Bright Era

Chapter 1721: Strange gods (1)

There was no more information from the Blood Qin Empire, and Ying Zheng had obviously given up calling Lin Qi.

Under the operation of Hu Xinzhu's family, the people of Longcheng have evacuated Shuangyang Chilong City as quickly as possible. Lin Qi used the teleportation magic circle to pass an autograph letter from Dragon City to the people of the Long Family. Uncle Dragon City had already led troops in the Western Continent against Ying Zheng. In other words, Dragon City and Dongshun King Lin Qi rebelled together!

Facing this unreserved letter, the people of Longcheng yelled at Longcheng and Lin Qi while being forced to leave the territory of the Blood Qin Empire. The people of the Long Family clearly knew that the current Emperor Yingzheng was not a soft-hearted person. The actions of Longcheng had put the butcher knife on the necks of all the clansmen. Unless they escaped, it would definitely be the end of the whole family.

Not only the Longcheng family, but even Hu Xinzhu's family, the young and old also escaped without a trace.

Within two days of work, Lin Qi received the news from Hudao that he was taken back by the Blood Qin Empire from the Blood Qin Empire, and all the deputy bureaucrats in the domain were taken into prison. If Lin Qi hadn't let the Tiger tribe transfer away the black beard's wives, they would definitely be wiped out by Ying Zheng this time, and no one would be able to leave.

"That's it, completely torn my face!" Wearing a gorgeous morning shrine temple robe, walking on the streets of Berrily, Lin Qi looked up at the sky and sighed quietly. It's just that there is nothing to hurt. What Ying Zheng took back was only the Tiger Clan's interest in the **** Qin Empire. In these days, the things that Blackbeard had secretly arranged in the Blood Qin Empire were still in his hands.

Lin Qi, who had regarded the entire Blood Qin Empire as his possession, didn't care about this temporary loss.

There was a hazy drizzle in the sky, and Lin Qi, surrounded by dozens of tiger guards, walked slowly to Shenghui Mountain, and then went straight into Shenghui Cathedral on top of Shenghui Mountain. Several archbishops dressed in red robes were whispering worriedly in the spacious church hall. They suddenly saw Lin Qi coming in. They quickly closed their mouths, their faces covered with splendor. Smile.

"Your Excellency Wanen Longshan, it is a great honor to see you!" An archbishop of the Temple of War enthusiastically walked towards Lin Qi, opened his hands to Lin Qi, and then gave Lin Qi a strong hug.

"Of course, of course, I am also very happy to meet you!" Lin Qi smiled and met the archbishops separately, then walked to the statues of gods and gods enshrined in the main hall, prayed for a while, and attracted a dawn of light on him After a round, several golden tickets were lightly stuffed into the offering box in front of the idol.

The archbishops pursed their lips with satisfaction. The Longshan Empire is worthy of the faith of the gods. The Longshan family is worthy of a family of devout believers, and Wanen Longshan is worthy of being a saint in the dawn. His devotion is stuffed into the worship box from him. The golden ticket can be perfectly reflected.

Look at the pattern on the gold ticket, at least tens of millions of gold coins have been lost, right? How many devout believers does it take to have such a big hand?

After finishing the whole set of necessary rituals, Lin Qi frowned, turned around worriedly and sighed to the archbishops.

"Everyone, I have heard some bad rumors. Of course, I would rather believe that this is nonsense, and I even want to send the lowly grassroots who spread the rumors to the torture frame! But what worries me is... How is the body of the Pope with the scepter?"

Three days ago, Lin Qi witnessed the scene where Pope Scepter was killed by the Yin Master. In the three days, Lin Qi, in addition to arranging the retreat of the Dragon City and the Hu Xinzhu tribe, also activated his subordinate intelligence network to spread true or false rumors throughout the continent.

The pope with the scepter was assassinated, and the person who killed him was a demon from the abyssal world; of course, there is also a version saying that the pope with the scepter was sucked up by a succubus and fell dead on the smooth and smooth belly of the succubus; Incredibly, some people say that the pope was given the scepter by a male succubus. . . Of course, that kind of rumor is too unbearable, and not many people believe it!

There are also legends that not only the Pope with the Scepter was assassinated by a foreign master, but the Pope with Seal also died in the assassination.

What is even more bizarre is that there are legends that, apart from the death of the Pope of the Seal of Seal and the Pope of the Scepter, the Pope of the Holy Crown was captured alive by a foreign race, and was captured by several great wizards of the Odin Temple and detained in Odin Icefield. .

These rumors are only a small part of the large number of rumors released by Lin Qi's intelligence personnel. Under Lin Qi’s gold coin offensive, various weird and unbearable rumors spread throughout the continent, and even many low- and medium-level clergy became restless due to these rumors. Those high-level clergy have changed. I was worried and didn't know how to deal with it.

To Lin Qi's satisfaction, what made all the people on the mainland puzzled was that the church did not make any noise about these rumors.

There is no explanation, there is no official statement, and there is no measure that can calm people's hearts. The church used a weird attitude to deal with this kind of rumors flying in the sky, and this weird silence has made the people of the Western mainland more and more worried, and even many cities close to the mainland border have seen large-scale fleeing people.

Therefore, when these rumors fermented to a peak, Lin Qi came to Shenghui Mountain with a smile.

Several archbishops glanced at each other, and then they simultaneously waved to the main hall door. Several low-level priests hurriedly closed the door of the main hall, and stood by the door honestly. An archbishop of the Temple of Dawn came to Lin Qi and sighed heavily.

"Dear Lord Wanen Longshan, you are a saint in the Temple of Dawn, and we will not hide anything from you."

After thinking for a while, the Archbishop of Dawn lowered his voice and spoke cautiously: "The Pope with the scepter was assassinated and killed. This is a very unfortunate thing! Other than that, other rumors are false, as the gods A firm believer in, I think you should have the ability to distinguish right from wrong."

Looking around, several archbishops nodded to him one after another, and the archbishop Chenxi was relieved.

"But we don't know how to deal with this matter. The two Popes did not prescribe any will, and the church elders and other elders who can be the masters did not prescribe any news. Therefore, we only If we can wait, we can only endure!"

Lin Qi looked at the Archbishop Dawn in astonishment: "The great Dawn is here! Pope Scepter, he really..."

Lin Qi's eyes were red, and he looked very sad. The faint sorrow was very contagious. The Archbishop of the God of War who was present also blushed, almost crying. Pope Scepter is a very pure blood of the God of War. He has a deep experience in the Temple of War and a wide network of contacts. He is one of the core figures of the Temple of War.

The Archbishop of the God of War was the **** confidant of the Pope Scepter. His backing patron was assassinated and killed. The church did not say anything about this. How could many high-level officials in the Temple of War swallow this breath? So seeing Lin Qi showing a sad expression because of the death of Pope Scepter, the Archbishop of the God of War almost couldn't control his emotions.

"Unfortunately, a powerful evil attacked the great scepter pope!" The Archbishop Chenxi sighed and shook his head helplessly: "The ancient evil spirits from the East, they have power comparable to the gods!"

Lin Qi stepped back two steps ‘shocked’, ‘horrified’, and ‘horribly moved’: "Praise the great dawn, are they so strong?"

The archbishops present trembled violently at the corners of their eyes and brows, and then they all smiled brightly at the same time: "No, no!"

A disciplinary archbishop hurriedly stepped forward two steps: "Respected Lord Wann Longshan, great gods are invincible, and all evil will be turned into nothingness before the glory of the gods. Regardless of those ancient evil spirits. How powerful, they will eventually be wiped out!"

Lin Qi spread his hands and looked at these archbishops seriously: "Dear sirs, as you know, I was hit hard when fighting against some evil existence, and I temporarily lost the power to defend myself. So, if a powerful evil invades the Western Continent, I hope to get the most accurate and true news as soon as possible!"

Pointing at the badge of saints hanging on his chest, Lin Qi solemnly said: "As a saint of the church, I think I am qualified to get the information I need from the church! As the most pious land of faith in the church, the secular The power spokesperson, the Longshan family, should also be protected by the church!"

Several archbishops bowed deeply to Lin Qi. They did not promise anything, but their actions have proved everything.

Nodded in satisfaction, Lin Qi lightly took out a few spatial rings, and stuffed these rings into the hands of several archbishops calmly. With a bright smile, Lin Qi said calmly: "A trivial local product, a local product from other continents!"

Several archbishops clenched their fists almost instinctively-they knew that the so-called local products of the rich and powerful Longshan family were also a huge amount of wealth, enough to make them live an incomparable nourishment in the next few years.

With a leisurely smile, Lin Qi looked at the clasped palms of these archbishops and nodded gently: "Maybe it is a trivial matter, but as a devout believer, I feel that I still have an obligation to inform you of this matter. Please also send this news back to the holy mountain!"

Archbishop Chenxi smiled brilliantly, and he nodded to Lin Qi: "Any opinion you have is of great value to the church."

With a reserved smile, Lin Qi took out a fist-sized crystal ball and handed it out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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