Bright Era

Chapter 1576: Chaos Great Plains (3)

Lin Qi nodded, he stood up and slapped a soldier in Chaos City who was swinging a knife forward.

With a muffled sound, the soldier was beaten to death. A **** palm print spurted from his exploded body, swept through dozens of nomadic soldiers who were charging towards Lin Qi, and blasted them into pieces. Shattered. Without waiting for the other half-dragon soldiers to come back to their senses, Lin Qi shot them all on the spot.

The two rabbits immediately spit out their long tongues and rushed up toward the **** corpse joyfully. Their hooves turned into rabbit claws. They scrabbled through the flesh for a while, and then they killed them without falling. The soldiers were shaved clean.

The nomadic general who had injured a half-dragon soldier turned his head in surprise. He was horrified to find that his subordinates had not kept up with him, and all his subordinates were exploded into blood and flesh. When he turned back, these Flesh and pieces of leather armor are slowly drifting away.

"You **** fellow!" The nomadic general who had reached the peak of his heavenly power roared lowly. He turned his horse's head and wanted to charge Lin Qi, but a high-pitched dragon roar suddenly came from high in the sky. , The nomadic general immediately smashed a wooden talisman made of green wood, a group of cyan wind wrapped his body, he rode to the east and ran away, and in the blink of an eye he disappeared without a shadow with a large afterimage. Without a trace.

A blood-colored dragon slowly descended from high in the air with flapping wings. His 100-meter-long body stood in front of Lin Qi like a hill, and an angry knight in blood-colored armor stood on the dragon's back. , Glanced coldly at Lin Qi: "Who are you, what happened here!"

Lin Qi respectfully bowed to the angry knight and said, "Honorable lord, the soldiers of Chaos City are asking me for a little gift. As a result, a group of nomads wanted to rob us, so they all perished. "

After a pause, Lin Qi added: "There is a nomadic mob leader who wanted to shoot at me, but when he heard the voice of your mount, he ran away. If he is chasing east now, he should be able to chase him. Fuck him!"

The angry knight snorted coldly. He glanced at Lin Qi and asked in a low voice, "What is your belief?"

Lin Qi smiled and pressed his right hand to his heart. He gently said, "May the light of gold coins envelop the world, dear lord."

The angry war knight stayed in a daze, he clicked his mouth, and grumbled weirdly: "A believer of the goddess of wealth? The great God of War will not shelter you! You are not allowed to approach the Castle of the God of War, go into the Chaos City, there will be you The best destination!"

With a cold snort, the angry knight stomped his feet, and the scarlet dragon stared at Lin Qi and laughed "Quack": "A believer of the goddess of wealth? After you enter Chaos City, you will be drained by them for the last drop of oil and water. of!"

The dragon flapped its wings and slowly flew high into the sky, without intending to chase the nomadic general.

Lin Qi touched his nose, took out a bottle of rum and poured himself a sip, and then stuffed the entire bottle into the donkey's mouth: "Speaking of which, the City of Chaos will be a very good and interesting place. Place! I hope I can meet Arthur in it! If he is willing to sacrifice his soul and become my slave, then it is not impossible for him to live!"

"At least he can master so many half-dragon soldiers! What a good cannon fodder!" Lin Qi glanced at the donkey: "Don't you think?"

The donkey chewed on the wine bottle'crack crack', swallowing a mouthful of glass powder into his stomach, and he nodded with a smile on his face: "Let Arthur be a slave, but that Diogo? Hey, I don’t Remember if I have ever eaten a magic dragon, so I am very interested in him!"

Lin Qi stroked his chin and laughed weirdly.

The information returned from the Dragon Abyss was that in Diogo's territory where he had friendship with Chi, a half-dragon had disappeared. As you can imagine, this guy didn't know what method he used to bring his power to the ground. If this is the case, it would be fun.

Or he should choose to kill Arthur and then turn Diogo into his own slave. This is the most comfortable way for Lin Qi.

Holding a straw rope and three donkeys of different sizes, Lin Qi walked towards the east gate of Chaos City step by step. Lin Qi's current perception has reached the level of inhumanity. He can clearly feel that there are violent magical waves colliding with each other in the sky dozens of miles away. There were powerful magicians in a duel, and a dull vibration faintly spread from the ground. It was the cavalry brigade fighting each other.

I don't know which party has a conflict with the nomads. Lin Qi is not very concerned about this.

Standing under the tall gate of Chaos City, Lin Qi yelled feebly: "Masters in the city, let us go in! I have already paid the money to buy the road in front of me, and I have paid a hundred gold coins!"

More than a dozen soldiers quickly poked their heads out of the city, and a small soldier roared angrily: "You stupid fellow, you old fellow, why would you give them a hundred gold coins? We clearly marked the price, you are like this Of single escaped people, up to ten gold coins!"

Angrily roared to Lin Qi for a while, the soldier leader suddenly became cheerful and cheerful: "Of course, Chaos City welcomes you. Here, you can get the best enjoyment! As long as you have money, no matter what kind of enjoyment, including the top The finest wines, the top-notch beauties, you can get the most high-end goods you dream of! As long as you have money, dear old sir!"

The city gate creaked and opened a gap, and Lin Qi led three donkeys into the city.

The soldiers on the top of the city looked at Lin Qi for a while. They didn't notice the slightest breath in Lin Qi. It seemed that Lin Qi was an ordinary person, and the three donkeys were not something they could see through. So they greedily glanced at a space ring that Lin Qi deliberately put on his finger, then happily let go of Lin Qi and let him walk into the city along a avenue.

There were crooked tents everywhere along the way, and countless hungry skinny men and women lay in the tent like corpses, falling into deep sleep with a weak breath. People appeared in the tent area from time to time. They walked slowly like walking corpses. They didn't know what they were still walking around and doing in the middle of the night.

Lin Qi walked into the city with a sullen face, and suddenly stretched out a thin arm from a tattered tent on the side of the road. A woman who seemed to be unable to recognize her age firmly grasped Lin Qi's arm. He lowered his voice and murmured, "Do you want a woman? Uncle! You just entered the city? Do you want a woman? Look at me, look at me, just half a piece of brown bread!"

Lin Qi glanced at the woman in astonishment. The powerful soul power was covering the woman. Lin Qi was horrified to discover that this woman was only thirty years old at most, but she had been tortured like a seventy or eighty-year-old woman. same.

"Not satisfied with me?" The woman showed an ugly smile: "My daughter is fine, she is only fourteen years old, and she is fine too, uncle, this uncle!"

Lin Qi's soul power has enveloped the tent, and he can see what the woman's so-called daughter looks like-lying naked on a mess of black textiles that can’t tell what they really are, just as hungry. The skinny body shrivelled to the extreme, like a mummy buried in the desert for several years!

Apart from a breath of breath for this young girl, she has no human form at all.

Lin Qi took a deep breath, took a deep look at the woman, and then gently stroked her hand with his palm. A ray of blue light was injected into this woman's body along Lin Qi's palm, and this blue light was enough to support her to survive. Then Lin Qi pointed to the girl, and the same very fine blue light penetrated into her body.

Making a gesture of not making any sound to the woman, Lin Qi quietly took out a piece of bread and handed it to her: "What the **** happened here?"

The woman was stunned, and then she grabbed the bread stubbornly, staggered back to the tent, fell embarrassedly next to the girl lying on the ground, and brought the piece of bread to the girl's mouth. After carefully letting the girl swallow two pieces of bread, the woman carefully hid the piece of bread in a pile of black textiles, struggling embarrassedly and crawling over, kneeling heavily at Lin Qi's feet .

"You are a kind adult!" The woman's body trembled violently, she did not dare to speak too loudly, and she did not have the strength to speak loudly. She just talked about her own experience to Lin Qi.

Lin Qi's eyes suddenly turned red, and his killing intent on Arthur and Diogo instantly reached its peak.

This woman is the wife of a small mine owner in the Principality of Montenegro where Lin Qi once passed by. Although the family is not a rich family, she is absolutely worry-free, and she is a truly prudent home. She and her husband have three sons and two young daughters, and the family lives in the Montenegrin Empire very freely.

The invasion of the nomadic Khanate destroyed their family in an instant. While fleeing, her husband and several guards died in battle. The three sons tried their best to protect their mother and sister and fled to Chaos City. But only then discovered that they really fell into the abyss of despair!

The money they carried with them was quickly spent in this **** where consumption was tens of thousands of times more expensive than the outside world, and then they were reduced to the level of living on only half a glass of water and a small ball of black bread every day.

One day, her three sons were forcibly taken away. When she saw the three sons again, she suffered insults and beatings that people couldn't tell. The three sons were strangers to her, as if they didn't recognize her at all, and had no affection for her at all.

Then her eldest daughter suddenly disappeared. It is said that she was forcibly taken away by a big figure in the chaotic hall in the city.

But she and her little daughter had no power at all to resist the endless darkness and violence of this chaotic city. They were quickly treated as prey and suffered the most terrible things in the world. They cried, begged, howled, and struggled, but the people in this city are no longer humans. They have become a group of beasts more cruel than demons.

In the end, this woman and her little daughter were just alive, just alive. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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