Bright Era

Chapter 1758: Come to an end (4)

So hungry to write!

Sure enough, codewords are a mentally consuming task, and the effort has to be supplemented by eating!

Maybe you haven't eaten braised pork for a few days? Lack of oil and water?


Therefore, Lin Qi spent a bit of his brain to attract Yin Master and Tams here and let them fight and lose both. This is indeed a perfect thing. At the same time, he smoothly solved the Yin Yang and other people, which couldn't be more perfect.

The Yin Master looked at Lin Qi indifferently, he took a deep breath, then looked up at the sky, and laughed lowly: "The deal is done on your terms! Help me repair my body, and then, Penglai Qilin A phoenix bamboo under the green cliff, I promised this condition."

Lin Qi's face suddenly changed. He looked at Master Yin and shouted: "Who did you promise? What conditions? Master Yin, don't forget, you belong to Penglai..."

A luxuriant golden tree appeared behind the Yin Master. In the middle of the golden tree trunk, there was a hollow similar to a shrine. A young man with a handsome face and a shining cyan bead in the center of the eyebrow was sitting in the hollow. In the middle, the two hands formed a wonderful leaf-like handprint in front of the lower abdomen, and he looked at Lin Qi with a smile on the front.

Whether this huge tree or the figure of the young man is hazy, like a phantom. Lin Qi knew that this was an extremely terrifying existence, a projection projected using the Yin Master as the guide coordinates. This is not even a avatar, it is just a projection of breath, but for the gods, this projection can also exert shocking power.

Lin Qi is not allowed to ask about the origin of the giant tree and the handsome young man. The young man sitting cross-legged in the trunk has already stretched out his right hand with a smile, and gently a little outward. As a result, countless palm-sized heart-shaped leaves floated down in the sky. All the wingmen released by Lin Qi were like tofu on a chopping board, chopped to pieces by the leaves, and even their energy cores were chopped up and even exploded. Can't do it.

"This is..." Lin Qi widened his eyes, and exclaimed in surprise.

The Yin Master smiled indifferently, and said with an indescribable complacency: "Among the gods enshrined in the temple, one of the seven most noble gods is the lord of giant trees. He is the most important of the gods in the temple. Peaceful, the most tolerant, the easiest to get close to, the master **** who has the power closest to nature, the most kind, and contains immeasurable vitality."

Heaven Mountain, Longya, etc. coldly snorted at the same time: "The slaughter of the giant tree? Isn't that the old tree monster! His ranking in the giant tree spirit clan is about one hundred, if not for the more than one hundred strong men in front have fallen , Where will he get his head? Ha, now he actually occupies the title of'Sovereign of Giant Wood'?"

Lin Qi laughed and repeated what they had said in Heaven Mountain.

"The boss of the giant tree? Isn't it the old tree monster? In the giant tree spirit family, he ranks out of the hundred, right?"

Master Yin's face changed slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched at the young man sitting among the giant trees, and his originally handsome and peaceful face instantly took on a hint of hideousness. The golden-brilliant and majestic giant wood gave birth to countless black barbs thick with a long thumb on the trunk out of thin air, causing the giant wood to bear a layer of indescribable monsters and weirdness.

"Not only the old tree monster, but also the most vicious bloodthirsty wolf poison wood monster!" Lin Qi sighed heavily, and shook his head vigorously, "You said he is very peaceful? Very tolerant? Easy to get close to? Yin? Teacher, is there **** in your head?"

The Yin Master stared at Lin Qi for a long time, and after a long time, he suddenly laughed: "I have nothing to say with you! All in all, the slaughter of the giant tree, help me kill this guy and let me swallow the energy of Heavenly Mountain. The origin, you can get the Fenghuang bamboo! It is the Fenghuang bamboo that has grown under the Qilin Cliff since Penglai was manufactured. It contains all the wood laws that Penglai has felt since the tribulation of the universe!"

The Slaughter of Giant Tree smiled slightly, and then he raised his right hand and patted Lin Qi heavily.

Originally, his palms were delicate and smooth, just like those of a girl. But after he showed his other face in anger, countless fine barbs suddenly appeared on his palms, and a large number of black meridians like snakes and worms appeared under his skin, and one palm became black. Painted, with an indescribable stench, he slapped Lin Qi.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, and the Doomsday Throne appeared from all sides of his body. Accompanied by the high-pitched chants rushing into the sky, the four archangels standing in the four corners of the doomsday throne blew the horns in their hands at the same time, and the four-color singular light spurted out of the four horns in the sound of'uuuu'. Then converged into a four-color beam of light and rushed straight into the sky.

A turbid sword shadow flashed from high above the sky, just passing the palm of the giant wood ruler.

There was a loud ‘click’, the sword’s shadow was shattered, and the palm of the giant tree’s hand was split in half. The Slaughter of the Giant Tree let out a low, painful cry, and then a black smoke enveloped the Yin Master, leading him to disappear without a trace.

The Doomsday Throne slowly submerged into Lin Qi's body, and the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse made a heavy voice: "The strength of this old Dryad has almost recovered! And we are all still seriously injured. Lin Qi, we need to repair it as soon as possible. For themselves, try to restore our abilities as much as possible. Otherwise, when they reintegrate the soul and the heavily wounded body into this world..."

The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse did not finish the words, but Lin Qi already understood the meaning.

He stared blankly at the direction where the Yin Master disappeared, and then released a lot of strange luster in his hands, whether it was the killed wingman, or the self-deathing sea monster, all the materials that could be collected were taken by Lin Qi. The strange light released from above was swallowed, thrown into Shengxianchi and purified into the most primitive material.

"You must find Penglai and awaken his ontological consciousness, otherwise the Yin Master will go on such a foolish act... He actually cooperated with the Zai of the Giant Wood? Crazy, this distracting clone of Penglai is simply crazy. Penglai's previous points God has also lost control, and Penglai called this situation called'attack by the devil', but this time, he was too deeply infiltrated and has reached the point where he must be eradicated."

Heavenly Mountain muttered and suggested to Lin Qi how to deal with Yin Master.

Lin Qi nodded repeatedly, and then left the scene as quickly as possible. Although it is a full eight thousand miles away from the Western Continent, the aura they exuded during the fight was too intense. The clergy of the church may not be able to perceive what is happening here, but the gods can feel the abnormality here.

Lin Qi didn't want to suddenly show up a few gods to disrupt the situation. He was very satisfied with today's harvest, and he really didn't want any more emergencies. In addition, he still remembered the situation of the Longshan Empire, he returned to the Longshan Empire as quickly as possible, and escaped into the palace of the Longshan City.

There is still a nervous atmosphere in the palace, and in some places, stains and stains left by a lot of blood and negative energy can be seen.

Obviously, while the Temple of Fallen Temple was on Hell Island, they also launched an attack on the mainland of Longshan Empire. But just like Lin Qi’s judgment, the Temple of the Fallen God did not dare to use too strong power in the western mainland. They only sent a few clergymen similar to the dead, and borrowed the power of those fallen gods to launch desperate actions against the palace. Suicide attack.

Day and Heitian had not taken action, and the tiger guards of the Tiger race had not been dispatched. It was just a group of branch elders who swarmed up, and this group of powerful elders chopped several dead men into pieces, and no one escaped.

Longshanling was also attacked, but the assailants of the Temple of Fallen Temple had just appeared in Longshanling, and they were attacked by a group of tiger tribes. They didn't even figure out who the enemy they were facing was. Chopped drastically into meat sauce. These ferocious tiger clan elites threw their wreckage into the mountains and forests, giving the monsters a delicious meal.

In addition, several large military camps in the Longshan Empire were attacked at the same time.

The garrisons of these troops suffered a certain amount of losses, and about a thousand low-level soldiers were killed in the attack. However, the Temple of Fallen Temple clearly miscalculated the strength of the Longshan Empire army. Each of their military camps only sent a low-level demigod as the main attack. The soldiers who died in the attack were also affected by these demigods at the beginning of the attack. The attack hit caused no small casualties.

However, the casualties that a low-level demigod can cause are really limited. After the large groups of demigods sitting in these military camps were alarmed, the retaliatory attack on the Temple of Fallen Temple became a joke. A demigod, nearly a hundred holy ranks, and a retaliation team composed of nearly a thousand heavenly positions were under the siege of nearly ten thousand demigods, and it was wiped out after only a few breaths.

If it weren't for fear of causing too much damage to the environment around the barracks, those belonging to the Fallen Temple that attacked the barracks would die faster.

Of course, they are not the most miserable, the most miserable is the unlucky person who somehow ran to attack the autonomous provinces of the Longshan Empire.

In order to appease the demons and evil spirits of the abyssal world, Lin Qi deliberately set aside several autonomous provinces for them to migrate and live in, as a welfare for the abyssal creatures. The Temple of the Fallen Temple mistakenly judged that some important secrets of the Longshan Empire were hidden in these autonomous provinces, and they launched a fierce attack on several large cities in these autonomous provinces.

As a result, as soon as they started, the sacred magic enchantment that Lin Qi had buried in advance suddenly activated, covering up all the surrounding aura.

Then, without waiting for these hapless attackers to break through, all kinds of evil magic fell like a storm, and the powerful ghost warriors screamed like a wild boar in heat, rushing up, and hundreds of thousands of demons and ghosts flooded. To which these hapless Fallen Temple belonged.

They didn't even have a single nail left, and no one knew what happened at that time.

Anyway, in the retaliatory attack by the Fallen Temple on the autonomous provinces, a total of more than 20,000 loyal followers were dispatched. But they all evaporated, not even a single piece of hair was left, and a broken soul fragment did not escape.

They evaporated completely, leaving no traces!

After Lin Qi synthesized the information received from various sources, he immediately issued an order to chase the Fallen Temple and put an astronomical reward for the entire continent. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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