Bright Era

Chapter 1609: My family's urgent move (1)

In the quay area of ​​Vias Harbour City, in a stone-wood-built lounge, Black Beard is lying comfortably on a lounger in the veranda outside the lounge, with his feet high on the railing of the veranda. Humming a little tune, looking at the sea that is as smooth as blue silk and satin not far away.

A good bottle of rum was placed upright on the railing at the foot, and only a small half bottle of sauce-red liquor remained in the bottle.

Blackbeard grabbed a handful of octopus feet that had just been salvaged and burned with a teppanyaki fragrant, and chewed loudly. He swallowed more than two catties of octopus feet with big mouthfuls, and Blackbeard burped contentedly.

Oily hands pulled the noble ribbon hanging on his chest, and the black beard smiled triumphantly.

The administrative governor of the Kinki of the Yongsan Empire, the commander of the Kinki Legion of the Yongsan Empire, the mayor of the Yongsan Fortress of the Yongsan Empire, the Marquis of the Special Jin Empire, Lin Hu, has the title of veteran in the imperial aristocracy, the title of veteran in the imperial coat of arms, and the imperial supervision Inspector General of the Ministry.

This series of titles looks a bit nondescript, but when these titles are kneaded together, there is only one word to describe-powerful!

"My son is better than Laozi!" Blackbeard clicked his mouth with satisfaction, then he put his feet down hard, got up from the cozy and comfortable recliner, and took a bottle of wine to sip the rum inside. , And then strode out of the lounge.

A large group of wolf-like dwarf warriors, carrying a full barley sack, happily followed behind Blackbeard. Each of these dwarves drank so that their eyes and noses were red and red, and they were full of alcohol. They lined up neatly behind Blackbeard, as if a female duck was traveling with a large group of ducklings. That appearance was really amazing.

Where Blackbeard passed, the workers, porters and sailors on the dock waved to him enthusiastically, yelling his nickname "Old Beard". Blackbeard nodded to them happily, and from time to time tossed two large cigars of good quality to a few old sailors.

But those nobles who haunted the dock area, as soon as they saw Blackbeard, they were like a ghost, and hurriedly asked their coachman to slow down the carriage obediently, not dare to run wild on the street like before.

For nearly a year, Blackbeard's notoriety in the aristocratic circle of the Longshan Empire has been frightening. Many aristocrats who have run rampant on the streets to oppress the good people have been pulled off their pants by him in the street, and they have to be fined astronomically!

Many nobles who felt they were "humiliated" complained about this matter to the Imperial Court of Nobility, or directly to His Majesty Arda in the palace. It was okay for them not to complain. As soon as they complained, their family title was immediately cut down, and the family fief was immediately lost by a large amount.

There are also brave nobles who cried and pleaded with friends in the noble circle for help. Soon there will be a large number of regular troops of the Longshan Empire rushing to his home to build a barracks, and his local economic disaster will be a mess. . Local officials around his territory will also conduct various inspections of his territory. Finance, civil administration, and military administration are all disturbing him day and night.

And once Blackbeard was offended, the number of bandits and horse thieves in those noble territories immediately skyrocketed in geometric numbers! These mountain bandits and horse thieves do not harass the common people, but those wealthy businessmen and nobles are unlucky.

After three or five times, the nobles of the Longshan Empire knew that this black-haired guy was an unattractive plague!

So where Blackbeard goes, all the nobles speak like the meek little white rabbits, even those nobles who have been unscrupulous, have been tyrannical, arrogant, and no longer treat ordinary people as human beings have become enthusiastic. A good person who is charitable and enthusiastic.

Unexpectedly, Blackbeard treated the nobles of the Longshan Empire'cruelly', and the contradictions between the civilians and the nobles decreased sharply. The work enthusiasm of the ordinary people soared. In the past few months, the economic index of the Longshan Empire suddenly Get an increase of more than 10%.

"Hahaha, old Baker, save me a bluefin tuna! A big one!"

"Little Bobby, where is your little lover? Phew, Phew, hurry up and save enough gold coins to marry her and go home to have a baby!"

"Brother Ahan, are you going to hunt whales at sea again? Tsk, the quality of ambergris in the southern waters is not as high as in the North Sea! Wait a minute, I will go to the Admiralty to slap those guys in the face, when will we organize An ocean-going whale hunting team, go shopping near the North Sea!"

"Hahaha, there are dragon boats of orcs? The navy of the Longshan Empire is there to feed them fat! Not to mention there are orcs, even if there are dragons and sea monsters, they have to charge me! We! The fishing boats of the Longshan Empire should go across the seas!"

Blackbeard happily greeted the sailors and workers on the dock. Behind him, a large group of dwarf warriors in heavy armors were like iron cans colliding with each other, constantly making jingle sounds. Wherever he went, the nobles, big and small, took off their hats and bowed deeply to him. No one dared to stare at the black beard and nose.

At this moment, Uncle Barr rushed over with several guards, and handed a letter made of beast skin to Blackbeard with a gloomy face. Taking a look at the blood-stained beast skin, Blackbeard tore open the letter, and then he became stiff, and suddenly pointed to the sky and cursed: "These old immortals! I'm absolutely endless with them!"

Lin Qi had already returned to Longshan City while his father was patrolling the wharf area.

In his study, Karhan of the Hyena Chamber of Commerce was waiting here with a smile, and took out a lot of small gifts for Lin Qi. Amulets made by goblins, life potions made by undead, artworks made by dragons, toilets made by elves, wine made by demons, and so on.

All in all, they are things that look weird but not very reliable.

"Your Excellency Wanen Longshan, I heard that you captured a group of noble elves?" Kalhan smiled brightly, he leaned on Lin Qi's desk crookedly, and barked two rows to Lin Qi with a grin. Bai miserable Fang: "I am very interested in them!"

Lin Qi glanced at Kalhan, then coughed heavily, and even took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth, and he did not shy away from leaving a mass of blood on the handkerchief so that Kalhan could see clearly.

"Yes, a little prince of the sun elves, and the only prince of the wood elves! There are also a few elven nobles!" Lin Qi spread his hands: "There are not many people, just a few, but all of them are valuable. , Look, their value can't really be too low!"

Lin Qi also smiled brightly. When dealing with these people from the Hyena Chamber of Commerce, they must be killed, because they can always sell the goods sold to them to customers in need at an incredible price.

"I will quote directly to their relatives, and I just charge a little bit of hard work!" Karhan glanced at the handkerchief in Lin Qi's hand, and muttered in a low voice: "But I heard that they have hundreds of guards here. Is the Eastern Great Plains missing?"

Lin Qi looked at Calhan in astonishment. He shook his head vigorously: "Dawn is up, I really don't know such a thing! If they disappeared, then it must not have been done by us! Because on the day we captured these elves and nobles At night, we were attacked, and we simply didn't have time to do such a thing!"

Kalhan's brows became a ball, and he sighed in distress: "Then, yes, it should be like this! It's so strange, why is this? Hundreds of high-level elves, dozens of them The demigods have disappeared! How valuable they should be!"

With a sigh, Kalhan broke out a total price: "Then, the two elven princes, plus their entourage nobles, will cost 100 million gold coins!"

Lin Qi stood up on the desk with his hands on his desk, and he watched Karhan roared with righteous indignation: "You are insulting the whole family of elves! Are the two elven princes worth 100 million gold coins? I cut them up and sold them. , More than this money!"

Karhan held up two fingers, and Lin Qi rolled his eyes and screamed: "Kalhan, I never found out that you are such a profiteer! You should know the worth of the two elven princes! That lord. Forget it, his father has many sons, so I don’t care about missing one! But His Royal Highness, he is the only son of his father!"

"The future heir of the wood elves! He is only worth 200 million gold coins?" Lin Qi looked at Karhan angrily: "I definitely don't allow you to insult the glory of the elves like this! Elves, this is the high-level elves, the high-level elves. The royal family, and the only heir to the royal family!"

Lin Qi leaned in front of Kalhan and said word by word: "Please note that you are now quoting the glory of a species!"

Karhan stared at Lin Qi fiercely, and he shouted angrily: "You are too shameless!"

Lin Qi looked at Karhan with a smile, he coughed violently, and quietly spit out a few blood with a little black blood, and vomited heavily into a trash basket made of pure gold beside him. After a few violent gasps, Lin Qi laughed lowly: "Thank you for your compliment, shameless, this is the highest evaluation of a businessman!"

Kalhan stretched out his hands helplessly: "Then, give me these prisoners who are not easy for you to shoot, and let me use them to negotiate with the family behind them. All the profits will be divided into 50-50!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Kalhan sighed heavily: "We really didn't care about the gold coins. We need some rare materials that only the elves can provide, such as the leaves, sap and branches of the sacred elves mother tree. , Every value is incalculable."

Lin Qi smiled and nodded. This is the most sincere offer. He shook hands with Karhan and finalized the matter. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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