Bright Era

Chapter 1812: Hall of Valor, cover up (3)

Their strength has skyrocketed more than ten times, and their brains have become more flexible. Even the thick-lined Laihan feels that his current IQ can be compared with those old and cunning foxes. And they got a huge experience from Pompey and Anthony, a variety of experiences. Countless experiences of war, administration, management, manufacturing, flooded into their minds, and they did not need to go through any learning process to directly inherit this huge treasure house.

"Ready to start!" Lehan took a deep breath and strode out of the cave.

Glancing at the huge fleet of undead fleets that suddenly appeared in the distance, Laihan couldn't close his mouth with a smile: "That little guy named Wang Zong, the stronger he shows, the more **** he is! Only he is dead! , We can hold the black pot on the head of the Longshan Empire."

Sina stretched his body vigorously, and he smiled slowly: "Yes, with our current strength, it is easy to carry out a surprise attack on Wang Zong's Chinese army. Just kill him... but the one beside him. Girl, is it yours or mine?"

After a moment of silence, Laihan took out a silver coin and threw it to Sina: "That girl, mine! Although the **** are a little flat, I like such a delicate human girl! And she is an oriental beauty. This reminds me of Yin Qingyue, she is mine!"

Looking angrily at the silver coin in his hand, Sina shook his fist at Lehan: "A stingy fellow, you are not like a noble golden lion at all! You want to buy such a beautiful girl for a silver coin? You are so stingy!"

He pounded his forehead hard with his fingers, and Lehan smiled mysteriously: "This guy in my head told me! He is called Anthony. He said that any copper is precious. In many cases, , A bronzer might play a huge role."

"Anthony?" Sna narrowed his eyes, and a chaotic fierce light flashed in his eyes: "Well, Anthony! My one is called Pompeo, he..."

Lehan suddenly growled in a low voice: "Pompey? That coward! Ha!"

With a big laugh, Laihan slapped Sna's chest with a slap, and slapped the snake-man prince who had had a good friendship with him a dozen meters away. Sina's embarrassed head hit the reef and roared in pain. And Rahan raised his hands in embarrassment: "Great God, this is not my intention, he wants to beat Pompey!"

Sina's face twitched violently, a golden light flashed suddenly beside him, and a hundred fully armed golden armored soldiers appeared. And Lehan grumbled twice, and there were three hundred warriors holding a shield in their left hand and a spear in their right.

The two small armies stared at each other, and after a long time, Sna and Lehan exclaimed at the same time, and forcibly separated the two small armies that were about to fight. Sna and Lehan looked at each other, sweaty, and they lowered their voices at the same time.

"We, something is wrong!" Sina scratched his forehead in distress: "I'm completely out of control!"

Laihan's face was very gloomy: "I remembered that we used to have an ancestor of the Golden Lion. He was rewarded by the Hall of Valor, but it didn't take long for him to suddenly... Sudden... Crazy death. I Thinking, maybe we have to finish this task quickly."

The two glanced at each other. They no longer care about the confrontation between Munch's fleet and the undead fleet. The two hurriedly summoned their accompanying guards, sneaking up a few small sailboats, and heading towards the Black Spirit Continent. It went over.

Lin Qi stood on the city wall, staring coldly at the undead ship facing Munch's fleet.

Obviously, this proud pirate fleet of Munch is not the opponent of the other party. Munch did come to the Black Spirit Continent to rob this time, and the ships he brought with him were only more than 300 large and small ships. The undead ships are several times the Munch fleet.

The Royal Fleet of the Black Spirit Empire has a lot of ships, but the sailors of the Black Spirit Empire are more than enough for them to bully ordinary people. If they want them to fight against the undead soldiers who are not afraid of death, then forget it, Lin Qi didn't expect them to play any role.

"Let Munch's fleet retreat, these keel ships are not easy to provoke." Lin Qi reluctantly issued the order.

The special keel battleships of the Undead Continent are all made of dragon bones. Although they are not the bones of giant dragons, these keel ships are at least made of the bones of high-end terrarium dragons. These dragon bones are light in weight, exceptionally tough, and have a strong defense against magic.

Ships made of keel bones are extremely hard and extremely defensive. The most important thing is that the keel is hollow and light in weight, so the speed of keel battleships is generally more than twice that of conventional battleships. Except for the abnormal level magic warships manufactured by the Xueqin Empire, ordinary sea ships encountered keel warships, and basically it was impossible to resist.

Munch’s ships are fairly sophisticated in the Western Continent, but after all, they are ordinary goods manufactured by the own shipyard of the Vias Commercial Federation. They are not opponents to the large ships from the East, let alone encounter the Undead Continent. The keel battleship.

The high-pitched horn sounded, seeing Munch's fleet of turtles retracted into the port, and the undead fleet in the open sea came slowly towards the port. Especially the three huge sea beasts, a lobster, a crab, and an electric eel, they were extremely arrogant and pushed to the port side. Waves of huge waves crashed on the breakwater, hitting the breakwater. 'Straight.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, he was not a good stubborn willing to suffer.

Following Lin Qi's order, several large teleportation formations in Black Pearl Harbor opened suddenly, and large groups of flying dragons from the abyss of the dragon roared out. There are more than ten demon mages sitting on the back of each flying dragon. These demon mages wearing black cloaks exude huge waves of magic power, and amazing flame magic power has been gathered around them.

Thousands of flying dragons appeared majestic in the air. These flying dragons breathed out poisonous fog and dragon breath, arrogantly using dragon language to provoke the undead ships and three huge sea beasts below. These dragons have a bad personality under the guidance of the dragon. The flying dragon basically scolded all the foul language they knew.

There are more than 6,000 adult flying dragons with huge heads, plus tens of thousands of fire magicians who emit sky-level magic fluctuations!

Rao is the size of the Undead Fleet. Facing such an almost invincible force in the conventional sense, the Undead Fleet still stopped moving forward. After a while, the flagship of the Undead Fleet sent out a signal, dozens of green ghost fireballs rushed into the sky, and the huge undead fleet turned around and slowly evacuated back dozens of miles.

Looking at the undead fleet going away, Lin Qi nodded, then turned and looked in the direction of Wang Zong's camp.

Hundreds of thousands of black centaurs were advancing, and they let out a low gasp, in line with the roar of the war drums on the thunder beast, a large cloud of smoke splashed under the hoofs of these centaurs. Out of the huge momentum that millions of human legions have.

Lin Qi frowned and looked at these centaurs, these big guys wearing rune armor and holding rune weapons were hard to deal with.

These centaur are tall and tall, and they are several times stronger in strength, speed, and response than humans with the same vindictive cultivation. If 100,000 centaur fighters rush into Black Pearl Harbor, even the current Longshan Empire Legion They are so powerful that they have to dispatch more than five times the regular army to resist their impact!

These guys are purely cheating races, they don't have mounts, but they themselves are the most powerful mounts!

The so-called combination of people and horses is a matter of course for them! The most powerful paladins of mankind can hardly achieve the unity of man and horse, but these guys are the body of a horse, the upper body of a human being, and they are not difficult to match a man and a horse.

Once they start a charge, they are the heavy cavalry with the highest tacit understanding and strongest coordination in the world! Unless Lin Qi mobilizes more than twice the ground dragoon corps, he can't hold the charge of these perverted guys!

Not to mention the floating sky castle above your head, and the castle built by the people of the Nangong family opposite. Those dozens of magic continuous crossbows are also a headache. Lin Qi hoards the army in Black Pearl Harbor, and there is no one that can be an opponent they can jointly attack.

"A bit of a bad premonition!" Lin Qi frowned, "It seems that I am going to lose to Wang Zong this kid! No, I am going to lose to the master meeting behind him! Damn, their combination of arms is too good. Outrageous! How many years has the Domination Club developed? They actually have such a strong military?"

Mr. Mo sighed softly on the side: "You have only developed a mere few years! You are only one person. Although we have help, we must admit that our help to you is insignificant. And the master will, According to your information, they are a huge organization, and they have been developing for more than ten thousand years!"

Looking at the over a thousand huge keel battleships on the sea, and then at the huge army of 100,000 black centaurs ahead, Mr. Mo felt a bit of toothache. Fighting against such an army is a nightmare for all commanders, right? This has nothing to do with the art of command. This is purely about smashing eggs with iron plates. Mr. Mo feels that he can become an invincible commander-in-chief if he can only be this army.

Enzo also frowned, this battle cannot be fought!

Enzo originally thought that with Lin Qi's help, he was bullying others naked. I don't know how good this is, I have clearly become someone else bullying myself! With this three-dimensional attack by sea, land and air, and the opponent's lethality is so strong, Enzo calculated the conventional combat power he possessed. He was really not an opponent! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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