Bright Era

Chapter 1770: Fleeing (4)

Angrily snorted, the wood elf turned his head bitterly and looked towards the direction where Emperor Yun and the others were escaping.

"Whether they left, we mobilized the nearby clansmen, and we caught them alive by ourselves. They are the strongest nobles of the Vias Commercial Federation in the Western Continent. Their background and connections are their next plans for the queen. Very useful."

"Capture them alive, Her Majesty the Queen will be happy. Perhaps we can still get the Queen's reward."

A group of wood elves looked at each other, an old elven mage wiped a handful of burnt beards, and then raised his hand to project a green light bullet the size of a human head into the air. The green ball of light that was more dazzling than the sun just rising in the east rushed up to a height of several thousand meters, and then burst into a bright cloud that was even more gorgeous than the morning glow, which reflected a large green light by the rays of the morning sun.

Emperor Yun, who was rushing forward, suddenly turned his head. He looked at the dazzling green glow covering several miles, and he exhaled heavily: "These **** long ears... Canglong, how far is it? Can you go to the beach?"

Looking at the north, Yun Canglong tried to swallow and spit: "Five hundred miles. If there is no obstruction, we will be able to reach the sea within two quarters of an hour."

"Then, Chong!" Emperor Yun swallowed a red pill again, and his purple qi rose up all over his body, and he rolled up a crowd of people around him, rushing northward at the fastest speed. The Great Waste Swamp was quickly left behind by him, and in the place he passed by, there appeared villages that were once prosperous, but had been completely destroyed, burned to ruins, and still billowing black smoke.

Here is the territory of the Black Spirit Empire, and here is the settlement of those gold nuggets from the Western Continent. But when the Black Spirits natives organized, formed an army, and a full-scale conflict broke out with the Black Spirit Empire, with the total defeat of the Black Spirit Empire, these settlements were destroyed, and all the gold nuggets became the Black Spirits. Hard work, was stuffed into a mine to dig for ore.

The capital of the Black Spirit Empire was originally called the Black Slave Port. After the Black Spirit Empire was established, there was a beautiful name ‘Shernangan Port’. In the Black Spirit native language, Chernangan means black pearl, so some people call it Black Pearl Harbor.

As the sky dawned, there were already a large group of wealthy businessmen who were dragging their families with their mouths crowded in the port, waving gold tickets and shouting loudly at the giant ships docked on the trestle bridge. On the deck of the giant ship, which is completely dark and without masts, obviously relying entirely on the magic furnace to push, rows of tall, rough-faced bald men are looking down on the black spirits who are busy fleeing. Empire speculator.

These people are all adventurers and desperadoes in the Western Continent. They came to the Black Spirit Continent in an attempt to make a fortune and make a fortune.

What is terrible is that the army of the Black Spirits has defeated the last mercenary army assembled by the Black Spirits Empire. Some of the leading figures of the Black Spirits Empire have made private peace with the Black Spirits and sold the entire Black Spirit Empire. Get out.

Based on what these speculators did on the Black Spirit Continent, most of them were slave traders, **** mine owners, or simply overbearing bandits. Based on the crimes they committed in the Black Spirit Continent, once the Black Spirits native army rushed into Black Pearl Harbor, they were all hanged or beheaded.

So they took their family and relatives, their confidants, and the **** money they had accumulated over the years to rush into Black Pearl Harbor, hoping to find a boat to take them out of this already besieged city.

But the fleet of the Black Spirit Empire hadn't known where it was going, or they had already left with the lives of those big figures in the Black Spirit Empire. Now in the empty Black Pearl Harbor, only these huge ships with a length of more than 500 meters are docked here. This is the last hope of these wealthy businessmen.

Blackbeard Munch grinned, standing on the bow of a huge ship overlooking the speculators who were scorching like undead behind them. After he laughed for a while, he waved his hand and yelled confidently.

"Listen well, everyone! My Blackbeard Munch is fair, and whoever can afford the money, I will take them away! Don't look at me, there are only a few ships here, and I still have a fleet of ships waiting outside the sea! I dare not say, thirty to fifty thousand people, I can still let them leave safely!"

The crowd on the pier became more frantic.

Munch’s fleet can only transport three to fifty thousand people, but there are more than a million people here who want to escape? Those who had been squeezed under the gangway waved the golden tickets frantically, and howled hoarsely: "Let's get on the boat! Let's get on the boat! We have money, we are willing to give money!"

With a click of his mouth, Munch's big furry face showed a smile with everything under control.

"Well, the ugly thing is ahead. I am Munch being fair, so I clearly mark the price!" With a hint of hungry wolf seeing the pure smile of the little lamb, Munch raised five fingers, and then thought about it, he stretched it out again On the other hand, two additional fingers were added. But in the blink of an eye, a total of eight fingers stuck in front of everyone.

"Everyone who boarded the ship, at least ten thousand gold coins, this is the reserve price!"

"If your assets are far more than 10,000 gold coins, for example, you have a net worth of more than 1 million gold coins, then thank you, 80% of your assets, you can take you and your family away safely. A city flooded by the anger of the Black Spirit!"

"Of course, if you have a million gold coins, you need to give me 800,000 gold coins, and the family you can take away can only be 80 people at most!" Munch smiled and looked at the stunned people. "I am not a charity person. I am a businessman. I want to guarantee my costs and benefits. If you take too many people away, I will lose money!"

"A final reminder, no matter how much money you have, you can only take away your immediate family members. For example, your wife, children, etc.. Are there other bodyguards and guards? If they can provide With a ticket of 10,000 gold coins, I can let them leave safely."

The people on the dock roared in anger, hundreds of thousands roared in unison, their voices converged into terrifying waves, and they almost pushed Munch's boat away. A middle-aged man who was obviously not weak in strength jumped onto the carriage shed of a carriage. He pointed to Munch and screamed: "Shameless guy, you are taking advantage of the fire, do you still have a little compassion?"

"Pity?" Blackbeard Munch scratched his chin, and then sighed heavily: "If I had no mercy, I have ordered you to kill all of you, and then all your wealth will be wiped out from your corpses. Now! Don’t doubt my strength, because I can do it!"

There was a roar of ‘quack’ from high in the sky, and dozens of dragon knights riding crimson two-legged dragons broke through the clouds and screamed towards the ground. These dragon knights arrogantly wore a full set of magic armor, holding a long magic dragon spear, hovering rapidly around Munch's flagship.

Obviously, these dragon knights are Munch's people! Each of them exudes a demigod-level aura fluctuation, and this terrible aura makes everyone on the dock soft to the ground almost at the same time. As Munch said, as long as he gave an order, he could easily kill these people.

"Hey, hurry up, do you want money or death? My Munch is fair. As long as you are willing to give money, I will absolutely guarantee your safety. I will never throw you into the sea on the way, nor will I harass you. Your family and daughters, this is my guarantee of honor from Munch Blackbeard!"

As if to cooperate with Munch's words, a dull wooden drum sounded from a very distant place. It was the Black Spirit natives who had begun to attack the city.

A thin old man with a sharp face and a sharp face, leaving a twisted scar, took a few young men and women onto the gangway. The old man cleanly took out a few spatial rings, and said in a deep voice: "I have worked hard in the Black Spirit Continent for 150 years and accumulated 20 million gold coins. You can take 16 million, It's fair and reasonable to leave me four million as capital!"

Munch sighed comfortably. He opened his arms and hugged the old man heavily, and then shouted.

"Look, what a wise choice, this is the most wise decision! What a cost-effective thing is to discard a little bit of foreign objects in exchange for the happiness and well-being of the whole family? Compatriots who are in desperate situation, don't waste time! You are not afraid of death, think about your children!"

The crowd on the pier began to commotion, and gradually the big slave traders and big mine owners with their wives, children and guards boarded the boat. They obediently paid the fees according to Munch's standards, and then were placed in the cabin.

Seeing more and more people getting on the boat, Munch couldn't close his mouth with a smile, and he almost twisted his hips and danced.

At this moment, a green light in the distance soared to the sky a full thousands of meters high, and then burst into the sky with dazzling green clouds. Munch was stunned, and then nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that something good is happening? I don't know how much money is in it, but if I see the advantage, is it still a qualified pirate?"

Raising his right hand and waving it down heavily, Munch screamed: "Dragon Knight Unit, come with me! Go to the place where the green light rises. No matter what the benefits are, it is all mine and all of us. Yes, they belong to our Blackbeard Pirates!"

Dozens of flying dragons rose into the sky, and there was a dull flap of wings in the sky. At least three hundred flying dragons followed Munch to the place where the green light rushed. The roar that Munch made when he was leaving almost scared the people on the pier not to move.

Pirate group, these ships actually belong to a pirate group? In other words, all people on board are pirates?

When many people were hesitating whether to board the ship or stay in Black Pearl Harbor, the ground trembled violently. A huge black ball of fire crossed the city wall and slammed into the harbor. A residential house collapsed in the flames.

This naked scene forced everyone to speed up and rushed towards Munch's giant ship with the fastest speed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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