Bright Era

Chapter 1550: Real Tiger Ming (3)

It was an indescribable, extremely vicious, and incredibly nasty blow. This hoof kicked Lin Crazy's lower body directly into his abdominal cavity, and even the hoof sank three inches deep into his abdominal cavity! Even if it is a demigod who has mastered the true power, no, even if it is a **** who is so badly injured by people with such a vicious move, he will fly up in pain, right?

"Yeah! Floating and celestial!" The two rabbits jumped up in excitement, crying and embracing into a ball: "We are so great, we successfully attracted his attention, we adjusted the tiger away from the mountain, and then He is a fatal blow!"


Lin Fengfeng let out a horrible howl unlike a human, and he spouted a burst of blood, his body suddenly flew up to a height of tens of meters, and then fell heavily on the ground, convulsing and fainting. This hoof not only severely damaged his lower body, but also a vicious anomaly, which contained almost all the elemental power that Lin Crazy could feel, and blasted into his lower body.

The tyrannical power that Lin Crazy had gained through thousands of years of cultivation was easily torn apart like a piece of paper in front of this evil force.

The evil force blasted into his body and quickly shattered the key acupuncture point of the source of energy in his lower abdomen. Then dozens of meridians in his body broke into a mess. His internal organs were severely damaged at the same time, and a lot of blood was filled. Up his abdominal cavity. His bones were not cracked at all, but his bone marrow was invaded by the evil force, and the gray evil force invaded his bone marrow, reducing his hematopoietic function to the limit.

Even if he fell unconscious on the ground, Lin Crazy could still detect the pain in his body that made him want to die. His body twitched violently, like what the two rabbits said, his face was flushed with pain, his ears were red, the pain was ecstatic, his body was so tender, and the pain was so painful that he could not survive and die!

The donkey shook his shiny black hair and shook his ears triumphantly.

"The two grandchildren did a good job, continue to work hard next time!" The donkey shook his tail, walked in front of Lin Qi in all directions, and made a loud nose: "Look, what a master Donkey once made his move? I have to be obedient... asshole!"

Blackbeard grabbed the donkey's two big nostrils and hit his head with a few fists.

"If you don't fight for three days, your skin is itchy? Whose uncle are you? Asshole thing!"

Blackbeard kicked the donkey's belly fiercely, knocking him to the ground and rolling his eyes to death. He spat out his long tongue weakly and hummed: "You are the uncle, okay? You are the uncle! I admit, your father and son are the uncle! I am the grandson, I am the grandson!"

The donkey is very sad and melancholy! He raised his eyes forty-five degrees and looked up at the sky. He didn't understand why he would hide in the Black Tiger family and endure such unbearable abuse as an outsider? After blinking his eyes, the gray light in the donkey's eyes flashed, and he spit out a term that neither he nor Lin Qi and his son understood: "Or, is this Stockholm syndrome?"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Qi picked up the donkey and stuffed a bottle of spirits into his mouth.

The donkey was dangling the wine bottle, pouring the wine into his mouth, and burping nonchalantly: "I don't know, you know, I have a problem with my brain, and I always get beaten on the head by your family, I feel I should have been smart, but for so many years, I have been stunned by your Black Tiger family!"

With a helpless sigh, the donkey spit out the empty bottle: "But, it doesn’t matter, I like the Black Tiger family! This is a family of **** assholes, but I like the taste here! Damn, kick him, idiot !"

The donkey jumped up, pointing at a group of dragons that were besieging Lin's clan, and yelled: "Aren't you going to fight? Kick him down, this is the key to a man! The one with a spear, stab him in the back door!" Don't you think the shape of your spear is ecstasy?"

The faces of Lin Qi and Blackbeard were gloomy at the same time, and they murmured at the same time: "The shame of the family!"

The two rabbits pounced on Lin Fengfeng. They quickly shaved all the valuable things on Lin Fengfeng. Even Lin Fengfeng's close-fitting pants used a rare fire spider silk. It was made, and the two guys did not dislike the blood sticking to it, and pulled off Lin Crazy's pants.

"A good harvest, a good harvest!" Da Hei smiled so that his two front teeth were shining brightly: "Big Sheep, Sheep! This guy's trousers are worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins! Didn't you read it wrong? Wrong! How can we be wrong?"

Xiao Hei laughed and drooled: "Of course I'm not mistaken. This is a pantsuit made of the silk of the three-headed ground fire-spotted fire spider! Oh, it's a waste. If this thing is used to make magical devices, how many Mei Niang'er can at least be made into a lower-level artifact! Oh, what a waste!"

The two rabbits unkindly stripped Lin Crazy, and then threw him into the ruins of the original fountain like trash, and jumped behind Lin Qi. They danced and screamed at the dwarf warriors who were besieging Lin Li and Yun Tianyi and his group: "Kill them! Hey, hit the lady's chest with a hammer! The iron ball hits the meat ball, it's perfect! "

Yun Tian, ​​who was being forced to breathe by several dwarf generals all over his body, almost vomited blood, did the iron ball touch the meat ball? She must admit that these are the two most wretched and shameless rabbits she has ever seen in her life! The sky opened his eyes, how could there be such a nasty creature in this world?

After all her busy schedule, Yun Tian turned her head and stared at the two rabbits, and she swears that she will cut these two rabbits a thousand times!

It was because of her distraction that a dwarf general's warhammer hit Yun Tianyi's chest fiercely. With a loud ‘bang’, Yun Tianyi cried out with heart-piercing pain, and a large swath of blood spurted out of her chest.

Before Yuntian asked for help, a few big hammers slammed her on her body, and he knocked her to the ground with a smashing hammer. She screamed again and again, but she lost her anger for a while. Several dwarves savagely beat Yun Tianyi badly and fainted, and then continued to rush towards the others with their hammers.

The two rabbits rushed over in a hurry, they pounced on Yun Tianyi, swiftly picking up all the valuables from her. The problem is that Yuntian was robbed by Lin Qi under the pseudonym not long ago, and the two rabbits did not find anything too valuable from her.

"Poor ghost!" Da Hei sighed in despair.

"Strange!" Xiao Hei looked at Yun Tianyi thoughtfully: "Such a beautiful woman, even if she is poor, she shouldn't be poor like this? Could it be that she married a poor ghost posing as a rich man by mistake? Afraid of marrying the wrong man!"

Da Hei suddenly jumped up angrily: "Who is this woman's man? Bastard! Who is this woman's man!"

Lin Li, who was being beaten by more than a dozen titans holding his head, raised his head and roared, "You two **** rabbits, you dare to move a hair in the sky, I will... asshole!"

Xiao Hei opened his mouth and spit out a ball of fire. With a ‘chuck’, Yun Tianyi’s hair was completely burnt! He provocatively hooked his paws to Lin Li: "A hair? Ah, your little black uncle is not afraid of anything, even your little provocation?"

Da Hei leaped forward and rushed towards Lin Li. He was surrounded by a brutal evil spirit, and the air around his body turned black. At this moment, Da Hei became a figure from hell. The fierce god. He roared to Lin Li: "You incompetent man, you have made your woman poor like this. What qualifications do you have to say that we are not allowed to touch her hair?"

Already forced to desperate by a dozen titans, Da Hei jumped over, knocking Lin Li to the ground and vomiting blood. Da Hei and Xiao Hei rushed to Lin Li's body quickly, turned over all his pockets, and then smashed him cleanly without leaving him a piece of cloth.

"A hair? Humph, we have to move all of our hair if we want to move! Who will move a hair with you?"

After the two bad rabbits ransacked Lin Li, they set off a fire and burned his body hair clean.

"It's a bit miserable!" Blackbeard took out a cigar and threw it to Lin Qi, then grinned happily: "But this kid, I don't look pleasing to my eyes, he owes it, he owes it, it's good to be dealt with like this! Where did you get these two rabbits?"

Lin Qi patted the donkey's head and stuffed the cigar he smoked into the donkey's mouth.

The father and son plus a donkey stood together, swallowing clouds and vomiting fog, and two rabbits smashed a group of Lin family descendants with a huge stick and screamed. This scene is really weird to the extreme!

After patted the donkey, Lin Qi smiled and said, "The donkey has a good old look! It's just that the two rabbits seem to know the donkey, but the donkey kind of forgot about them!"

The donkey exquisitely vomited a few smoke rings, and then put a deep frown in a pensive posture: "I always feel that these two rabbits have done something bad to me! Or have they trapped me? But I really forgot a lot of things, so if I have nothing to do with them, I will feel very happy!"

The sky-swallowing snake moved its tail lazily. He looked at the donkey and the two bunny rabbits. Then he twitched at the corner of his mouth, revealing a very sinister and evil smile: "Donkey, you know them Have you done anything to you?"

The donkey's body suddenly stiffened, and he turned his head to look at the Sky-Swallowing Snake: "Just speak, or I will swallow you! Look no further, I have locked in the small abyssal world where you hide. I can run over at any time. Treat you as a snack!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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