened his mouth, there was such a shocking power that the tiger looked up to the sky and howled the forest.

Lin Qi shook his healed palm and squeezed his fist. He has already summoned Bilibili and the others through his soul brand, and it will not take long for a large group of demigod-level evil spirits and demons to surround the place.

As long as Artha and the others are given enough time, a huge magical enchantment will cover this manor and the surrounding area, and no matter what happens here, no one will know. Taking advantage of this period of time when the Void Eye of the Void Temple has not been repaired, this is the best time for the demons to dance wildly.

With a weird smile, Lin Qi took out a bottle of rum, took a few heavy sips, and then smashed the bottle to the ground.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not scary to be louder!"

"Hmph", a low, cold snort came from the small building, and a white gas explosion blasted towards Lin Qi like a cannonball. Lin Qi smashed his breath with a fist in his hand, and let out a loud sound like a muffled thunder.

There were low footsteps, and an old man wearing a black robe and embroidered with blood-colored silk thread on his chest slowly walked out. The old man was tall and burly, half a head taller than the black beard. Even if he was wearing a loose robe, he still couldn't hide the explosive muscle mass on his body. This was a hill of action.

The gray-yellow hair was in a weird bun on his head. The old man walked out slowly with his hands on his back, and then glanced at Lin Fengwu: "Maple Wu, nothing big, right?"

Lin Fengwu vomited a **** spit, and then supported her body with difficulty: "There are a few broken internal organs, and you can't die, but if you want to heal, it may take more than ten years. This kid's strength It's not very good, but that body can be beaten fiercely, hey, I used brute force to break more than 20 qi ties!"

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fengwu slowly leaned back with the dragon head stick. She stepped back and said, "Brother Nine, be careful. This guy's vindictiveness is specious, a bit similar to my Eastern Profound Qi, but It always feels weird. Quickly take him down and take control of the Longshan Empire, so that it is convenient to find the **** who violated the ancestral training!"

The old man with yellow hair nodded slowly, and he stretched out his finger to Lin Qi and hooked it: "Did you kneel down and beg for mercy, or the old man beat you down?"

Lin Qi squinted his eyes and shook his head gently: "I don't have a hobby to kneel to others. But I can give you a chance. If you all kneel in front of me and beg for mercy, I can make you safe. Leaving the Longshan Empire."

The old man laughed domineeringly. He laughed a dozen times before shook his head mockingly: "This is the most ridiculous thing the old man has heard. Boy, you have a talent for telling jokes!"

A thin red layer of vigor enveloped the old man, and his body suddenly leaned forward, tightening the muscles of his body like a tiger. He looked at Lin Qi mockingly, a huge and hot aura rolled out of him, quickly enveloping the entire manor.

"Wan En Longshan, if you can catch the old man, he will let you leave this place safely today!"

With a weird smile, the old man let out a scorching breath: "If you can't catch it, you will die!"

A tiger roar was like a moan from the depths of hell, rolling out of the old man's chest with a terrible tremor that would shake the soul. Lin Qi’s eardrum was shook with severe pain. He shook his head in embarrassment. He only felt that his internal organs were trembling by the sound. His bone marrow and nerves resonated, and there was a kind of unstable footing. feel.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The old man suddenly screamed three killing words, and every'kill' was like a thunder exploding beside Lin Qi, and Lin Qi's clothes were shattered by the explosion, and Lin Qi's muscles were slammed by the invisible potential. Dang bullying, shocked his body back again and again.

Lin Qi is like a little sparrow in a storm, unable to stand firm at all. His body swayed backwards again and again, Lin Qi had a deep understanding of the old man's terrifying strength. This old guy must be the kind of terrifying existence that has mastered some real power. He just shouted three times and almost destroyed all Lin Qi's resistance.

The roar of the tiger continued to rise, and the old man suddenly jumped up, like a crazy tiger, spreading its claws and rushing towards Lin Qi. His right paw took up a large afterimage, turned into a wide-reaching Michelle claw, and grabbed Lin Qi's throat fiercely. The claws were still more than ten meters away from Lin Qi's body, and Lin Qi's throat was dullly pained by the fierce claw wind.

Lin Qi was shocked, he was about to release the red anger from the Dragon Cliff desperately, letting him give the old guy a fatal blow, and two dark shadows suddenly flashed beside the old man. Two huge metal rods blasted the old man in an extremely wretched trajectory.

Da Hei slapped the metal rod heavily on the old man's lower body, and the one-foot diameter rod almost pierced the old man's pelvis. Da Hei, with an open eyebrow, flicked his long ears, and yelled with great joy: "You are a kiss!"

The big stick in Xiao Hei's hand was extremely stigmatized and stabbed the old man's throat. There was a loud bang. It was obvious that the old man's apple was smashed by his stigmatized stick. The old man's face was suddenly distorted, Lin Qi saw His bulging eyes could not help but feel severe pain for him.

In response to his brother's cry, Xiao Hei hummed hippiely, "Swearing is love!"

The yellow-haired old man fell to the ground in embarrassment, covering his throat with one hand and his lower body with the other, his body twisted like a boiled prawn and twitched crazily on the ground. What if he is a demigod, even if he has real power? The key to a man is always the key to a man!

Even if it is a god, I dare not say that my lower body can go head-to-head with this special metal lever!

The two rabbits jumped up for a long time happily, they hummed loudly, "Hit kiss, curse love, beat you to death, and represent our deepest love." The two sticks brought up a large afterimage, like a storm. The yellow-haired old man banged down. He heard loud noises of ‘boom bang bang’. The old man was beaten so that his teeth flew horizontally and his cheek bones were broken. I don’t know how many bones were broken in his whole body.

God knows how powerful these two **** rabbits can be. Such a strong man who beat Lin Qi back embarrassingly just by roaring was actually smashed so hard to fight back. In just one breath, he was caught The hit was more than ten meters deep underground.

Lin Fengwu stared at the two rabbits dumbfounded. What was the origin of these two rabbits, which were two meters in length, with a big stick?

Lin Fengwu, who is very familiar with the secret techniques of the Lin Hu clan, can see clearly that the opportunity that the two rabbits just appeared is just the yellow-haired old man's aura that has risen to the extreme, and he is about to pounce on Lin Qi from high altitude. The moment of the fatal blow. It was a process of breathing up and breathing, and it was the only point that the yellow-haired old man could take advantage of in this attack.

But even if he saw the mystery of the old man with yellow hair, ordinary people couldn't attack him smoothly. She knows the strength of the old man Huangfa, even if an ordinary demigod uses all his strength, it is impossible to break his protective gas shield. Even if more than a dozen Super Forbidden Curses hit him at the same time, at most one of his beards will be lifted, and it will not hurt him.

But these two weird rabbits attacked like a big rock hitting an eggshell, easily shattering all the defenses of the old man, hitting the old man vomiting blood, and lying on the ground could only let them ravage them.

"Bastard thing!" Lin Fengwu was so angry that all the wrinkles on her face were dancing, and she howled hoarsely, raising the lead stick and rushing towards the two rabbits.

The two rabbits bounced around and left, and while running, they blew kisses to Lin Fengwu.

"Oh my god, my god, woman! What a terrible woman! We don't beat women!" Da Hei said.

"Yes, yes, we swear, we will never hurt the young and lovely girl!" Xiao Hei said.

Lin Fengwu hurriedly carried the dragon head stick and chased the two bunny rabbits around half of the manor. The two bad guys stopped at the same time, they looked at each other, and their mouths twitched. , Showing an extremely bad smile.

"But this old woman is old and ugly, she is not such a young and lovely girl!"

Lin Fengwu had chased behind the two rabbits, but the two rabbits jumped up at the same time, and the four hind legs bounced heavily on Lin Fengwu's face door. Lin Fengwu, who pounced forward, wailed, was kicked by the two rabbits and flew back ten meters high, and then hit the ground heavily.

The four clear rabbit footprints plunged deeply into Lin Fengwu's front door, and two tracts of blood flowed out of Lin Fengwu's nostrils, completely falling into a coma.

Lin Qi gasped and waved to the two rabbits. The two rabbits glanced at each other, and then ignored Lin Qi, but first rushed to Lin Fengwu's body, and hurriedly took away all the valuable things on Lin Fengwu's body. , Including the two large pearls prefixed by her bright red embroidered shoes were torn off.

He completely deprived Lin Fengwu of all his personal property, and even put away her dragon-head stick. The two rabbits happily twisted their fat buttocks and jumped to Lin Qi. They twisted their bodies, shrunk to the size of a palm, and then twisted their buttocks, pulling Lin Qi's trousers ‘hum, hum,’ crawling all the way to Lin Qi’s shoulder and sitting down. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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