Bright Era

Chapter 1800: Bribery (4)

Speyer's figure shrank suddenly, and she turned into a white spider that was no more than two meters long, and fell heavily on the city. Putting his head into the big tank, and sniffing the blood spit out of the three-legged toad, Speyer nodded with satisfaction: "Good thing, with this, I and the snake I should be able to recover more than half of the injury from that stinky bat."

Then turned his head and looked at the energy cores of the twelve archangel for a while, Speyer sighed with satisfaction: "As for these things, they are very good, they just work well. Support my next molting evolution, I only need one piece, the others can be given to you, and a few pieces can be stored for later use."

With a flick of his arms and feet, the things Lin Qi took out suddenly disappeared without a trace. Speyer cleverly stretched out his arms and patted Lin Qi on the shoulder: "Very well, little guy, we are very satisfied with your things. I don't ask you where these things come from, we are not like this. Greedy people. In short, these things are good."

"With these, we don’t have to join forces with those hypocritical long ears. I have been worried that we join forces with them, and we will suffer in the end. But now it’s fine, I will order that those black spirits will The messenger with long ears drove out."

"We will not intervene in your dealings with the Black Spirits, but you have to remember your promise to us. You must not slaughter the Black Spirits, or take advantage of them. Everything must be discussed with them and follow your secular rules. ."

Speyer's voice has a little more softness, and it is clear that she is satisfied with today's gain.

Lin Qi owed Speyer: "But maybe we will fight them twice, maybe there will be some casualties, because unless you give them an order to let them cooperate with us unconditionally, you know that now It’s impossible for us to achieve peace only through negotiations."

Speyer and Xie Lisi glanced at each other, then shook their heads at the same time.

"Then you can go to war, but I must warn you that the number of black souls who died in war must not exceed 200,000. This is the limit we can tolerate. Of course, if you return the slaves of the black souls that were once sold by you, you will return it. Five slaves can kill one more black spirit man. We are fair, right?"

"We will not issue an oracle for them to cooperate with you unconditionally! Cunning white skin, if we issue such an order, these black spirits can now still wrap their buttocks with animal skins, and they will even cover the buttocks. The skin will be taken away by you."

"So, we don't intervene, this is the bottom line. But you can't damage the vitality of the black spirits."

With a wave of Speyer, an intricate spatial tunnel appeared in front of her. She whispered: "The Black Spirit people think they are our believers, but we never think we are the gods they believe in. Maybe you can't understand what I said, but that's the truth."

"We only take care and protect them to a limited extent, and at the same time they work for us. For example, sometimes I ask them to pick a group of little girls to help me clean the moss that grows on my body. If I don’t move all the time, my appearance will change It’s ugly. But that’s it, they serve us, we provide a certain amount of shelter, nothing more."

"So... We won't interfere too much. As long as you don't damage their vitality, we will never interfere. Just like you used to sell the slaves of the Black Spirits, the people you sell are not as good as They have so many babies born a month, so we don’t bother to pay attention to this kind of thing."

Speyer twisted his fat lower body, slowly got into the space tunnel he had opened, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Lin Qi looked at the direction of Speyer's disappearance in astonishment. He never dreamed that Speyer would say such words. The black spirits are not their believers, they just shelter the black spirits when they are in a good mood? Maybe this is the truth!

Therefore, the Black Spirits have a loose tribal alliance and a primitive religion with a wide range of beliefs. They believe in the existence of all things, but apart from some spontaneously built small temples, there is no complete religious organization among the Black Spirits. And these gods of the Black Spirits are also a bit unreliable, they actually wander around in human form, and they don't seem to care about the black spirits being trafficked into slaves.

Everything has been explained, Speyer's words clarified the relationship between the gods of the Black Spirit Continent and the Black Spirits, and that's how it happened.

"Okay, it seems that Speyer has talked to you?" Xie Lisi lazily stuffed the whip in her cloak: "Then, it's that way! It depends on the things you took out. Come on, is this a bribe? But no matter what, if you take advantage of you, you won't be embarrassed!"

With a finger on Lin Qi’s chin, Xie Lisi smiled and looked at Lin Qi: “Well, it seems that you are not a believer of the Azerite clan, otherwise, you would never do such a thing. Come. You may not know how valuable the things you bring out are, in short..."

The nose on the side was dripping with a nosebleed, and he approached Xie Lisi with a smile. Standing upright, he touched Xie Lisi's exposed thigh with his front hoof: "My dear goddess, your beauty makes my innocent donkey unable to resist your temptation! I have the honor to know you Is his name? Where do you live? Can I visit? Or, would you like to accept a small gift!"

The donkey glared desperately at Xie Lisi, then his big mouth opened, and his long tongue was spit out. There was a fist-sized multi-faceted prismatic spar exuding a strong soul. Strands of purple-golden divine light continued to circulate in this spar, and Xie Lisi's eyes were straight there.

"Oh, cute little donkey, this is, this is, this is the best soul crystal!" Xie Lisi's eyes widened, and she couldn't wait to **** the soul crystal from the donkey's tongue: "It's so charming. It's really charming! Dear little donkey, I even think that I am about to fall in love with you!"

She picked up the donkey, and Xie Lisi kissed the donkey's mouth fiercely.

The donkey's black hair stood up one by one, and he was trembling and let out an almost hysterical donkey cry. The cry of ‘angwu~~~angwu~~~’ came into the cloud, and two pieces of nosebleeds from the donkey’s nose spurted out, and it was actually dozens of meters high.

Lin Qi looked at the donkey with pink stars in his eyes in horror. He yelled subconsciously: "Damn donkey, this is the crystallization of the soul, where did you get it? This is the treasure used to enhance the soul. You, you, where did you get it from?"

The donkey happily leaned his head on Xie Lisi's chest, and he shivered and said: "Oh my God, my first kiss! It's over, the first kiss of the donkey! Oh, my god! I'm in love, really. I'm in love!"

Xie Lisi left the donkey contentedly, she looked at Lin Qi happily, and hurriedly threw the piece of soul crystal into her bra. She chuckles triumphantly: "Oh, little guy, this is the thing of beautiful and kind Cherise! It's something this cute little donkey gave me. Don't even think about it! With this piece of soul crystallization, I can even ponder the power of the main god."

After a few'chuckles', Xie Lisi exhaled heavily. She waved to the donkey and laughed triumphantly: "Lovely donkey, I am the spider demon girl Xie Lisi, if you can give me three For a baby like this, I can even consider marrying you!"

The donkey hummed feebly, staring at Xie Lisi with wide eyes.

Xie Lisi laughed a few times, and then provocatively hooked her finger to Este: "Envy me? Oh, this is the charm of being a beauty! A girl with a flat chest and no **** will never understand this charm. Allure to male creatures!"

After a few bursts of laughter, Xie Lisi's body shook, and she suddenly became a big pink spider with a body length of more than 1,000 meters. Then she also tore a space tunnel, shaking her fat lower body and got into the space tunnel.

"Little donkey, goodbye! If you still have this kind of spirit crystal, come to the spider swamp to find me! I am the spider demon Shirish, beautiful and lovely, gentle and kind-hearted Cherys! Hey, you donkey is also very cute, Wa hahaha!"

With crazy laughter, Xie Lisi disappeared without a trace.

But the donkey raised his head intoxicated: "It's over, I'm fallen, I'm in love, Cherise, what a beautiful name! I'm in love with her, do you know? I'm in love with her! Look! , How beautiful her skin is, how elegant her carapace is, how delicate and lovely her arms and legs are!"

Da Hei spoke ruthlessly from the side: "Yes, and the marriage customs of the spider race are very characteristic!"

Xiao Hei spit out the cabbage gang in his mouth, took out a magic gem and stuffed it into his mouth: "Yes, I heard that after a mother spider gets married, she will eat her husband, in order to breed the next generation. what!"

The donkey's body suddenly stiffened: "Are you kidding? They have this habit?"

Mr. Mo appeared silently. He looked at the donkey with pity and nodded slowly: "From the professional point of view of a naturalist, they are right. Spiders do have such a habit. Female spiders can Eat up their husbands, only in this way will they have plenty of nourishment to reproduce offspring!"

One of the donkey's face turned pale.

Suddenly he roared hysterically: "Smelly lady, spider demon Ji Xie Lisi, you get the donkey grandfather back! Grandson, you shameless grandson! You deceived me with your big breasts! You deceived my feelings! You insulted You swindled my private money! You shameless woman! You **** arthropod! You mother spider that deserves to be frozen to death! I won't let you go!"

The donkey jumped up frantically, tens of thousands of meters high, and screamed up to the sky frantically.

"I will not let you go! I swear! I will find you!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support. Is my biggest motivation.)

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