Bright Era

Chapter 1844: Terrible Masters (3)

The breath of the lower middle-level **** enveloped the entire parliament hall, and the evil breath made Huo Lingrong's body stiff. He looked at King Golden Scorpion in disbelief, and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead a little embarrassed: "Lin ... Lin Qi, your own strength is so low, you, how did you subdue this guy?"

Lin Qi glanced at King Jin Xie, spread his hands and smiled irresponsibly: "Ask him!"

King Scorpion opened his mouth and yelled happily: "Meat! He feeds me a lot of delicious meat!"

Huo Lingsuan and the entourage behind him almost fainted, meat? Is this the condition for the King Scorpion King to sell himself to a god? If it was just meat, Huo Lingsuan felt that he could also meet the requirements of King Scorpion! Could this **** be demented? Sell ​​yourself just for a bite of meat?

Lin Qi looked at Huo Lingsuan with a malicious smile: "What else is there to say? With Elder Yin and Yang testifying, I think there is no doubt that I am a member of the Domination Council? The King took the initiative to attack me, my man Kill them all, it's that simple!"

Pulling out his ears, Lin Qi brought a standard bandit bully face and thighs shaking: "When I killed the king, I didn't know that he was the one who ruled the guild, so I killed it! Because of the elder Yin and Yang. Tell me, who would dare to fight against our Master Society? Just kill! And the elder Yin Yang told me that even if it is an ally of the ancient race, our Master Society can be killed, right?"

Huo Lingling was silent, yes, that's it.

This is how the Sovereign Association teaches its new members. The Sovereign Association is above everything. Even the clansmen of the ancient tribes can be wiped out if they conflict with the Sovereign Association. So, from a logical point of view, after Lin Qi agreed to join Yin and Yang to the dominion club, facing the attack of the lion clan represented by the king, Lin Qi wiped them all out, it was true!

Of course, Lin Qi's behavior has caused a lot of damage to the power of the ruling guild that Huo Lingling belongs to. Even his elder brother was thrown out as a scapegoat, and was swallowed by a marine fish when he went out to hunt fish. Lost. But to be honest, the death of Brother Huo Lingsuan is only good for him personally, and there is no harm.

Originally, Huo Lingsuan still had some careful thoughts, such as letting Lin Qi join the power of the dominating guild he represented. But after seeing the strength of King Jin Xie far surpassing his own, Huo Lingrong's cautious thinking was also extinguished. It seems that the Black Spirit Continent is destined to have no destiny with his power that governs the guild.

With a soft cough, Huo Lingsao respectfully bowed to the sky and said, "I would like to invite you to the first lesson."

A thin black light appeared from the sky above the parliament hall, and then countless extremely thin black lights shot out from that black spot, enveloping the entire parliament hall in the blink of an eye. A faint milky white mist filled the surroundings, and after bursts of light and shadow flickering, Lin Qi suddenly found that he was already in a small dimensional space that was forcibly torn apart from the main space, and the surrounding images became a spacious meeting. hall.

The darkened conference hall is divided into a regular dodecagon, and each side is divided into dozens of steps from low to high. On each step, there are a large number of high-backed chairs. Now in this depressive and heavy hall, the twelve tallest high-back chairs at the bottom are sitting upright with twelve men wearing red robes and masks of ghosts and gods.

A soft cough sounded, and on the big chair facing Lin Qi, a man with colorful hair and a weird color of gold, silver and purple slowly stood up. Holding a simple, tall wooden staff, he slowly approached Lin Qi a few steps.

It is not the existence of an entity, but something similar to the projection of some kind of clone. Lin Qi looked at the twelve men with haircuts around and made a subconscious judgment. Can be separated by not knowing how far apart, use the technique of space tearing to create such a small dimensional space, and can also project his clone directly in front of Lin Qi. It is estimated that none of the twelve men with haircuts in front of them have the strength. People will be weaker than Xie Lisi.

Of course, these people did not release their breath, so Lin Qi could not accurately judge how strong they were.

"Really, it's a pity!" Heavenly Mountain sighed softly: "Dominate the club? Their ambition determines that they can only be your enemies! They are very powerful, we really did not expect that in this era, there will be such There are powerful human beings. But, it's really a pity!"

"Is it the enemy?" Lin Qi sneered a few times from the bottom of his heart: "Who said they must be my enemies? Can't they be used by me? Isn't the purpose of the governing society the supremacy of interests? Then I give them huge Let them see unprecedented benefits, and their strength will become my strength!"

Heaven Mountain and Osmanthus Tree were silent for a long time, and then they fed back some confusing information. Obviously, they felt very messy on this issue, and they were unable to make effective judgments about Lin Qi's words.

"Lin Qi!" The man who walked in front of Lin Qi smiled lowly: "Dear child, I am very happy to see you join us. Potential children like you will definitely make a great contribution to the master's society. . Or one day, you will have a place that belongs to you in this power hall!"

Lin Qi coughed a few times, and he smiled at the man straightforwardly: "Don't talk nonsense, Elder Yin and Yang promised me that if I join the dominion association, I can get enough benefits and get a strong boost. But I didn't expect it. The thing is, the first fierce battle that I fought after joining the Domination Club cost me hundreds of thousands of elite subordinates. It was actually caused by the Domination Club!"

The colorfully-haired man smiled softly: "We have already figured out the cause and effect of the incident. On the Black Spirit Continent, there are already members of our ruling society operating some things. And you suddenly broke into them. In fact, when the conflict broke out, we didn’t know that you were already a member of the Dominion Council!"

Lin Qi glanced at Yin and Yang, and Yin and Yang said respectfully from the side: "The meeting leader, this is my mistake, because I did not have time to report the matter here to the meeting leaders, because according to the order I received, I still have to Only after determining how powerful Lin Qi is in his hands, can he report Lin Qi's willingness to become a member of the Domination Council!"

"Huh huh!" another man sitting in a big chair asked faintly: "Apart from the five major branches of the Tiger tribe, how many powers does Lin Qi have? Is it worth it for you to spend so long to verify? Haha, you Do you know how many elites the Sovereign will lose this time? The plan of the Sovereign Association in the Black Spirit Continent is directly aborted. Who will bear all the responsibilities?"

After dropping the cigarette **** on the ground, Lin Qi took out another cigar and held it in his mouth. He looked at the twelve red-robed men who had the status of the leader of the guild with cold eyes, and said slowly: "Except for those sub-clans who are now under my control of the Tiger Clan, I have the allegiance of the Devil Abyss! The Dragon Abyss has reached a cooperative agreement with several dragon kings!"

The body of the man standing in front of Lin Qi trembled slightly, and he asked in a low voice, "Evil Ghost Abyss? Lin Qi, is it the entire Evil Abyss or a ghost lord? The difference between them is huge. If it's just the allegiance of a lord, then it's nothing, but if it's the entire abyss of evil spirits, I think you are even qualified to hold the seat of elder."

Lin Qi stretched out his hand, his fingertips sprayed out a trace of violent evil spirits. The aura of these evil spirits is as hot as fire and chaotic like porridge that is boiling. They are filled with endless desire to fight. This is the aura of a strong ghost who has reached the peak of a demigod, and such aura is in Lin Qi’s direction. More than ten thousand on the tip?

"What a promising young man!" The man patted Lin Qi on the shoulder, and he laughed happily: "I suggest that I personally preside over the ceremony of Lin Qi joining the Domination Club and grant him directly. For the elder's seat, he should be eligible to attend the daily meetings of the Hall of Power. What do you think?"

After a long silence, a red flame suddenly burned on the body of one of the leaders. He said faintly: "The Devil Abyss can be regarded as a very useful chess piece, but it seems a bit too much to grant the elder seat directly. Up!"

The man standing in front of Lin Qi sneered a few times: "Old Fire Monster, are you heartbroken by the deaths of those insignificant descendants? The Devil Abyss can only be considered careless, but don't forget the Devil Abyss and the Tenth Abyss. The relationship between the world and the abyss of greed! The fifth abyss of evil, but it can affect the decision-making of those violent crazy."

After a long silence, the head of the meeting who was burning with flames waved his hand gently: "Then, let's make it! According to the rules, Lin Qi came from a tiger clan, and after joining the dominating meeting, he will naturally be under your control. But is the initiation ceremony? If it is an elder, the leaders of the three races must join hands to bless his soul!"

Nodding deeply, the man in front of Lin Qi laughed: "As it should be. There are three leaders of Lao Fei Snake, Shenli, and Shahu."

Lin Qi vomited a ring of smoke. He looked at the man in front of him and asked confidently, "I have a few questions."

The man laughed: "Of course, you can ask, this is your right."

After pondering for a while, Lin Qi threw the cigar on the ground and crushed it severely: "The first question, are you the patriarch of the tiger clan?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome. Come to the starting point ( to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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