Bright Era

Chapter 1820: How about killing it? (2)

As the prince of the golden lion man, Rahan naturally knew the martial arts skills of the barbarians. He exclaimed a "sweeping axe", his body trembled, and he was about to eject back subconsciously. In Rahan's ontological consciousness, he is absolutely not able to handle the shock of the Mahayana realm.

But Anthony, who controlled Lehan’s body, let out a spiteful roar, Lehan’s body involuntarily jumped forward. His left hand had an eagle shield embossed with vulture patterns on the surface, and his right hand had a spear shaped like a blade. His spear pierced Lin Qi's brow fiercely.

There was a loud noise in'Dangdangdang', and Lin Qi's thirteen shadows shattered one after another, and he was forced to retreat again and again. Wang Ba let out a sneered sneer. Holding the **** javelin in his hand, he shook his hand and shot hundreds of dazzling **** cold lights at Lehan and Sna. Not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, a ray of blood pierced Lin Qi's heart.

Lin Qi didn't dodge, the blood shot directly on Lin Qi's heart. Lixue Tiger Soul Armor let out a high-pitched tiger roar, Lin Qi cried out, flew forward with his hands and feet, and then fell heavily to the ground, rolling dozens of times, just lying on his back. The ground doesn't move.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree snorted lightly: "It seems that he has completed the first transformation and reached the critical state before the second transformation. But his attack power did not cause any damage to you. Due to the damage, Lixue Tiger Soul Armor has lost one-hundredths of a thousandth of its energy, and it has been self-replenishing by absorbing external magic elements."

Longya's rumbling voice sounded: "In other words, this guy wants to break through the defensive barrier of your artifact armor. According to his attack intensity just now, it needs hundreds of uninterrupted attacks. Even if he breaks the defense. Enchantment, you have to tear the body of the armor. In other words, this old guy has no threat to you! His strength is not enough to deal with you."

Lin Qi lay motionless on the ground. He licked his lips and watched intently at the fight between Wang Ba and Lehan and Sina: "I know he is not my opponent, I just don't want people to know my true strength. This old **** is very domineering."

The Osmanthus Tree and the others were silent. Lin Qi squinted his eyes and quietly watched Wang Ba holding a blood-colored javelin, his hands continuously sprayed a large amount of blood-colored cold light that enveloped Rahan and Sina. With an eagle shield and a spear in hand, Lehan fought with Wang Ba in a vivid and colorful manner, and a large number of sparks continuously burst out of the air. And Sna hid behind Lehan, constantly releasing a large number of thunder fireballs to attack the king.

The two sides held a stalemate for a while, and the gate of Black Pearl Harbor suddenly opened. A hundred thousand men wearing mithril, gold, and full-body armor forged from abyss heavy steel, riding on the abyss tarantula, rushed out of the city gate-these people, just now Mr. Mo used Lin The token Qi gave him was urgently transferred from the Abyss World.

Wang Zong used a 100,000 black centaur legion, and Black Pearl Harbor brazenly dispatched a 100,000 raging dwarf Abyssal Tarantula Cavalry Army. With the fighting power of the raging dwarves and the fierceness of the Abyssal Tarantula, this army is enough Face off with the 100,000 black centaur.

The long cavalry team rushed out of the city gate mightily, forming a neat line in the open space in front of Black Pearl Harbor.

A large group of dark-skinned black goblins appeared on the city wall-these black goblins are vassals of the Dragon Abyss Flame Dragon tribe. Although their personal strength is not worth mentioning, their research on Primordial Spellcraft is no better than those on the ground. Distant relatives came poorly. Moreover, these black goblins have a tyrannical character, and they are all studying the devastating Primordial Magic Art with super lethality.

As soon as these black goblins appeared on the top of the city wall, they set up a large number of weird equipment. Soon hundreds of strangely shaped ballistas were formed on the wall, and more than two dozen mana catapults nearly 100 meters high spit out steam on the wall.

Behind these black goblins, a large number of orcs with exuberant fur appeared. These orcs are hung on their chests with palm-sized iron plates, which are inscribed with the common slave symbol of the western continent. In other words, these orc warriors are all slaves, and orc slaves, especially orc slave soldiers, are legal to exist in the Western Continent.

But looking at these orc warriors' tall, fierce expressions, and the powerful fluctuations of vindictiveness emanating from them, no one believes that these orcs with an average strength above the heavenly position will be slaves! And isn't the slave brand to be branded on the eyebrows of orc slaves? Why do these guys hang the brand on their chests with iron plates? This seems a bit foolish, right?

More than 30,000 powerful orc ‘slave warriors’ just appeared on the wall in such a grand manner. What is shocking is that they are all wearing magic armor and holding long bows shining with magic light!

Yes, these orcs all hold long bows. Look at those long bows that are thicker than the thighs of ordinary people, and the bowstrings made of dragon tendons with the thickness of people's little fingers. No one will doubt that these long bows have. Terrible lethality.

Orc archers are indeed inferior to elves in quasi-head, and even worse in bow and arrow skills. But the orc archers are extremely powerful and have a very long range. They can shoot a special heavy arrow with an arrow weight of about two catties out of two kilometers. On a large-scale battlefield, on a battlefield with tens of thousands of people as the unit, accuracy and skill are actually not important.

Thirty thousand orc archers holding magic longbows, and their own strength has reached the heavenly position. With the help of the 200-meter-high city wall to bring them the range and strength blessings, these orcs can at least weigh the arrow A special heavy arrow of two catties and a total weight of about five catties shoots four kilometers! Within this range, all large-scale groups of enemies will be devastated.

Inadvertently glanced in the direction of Black Pearl Harbor, and Wang Zong immediately stayed there.

This is cheating, this is naked cheating, no such play! Wang Zong dispatched a floating castle, dispatched allies of the Nangong clan, dispatched the Nangong family's enhanced magic continuous crossbow made by the ancient magic, plus thousands of necromancers controlled by the Flying Snake Yin family and 100,000 Black centaur, this is already cheating!

But what is Black Pearl Harbor doing? Even cheating, you can't play like this!

One hundred thousand violent dwarf cavalry riding adult abyssal tarantulas, tens of thousands of black goblins chattering around the city, 30,000 orc archers, plus the original defenders in the city. What to do

But in the next instant, something that made Wang Zong almost collapsed appeared. Behind the city wall, more than 50,000 half-dragon magicians slowly flew up, and 50,000 half-dragon magicians with skins ranging from crimson, reddish brown, light red, and pink, judging from their skin color Knowing that they are all hybrid descendants of the flame dragon.

A total of 50,000 half-dragon wizards were suspended in the air, and their hideous and densely scaly faces showed terrible smiles, and their turbid amber eyes were emitting a chilling light. Under the feet of these half-dragon wizards, there is a huge magic circle that faintly emits a faint red light. There are 50,000 magic circles in the magic circle, and every half-dragon wizard corresponds to it. Of a node.

A large-scale war-level curse-forbidden magic circle, if fifty thousand heavenly-level half-dragon magicians jointly release this magic, the power is definitely curse-level!

Wang Zong looked at the huge magic circle and the dense half-dragon mage, and he felt his temple jump wildly. With a hoarse voice, he repeatedly ordered to withdraw all the members of the Nangong clan and the floating castle in the sky. With the force now showing off in Black Pearl Harbor, Wang Zong really didn't dare to fight them hard.

Fortunately, Black Pearl Harbor only showed off a muscle, and then there were no other changes.

Wang Ba was holding the blood-colored javelin, and had been fighting Lehan and Sna for a while. The bodies of Lehan and Sina have been shrouded in golden light, and the golden light has condensed into heavy golden armor on them, and their faces have vaguely changed into the appearance of Anthony and Pompey. What's even more palpitating is that a blood-colored war eagle flag appeared behind them, and under the huge war banner, countless figures flickered faintly.

A billowing killing intent rose to the sky, and along with the unfamiliar war horn, Lehan sang a war song whose tune and rhythm were very different from those of the world. Accompanied by the impassioned singing, the spear in Laihan's hand turned into a heavy dagger. He swung the dagger like a leopard, constantly slashing at the king's deadly place.

Sna has a book in his hand with countless strange words engraved on it. He is holding an axe and chanting aloud mantras, and thunders of the thickness of a water tank fall from high above, constantly smashing the king. The top of his head.

Wang Ba's blood rose up, and a looming blood-colored lion roared above his head, shattering the falling lightning. Suddenly Wang Ba's body shook, his body swelled to a height of four meters, his limbs became extremely thick, and a lot of thick golden hair emerged from him. His face also changed to the look of a lion, and when he opened his mouth, a loud roar came out.

The roar of the lion turned into visible air and exploded on Lehan's chest, sending him out with one blow.

Lehan flew back tens of meters away dancing and dancing. He hissed and roared, "You are also the Golden Lion? No, your breath of power, no!"

Sina screamed, watching his partner being beaten into the air, he quickly retreated back. As a mage, close hand-to-hand combat is not his strong point. But he had just stepped back two steps, and Wang Ba had already rushed in front of him and grabbed his body. Sina let out a screaming scream, thunder light kept falling, and the lion phantom that hit Wang Ba's head kept shaking. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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