Bright Era

Chapter 1761: Dominate the meeting (3)

"Alpha Chenxi married a princess from the Gaul Empire. They have seven sons and three daughters, and then there are 25 grandchildren and ladies, and seven grandchildren and granddaughters." Lin Qi tilted his head and looked at him. Yin and Yang: "Congratulations, Yin and Yang, you have spread out in the Temple of Dawn, these people are all your descendants!"

Yin and Yang opened his mouth and didn't say a word for a while.

Lin Qi took out a thick stack of gold tickets and showed Yin and Yang the huge numbers on the gold tickets. There are about a hundred gold tickets here, each with a denomination of at least 100 million gold coins. This is a huge wealth, enough to buy several large cities in the Western Continent to make a person a huge wealth of hereditary lord.

"The charm of money is endless. Since I learned about your glorious past, I have used some relationships to investigate the little grievances you left in the Temple of Dawn." Lin Qi looked at Yin and Yang ruthlessly "If you don’t abide by the promise you just made, then I can assure you that within three days, Ildamé? Chenxi will die of food poisoning, and Alpha? Chenxi and all his descendants..."

Mr. Mo laughed strangely at the side of'Jie Jie': "The Temple of Dawn is preparing to mobilize an elite force to rush to the Eastern Great Plains to deal with the recently active Diogo commander's dragon army. I think Alda? Dawn will be because of arrows. He was wounded and died on the battlefield. Of course, he was shot in the back. There is no doubt about that.

"Ildami? Dawn is dead, Alpha? Dawn is dead, then what kind of fate will the other descendants of Elder Yin and Yang have?" Lin Qi looked at the earth-colored Yin and Yang curiously, slowly taking the thick pile The golden ticket was tucked back into the sleeve: "Of course, they will suffer an extremely cruel fate, and all this can probably be solved with a golden ticket."

Yin and Yang cursed frantically: "Shameless, Lin Qi! As the blood of the tiger clan, how can you be so shameless?"

Lin Qi stomped on Yin and Yang's face, and he roared: "Is only allowed you to be mean and I don't even have shameless power?"

Yin and Yang were stomped with blood from his nostrils. He vomited two **** spit in embarrassment, and then drooped his head feebly: "I am puzzled. As the descendant of the tiger clan, your style of behavior is in harmony with the tiger. The elders of the clan are completely different. Although they are a bit stupid, I have to admit that they are all upright heroes, but you..."

Lin Qi clicked his mouth and opened his hands helplessly: "Sorry, I have been taught by my father, Blackbeard, and deeds since I was a child, and I have been nurtured by a group of noble uncles and uncles, so , My way of acting may be a little different from that of the tiger clan. But this is not the point. I just want to ask you and tell me everything!"

After a long silence, Yin Yang opened his eyes and looked at Lin Qi: "I only have one question. Are you sure you can attack them in the Temple of Dawn?"

Lin Qi smiled, opened his hand without hesitation, and then a group of white, faintly warm morning light appeared on his hand. He smiled gently, and smiled at the yin and yang like a ghost: "Do you need me to release a large-scale Dawn Divine Art to prove my identity in the Dawn Temple? Or, should I summon a projection clone of the Dawn God? "

"You!" a girl who was obviously from the Shahu clan exclaimed, "This is the soul secret technique of my family. How can you guys of the Tiger clan learn it? You tiger clan are not only good at..."

The girl screamed subconsciously, and then suddenly closed her mouth. There is no doubt that Lin Qi has mastered the soul secrets of the Shahu clan. As for how he learned and mastered it, what is the significance of this? All in all, Lin Qi has learned this soul secret technique that specializes in deceiving the gods and pretending to be a **** stick, which is enough.

Being tied to the torture frame, Xi Menfeng, who had an extremely weak breath, opened his mouth with difficulty, and said word by word: "Elder Yin and Yang, you can't tell Lin Qi about our affairs! Although we lost for a while, he used conspiracy and trickery. Captured alive, but you have to believe that the elders will soon send people to rescue us!"

Yin and Yang opened his mouth, and Lin Qi greeted Ximenfeng with an open eyebrow, "The problem is, the elders you mentioned, do you know that you are imprisoned by me in the abyss of the dragon? Even I don't know this crater. Which corner of the dragon abyss, the elders you mentioned, are you sure they can find here?"

Ximenfeng's eyes widened in astonishment, and she looked up at the sky in amazement, a blazing flame above her head, and a thick flame barrier blocked her sight. Chi Yan waved the scimitar in his hand very well, and suddenly a huge gap was opened in the flame barrier, allowing everyone to see the outside world through the barrier.

The rock dome hangs hundreds of miles high, and several red dragons are dancing and playing freely under the dome. A large number of fluorescent plants grew on the dome, all of which undoubtedly proved Lin Qi's words.

Ximenfeng was speechless, while Yin and Yang gritted his teeth and started talking on his own.

"We have come to the Western Continent and have no malice against you." Yin and Yang stared at Lin Qi blankly: "We first want to find you, and then invite you to join us. If you are willing to be a part of us, and hand you You will receive a lot of support and assistance from the Tiger tribesmen of the branch sects that you have mastered on us."

"What organization are you!" Lin Qi asked Yin and Yang simply: "There are obviously people behind you, who are they."

"Dominate the meeting!" Yin Yang widened his eyes, staring straight at Lin Qi and sneered: "Dominating the meeting, you should know from this name what our purpose is. This is the core member of the twelve ancient clan Our ultimate goal is to replace all the gods, all the secular forces, and become the only master of this world!"

Lin Qi opened his mouth and said nothing for a while.

After a long time, he smiled bitterly: "Your ideals are very great, and your goals are very grand. You and your Majesty Ying Zheng of the Blood Qin Empire have the same results. He also wants to conquer the whole world, and he has already begun. Action."

With a sneer and disdain, Yin and Yang shook his head gently: "Blood Qin Empire? Ying Zheng? Are you talking about the founding emperor of the Blood Qin Empire, Ying Zheng, who has been hidden in the cauldron for more than 10,000 years? His What he does is under our control. He has begun to conquer the world? He is just doing preliminary work for us."

Lin Qi took a step backwards, he looked at Yin and Yang in amazement, "You know?"

Yin and Yang raised his head proudly: "Why don't we know? Yingzheng is just a villager who chops wood and sells firewood. Even if he has an adventure, he has some power that is quite powerful for ordinary people, but you are him. Is it so lucky to be able to gather countless elites in just a few years and build a huge Blood Qin Empire for him?"

"You guys, what did you do!" Lin Qi felt bitterness in his mouth.

"I didn't do anything!" Yin Yang looked at Lin Qi indifferently: "I am only a small person who is driven by the elders in the dominating meeting, so I don't know much. I just know all the civil servants around Yingzheng. The military commander, the ninety people are all arranged for him by the master association."

"Where is there any kind of domineering side in the world, and the four heroes have come to vote for good things?" Yin and Yang sneered: "Wei Yao, the founding captain of the Blood Qin Empire, is a member of the lion family, so he commanded the army You will be able to conquer the city and be invincible."

"Su Mingzi, the founding father of the Blood Qin Empire, is a member of the Shahu family, so he managed the country and established the huge Blood Qin Dynasty."

"Even by Ying Zheng, he is the most trusted and hard-core henchman, the commander of the Forbidden Army, Solanum. He is a member of the Nangong family of the tyrannical bear. Solanum is born with supernatural power and defensive power is outrageous. He has been under heavy siege several times. Protecting Yingzheng broke through the siege, not the Nangong family's beating method, who can protect Yingzheng's thoroughness?"

"Speaking of which, Ying Zheng is actually very pitiful!" Lin Qi clicked his mouth and smiled dryly.

"Poor?" Yin and Yang sneered: "He is a peaceful emperor who has been the emperor for so many years, and he has enjoyed all the glory and prosperity of the world. What is pity about him? He is just a little sad, because even his closest **** Manager Zhao Lu, this guy is also from the carp family."

The twelve ancient tribes, the family of the **** carp, this is the magical family with the most outstanding spiritual talent among the twelve ancient tribes, and more perverted than the Shahu family. But it is precisely because their mental talents are so powerful that their brains can't bear the perverted mental power. The stronger this family is, the more crazy they are and an extremely difficult family.

"Zhao Lu's real name is Li Ru, he... is a bit crazy and self-castrates, saying that he wants to try the difference in magic cultivation between castrates and ordinary people. As a result, he abolished all his magic cultivation skills and used the magic to enter the martial arts. , Tossing out a set of weird and evil exercises specially suitable for eunuchs to practice."

When talking about self-castration, Yin Yang couldn't help but **** his mouth. Obviously, he also felt extremely entangled with Zhao Lu's behavior.

Lin Qi didn't say a word for a long time. The blood Qin Empire with great emotions was directly a puppet that the master would toss out? Poor Yingzheng, sad Yingzheng, but how lucky or unfortunately Yingzheng is!

"This is something the master will do?" Lin Qi looked at Yin and Yang deeply.

"I just want to explain how powerful the Dominator is." Yin and Yang looked at Lin Qi coldly: "This is just a small part of the inside story I know. The influence of the Dominator on all continents is definitely beyond. Beyond your imagination. Lin Qi, to join the Domination Club is your wisest choice." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Support is my biggest motivation.)

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