Bright Era

Chapter 1710: The Assault of Yin Master (3)

Twelve ten-winged winged men emerged from the void at the same time, holding white lightsabers several meters in length, and slammed them down at the void temple that burned the soul's original power and twisted and folded the space. Accompanied by a deep roar, twelve arc-shaped halos composed of white divine texts shot out, toward the void temple with a distorted face.

"The remnants of ancient times! Heresy!" All the priests of the Void Temple who had witnessed all this exclaimed at the same time. The white divine light hit the Void Temple that shivered with fear, and the white beam of light rose into the sky. In the white divine light that was gorgeous and extreme and could not tolerate any foreign energy, the body of this Void Temple quickly disintegrated into the smallest particles.

The void folding in the south quickly disintegrated, and accompanied by a dull roar, a smooth path appeared in front of Huangpu Feihong and others.

A ten-winged man waved to the leader of the magical soldier: "Here, rush!"

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the general, he did not hesitate at all, and pointed to the south without the slightest doubt: "Allies, your own people, charge with all your strength! Protect Huang Pu Feihong, rush out!"

The **** soldiers gave a neat promise, brought up the purple streamer, wrapped Huangpu Feihong and shot towards the south.

The Void Temples who were caught off guard screamed in anger. Some of them scurrying around, some used Void Divine Art to protect themselves, and some of them brazenly recited the curse, preparing to fold the void again. These ten-winged wingmen who had attacked were also trapped in place.

But the white divine light continued to flicker, and a large number of winged legions appeared from the void like a tide. These winged men flapped their white wings, with a crazy'pop', and quickly flooded these void temples and void hunters. Before the priests of the Void Temple could launch an attack, these winged men had brazenly exploded themselves.

A little white light spread quickly, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a large white light that enveloped the entire Shengen Lake. There are wingmen who explode all over, wingmen who explode crazy, and wingmen who explode their entire body at the same time everywhere.

After Lin Qi took over Heaven Mountain, he made certain fine-tunings to these wingmen. In the limbs of these wingmen, he also incorporated a subtle energy core. In other words, once these wingmen explode, they will be more The power of exploding a main energy core is several times greater.

The huge explosion sounded into one piece, the continuous explosions emitted high temperatures and dazzling glare, and the water of Shengen Lake was suddenly evaporated by the high temperature to a depth of several tens of meters. Dense water vapor rose into the sky and turned into a thick cloud and spread, and in the blink of an eye a cloud of thousands of miles shrouded everyone's heads.

The sound of "crashing" rain sounded, and the water droplets in the Miyun became bigger and bigger, and more and more, and soon Miyun could not support the rain. The heavy rain poured down from the sky, and the white water vapor enveloped the entire Saint Grace Lake. , The line of sight can no longer penetrate the thick water curtain. Coupled with the constant self-destruction of countless wingmen, the entire Saint Grace Lake has become a hundred times more violent than the legendary hell.

The sudden attack hit the priests of the Void Temple in embarrassment. How many years, how many years have these noble priests of the Void Temple encountered such a terrible attack? Compared with the desperate attacks of the Wingers, the heretics of the Western Continent they had faced, the alien races of Odin Icefield, were as gentle as the little white rabbits.

The Void Hunter, who had not reached the semi-god state, was wiped out almost immediately. The Wingers blew themselves wildly around their bodies, allowing them to use the magic of the void shuttle to flee in embarrassment, but they shuttled the most each time. They could only escape more than a hundred meters away, and when they rushed out of the void, they were still greeted by a violent explosion.

The terrible self-explosion left the Void God Hunters dead, and the Void Temples were also embarrassed by this desperate attack.

More than half of the void temples were blown up and their bodies were mutilated, and they could barely use divine magic to protect their broken bodies. In addition, some void temples were blew up by eight-winged or even ten-winged wingmen, and they were blown into mud on the spot. Terrible explosions continued to linger, the Void Temples were beaten to a dizzy head, and their positions immediately became a mess.

The Void Sanctuary, which had been bustled by the bombing, rushed across the sky, screaming in horror, like a duck frightened by a thunderstorm.

The soldiers guarding Huang Pu Feihong and a few old eunuchs have joined a group of Ten Wings. A ten-winged man with white divine light shining in his eyes and a few divine patterns faintly flickered in his eyes, said in a low voice, "Very, glad to see you! Penglai, how are you?"

The genius soldier straightened his chest, and a wrinkle in the center of his eyebrows spread out, quickly sinking into the center of the ten-winged man. Divine light flashed in Wing Man's eyes, and a strange wave of fluctuations was released from the center of his eyebrows.

"Heaven seems...your state...not bad!" A vicissitudes, magnificent, mysterious voice stammered from the magical general's mouth: "I... The main body is damaged...extremely serious...The other four islands...fall into a deep sleep...My main consciousness...sleepy...My split consciousness...instead of me controlling Penglai..."

The ten-winged wing man nodded, and the sacred, majestic, indifferent and ruthless voice of Heaven Mountain came from his mouth: "Your body still exists, this is the best news! But I don't understand why your warrior protects one , An insignificant stupid human being!"

Penglai's voice was very surprised: "I... don't understand... I... I sleep for too long... I can't support the communication with you... Go to the East and find my split consciousness... Then ... Master him, control him... Let him take that adult and come to me!"

The communication time between the two was extremely short, their voices were extremely low, and they ended the call in the blink of an eye, and both the magical general and the winged man returned to normal. When they were talking, a powerful barrier enveloped their bodies, and outsiders could not pass through this barrier to hear their conversation.

"To this side, charge!" The ten-winged winged man pointed to Dongfang: "Here, someone will answer! A group of puppets controlled by us!"

The general of the magical soldiers pointed to the east and gave a low cry. Then all the magical soldiers formed a conical charge array at the same time, and under the support of countless wingmen, they rushed towards the east at the fastest speed.

A sharp whistling sound came from high above. Thousands of faithful followers of the Temple of Retribution burned their lives and souls to attract disciplinary divine power. The flames burned on the torture rack, and the golden-red divine flame ejected terrible heat. The lake water was suddenly evaporated by a large part of nearly 100 meters deep. The huge torture frame soared into the air, rising straight up to an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters, and then smashed it down at Huangpu Feihong and the others vertically.

Although chased by the self-destructed wingman, several scheming void temples still raised their heads and exclaimed: "You bastards, stay alive! The head of the Blood Qin Empire, Leave alive!"

In the eyes of the void, more than a dozen men wearing scarlet punishment robes emerged, and a bald old man who led the team-the skull has become as transparent as red crystal, and there is no brain tissue in the brain, only a dazzling group The old man with the red light tumbling roared, "My god's devout believer, leaving the life of that human heresy. His identity will bring huge benefits to my god!"

Rushing from the bottom of the lake to the surface of the lake, the disciplinary fanatics who were floating on the lake heard the old man's roar, and they took a long breath at the same time, and the huge fire frame that was thousands of meters high suddenly froze in midair. The powerful divine art that had been activated suddenly stopped, and the backlash of divine power blasted into the bodies of these fanatics. The bodies of more than two thousand fanatics suddenly exploded, turning into a rain of blood and falling into the lake.

An invisible whirlpool appeared in the sky, and the souls of the dead and wounded Void Hunter, Void Temple, and disciplinary fanatics flew high in the sky with bright smiles. They religiously recited the scriptures praising the gods, and then were caught by the whirlpool. Engulfed in one bite.

A cold and merciless smile appeared on the faces of the ten-winged man and the magical general: "Idiot!"

A large group of low-level wingmen from the periphery rushed out violently. They hugged the fanatics who were vomiting blood due to divine power backlash, their internal organs were severely damaged, and they could not move for a while. Then their bodies exploded violently. Come.

The dull loud noise sounded again, and at least 1,800 zealots were blown out in the explosion. Although these fanatics temporarily possessed the power of a demigod level, their power was completely dependent on burning their lives and souls, borrowing divine power from the **** of punishment and forcibly upgrading. Their original strength was only Saint Grade, and their flesh was not as strong as a real demigod.

So in the face of the self-destruction of the Wing Man, these mad believers were blown into the flesh and horribly. Their souls let out a helpless sigh, and then flew lightly into the sky with a pious and complete smile. A pale golden light gleamed in front of their eyes, and they saw an extremely wonderful kingdom of God appearing in front of them.

When the invisible vortex engulfed their souls, all the will of these fanatics was instantly annihilated.

"Stop them! Kill these heretics! Leave the head of the Blood Qin Empire!" A high-pitched and powerful command sounded in the sky. The tall scepter, the pope, draped in a gleaming armor, holding a golden war scepter that is one head higher than his, standing on a golden four-wheeled chariot with a large group The rage knights of the Temple of War came out from the teleportation array of the Void Eye.

The angry knights riding the brute force iron armor and horned rhinoceros fell from a high altitude, and then there was a light pause, and they lightly landed on the water. A cold wind blew over from nowhere, and the lake of Saint Grace that stretched for thousands of miles suddenly froze with a layer of ice several meters thick. The rage war knights issued high-pitched battle horns, holding long spears shining with blood and light, forming a thick assault phalanx, and rushed to Huangpu Feihong and the others. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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