Bright Era

Chapter 1701: Blood Qin Evil (2)

Lin Qi patted his chest lightly: "Don't worry, it may not have been there before, but if this battle is really fought for a hundred or eighty years, as long as you can get the support of the goddess behind you, plus me The pope is not impossible to support financial and military power!"

The two people's heads were brought together, and they whispered in a low voice.

The swaying lights made their shadows sway in the study room. This was a large candle that Bilibili specially lit. Because Bilibili felt that discussing various conspiracies and tricks under such a swaying candlelight was too much in line with the devil's style!

Two days later, the situation in the mainland suddenly started.

First, the Church of the Moon Temple received a huge amount of worship from the three empires of the Longshan Empire, the Gaul Empire, and the Great Yan Dynasty. The Holy Maiden of the Moon Temple brazenly expanded the Moon God Knights in Bereli, the Gaul Empire, and launched an army expansion. Wan, a sturdy slogan for a fight to the death against the Blood Qin Empire!

It is worth mentioning that the expansion of the Moon Temple was supported by the church’s most powerful War Temple, Dawn Temple, and Punishment Temple. The three popes, especially the scepter that controls all the armed forces of the church. The Pope simply gave the Moon Temple the power to expand its army indefinitely-of course, the decree of the Pope Scepter is valid for all other temples. As long as you have the financial resources, any temple can expand its army unlimitedly, ready for blood. The army of the Qin Empire fought to the death.

Second, on the border between the Gaul Empire and the Haran Empire, more than one hundred frontier guards from the Haran Empire invaded the Gaul Empire and massacred all the villagers in a beautiful small village in the Gaul Empire. Dozens of young women from the Gaul Empire.

The Gaul Empire was furious, and the Holy Light I urgently summoned the ambassador of the Harran Empire to Gaul. What is even more surprising is that the Haran Empire's ambassador to Gaul was frantic, and in front of the special envoy of the Temple of Dawn, he brazenly assassinated the Holy Light I. The Haran Empire ambassador was beheaded on the spot, while the Holy Light I was severely injured, and the arm of the special envoy of the Temple of Dawn was injured.

The Gaul Rebels, which actually controlled the southern borders of the Gaul Empire, immediately clarified their position. A large number of Rebel fighters changed their flags and changed their flags and transformed into the regular army of the Gaul Empire, together with the three elite heavy armored regiments of the Gaul Empire. , Rushed into the territory of the Haran Empire in just half a day.

What makes people stunned is that the frontier generals of the Harran Empire’s northern defense line almost opened the gates and let the Gaul Empire go straight in. In just a few days, the five major provinces of the Harran Empire’s north have completely fallen into the hands of the Gaul Empire.

Third, after the Haran Empire, the unlucky country, offended the Gaul Empire, a general of their southeast defense line brazenly looted a rich town in the Longshan Empire during a safari, killing 100,000 people in the Longshan Empire. More.

Although ordinary people in the Western Continent feel very surprised, why a border town of the Longshan Empire has a population of more than 100,000 permanent residents, but since the Longshan Empire said so, and the generals of the Haran Empire were also captured alive. If he confessed in person, no one will be held accountable for this matter!

The enraged Longshan Empire dispatched ten elite legions, like a pack of hungry wolves, directly rushed into the Harran Empire, bringing several coastal provinces to the south of the Harran Empire, which is the most important external port of the Harran Empire. Several provinces are completely occupied.

The poor Haran Empire hadn't recovered, the territories at the north and south ends were completely occupied.

What is even more shocking is that the current emperor of the Haran Empire, Shenghui I, faced the condemnation of the Temple of Dawn. He did not hesitate to confess that he was a traitor of a foreign race and wanted to subvert the civilization of the western continent from within.

Although ordinary people in the Western Continent still don't understand, why, as a mad believer in the Temple of Dawn, Shenghui I would be a traitor to a foreign race. But since Shenghui I had admitted it himself, then he was not a rape, he must be a rape. In the face of an alien rape, naturally everyone shouts and beats, and naturally everyone tramples him to death.

Therefore, the Haran Empire completely collapsed overnight, and the Longshan Empire did what it wanted to occupy about one-seventh of the territory of the Haran Empire, which is the provinces of their southern coast. The other areas are controlled by the Gaul Empire. The original Gaul Crown Prince Latus was commissioned by the Holy Light I and became the ruler of this new territory.

Fourth, our Longshan Empire was arrogantly provoked by neighboring countries on the southeast border of the mainland.

Several small empires and small kingdoms in the southeastern part of the Western Continent, they actually formed a coalition force and launched an attack on the Longshan Empire!

Yes, this was a shameless sneak attack-when the main force of the Longshan Empire countered the invasion of nomads in the eastern plains, when the local garrison of the Longshan Empire countered the invasion of the Haran Empire in the southwest, when only the territory of the Longshan Empire remained When some militia joint defense teams maintained the daily security team, these brave and frenzied small empires and small kingdoms launched a sneak attack on the Longshan Empire!

The Longshan Empire was forced to be helpless, you know, at this time, all the decision-makers of the Longshan Empire are on vacation in the Gaul Empire! In the entire Longshan Empire, there is no one who can be the master! Facing the provocations of the Haran Empire and the sneak attacks of these small countries, the dragon mountain empire without a leader can only rely on the local aristocracy to organize a militia team to fight back bravely!

According to the oral accounts of some witnesses, the militia team formed by more than 100 mayors and local nobles on the southeast border of the Longshan Empire, the heavy cavalry and heavy infantry of 20 legions, like a mad dragon rushing out After crossing the border, it swallowed up those small empires and small kingdoms in just half a month, and by the way invaded a large piece of the eastern great plain.

As for why the militia united defense team of the Longshan Empire will issue a large number of high-level monster mounts, why are they wearing sophisticated magic armor, why all rune weapons and enchanted weapons are used, why there are a large number of high-level wizards in Effective in the military. . .

This question, the official explanation given by the Longshan Empire is: We are too rich! Because we are too rich, the equipment of our Longshan Empire's militia unit is exactly the same as the elite army of other countries!

Some people were surprised to ask why the Longshan Empire would arm 20 militias of the size of an integrated army on the eastern border. . . Since the person who first asked this question was invited to drink tea for half a year by the secret agent of the Longshan Empire's Ministry of Justice, no commoner in the entire Western Continent would be stupid enough to ask this question.

Afterwards, the royal families and members of the royal families of the countries that were destroyed ran to the church to cry. They cried and said that they didn't know what was going on with the so-called coalition forces that attacked the Longshan Empire. They didn't give anything at all. The army of your own country issued such an order!

But the church leaders, who had long been fed by Lin Qi with a huge amount of gold coins, had the only way to deal with such a cry-the torture frame!

Since dozens of exiled aristocrats who ran to the church crying were burned into a plume of smoke, the aristocratic circles in the western continent immediately accepted this fact-the Gaul Empire and the Longshan Empire have divided nearly half of the western continent. !

Fifth, just as the Gaul Empire and the Longshan Empire did such an amazing thing, the Great Yan Dynasty also sent shocking news.

The exiled nobleman from the East, Lord Mengshan, Duke of Green Forest, broke away from the control of the Longshan Empire and held a grand wedding with His Majesty Yan Chimei, the Emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty. Longshan Emperor Turing Andelm Longshan, Gaul Emperor Holy Light I, the core high-level members of the church, rushed to Yancheng to participate in this grand wedding.

After the wedding, Yan Chimei announced his abdication, and her younger brother Yan Chixing took over the throne of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Our former Lord Mengshan, Duke of Green Forest, was naturally canonized as the Protector Prince of the Great Yan Dynasty, and the only General Marshal of the Great Yan Dynasty, who controlled all the armed forces of the Great Yan Dynasty.

With the support of the Longshan Empire and the Gaul Empire, the Great Yan Dynasty annexed the Eastern Great Plains that had fallen into the control of the Great Yan Dynasty, forming a territory with an area greater than that of the Longshan Empire and the Gaul Empire. The huge country.

In just one month, such an earth-shaking change took place in the Western Continent, and the bizarre things gave everyone a breathless sense of oppression. Except for a very small number of people, no one knows how many conspiracies, how many shady scenes, and how many shady things are in it.

But under the whitewash of the piles of gold coins that the Longshan Empire kept smashing out, everything that happened this month was hidden in a glorious splendor. All the nobles and celebrities on the mainland were cheering, admiring, and leaping for joy. They praised the Western mainland for finally getting rid of years of civil strife. They felt that the three powerful unified empires are bound to lead the civilization of the mainland. Towards new glory.

Amidst the waves of praise, Lin Qi received a news that made him very heady.

In a filthy and remote tavern in the Berriley Wharf area, Lin Qi frowned and looked at the parchment in front of him. It was filled with twisted weird symbols. The scarlet weird symbols looked shuddering. a feeling of.

"This is really not a good thing!" Lin Qi reluctantly patted his forehead: "Can't you make me happy for a few more days? What a good situation, the whole Western Continent has finally become a tripartite and finally stabilized. Now it is correct. It’s a critical moment for everyone to divide the spoils. Can’t you let me enjoy this fruitful fruit quietly?"

The information on the parchment is a secret note of a group of demons, including Lin Qi and Bilibili, using dozens of abyssal texts. Except for the core intelligence personnel around Lin Qi, no one understood what this ghost-like symbol was.

Now the message on this parchment is very simple-the special envoy of the Blood Qin Empire arrived in secret, please Lin Qi personally receive it.

Lin Qi sighed again and again, patting his forehead lightly. Yingzheng's special envoy, Lin Qi really hoped that a meteorite would fall from the sky and the envoy would be killed. How good the situation is now, the Western Continent was utterly tossed by Lin Qi. As long as Lin Qi is given a certain amount of time, Lin Qi is confident that he will take all the secular power of the Western Continent in his hands. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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