Bright Era

Chapter 1562: Tiger robbery (1)

The height and width of the top of the pyramid is less than 100 meters.

This makes this golden pyramid more like a sharp awl, piercing straight into the sky. And the stone steps in the middle of the tower that are not as wide as the width of the tower, and straight up to the top of the tower, look so steep that ordinary people don't have the guts to climb up.

When he got closer, Lin Qi saw the strangeness of this pyramid. He is divided up and down into nine major steps, which seem to be divided into nine sections, and the nine sections of towers are actually not connected, but suspended a few meters apart. The stone steps between each section of the tower are also suspended in the air piece by piece, despite the strong wind blowing but not moving.

The surface of this magnificent and magical pyramid is carved with countless ancient and mysterious patterns, and the dark golden patterns flow rapidly like living things. The surface of the pyramid is very smooth and smooth, with a crystal-like moist texture.

But if you look closely, you will find that this pyramid is constantly flowing. At first glance, it looks like a pyramid made of rocks, but the interior is constantly tumbling and flowing like boiling water. I don't know what the material of this pyramid is. It rolls like an ocean in a hurricane.

The pyramid is moving vigorously, but the overall external structure is so grand and silent, which gives people an extremely sharp contrast. If you stand in front of the pyramid and look at him for too long, there is even a dizzy illusion that your soul will be absorbed.

"Nine-layer Secret Magic Tower!" The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse sighed faintly: "I haven't seen it for a long time!"

Lin Qi followed closely behind the White Dragon God, and walked slowly to the front of the pyramid. A large number of high-ranking priests gathered here in the patron saint, they looked at the pyramid piously, and their expressions were full of indescribable fanaticism.

"Yes, the Nine-fold Secret Demon Tower, it caused us a little trouble back then!" The osmanthus tree sneered lowly: "But under the attack of the Battle Spirit Legion of the Hall of Valor, its soul core was destroyed, so What remains here now is just an empty body, right?"

Longya mumbled thoughtfully: "Although it is just a body, in terms of his body, it is possible to sleep for enough time and raise a soul! But I don't care whether he can recover, I am thinking If we can swallow him, how much benefit will it give us!"

Lin Qi with a bright smile to Baolian Empress and other high-level guardians of the temple to meet each other, is this pyramid called the Nine-fold Secret Magic Tower? Does it matter to the life and death inheritance of the Mirra Church? Such a good thing must of course be collected for himself, so it is better to swallow him as soon as possible. Lin Qi is also looking forward to the day when Longya and the others can recover all their powers as soon as possible.

"Think of a way, I have to get him away!" The rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree danced frantically: "I can't wait! The strongest sacred artifact of the multi-armed Secret Demon clan, hehehe, those worshipped by the Mirra Sect If the gods knew that the Nine-fold Secret Magic Tower, which was related to the reproduction of their offspring, suddenly disappeared, would they launch another magic war again?"

Both the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse and Longya made strange laughter with malicious intent. Lin Qi raised his eyebrows slightly, so to speak, what kind of multi-armed Secret Demon were the gods enshrined by the Milo Sect? No wonder the many gods enshrined by the Mila Sect, they always have more than two arms, and their physical appearance is not quite similar to that of human beings.

Empress Baolian coldly glanced at Lin Qi and the Earl of Longshan, and then gently waved her hand: "Open the Vientiane Divine Pool. Everyone who enters it can only bring one servant in to serve. In addition, First check the body for our Majesty to see if he really needs the tempering of the Vientiane God Pool!"

Several old people wearing white robes and tall round hats walked out slowly.

Lin Qi nodded to the Earl Longshan. This guy put on a high-pitched posture with a smiley face, and gracefully stretched out one of his hands: "How to check my body? It is said that you have one in the east. This kind of magical medical technique, can you distinguish the condition by just grasping the wrist?"

An old man grabbed his wrist, and a stream of heat injected into his body. Several old people didn't say a word, they just surrounded him, their eyes shot out various strange lights, and they looked up and down at his body.

After a full cup of tea time, the old man who grabbed the wrist of Earl Longshan threw away his hand and nodded gently.

"It can be seen that for you, the family behind you has spent a lot of effort! Turning your natural and abnormal qi network into a short period of time can stimulate the power of a demigod. How much resources do you need to waste? , You really need to temper your body with the Wanxiang Shenchi!"

Several elders of the guardian temple made the decision unanimously. Empress Baolian's face twitched, and she snorted coldly: "Then open the sacred pond. Each person can only lead one servant in, and no movement is allowed. One flower and one grass inside, otherwise you will kill you!"

Bailong Shenzun waited for the nine great gods and looked at each other with a smile, and finally relieved. They had always been extremely vigilant about the transaction with the Longshan Empire, but they confirmed that the Longshan Great Emperor was indeed physically defective and needed to use the Vientiane Divine Pool to temper his body, before their minds were let go.

No wonder the Longshan Empire paid such a huge price to trade with the guardian temple. It seems that they really value the Longshan Great Emperor. Then the thing to be traced is, which **** **** leaked the secrets of Vientiane Shenchi. The Longshan family, a barbarian family in the Western Continent, can actually figure out the details of the Vientiane Sacred Pool, which is greatly detrimental to the Myra Sect.

After winking at each other, the high-level group of guardian temple walked slowly to the front of the nine-layered secret magic tower.

At the same time, they recited a weird prayer to the gods. Numerous strange golden streams of light spurted from the pyramid, and finally the golden light gathered in front of the crowd into a golden arch about ten meters high. A graceful divine voice came from the arch, and then two golden light portals slowly opened inward.

Several descendants of the patron saint's palace elders walked out of the crowd. After they respectfully saluted the many high-level officials in turn, each of them brought a powerful guard into the arch. Lin Qi smiled, and after giving orders to the group of dragons behind him not to allow them to talk indiscriminately, he rushed into the portal with the Earl of Longshan who was trying desperately to wink at Baolian Empress.

His body suddenly lightened, Lin Qi heard the soft chirping of countless birds in his ears, and a fresh and pleasant breath came to his face. He and Count Longshan were standing in front of a huge water.

The sky here is blank, and dense white clouds are rolling overhead. The surface of the water in front of him exudes a faint white brilliance, and the water is emitting a faint sweet fragrance. Just by smelling this smell, Lin Qi has a sense of smooth air flow and the internal organs have been washed again.

Around this hundred-mile waters, countless purple, gold, and silver bamboo forests are densely planted, and countless large and small poultry are standing on the bamboo branches and tweeting.

"It's him, Sheng Xianchi!" The sweet-scented osmanthus tree's voice was full of joy: "Let's wake him up now, you try to delay for us."

Lin Qi nodded. He turned his head and looked aside. The descendants of the patron saint were kneeling by the water in prayer and worship, while the accompanying guards stared at Lin Qi vigilantly.

According to the instructions of the guardian temple, after entering the Vientiane sacred pond to cleanse the body, there will be a long period of time that the body is paralyzed and unable to move, and a large amount of toxins and waste will be repelled from the body. Therefore, at this time, it is necessary for the accompanying guard to change the clothes for the person who washes the body, and at the same time continuously feed him a variety of well-matched medicated meals to supplement the energy consumed by the body's strong transformation.

But these guards must monitor each other, and no one is allowed to enter the Vientiane God Pool privately to enjoy this supreme grace.

The believers in the patron temple will naturally not do things that go against the teachings of the gods. Only Lin Qi and an outsider on the scene are likely to have such a cheap price, so the few guards are staring at Lin Qi, obviously this is also achieved Some high-level officials in the guardian temple deliberately told.

The Earl Longshan took a deep breath, glanced at Lin Qi, and then strode into the water. Lin Qi closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the shore, seeming to be wandering beyond the sky, but a few filaments of light under his body have stretched out and quickly spread to the depths of the Vientiane Sacred Lake.

Attached a ray of spiritual power to the light death wound, and stretched forward along these thin light threads for a while. After not much effort, Lin Qi felt a groggy consciousness. This consciousness has been on the verge of collapse, just like an oil lamp in the wind, which may go out at any time. The light thread quickly plunged into this group of consciousness, injecting a gentle trace of energy into it.

This group of consciousness gradually strengthened and gradually recovered. A growing white light group appeared in front of Lin Qi's eyes, and a dry, hoarse voice suddenly sounded from his spirit sea: "You are... Immortal sweet-scented osmanthus tree! Long time no see , How long have I been asleep?"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree sighed faintly: "I don't know how long it will take. I haven't recovered for a few years. How do you feel?"

The light ball continuously absorbed the energy and various magic materials transmitted by the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and his voice gradually became agile and clear: "It's okay, I will conduct a self-check."

After a while, the voice sighed bitterly: "The damage to the body is extremely serious, with a loss of 98.55 percent. I can't feel the existence of Penglai's body, and his distance from me has exceeded. It's my current range of feelings."

Wei Wei paused, and the voice asked, "What's the matter with you? I can feel that you are not alone."

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree took a drop of blood from Lin Qi's body, and then quickly passed it along his own light. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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