Bright Era

Chapter 1816: Upgrade artifact (2)

A terrifying thunder fell from the sky and hit the black spirit warrior's head. Lion King Shield groaned overwhelmedly, and fell heavily to the ground. Countless white electric lights flowed rapidly in the black spirit warrior's body. Gradually his body began to collapse, like a statue of sand piled up, and soon dispersed into countless small particles floating in the wind.

Lehan laughed loudly. He strode to the Lion King's shield and grabbed the huge shield in his hand. Lion King Shield trembled madly trying to get rid of Rahan's control, but Rahan's hand sprayed a dazzling golden light, no matter how Lion King Shield struggled, he could not get rid of his hand.

"Hehe!" Lehan raised his right fist suddenly, and then slammed his fist on the Lion King's shield: "This is Anthony, this is Anthony's violence!"

A terrifying punch hit the Lion King's shield, and a scream of sorrow was heard in the Lion King's shield. The crimson light suddenly dimmed, and then the Lion King's shield turned into a ray of fire and slowly merged into Lehan's arm. . With just a punch, a semi-sacred tool that was about to be promoted to an artifact was violently conquered by Rahan.

"Anthony?" The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse murmured in surprise: "Well, I remember, a junior who is not very famous. Well, perhaps under the nourishment of the Hall of Valor, he has a certain amount of power, but he is in harmony with the Hall of Valor. Compared to the real powerhouse in the temple, he is nothing."

Long Ya just sneered a few times, and a few thin thunder light flashed in the thundercloud above him, obviously he didn't take this Anthony seriously. Lin Qi couldn't help but shook his head again and again. Even the guys who weren't regarded as the same thing by Longya and the others, had already dealt a fatal blow to Wang Zong's army.

Seeing that the black spirit warriors holding the Lion King's shield were easily killed by Rahan, Wang Zong's face became even more ugly.

He turned his head and yelled at the elves who dodge far away: "Noble elves, you should use your power! These foreign invaders are slaughtering your friends. You should give your power. ."

An elven elder lightly gave a soothing gift to Wang Zong. He gently said, "Oh, no, respectable Lord Wang Zong. Although we have some insignificant power, this power is compared with our dark friends. , That’s not worth mentioning. For such a powerful aggressor, I suggest that you still ask the Black Spirit friends to summon their gods!"

The faces of the elder elves and the elves around him always wore a calm, calm smile. On weekdays, Wang Zong thought this smile was very noble and gentleman, but today he saw this smile on the faces of these long-eared guys, and he just felt sick.

"Centaur, attack!" Wang Zong suddenly yelled, pointing his finger to the sky, and a fist-sized group of fighting qi light shot into the sky, exploding in the air, and let out a dull thunder. .

Approaching the Black Pearl Harbor, no one even looked back at the centaur that was happening in the camp, and they stopped their progress neatly. There was a loud bang, and the sound of the armor's impact came like a sea tide. The centaur turned around, and their fierce eyes locked Lehan and Sina firmly.

A member of the royal family murmured: "Xiaozong, if these centaur regiments are injured, you can't explain to them! You don't know, in order to gain the trust of these black centaur in the abyss world and help them How many years of painstaking efforts have been spent to form a unified centaur empire!"

"For two thousand years, it took countless resources and energy to let these centaur accept us, let us integrate into their tribe, and organize them to form a centaur empire under our command."

"These centaur can be sacrificed, but they shouldn't be sacrificed on these people. Let the black spirits solve these two guys by themselves. Unless the black spirits are dead, you'd better not use these centaur. "

Several members of the royal family persuaded Wang Zong in a word. But Wang Zong had already made a decision. He ignored the persuasion of several clansmen at all, and grabbed a blood-red spear with his right hand pointing in the air. He did his best to inject all his grudge into this crude, simple blood-colored spear, and then hurled it at Lehan.

The complexion of the royal family members present suddenly changed. This was the blood spear, the war scepter of the lion family. Once the blood spear appears, it represents an endless battle. Unless the last soldier under the command of the royal family on the battlefield is killed, unless the enemy is beheaded, he must fight to the end. The **** battle will never stop.

After the appearance of the blood spear, whether the royal family members or the army under the royal family's command, anyone who dares to slack and fear war will be killed on the spot by military law. And once any blood spear appeared, the royal family member who issued the decisive battle order must be the first to rush to the forefront.

With a clang, the long sword came out, and Wang Zong howled hoarsely: "Blood spears come out, fight to death!"

A group of royal clansmen seemed to have been stuffed with a lot of **** in their mouths. Their faces were so hard to see that they roared up to the sky, and they pulled out their weapons and rushed towards Sna and Rahan. The blood spear has been thrown out. As a member of the royal family, after seeing the blood spear, he must fight to death! Either Sna and Rahan are killed, or they are killed themselves, there is no other choice.

Lehan stretched out his hand and grabbed the blood spear from the lasing shot.

With a loud noise, the blood spear polished from the spine of the **** demon of the Abyss exploded, and it exploded into a cloud of blood entwining Lehan's body. The violent wind blew through the blood mist, pulling the thick blood mist into a long blood band, which looked as if a blood-colored flag appeared on the ground.

The eyes of those black centaur suddenly turned scarlet, blood spear, this is blood spear, this is a decisive battle order that cannot be violated! The black centaur, who is extremely cruel and cruel in nature, made a low roar at the same time, and then they spread out four hooves, forming an array of thousands of sharp cones in a team of hundreds of people, and yelled at Lehan and Sna. The direction rushed past.

"Warriors, for the glory of the fighter!" Wang Zong stared at the family member who had pulled out his weapon and charged forward. There was a hesitant look on his young face, maybe he did it wrong? Maybe he sent his people to death? But soon Wang Zong showed a firm expression, yes, he absolutely did nothing wrong!

Although he joined this so-called Domination Council under the influence of his father, and he did obtain huge resources from the Domination Council, helping him to increase his strength at a speed that was ten times and a hundred times faster than his peers, and In terms of experience and other aspects, he has been greatly taken care of, allowing him to grow to a level that is thousands of times stronger than his peers.

But the glory of the warrior! This is the inheritance of the royal family of the lion clan!

All members of the royal family have been dealing with war all their lives. Wang Zong's heart was filled with the honor of a soldier, and he couldn't tolerate the kind of things he made of watching his allies sacrifice, watching allies bleed, watching allies being killed one after another like a chicken.

"Have you forgotten the glory of the warrior, is this the soul of our family?" Wang Zong yelled frantically, and then he clenched his staff with one foot and wanted to charge forward with him. Flew out: "When the man is not dead, it will be the woman's turn to play!"

Lin Qi stood on the head of the city. He saw everything clearly and heard everything clearly.

This Wang Zong still seems to have not let him down. He heard the words of those royal family members, heard the persuasion of those royal family members, and he also heard Wang Zong's roar at Yin Wuxia. Yes, Lin Qi did not misread Wang Zong, this little guy is still a reliable and can make friends.

Yang Tianchang laughed, Lin Qi restored to his original appearance, and then summoned Tu Junaxe and jumped out of the city wall with a dull tiger roar. Tu Junaxe gleamed with a faint black light, and a looming tiger phantom roared around Lin Qi. The low whistling sound rolled up the dust on the ground. The strong wind blew Lin Qi's body, and the sky covered the entire Black Pearl Harbor. .

With the wind from the tiger, Lin Qi sprayed black hurricanes all over his body. He rushed forward without touching his feet, and there was a continuous roar of tigers in his chest. He quickly passed the thunderous beasts, quickly passed the black centaur warriors, and easily caught up to Wang Zong, and quickly circled him three circles with a smile.

The extremely vigilant Wang Zong swung a sword at Lin Qi in amazement. The Yin Wuxia behind also clenched his teeth, and shot three green bone spears at Lin Qi with great agility. Lin Qi flicked Wang Zong's long sword with one finger, and then easily avoided the three bone spears with a flick of his body. He smiled and put his face in front of Wang Zong who was running wild.

Wang Zong, who was rushing forward, almost sat on the ground without being scared. He stared at Lin Qi with wide eyes and hissed: "Brother Lin Qi? Why are you here? Ah, see the dead. At the beginning, in the Fourth Abyss, you seemed to hook up with the Longshan family! Don't tell me, you are in the Black Pearl Harbor!"

Yin Wuxia also let out a cry of exclamation. She looked at Lin Qi, who was constantly spewing terrifying black hurricanes all over her body, and the magic fluctuations entwined all over her that made her feel terrified. She couldn't help showing a bright smile on her face. I don't know why, when she saw Lin Qi, she knew instinctively that this crisis didn't seem to be a big deal.

She doesn't know how strong Lin Qi is, but she just feels instinctively, whether Laihan or Sina, they cannot be Lin Qi's opponent. Looking at the heavy and dark Tu Jun axe in Lin Qi's hand, Yin Wuxia felt confident in his heart. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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