Bright Era

Chapter 1595: Fairy's peep (4)

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Hu Xinzhu happened to put his arms around Mu Wei's waist, and he leaned close to Mu Wei's ear, and laughed in a low voice: "What a lovely Mu Wei, don't worry, even if those disgusting things come in, Brother Xinzhu will protect you at all costs! Nothing dirty or disgusting can get a step closer to you, I swear!"

Mu Wei was made dizzy by Hu Xinzhu's love words, she subconsciously stroked Hu Xinzhu's big hand, and muttered in a low voice: "Will you become the goddess of the goddess of war? No, it can even be a **** who is equal to her, as long as you are willing , Will be ready soon!"

Lin Qi blinked desperately, this woman, she really made Hu Xinzhu confused!

Let this treacherous, lustful, shameless, slick guy a god? Or even become the main **** as strong as Mu Wei? Well, Lin Qi couldn't estimate what the old guys of the Shahu family would do, but Lin Qi felt that the **** of war would jump up and split Hu Xinzhu in half with a sword, right?

The two masters of the Temple of War are standing side by side, which is already surprising, plus a Hu Xinzhu, it can be fun.

Hu Xinzhu reached Mu Wei's ear and firmly rejected her kindness: "No, I don't want to be a god! If my dear Mu Wei is not with me by my side, what is the point of becoming a god? Even if 10,000 opportunities to become gods are placed in front of me, it is not as important as Mu Wei's one minute you get along with me!"

Mu Wei's body trembled slightly, and she looked at Hu Xinzhu with wide and blurred eyes.

Hu Xinzhu looked at Mu Wei firmly, his eyes were as bright as stars, and his eyes were full of tenderness and affection. Mu Wei just looked at Hu Xinzhu's eyes and knew that Hu Xinzhu really loved herself so much!

A man, for himself, can actually give up the opportunity to become a god!

Compare that to someone who is ugly, cruel, rude, and cruel. You can fight yourself for a little profit! Mu Wei gritted her teeth with hatred, and she had already made a resolute decision. All the powers left by the gods she had fallen are all integrated, and they can definitely be condensed into a master god-level law crystal core!

She must make Hu Xinzhu the main god, the main **** standing side by side with herself! In this case, she might be able to. . .

Lin Qi watched Mu Wei from the corner of his eye, very good, the young-virgin-woman who was springing in the heart came across the demolition-white-dang, and was so deceived that she would sell out the foundation of her hometown. This is how Mu Wei is today. A silly look. But what does this have to do with Lin Qi?

One willing to fight, one willing to suffer!

In the future, if something goes wrong with Mu Wei's lineage and she is reincarnated in the East, it seems that this problem can be solved perfectly!

Lin Qi was very irresponsible and was making a mess of calculations in his heart. At this time, Diogo was roaring angrily and issued a series of messy orders to let the half-dragon warriors under his command assemble quickly and dig trenches in the wild with the fastest speed. , To build fortifications, prepare to deal with the impact of nomadic army.

The individual combat power of the nomads is far inferior to that of the half-dragons, but there are too many of them! Moreover, the nomads can actually drive strange monsters like the Nightmare Worm. Diogo can't bear to let his children die here in vain. It is also a good thing to keep one more half dragon.

The half-dragon army was busy living outside the city. With the blood lake full of blood as the core, they quickly built a mud-filled city wall, and then the half-dragon wizards removed the wall from the mud. It became hard obsidian.

Lin Qi watched the efforts of these half-dragons with interest, but suddenly, Lin Qi felt a subtle magical aura flashing from the sky. Lin Qi was stunned for a moment, then he glanced at Mu Wei who was immersed in happiness and the **** of Law Ling who was full of jealousy, and his body turned into a white light and rushed into the sky.

A pair of huge white wings flapped quickly behind Lin Qi, Lin Qi's mental power locked on the strange magical aura, and quickly flew north.

In a hill more than three hundred miles away from Chaos City, in a grove that was fortunately preserved, several dressed in gorgeous robes and shining magical devices, beautifully born wizard wizards are leaving the ground. Levitating one foot, quietly looking at a silver crystal ball in front of him.

The skins of these wizards are as white as snow, and their hair is magnificent golden yellow. Their demeanor is noble and graceful. Compared with ordinary slender and exquisite elves, the breath of these wizards is as hot as fire, and their bodies are also hot. They are more majestic. Although they are still as thin as bean sprouts compared to freaks like Lin Qi, their physique is comparable to ordinary humans.

With golden hair and a much stronger body than ordinary elves, these elves should be a relatively peculiar type of elves-sun elves.

Unlike other elves, sun elves worship the sun in the sky and believe that the sun gives life to all things and is the origin of all things. Among the elves, the sun elves are an extremely important part. There are many powerful swordsmen and archers among the sun elves, but the proportion of mages is much smaller than that of the ordinary elves.

But it is undeniable that the wizards of the sun elves are much stronger than the wizards of other elves. In the case of the same rank, the mana of a sun elf mage is several times that of other people of the same family, but more than ten times, the mana is more powerful, more refined, and the speed of casting spells is faster, which leads to the sun elf in the elf family China almost monopolizes the title of'battle mage'.

At this moment, these few elves are watching the movement around Chaos City through the silver crystal ball. With graceful and elegant smiles, they are picky about Diogo's formation.

All kinds of defects were constantly picked out by these wizard wizards, and finally a Japanese wizard who seemed to have the highest status summarized: "This is a foolish general who has no brains and relies purely on instinct! Of course, with For the humble pedigree of the three-headed dragon, being able to do this is probably the limit of their ethnic group, and we should not have too much hope for this!

With a light sway of his fingers, a little green light burst out. This day elf performed an ‘air purification technique’ lightly, and the air in the woods suddenly became fresher again. Taking a very comfortable breath, the Sun Elf sighed: "The dirty continent, the noisy continent, the air here, even in the sacred forest, is so filthy and unpleasant."

He shook his head helplessly, and the other sun elf smiled gently: "Master Mian, the forest here cannot be described as sacred. The forests that have been contaminated by the atmosphere of foreign races no longer have their sacred essence."

The sun elf who was called Master Mian nodded solemnly: "This is really very reasonable."

Sighing again, Master Mian pointed to Lin Qi in the silver crystal ball: "Well, this time our target is this person. Wan En Lin Qi, our task is to find out who is around him. It has something to do with who it has, and how much potential power it has. Since Her Majesty the Queen has issued an order to kill him, then as one of the most powerful and noble races in the elven clan, we must take the posture we deserve! "

The light in the silver crystal ball flickered, and Lin Qi's figure disappeared.

The elf stayed for a few days, and at the same time moved his head in the direction of the crystal ball: "Why did it disappear? Could it be that there was a problem with this crystal ball? This is impossible, but it is made of star crystal. The crystal ball, how could it be damaged?"

The Japanese elves tossed and checked the silver crystal ball. They didn't notice that Lin Qi, with a pair of white wings hanging behind them, was already floating above their heads. Although he could not use the power of his body, Lin Qi was still able to use extraordinary power with the help of the divine power of the dawn of the **** of dawn. With the help of the wings of dawn, Lin Qi rushed here quickly after only a dozen breaths.

"Could it be that when we ordered the nightmare worms to explode, the magic backlash was too strong and hurt them?" Master Mian frowned: "But I haven't heard of anything like that! Nightmare worms! Although it’s a recently bred fighting monster, there shouldn’t be such a backlash, right?”

Lin Qi's eyes widened. The hundreds of nightmare worms were not released by nomads? Are these few Japanese elves peeking behind the scenes? Lin Qi looked at these sun elves in amazement-such graceful and handsome sun elves, no matter how they looked at them, they couldn't relate to those hideous nightmare worms!

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that these sun elves brazenly cultivated this terrible and disgusting monster?

With a soft cough, Lin Qi slowly drifted down: "Everyone, is there something wrong with the magical device?"

Master Mian frowned and looked at the silver crystal ball in his hand. He subconsciously replied: "Yes, it is really a headache! This magic crystal ball made of star crystal, but I borrowed it from my aunt Yes! That petty old woman, if she knows I broke her baby, who knows what she will do?"

"That's really unfortunate!" Lin Qi sighed, then put away the soul power that enveloped his body.

"It's really too unfortunate!" Master Mian also sighed. He helplessly stroked the silver crystal ball, and then for a few days the elf was pleasantly surprised to find that this silver crystal ball spewed out a faint light again, Lin Qi's figure appeared in the crystal ball again.

"Ha, it's perfect, he's okay!" Master Mian smiled so that his eyes narrowed into a line, and then he noticed why Lin Qi in the crystal ball was suspended on top of the elf for a few days, and those few Why does this elves look like a group of people?

Master Mian raised his head in surprise, and then he was shocked to find that Lin Qi's big feet had kicked down heavily from the air, stomped on his face, and stepped his head into the dirty forest. And in the muddy ground.

With a ‘pouch’, Master Mian’s half of his head was plunged into the silt, and the stench and filthy stickiness made him almost fainted. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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