Bright Era

Chapter 1809: Ancient power (4)

Hundreds of magic circles were touched at the same time, and the magic circle arranged by Mr. Mo suddenly collapsed. A large ray of light flashed from the city wall, and the defense barrier that protected the soldiers and magicians of the Longshan Empire quickly became weak and transparent on the city’s head. In the whistling sound, dozens of the most penetrating wind magic The crossbow arrow has penetrated the magic enchantment.

Lin Qi shook his head helplessly. The only people from the Nangong family who could destroy the magic circle set by Mr. Mo so accurately.

Lin Qi took out a purple-gold magic scroll from his sleeve, and Lin Qi squeezed it off. A large golden light soared into the sky, and a powerful magic enchantment covered the entire city. This is a one-time defensive magic enchantment, which can last for an hour and provides forbidden curse-level defensive power.

Mr. Mo yelled in disbelief: "This is the most powerful defensive magic circle I can find. How did they crack it?"

Lin Qi sighed helplessly, Mr. Xiang Mo. The twelve ancient tribes have a long heritage, and each ancient tribe’s background is extremely deep. The Nangong family’s knowledge of magic circles and magical techniques is not known to be deeper than that of the Western mainland How many.

In particular, the inheritance of the Twelve Ancients is handed down from the ancient times, but what about the Western continent? Whether it is magic, pharmacy, magic array, warcraft, etc., all knowledge in the Western Continent has been deliberately stifled. The church perfectly executed the plan to destroy the ancient civilization. After the long period of destruction and the dark period, how many magnificent flowers of civilization have been killed?

So Mr. Mo thinks that the extremely powerful defensive magic circle is probably a joke in front of the Nangong family.

After a heavy sigh, Lin Qi said solemnly: "Everyone is ready to fight. Do your own defense. The opponent is from a powerful hidden ancient clan, and their knowledge of magic devices and magic arrays... good. Well, you can treat them as gods!"

Lin Qi could only use these words to remind his subordinates, otherwise, how would he say it?

At this moment, Yin Wuxia had prepared the complex and strange magic circle of undead in Wangzong's camp. Tens of thousands of fist-sized magic crystals and magic gems were filled into the magic circle. As the blood and souls of dozens of high-level beasts were sent into the magic circle for sacrifice, a thin cloud of gray mist emerged from the magic circle. Well out of it.

It was when Lin Qi activated the protective barrier scroll, a huge eyeball appeared from the gray mist of the magic circle.

This eyeball is gray and white, and the scarlet pupil is shining with crazy flames. Dozens of octopus-like tentacles are parasitic on the edge of the eyeballs. These gray tentacles that continuously eject a large amount of mucus exudes a cold atmosphere. Those ejected mucus fell on the ground and immediately turned the ground into black silt. , Emitting a suffocating stench.

Seeing such evil and terrifying creatures suddenly appeared, and the group of elven elders had already avoided the people from a distance. They looked at this huge eyeball in horror and vigilance, and they didn't know what they were cursing.

There was a trace of blood flowing down from the corner of the flawless mouth, obviously it was not too easy to summon this terrifying creature. Even with the help of the magic circle, Yin Wuxia also paid a great price. She took a deep breath, then pointed in the direction of Black Pearl Harbor, and said a few undead words to the big eyeball.

This big eyeball flew slowly, his scarlet pupils stared at a section of the city wall of Black Pearl Harbor, and then a very thin gray light shot out from the center of his pupils, just in time. The city wall. An Elf elder sighed in awe: "The undead disintegrates the light. This is one of the most terrifying powers the undead can master."

This thin and inconspicuous gray light fell on the city wall, and in just a short moment, all the earth element energy that Lin Qi poured into this kilometer-long city wall suddenly disappeared without a trace. With a loud bang, this section of the city wall collapsed out of thin air, and a large number of skeleton monsters roared into Black Pearl Harbor like a tide.

Nearly a thousand warcraft knights wearing heavy armor, holding spears, and riding an earthwalking dragon rushed in quickly. They sealed off this broken city wall and formed a strong line of defense in front of the skeleton monster. These warcraft knights are all the strength of the peak of the heavens. The armor and spears in their hands are top-level magic equipment. Each of their strikes will send a terrifying fire in the air.

Under their frenzied blow, the skeletons pouring into the Black Pearl Harbor city wall were smashed into pieces, and countless fragments and broken bones piled up in the gaps in the city wall, preventing the continued influx of skeletons behind.

Three secret magic crossbows from the Nangong family locked on this city wall, and the terrifying magic crossbows shot like a storm. The piled up broken bones were swept away in an instant, and the armor on the thousand warcraft knights suddenly burst out with dazzling light. In just a few breaths, all the protective magic arrays on their armor were almost completely shattered.

"Retreat!" Enzo's order rushed over in time, a thousand magic armors were beaten to disintegration, the fighting spirit in the body was also exhausted within a few breaths, the Warcraft Knight retreated embarrassedly. But their speed was still a little slower, and the tails of the last few earth travel dragons were beaten to the ground by the magic crossbow chased by their tails, and the pain almost didn't jump up.

Skeleton monsters followed the gap opened by the magic crossbow and rushed into Black Pearl Harbor like a flood.

The ground in Black Pearl Harbor suddenly showed a round red magic circle, a large number of pillars of fire rose into the sky, and all the skeletons that rushed into the city made horrified screams. Their bodies were gasified in an instant, and even a little dross was left.

Lin Qi snorted coldly. He was about to repair the city wall, and suddenly a breath that made him feel a little tight on his scalp passed over.

He turned his head and looked at Wang Zong's barracks. The huge eyeball floating above Wang Zong's barracks had locked Lin Qi firmly. This eyeball is constantly ticking down with the gray mucus, it looks like this big eyeball is drooling?

Glancing at the big eyeball in disgust, Lin Qi stretched out his right hand, a large amount of source power in his body suddenly disappeared, and a circle of transparent crystal-like ripples spread out from his fingertips. Where the ripples passed, time suddenly stood still, and neither the people of the Nangong clan nor the magical crossbow they were madly spraying could no longer move at this moment.

Including those magical crossbow arrows that have been shot out, as long as they are enveloped by this transparent ripple, they are all frozen in the air.

The pupils of that huge eyeball suddenly shrank to the size of a fist, and he let out a horrified cry and rushed back to the summoning formation when he came. But Lin Qi shot too fast, and his huge body suddenly froze in the air and could no longer move. Then dozens of powerful forbidden curses inspired by scrolls of forbidden curses fell crazily, and this huge eyeball was blasted to pieces before it had time to respond.

Neither Yin Wuxia nor Wang Zong knew what had happened, it seemed that something wrong had happened, but at that moment, they completely forgot what had happened. Time stagnated, and even their soul's response to the outside world was completely frozen. When they woke up, the evil creature that Yin Wuxia summoned from an unknown corner of the abyss of sin had been completely shattered.

Yin Wuxia's eyes widened, and two lines of tears flowed down suddenly.

Necromancers want to summon evil creatures from a foreign land. They must use complex sacrifices and huge rituals to sign contracts with certain powerful creatures before they can freely summon them. The big eyeball summoned by Yin Wuxia is the most powerful of all her contract summoning creatures. At the same time, in order to sign a contract with this big guy, the Wuxia elder paid a huge price for it!

At least the huge cost of the giant contract ceremony is an astronomical figure.

But this big eyeball was killed, Yin Wuxia and all the devotion of her elders in this big guy instantly vanished. Yin Wuxia cried with heartache, and Wang Zong glanced at Yin Wuxia, who was crying silently, and he was so angry that he issued several orders one after another.

A floating castle appeared in the air. A large number of members of the Nangong family stood on this floating castle with a diameter of no more than 300 meters. They were fiddling with some weird goblin magic weapons from the ancient times, and they were looking at Black Pearl Harbor unkindly.

Lin Qi felt the immense power in the floating castle, and he couldn't help but gasp. The energy core in this floating castle is actually equivalent to the energy core of a twelve-winged archangel. Although it is the core of the weaker level of the archangel, this energy intensity is also scary enough.

And the weird magic weapon of the goblin, this is something Lin Qi is not willing to try easily!

You know, the ancient goblin civilization, but once created a powerful magic device that claims to be able to ‘slaughter the gods’! Lin Qi is not very afraid of this floating castle, but the people around him may not be able to withstand the fatal attack of this big guy.

After a heavy sigh, Lin Qi stomped his feet, and all the defensive magic circles deployed in Black Pearl Harbor these days were all activated.

The three archangel-level energy cores provided by Heaven Mountain for free erupted with powerful power, and the layer seemed to be thin, but overlapped by at least 3,600 magic enchantments, covering the entire black pearl. port.

Just when Lin Qi felt that he needed to communicate well with Wang Zong, with the dull sound of armor clashing, an extremely elite army came out of the magic teleportation array in front of Wang Zong's camp.

There are 100,000 tall centaurs in total. The black centaur is draped in a light red magic armor. The two colors of black and red are mixed together, giving people a strong sense of oppression of iron-blooded courage and indifference. These centaurs, about three meters high and over ten meters long, holding heavy spears and axes, carrying huge bows and arrows, and silently stepping on the drums of thunder beasts, they slowly lined up toward the Black Pearl Harbor. .

On the sea, a thick gray mist suddenly rushed out from under the seabed. After the mist dissipated, a total of 1,200 giant undead battleships made of keel appeared on the sea. Right in front of these undead warships, several giant sea beasts are screaming and roaring frantically.

A large lobster with a body length of 3,000 meters, a large sea crab with a back shell of 4,000 meters, and a giant electric eel with a length of more than 1,000 meters shining with dazzling thunder.

These three giant sea beasts stared at the Great Shake in the Munch camp. This arrogant big octopus had already taken a little vigilance and carefully raised all its tentacles.

Lin Qi's face suddenly drooped, is this the reinforcement that the ruler will directly provide to Wang Zong? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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