Bright Era

Chapter 1818: Upgrade artifact (4)

The fully enclosed heavy armor is still heavy armor, but the shape is thicker, more domineering, and more aggressive. The edge of the armor is as sharp as a knife, and the pointed cones protruding from the joints are two feet long, curved like horns, and have spiral lines on them. It is conceivable how terrible it would be to be pierced into the body by such a sharp cone.

And these sharp cones are still vibrating violently, making a humming sound from time to time. At each finger-flicking moment, the oscillation frequency of these sharp cones reaches millions of times. With just such oscillations, these sharp cones are enough to penetrate all the alloys and crystals currently known.

A trace of heat rose from the armor, and a faint power of divine power that made people palpitation slowly spread.

Lin Qi clenched his fists, he felt the power of horror in the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor. Wearing this armor, Lin Qi's physical strength has doubled. Lin Qi is now a powerful three-star warrior, and the Lixie Tiger Soul Armor that has been promoted to an artifact can actually double his power!

In addition, Lin Qi could feel that this set of greedy armor was frantically extracting magical elements from all around, constantly storing them in the tiger head carving on his chest. Moreover, some of the magic elements he extracted will be injected into Lin Qi's body to increase Lin Qi's cultivation speed.

There are other wonderful abilities, but Lin Qi does not have the time to study this armor set that has just been promoted to a lower-level artifact. Because there are still nearly three hundred golden armor warriors in front of them, Miyin Mountain and the others are constantly filling them with rare materials, whether they are **** tiger soul armor or Tu Junaxe, there is still great room for improvement.

With a big laugh, Lin Qi waved Tu Jun's axe, really like a tiger coming out of a hole, and rushed towards Sina.

Sna let out a sharp cry: "Damn it, Lehan, stop him!"

While yelling, Sna retreated quickly, while waving his hands again and again, there were continuous waves of lightning smashing Lin Qi's head, or large groups of fireballs exploded under Lin Qi's feet out of thin air. However, no matter how many attacks Sna made, Lin Qi couldn't hurt a single hair. After being promoted to a divine weapon, and Lin Qi used his own source power to infuse the **** tiger soul armor, the defense power of this armor has reached an extremely astonishing level.

Nearly a hundred golden armored fighters rushed towards Lin Qi in formation, but Lin Qi just waved his hand, Tu Jun axe split a black arc of hundreds of meters long, and cut off all these golden armored fighters. The golden torrent poured into the Tu Jun axe like a tide, and there was a long tiger roar. The Tu Jun axe in Lin Qi's hand suddenly spewed out a huge light and shadow, and a giant axe with a height of 1,000 meters rushed straight up. Up high in the sky.

A lively tiger appeared on Tu Junaxe's axe surface, accompanied by a high-pitched tiger's roar, what happened just now on Lixue Tiger Soul Armor was repeated on Tu Junaxe. The huge power aura rolled out, and the faint divine might suppressed the black spirit chiefs and elders as well as the elves.

A halo composed of dense and complex golden runes rotates rapidly outside Tu Junaxe, and a heavy halo is continuously imprinted into Tu Junaxe. It also seems to be very long but after a short time, the light and shadow that Tu Junaxe emits suddenly As soon as he converged, his shape and breath also changed dramatically.

There were fine serrations on the axe blade that was originally like a moon wheel, and the irregular serrations that looked like shark teeth obviously had a terrifying lethality above the standard. After being torn by such an axe blade, if not killed, the wound left will definitely make the wounded suffer.

But at the end of the axe handle of Tu Jun’s axe, there is a sharp long thorn, this black-red long thorn gleams with a terrible cold light, Lin Qi casually waved Tu Jun’s axe, and slammed it back with the axe handle in an understatement. The golden armor warrior who came to kill from behind him was immediately submerged in a dense rain of cold light.

This spike just flashed out tens of thousands of divine impacts like tiger teeth. Such an invincible attack method was enough to make all Lin Qi's enemies feel desperate and painful.

On the handle of Tu Junaxe's axe, there were countless densely packed sharp bulges like dragon scales. Where Lin Qi held his hand, the bumps immediately became extremely smooth, but as soon as he left his hand, these sharp bumps came out immediately.

It is conceivable that a piece of **** flesh was torn apart by being hit or pulled by such an axe handle.

After evolving into a divine weapon, Tu Jun axe has become a downright murderous soldier. Even Lin Qi can feel the strong desire of Tu Jun axe. He wants to kill all the golden armored soldiers in front of him, kill Sna and Laihan, and remove all of them. All energy looted.

Through Tu Junaxe's induction, Lin Qi could perceive Rahan and Sina's body that there are terrifying existences thousands of times stronger than those golden armored fighters. Are they the heroes of the Hall of Valor? Created purely for destruction, a heroic spirit with the power to slaughter the dragon!

If they swallow them, to what extent can Lixue Tiger Soul Armor and Tu Junaxe grow?

With a big laugh, Lin Qi turned to the black centaur that had rushed to a short distance behind him and roared: "Get out of here, don't get in the way!"

The terrifying Huwei gushed out of Lin Qi's armor and battle axe and turned into a wave of black and red storms rushing towards the huge centaur army. The poor one hundred thousand powerful centaur elite was actually shocked by Lin Qi's throat and his feet were weak, and he fell to the ground embarrassedly. The earth trembled, and 100,000 heavy centaur fell down at the same time. This spectacular scene made the dark spirits and elves stare, and made Wang Zong and his people's faces so ugly that they could ooze blood.

All this happened in a very short period of time. From Lin Qi jumping off the city wall to the completion of the evolution of the two artifacts, Lin Qi only took less than twenty fingers. But the change in this short period of time made people breathless.

The black spirits looked at Lin Qi curiously, they didn't understand why Lin Qi would come out to help them.

The elves looked at Lin Qi greedily, they wanted to **** the fresh artifact from Lin Qi.

Wang Zong and his people looked at Lin Qi helplessly. Judging from the shape and size of the armor and axe, the people of Wang Zong knew which ancient people Lin Qi came from. A young man of the Tiger tribe, a young man who is not a few years older than Wang Zong, actually has two artifacts in his hands! This is a magnificent achievement that many elders of the ancient races have gone through untold hardships and collected countless materials!

Suddenly, there was a roar, and the eyeballs completely turned into golden Laihan shouted in anger, holding a spear composed of golden flames, and stabbing Lin Qi three times as fast as a whirlwind. Lin Qi snorted coldly, Tu Jun's axe brought a black and red strange light, and slashed heavily on the spear. After hearing three loud noises, the spear in Laihan's hand broke, and Lin Qi's body was shocked and took three steps back.

Although Lin Qi didn't use his full strength, he also put a lot of effort into it. The power he used was equivalent to the power of the peak of a demigod, but with the power of the sacred tool of the Tujun Axe, the attack power of the three axe Lin Qi just now was definitely not weaker than that of a lower-level god!

That was a god-level attack, but Laihan actually shook Lin Qi back three steps!

After being possessed by the heroic spirit, Laihan actually possessed such power! And Lin Qi could feel that this was not all of Rahan's power.

"Hey, big guy, you have a lot of strength!" Lin Qi looked up at Laihan who was more than one meter taller than him, and sneered.

"Human, your strength is not small!" Lai Hansen looked at Lin Qi coldly: "I am on the order of the Emperor Longshan Empire to help you kill the enemy's highest commander! Why are you blocking me?"

Lin Qi ‘haha’ laughed, "His Majesty the Emperor Longshan Empire’s order? I haven’t received such an order. Do you have any evidence?"

Sina stepped forward and cautiously hid his body behind Laihan: "Humans, we are acting on the orders of the Emperor of the Longshan Empire. We are under the Anbu of the Imperial Guard of the Longshan Empire. We only execute Longshan. A top-secret task personally confessed by the Emperor of the Empire!"

The Anbu of the Imperial Guard of the Longshan Empire? Well, this name sounds scary, but Lin Qi remembers that he did not establish such an organization. If there are no two Longshan empires in the world, this so-called dark part is something that does not exist at all.

Looking at the two orcs helplessly, Lin Qi laughed in a low voice: "Want to plant something? Very clever idea! But it's impossible!"

Sna yelled: "Planning? We never do anything like that! We come to kill people with integrity, we are Bong..."

A bad wind blasted, and a pale golden javelin almost teleported to Sna. Sina hissed and screamed, his body suddenly turned into a shadow and disappeared. The next moment he appeared behind the ruins of a tent ten meters away. The golden javelin lost its target and disappeared into the air with a ‘swish’.

"Two noble orcs, a golden lionman, and an obsidian snakeman. You are all of your own royal family or royal family. You will actually be ordered by the Dragon Mountain Empire to assassinate the commander of the Black Spirit?" A low voice came from behind the observation deck. Accompanied by the sound of light footsteps, an old man with gray hair, wearing an ordinary coarse cloth long gown and holding a golden javelin walked out slowly.

After several members of the royal family saw the old man, they bowed to the old man at the same time.

When Wang Zong saw the old man, he curled his mouth subconsciously, and then bowed deeply to the old man with a hippy smile: "Ancestor!"

The old man snorted coldly, and he glared at Wang Zong fiercely: "Start the blood spear without authorization? Hey, this account, take your time!"

Lehan and Sna stared at the old man warily. They felt the great danger from the old man. This was not their discovery, but a warning from the heroic spirits in their bodies. This is a terrifying figure enough to make the heroes in their bodies feel stiff.

The old man strolled up to Lin Qi, then stood upright in front of Lin Qi less than a foot away, his face almost touched Lin Qi's visor. The finger flicked Lin Qi's breastplate, and the old man nodded slowly: "Very good armor, Lin Qi, depending on your strength, it is not enough to exert the power of this armor. And this handle The axe is the same!"

After pondering for a while, the old man smiled and shook his head: "My aunt's little granddaughter, also the grandmother of Wang Zong's thirty-ninth generation, will be married next month. Her husband-in-law belongs to the Yunlong clan. Yun Yaokong, the most talented person in the past three thousand years, is the so-called treasured sword gifted hero, do you understand?"

Lin Qi stayed in a daze, then he shook his head: "I don't understand, this is my armor, this is my axe!"

The old man's eyes suddenly became extremely cruel. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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