Bright Era

Chapter 1587: Sturdy raid (1)

At the only gate of Chaos City, Lin Qi stood on the wall, watching Diogo and Arthur head out of the city with the mighty half-dragon army.

A boiled egg bought Chaos City, which may seem a bit of a play, but for Lin Qi and Diogo, it is definitely not a play. The projection clone of the God of Dawn is still floating in the sky, and his eyes are already full of spirituality. Obviously, the God of Dawn has shifted some attention here.

As long as Lin Qi is willing, he can really prove all the soldiers around Diogo one by one, and the **** of dawn will be happy to use violent means to slaughter all these half-dragons.

The dingy half-dragon legion carried the corpse of their companions, and walked out of the city that they had enjoyed and ruined. There were still many people standing on the wall. They grabbed the soil and stones and smashed the half-dragon men who did evil in a mess.

Diogo and Arthur could only take away their soldiers, but none of the women who were brought to their side by various means were able to take away. So when Diogo and Arthur were out of town, they couldn't help turning their heads and shook their fists at Lin Qi.

Lin Qi unceremoniously pointed downward, and a group of ten meters in diameter, thick and like magma, suddenly flew out of his fingertips, and the ‘boom’ fell into the group of half-dragon soldiers. The flames splashed and quickly swept across a range of hundreds of meters. Before thousands of half-dragon soldiers screamed, they were instantly evaporated by the flames full of light.

Diogo opened his mouth wide, and he looked at Lin Qi dumbfounded, unable to speak for a while.

Arthur was dancing with his hands. He roared as if someone had dug his ancestral grave: "Wan En Longshan, you shameless old man, I remember you! I swear in the name of Prince Beihai, You will surely receive retribution!"

Standing on the city wall, Lin Qi said faintly: "Prince of the North Sea? There will not be this title again! The nine northern provinces of the Gaul Empire will become partners of the Longshan Chamber of Commerce in the future, and our family and the Gaul Empire will cooperate. The only condition is that you are no longer the prince of Beihai!"

Making a gesture of cutting his neck, Lin Qi showed a grin on his face: "Arthur, take off those inexplicable auras on your body, you are actually a bastard! Hey, bastard! If you dare to be in If you are presumptuous in front of me, I will kill you!"

The **** of Law Ling had a gloomy face with a large team of disciplinary knights standing aside, he watched Lin Qi and Diogo's conflict with cold eyes, and when Lin Qi said this threatening word, the God of Law Ling annoyed. Get up: "Wanen Longshan, Prince Arthur is sheltered by the temple of punishment. Your threat to him, I will regard it as a provocation to the temple of punishment!"

"Even if it is provocative, what about it?" Mu Wei's crisp voice came from high above. She and Hu Xinzhu shared a blood-colored dragon and fell from high above with a violent wind. She looked at the God of Laws triumphantly and shook her head lightly: "If the Temple of Retribution dared to go to war with the Temple of Dawn, then the Temple of War will be the fairest referee! Law, do you have the courage to declare war on behalf of the Temple of Retribution?"

The God of Laws and Orders closed his mouth, declaring war on behalf of the Temple of Retribution and Temple of Dawn? Unless his brain was burned out, he would not dare to lend him a hundred courage. Especially the projection avatar of the God of Dawn has been staring at him for several times. He has to hide his spirit aura desperately so as not to reveal his identity. How dare he quarrel with Mu Wei at this time?

"Wan En Longshan! You did a great job!" Mu Wei jumped onto the city wall, then tilted her head to look at Lin Qi: "I heard that you bought this city with an egg? This is too Good deal! How about, give me half?"

Lin Qi squinted his eyes, he smiled and looked at Mu Wei: "The Rage Knights of the Temple of War must cooperate with the Green Forest Army. If you can ensure the covenant between us, this city will have half of your interests. ."

Mu Wei raised her small hand: "Deal!"

Lin Qi and Mu Wei touched their palms, which made the faces of Diogo and Arthur standing outside the city even more ugly.

The God of Law Ling gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Qi and Mu Wei on the top of the city. He suddenly recited the spell. A red-gold divine light descended from the sky, and a dim shadow of a **** appeared in the sky. The God of Laws raised his head and shouted loudly: "Great God of Punishment, my master, do you just watch your believers being bullied like this?"

The projection clones of the two gods are facing each other in the void, their eyes flicker, and they don't know what they have exchanged. Without much effort, the two projection clones dissipated at the same time, but a dazzling white light roared down into Lin Qi's body. The white ball of divine power in his spirit sea suddenly doubled. The power of the divine power has reached the level equivalent to the peak of the demigod intermediate.

Lin Qi clicked his mouth, the **** of dawn, this one was really generous.

The God of Law Ling sneered: "Wan En Longshan, the God of Dawn has reached a tacit agreement with the God of Retribution, and the gods don’t intervene in matters between believers! Now I think you just wanted to replace it with a boiled egg. The behavior of the entire Chaos City is not very appropriate!"

Lin Qi coughed. He glanced at the hill that belonged to the Temple of Retribution to the north, and then hooked his finger at the God of Law: "We can let the Knights of Retribution enter the city, but if the nomads attack, the Knights of Retribution must Be a pioneer."

The God of Law was dumbfounded, he was silent for a while, and then pointed to Diogo and Arthur: "Your army, camp in the east. If the nomad army arrives, you will act as the vanguard to fight!"

Arthur was silent, and Diogo roared angrily: "Why are we? This city is mine! It belongs to me!"

The **** of law and order waved his hand, and a wooden plank made of supernatural power was slammed on Diogo's mouth: "Shut up, you humble dragon! I have already seen some things, you are bold. Guy, do you really think I dare not punish you?"

This board drew blood from the corner of Diogo's mouth, and he bowed his head sadly and gave a low command.

The **** of law and order looked at Diogo with a grin. He walked slowly to the gate of the city, looked up at Lin Qi and nodded: "I think this situation is the most suitable! The army under Diogo can completely resist the nomads. The main force of the army!"

Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu glanced at each other, and they laughed at the same time, and then Lin Qi's eyeballs suddenly came out of their sockets. He was horrified to see Hu Xinzhu grabbing Mu Wei's waist and reaching She whispered a few words in her ear.

That's all, just cuddling, Lin Qi thought it might not be a big deal, but he clearly saw Hu Xinzhu glancing at himself with the corner of his eye, and then stretched out his tongue to lick on Mu Wei's delicate, crystal earlobe. For a moment. This, this, this is no longer the level that a normal friendship can reach!

The pores all over his body suddenly opened up, and a trace of cold air continued to spray outwards. Lin Qi suddenly felt that Hu Xinzhu is simply too great. What should I say? This guy, Lin Qi's admiration for him has reached the level of five-body cast.

But Lin Qi also prayed silently in his heart that this guy wouldn't be hacked to death when he returned to the Shahu family's home.

All ancient tribes have the same family rules, that is, to maintain the purity of their bloodlines, they only intermarried with people of Eastern blood. This guy Hu Xinzhu dared to hook up with a Western woman, but he still, he actually hooked up with a church goddess!

However, based on the nature of the sand fox family, the old foxes would probably chop Hu Xinzhu into meat while loudly showing off the great achievements of their offspring, right? Presumably it should be like this, they will definitely take this thing as a great thing to brag about a thousand or ten thousand years!

Mu Wei intimately grabbed a handful of Hu Xinzhu's waist, then she raised her head proudly, and nodded her chin to the God of Law under the city head: "The Knights of Punishment can enter the city, you must be stationed in the city. In the eastern part of the country, if Diogo’s Dragonhorn Legion cannot stop the nomads’ offensive, you will be responsible for the first time!"

The God of Law Ling snorted with a sullen face, and he saw the intimacy of Hu Xinzhu and Mu Wei. He gritted his teeth, gave Hu Xinzhu a bitter look, and had already included Hu Xinzhu on the list of mortalities-how could the woman he fancy let other men hook up?

With the sound of low footsteps, the warriors of the Knights of Punishment left the hill in the north and directly crossed the wall and entered the city.

There was no battle at this time, all the magic defensive arrays inside and outside the city wall were all closed, and all the forbidden air arrays were ineffective, so the disciplinary knights could easily control the mount to jump over the city wall.

The half-dragon army is still walking out of the city sparsely. In the past few months, Diogo has brought a large number of half-dragons into the ground world, and it will take a long time to evacuate all of them from the city. Especially these half-dragons have been burned by the divine light of dawn just now, and now they are all weakened with pain, where can they have the strength to speed up their journey?

The Fury Knights in the south and the Green Forest Legion in the west also started to move. They demolished all the camps, and then quickly marched into the city. It must be admitted that Diogo still manages this chaotic city very carefully. He has arranged a large number of magic traps and magic circles in the city, and they all use the secret magic circles of the Primordial Dragon family. These magic circles are comparable to those of today. The magical array system circulating on the Western Continent is quite advanced, and its defense power is also several times stronger.

Therefore, the defensive power of this chaotic city is extremely strong, otherwise the chaotic city will not stand tall in the past few months of attacks.

Lin Qi took a fancy to this city, to so many exiled civilians in the city, to these exiled aristocrats in the city, so he made great efforts to accept this city. With the defensive strength of Chaos City, this place will become a strong stronghold for the Longshan Empire to insert into the Eastern Great Plain. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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