Bright Era

Chapter 1860: The first shrine (1)

Holy Mountain!

Lin Qi stood in front of the avenue that entered the holy mountain, filled with a strange and inexplicable taste in his heart.

He finally came here! He finally stood outside the threshold of the gods. Many years ago, when he was huddled in the cold and smelly animal skins in the Black Abyss God Prison, Lin Qi had never expected that he would come to the church's base camp one day and directly face those supernatural creatures.

Although in the osmanthus tree and their mouths, some of the words occasionally revealed, their attitude towards the gods is contemptuous. But Lin Qi knew in his heart that with his current power, with the power he now possesses, he can at most exchange some benefits with these tyrannical beings, besides that, he is simply unable to fight against those truly powerful gods.

Even with some conspiracies and tricks, Lin Qi also knew that the loss was nothing but a wound to any protoss. The power of a complete Protoss is not something that humans can easily figure out.

Mu Wei and Hu Xinzhu stood beside Lin Qi, and they looked at the entrance to the mountain in front of them.

At the foot is a flat road paved with large black stones. This road has been built since the church was established. For countless years, it is unknown how many church clergy have entered and exited through this road. There are no gaps in the road surface made of Michelin square stones. Years of polishing have melted these large stones into almost one piece.

Just a few hundred meters ahead, two peaks on the left and one on the right stand, sandwiching the entrance to the holy mountain. These two thousand-meter-high mountains were carved into two statues of warriors with shields holding sharp swords. The eyes of the vaguely-faced samurai shone divinely, and the light in their eyes shone down, casting a large complex of light patterns near the entrance.

This is the first line of defense of the holy mountain. Any life body with evil powers, such as demons and evil spirits, once they enter the area covered by the divine light in the eyes of these two statues, any of their disguise will be destroyed immediately . These two huge idols opened their mouths wide, and their bodies had been hollowed out, and there was a strong team of ascetics and fanatics stationed in them all the year round.

If there are evil creatures exposed here, what awaits them is the tragic fate of being beaten into meat cakes by those extremely powerful ascetics and fanatics. For countless years, there have been countless self-righteous abyssal powerhouses who wanted to get into the holy mountain, but they were all here to sink into the sand.

"Let's go! What's so interesting?" Mu Wei glanced at the two statues, and snorted disapprovingly: "It's just two statues, so big? Have you never seen my hometown? An ancient sacred altar, surrounded by the statues of that altar, each one must be a hundred times higher by these two statues!"

"Archbishop Mu Wei's hometown?" Lin Qi glanced at Mu Wei with wide eyes.

There was a faint melancholy on Mu Wei’s small face: “Yes, my hometown is full of purple clouds, flying cloud horses galloping in the sky, Swift Light beasts chasing playful places in the jungle. I already, I haven't been back for many years. Ah, I don't know what happened to the people in the family? Some very annoying guys, should they all die?"

Lin Qi tilted her mouth, Hu Xinzhu gently hugged Mu Wei's waist: "My dear, don't be so melancholy! You are homesick! But I remember an ancient and beautiful verse in the East. , This peace of mind is my hometown, with me, this is your hometown!"

Mu Wei's face was covered with a faint blush, she lightly slapped Hu Xinzhu, and cursed in a low voice. The young couple just looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other affectionately with a deep affection that makes Lin Qi's teeth sore.

Helplessly, he rolled his eyes and looked at the sky, and Lin Qi rode towards the entrance of the holy mountain. The sky was densely covered with clouds, and the cold wind was swirling against the ground. Seeing that a heavy snowfall was about to fall, Lin Qi didn't want to blow a cool breeze here.

Hu Xinzhu and Mu Wei hurriedly followed. Mu Wei took Hu Xinzhu's hand and said with a smile: "Xinzhu, the priesthood I prepared for you is the priesthood of Emil of the God of War. She is the most outstanding wise man in the God of War system. Of course, she is far inferior to you, but in the God of War system, she is much smarter than other gods other than the Goddess of War."

Shaking Hu Xinzhu's arm vigorously, Mu Wei smiled triumphantly: "Emil is a high-ranking middle-level god, but her priesthood is not good at fighting. She is only good at making plans and arranging troops. This is just right for Xin. Bamboo you."

Lin Qi glanced at Hu Xinzhu, okay, this kid got the priesthood of a high-ranking middle-level god? well!

Hearing Mu Wei paused, then flicked his forehead with his finger, and muttered in a low voice: "There are also Dragon City and Yan Chimei, none of these people can be spared. The Emperor of the Longshan Empire is me. People, the Supreme Emperor and Prince Protector of the Great Yan Dynasty are also my people! Hahaha, in this case, my military strength in the world will be more than twice that of other people's joint forces!"

Lifting her head triumphantly, Mu Wei let out a few sneers: "As long as you can help me eliminate enough orcs, barbarians, dwarves and nomads, build enough merits, and divide the spoils after the war, we can Take the big head!"

Looking at Mu Wei, who was alive and well, Lin Qi smiled and asked her: "Boots? Will there be trophies for religious wars?"

Mu Wei squinted her eyes and nodded to Lin Qi with a brilliant smile: "The souls of the gods, their bodies, are extremely useful resources for the gods. What's more, the power of faith they have accumulated over the years, They will certainly not use them all. They will condense the power of faith into a faith spar, which is a strategic resource for the gods."

With a fierce fist, Mu Wei gritted her teeth and muttered: "They want to plot the realm of God, they have to pay the price! God's realm belongs to the great Azhul, in order to build the realm, the Azhul clan paid the most. Collecting the materials for the construction of God’s Domain, the Azer clan paid the price of thousands of deaths and injuries of the mighty. So God’s Domain is ours.

"God's Domain?" Hu Xinzhu opened the folding fan with a snap, and slapped the cold wind very freely in this freezing season: "What is that? God's Domain, where do the gods live?"

Hu Xinzhu’s coquettish movements fascinated Mu Wei. She watched Hu Xinzhu’s graceful gesture of fanning the cool breeze with intoxication, and sighed softly: “The God’s Domain is not just a place where the gods live. The earth is the supreme artifact that helps the people of the tribe to quickly increase their strength."

After pondering for a while, Mu Wei looked around carefully, then lowered her voice.

"I don't know what kind of existence God's Domain is. Back then, the various races joined forces and started from a broken design drawing and gathered the best master craftsmen of each race. It took hundreds of years and spent countless lives and resources. Only then did God's Domain be created."

"As long as you keep a breath of your own in the realm of God, even if the body collapses, the soul dissipates, and the soul flies away completely, the law and power in the body of the **** will reabsorb the ubiquitous elements at the moment the **** completely falls. Strength, reconsolidate the priesthood!"

Mu Wei cocked her nose triumphantly: "Think about it, what a great artifact this is! Our Azhul clan owns God's Domain, so we have a huge advantage. We have fallen a lot of tribesmen, but these tribesmen's The power has not been lost. After so many years of cohesion, the priesthood of all the war dead has been condensed."

Lin Qi glanced at Mu Wei deeply: "As long as we select people like us and integrate with the priesthood, can we have the power of God?"

Mu Wei nodded earnestly: "Yes, the chief gods of the major gods of the Azerite tribe have the power to bestow their divine priesthood on selected people. Starting from the later period of destruction, in the development history of the church In the Middle Kingdom, God's Domain has re-condensed many middle and lower clergy, and these clergy have selected devout believers to be rewarded."

The group had already walked into the holy mountain at this time, among several towering peaks in the distance, the temples of dawn, the temple of war, and the temple of punishment were emitting their own unique divine light. Mu Wei pointed to the temple of punishment that seemed to be shrouded in flames, and curled her lips disdainfully: "For example, that stupid Gerdas, he is the son of God, but if it weren't for him to be rewarded with a middle-level lower rank His priesthood, he is also qualified to be called the King of Breaking Army?"

Lin Qi looked at Mu Wei in astonishment: "Gerdas, the king of the broken army, he has the power of a god? Then how could he fall in the dark period?"

Mu Wei tilted her mouth and spread her hands helplessly: "He came across a couple of powerful enemies who joined forces. Then, according to this idiot's own statement, he was sapped and someone attacked him from behind. , So he was beheaded!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Mu Wei laughed mockingly: "So this guy is in the realm of God, and the God of Retribution throws his soul into the God of Retribution and burns for more than a thousand years, and this allows him to be reincarnated. Poor guy, that's so stupid."

Lin Qi sighed heavily, very well, Gerdas was attacked from behind, he knew who did the good thing. But I really didn't expect that Gerdas at that time actually had the strength of a middle-level lower-level god? Then, the kings of the city-states who opposed him, didn't they rely on their own strength to cultivate to the realm of gods?

No wonder the abrupt end of the Dark Age, the church destroyed all the city-states in the Dark Age in a devastating way, and then established a unified kingdom and empire on the continent. The Emotional Church is using this method to thoroughly clean out those who were inhumane during the dark period, and completely destroyed the new civilization derived from the dark period. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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