Bright Era

Chapter 1566: Killing and succeeding (1)

By the edge of Shengxianchi, Lin Qi's body suddenly trembled slightly.

With the revival of Shengxianchi's ontological consciousness, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree continues to transport more and more powerful energy and more and more materials. And these energy and materials were all transferred by Lin Qi's body, so Lin Qi's body trembled uncontrollably.

The guards of the guardian palace keenly discovered something wrong with Lin Qi, and they stood up and walked towards Lin Qi at the same time.

"Your Excellency Wanen Longshan, here you are..."

Before they finished speaking, a faint mist suddenly rose up above Shengxianchi. A hundred and eight warriors wearing broken odd-shaped armor appeared in the white mist, born tall and handsome, with a raised eyebrow.

Different from the western continental style plate armor and chain armor that Lin Qi is familiar with, the armors worn by these warriors are mainly gold and silver. The armor is made up of hundreds of scales of different sizes in series, with shoulders and chests. Relief of ferocious beast head. Their bodies were still covered with a stream of red light, like a streamer of light rolling around them, emitting huge power fluctuations.

There is a group of big red tassels on their helmets, and as they walk, these red tassels tremble faintly, making them more and more heroic.

As for their weapons, Lin Qi pursed his mouth. All these soldiers are holding halberds more than three meters long. The golden halberds are surrounded by light of water and fire. Occasionally, the energy of water and fire will collide with each other, and there will be a large area immediately. Purple thunder blasted out.

"Unexpectedly, they still survived!" The osmanthus tree smiled in surprise: "Is it the **** of heaven and earth who guards Shengxianchi?"

Shengxianchi’s laughter rolled over: "Like you, I only take on logistical support functions. We are not the main battle units such as the Hall of Doomsday Apocalypse, Cliff Dragon Cliff, and Hall of Valor. So I am very smart. The **** survived, and it turns out that I did it right!"

"Although my main body is seriously damaged, they have also suffered a lot of damage, but at least I have a certain degree of self-defense now!" Sheng Xianchi smiled faintly: "These foolish existences who believe in gods, they still exist. Does it make sense?"

There was a loud noise of'chi la', as if a few chicken cubs were thrown into the concentrated sulfuric acid. The descendants of the guardian temple soaked in the Shengxianchi were suddenly dissolved and disappeared without a trace. Trace, not even a single hair remained. Earl Longshan let out a hysterical howl, and he spouted the white Shengxianchi water in a big mouth, rushing out of the water in embarrassment.

In just an instant, Sheng Xianchi repaired all the flaws in his body with 10,000 times the efficiency. In other words, at that moment, this unlucky guy suffered 10,000 times the original suffering, which was enough torture ordinary people to death.

Shengxianchi knew the identity of the Earl of Longshan from the information sent by the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. Since he was just a puppet made by the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, Shengxianchi naturally did not need to treat him any favorably. All the blemishes and faults on his body were solved instantly, which was already a matter of respect for Sheng Xianchi.

The huge Shengxianchi shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a white light into Lin Qi's body. At the foot of the original sweet-scented osmanthus tree, a white water area with a radius of thousands of miles appeared, and the misty water vapor rose up, setting off the tall figure of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree hazy. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree laughed triumphantly, and the water of Shengxianchi contained extremely magical power, which had a great auxiliary effect on the self-repair of the osmanthus tree.

"Who are you!" The guards of those guardian temples were stunned. The Vientiane sacred pool was gone. One hundred and eight warriors in weird armor slowly approached them. What is going on?

A soldier snorted coldly, his wrist flicked, a red light flashed, and a blood arrow spouted from the necks of these guards at the same time. Even Lin Qi only saw a faint afterimage. This warrior had already harvested the lives of several demigod lower-level powerhouses.

Lin Qi couldn't help but his pupils shrank, but he heard the soldier murmur in a low voice: "The self-examination is over, the main body has been injured 59.9%, and the residual energy of the main body is 75%. The overall condition is good! The self-combat power evaluation is less than the standard Jinxian one-star combat power, which is slightly equivalent to the flying fairy three-star combat power.

Shengxianchi's helpless voice sounded abruptly: "Feixian's three-star combat power is probably equivalent to the strength of ordinary six-winged battle angels. The lower-level gods must be barely enough."

One hundred and eight gods held the halberds to their chests at the same time, and solemnly performed a very strange etiquette to Lin Qi.

Lin Qi nodded to these soldiers, then he grabbed the bodies of the two killed guards of the patron saint, and splashed their blood on himself and Earl Longshan. He turned around and walked in. The light door rushed out. As he ran wildly, Lin Qi sternly scolded: "The White Dragon God, do you dare to ambush traps here? Bastard, where did these people come from?"

The **** general in battle armor passed through the light gate indifferently, and followed Lin Qi out.

Just as Lin Qi rushed out of the light door, he heard a sound of ‘pouch’, and a lot of blood spilled all over him. Empress Baolian's head flew high. This woman who had just become the **** empress of the patron saint had been chopped off by a big knife. There was still a trace of unbearable panic and despair on her beautiful face. .

Lin Qi's nose was almost inserted into the big knife about the size of the door, and Lin Qi's face was painful from the cutting wind. Lin Qi was taken aback, and hurriedly jumped back a big step, then looked at the chaotic scene in horror for a long while speechless.

The light curtain separating the Nine-fold Secret Demon Tower from the outer space has been completely shattered. Hundreds of black scarf-masked bald men are laughing wildly, like a group of wild boars rushing into the sweet potato field. There was blood flying, and meat splashing.

An old man exuding a suffocating terrible breath, surrounded by a black flame, chanting a mantra righteously and preparing to launch a powerful magic forbidden curse. Before his forbidden curse can be issued, five big bald men have swarmed up. , Slashed swiftly and abruptly, smashing him into a ball of meat sauce, and then the space ring on his body and several other magical devices were instantly raided and cleaned.

Another old man, who was waving his staff, constantly ejecting powerful scarlet rays, cutting the void into black cracks, was hit by a bald man from behind and hit the back of his head with a heavy fist. The head was blasted to pieces.

Nearly ten thousand founding shrine guards wearing green armor flew desperately to charge here, but the two big bald men just turned their heads and yelled at the nearly ten thousand guards, and they rose on the ground with a roar. Nearly ten thousand guards suddenly exploded and died. The power of that roar was actually not much weaker than Lin Huai's real tiger cry.

Groups of powerful auras that were visible to the naked eye continued to explode high in the sky, and more than a hundred bald-headed men were playing happily in the high air with a considerable number of the strong men of the Milo Sect. But something terrible happened. This is the lair of the Myra Sect. The elders of the Myra Sect are fearful and afraid to exert all their strength.

And this group of crazy laughing bald guys don't care about so many, they used their whole body to solve the number, every blow of the knife, axe and fist is a fatal and vital attack on the opponent. Just as Lin Qi leaped out of the light gate, he saw a big bald man with a golden light shining in his skin, slashing heavily with an axe, but his opponent swiftly passed his attack.

The light and shadow of a thousand-meter-long giant axe spurted from the axe, and this giant light axe slashed fiercely on a glorious and solemn temple on the ground. This beautifully decorated temple collapsed in the shadow of axe. I don’t know how many low-level Mila clergymen were killed by this shrine. It was chopped with an axe.

"Kicka Ka, hide so fast!" The big bald man who gave a heavy blow laughed loudly, then he suddenly turned around and swung 18 axes towards the Nine Secret Magic Tower! He swung the eighteen axe with all his strength, and suddenly the golden axe flickered all over the sky, and the magical elements within a hundred li were completely destroyed by the terrifying axe.

The **** elder who had fought the bald man for a long time screamed in horror, he rushed forward desperately, stretched out his hands and firmly blocked the front of the Nine-layer Secret Magic Tower. Eighteen shadows of axe hit his body sturdily, a dazzling blood burst out of his body, and his limbs burst to death by the eighteen axe.


Dozens of big bald men who were fighting with the enemy laughed at the same time. They threw away their opponents and at the same time launched the most violent attack on the Nine Secret Magic Tower. Poorly the elders of the three major temples of the Myra Sect. When they saw that the treasures related to the inheritance of the Sect were attacked, they almost instinctively rushed forward and used their bodies to intercept the other party's attack.

Dozens of blood bursts exploded in the air. Accompanied by the roar of the White Dragon God Venerable and other people, the many elders of the Milo Sect who were present were abruptly killed more than half. These elders of the Mirage Sect hadn't even had time to use their full strength, because their pious beliefs were on a dead end.

"Idiot!" The big bald man who first attacked the Nine-fold Secret Demon Tower snorted coldly. He raised his head to the sky and let out a low tiger roar, which shocked the low-level clergymen within ten miles to their deaths. Raising the big axe, he rushed towards the White Dragon God.

The White Dragon God Sovereign held a colorful light shield, embarrassingly resisting the siege of two bald men. When he saw the most powerful enemy rushing towards him, he couldn't help but roar in despair: "Baolian this Stupid woman, what is she doing? The Heavenly Light Tower is on her, why doesn't she use the power of the divine weapon to attack the enemy?"

Lin Qi blinked, and subconsciously glanced at the beautiful head under his feet. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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