Bright Era

Chapter 1862: First entrance sanctuary (3)

There was no one on the huge square, and the cold wind ‘swiftly’ passed across the square, not knowing where it brought a few withered leaves of grass. Some classically shaped circular stone pillars fell down all around, and the broken stone pillars were densely covered with numerous sword scars.

Lin Qi couldn't help shivering as he looked at the square that was full of desolation and desolation. He murmured: "What an uncomfortable place! Archbishop Mu Wei, where is this place?"

Mu Wei looked around and shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "It's nothing, there are too many people killed here, so some corpse energy is gathered here. We spend a lot of effort to purify the breath here every year. , But it’s still the same after so many years."

Clutching a finger to calculate for a while, Mu Wei showed a sneer and sneer: "During the Primordial God War, the enemies of the gods continued to attack here, but they left the bodies of tens of billions of people here. Every day. A raging fire will ignite here, burning mountains of corpses to ashes. But yesterday’s corpses were not completely burnt, and there are more fresh corpses here."

He exhaled heavily, as if he was about to spit out all the **** smell that filled his chest, Mu Wei shook her head: "Then the Protoss suddenly broke out all-out conflicts in order to compete for the Divine Realm. Many seriously injured gods fell. In that short year alone, there were more than 24,000 high-ranking gods from the Axul protoss."

With a soft snort, Mu Wei smiled coldly: "But they ultimately failed, and the Azhul Protoss won the final victory. Although because of this battle, all the Azhul Gods fell into a deep sleep and were unable to Opening up places of faith around has caused the mighty Axul protoss to be confined to this small western continent, but, after all, we have won."

Lin Qi nodded thoughtfully, and he said in a deep voice, "Azur Protoss, are the gods enshrined by the church? I also find it strange that the Odin Temple, the Desert Temple and the Prairie Temple, and the Eastern Temple The Temple of Heaven, as well as the elven gods of the Elf Continent, seem to be eyeing the Western Continent, but the Axor Protoss can't stand tall, and coupled with the mighty power of the God's Domain, the Axor Protoss should have more territory."

Spreading his hands, Mu Wei sneered a few times disapprovingly: "Of course, of course, the Azer Protoss should have a larger territory. But you may not know that the area of ​​the former Western Continent is not much different from the Eastern Continent. Even the properties are more elegant. But after the Battle of the Gods, 99% of the land of the Western Continent was sunk, and three huge abyssal worlds formed around the Western Continent!"

Taking a look at the stunned Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu, Mu Wei nodded indifferently: "Although the area has lost some and the population has lost a lot, but after so many years, the three abyss worlds are completely controlled by the church. , They have re-developed and grown. Moreover, it is purely a place of faith belonging to the church."

Lin Qi only felt numb all over her body, and her hairs were standing up. He looked at Mu Wei like a ghost. He finally understood why when the church was fighting for the land of faith in the western continent, it often behaved like a child's play? One by one, the main gods and high-ranking gods, they didn't seem to take the changes in the empires too seriously?

"So, who is the king of those three abyssal worlds?" Lin Qi swallowed dryly, staring at Mu Wei firmly.

Frowning, Mu Wei led Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu towards the magical teleportation formation: "After so many years, haven't many middle and lower priests reunited? Including the priests of several other great protoss, they are also concentrated. That’s a lot. So, most of those priesthoods have been rewarded with little value."

Clutching her finger to calculate carefully for a while, Mu Wei nodded seriously: "The three abyssal worlds together are about 80% of the current Eastern Continent, ruled by an empire alliance composed of 18 empires. The biggest emperor, he has ruled the empire for more than nine thousand eight hundred years, right? An ordinary middle-level lower-level god, the goddess of the goddess of pleasure, did not expect him to be of much use."

Shrugging her shoulders, Mu Wei smiled at Lin Qi: "The goddess of the goddess of pleasure, what can you expect from them?"

Lin Qi's face twitched. He looked up at the giant dragons, flying dragons, and various beasts that were gathering near the peak of a holy mountain in the distance. The number of flying beasts and cavalry gathered there had exceeded. One hundred thousand, of which the dragon is more than twenty thousand.

Mu Wei also glanced over there, and then she smiled disapprovingly: "Among the eighteen empire alliances, there is a giant dragon empire. The emperor of that country is a nine-headed dragon emperor survived by the ancients. He was rewarded with the priesthood of a middle-level high-level god, which is the mount of the **** of war. All the people of that empire are dragons or other dragon creatures."

Hu Xinzhu looked at Mu Wei in astonishment. He sighed heavily: "My dear, you haven't told me these things!"

Mu Wei hurriedly took Hu Xinzhu's arm: "I just didn't think of it. This is not a very important thing. In terms of the identity you are about to acquire, they are just humble servants. Moreover, we once swore an oath. For outsiders, we are strictly forbidden to divulge information about the three abyssal worlds."

Squinting, Mu Wei smiled sweetly: "But now, you are about to become a member of the Axul Protoss. You have enough qualifications to understand all this. But you must remember that these three abyssal worlds , Is the last trump card of the church and must not be leaked to the outside."

Before Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu could answer her, Mu Wei waved her little hand, a golden light shot up into the sky, and the three of them quickly sank into the void.

The air was full of strong elemental power, and the abundant magical elements even condensed in the air into a thumb-sized elemental spirit, happily circling in the air. Lin Qi just took a breath, and felt a huge and pure elemental force pouring into his body, quickly being swallowed by the origin, and then decomposing thousands of strands of source power smaller than a hair.

"Huh? So this is it?" Heaven Mountain suddenly exclaimed.

"What is it? It seems familiar, but this part of my memory is missing." Osmanthus tree's voice was full of doubts.

"Advance to the colonial base, violent destruction brood. Older model, but I have lost the information on the specific model." Heaven Mountain said calmly: "A bunch of idiots, worthy of dummies, they made this brood, overall The completion rate is more than 79%. But their utilization rate is less than 20%, and they at least wasted half of the combat effectiveness of this brood."

The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse murmured very sullenly: "Perhaps, they don't even know what they are building."

Heavenly Mountain sneered again and again, and large white flames continuously spewed out from the gate of heaven: "It looks like this, God's Domain? It's really a shame that they came up with this name! Seeing this thing, I finally know why the core of the metaworld was Lost contact with serious injuries."

The Osmanthus Tree and the others never said a word, and Heavenly Mountain just snorted: "Unexpectedly, they also hid such a killer. It's no wonder that in the Western Theater, with the weakness of the Axul Protoss, the speed of the battle is out of control. So fast."

Lin Qi couldn't understand what they were talking about at Heavenly Mountain, and he wasn't in the mood to listen to them. He just breathed in big mouths, the origin madly swallowing the magic elements from the outside world, and the rolling elemental energy was continuously injected into the origin, and then quickly decomposed into thousands of thin source forces that flowed throughout the body. Lin Qi's muscles and bones were trembling happily, and every trace of the source of energy injected greatly improved his strength.

Mu Wei glanced at Lin Qi and smiled with a sense of superiority: "Your Majesty Lin Qi, this is the realm of the gods, where the gods live. Because of the Dragon Mountain Empire you control, plus you and Xinzhu are friends, That's why you have got this precious opportunity to become the supreme Azar protoss. I hope that in the future, you will be able to fight for the Azar protoss wholeheartedly, no, for the Temple of War!"

Tilting her head, Mu Wei desperately shook her head: "Don't fight for the Temple of War, fight for me! Now that I'm here, I won't hide my identity anymore. I am the goddess of war Mu Wei, the two supreme two of the Temple of War One of the main gods. And you have to know one thing, in the Temple of War, my identity and status are much higher than the **** ignorant stupid wild boar."

Lin Qi looked at Mu Wei in horror, and then he bowed deeply to Mu Wei: "It turned out to be, noble, your highness!"

Hu Xinzhu took a step back in shock. He hissed and screamed: "Dear Mu Wei, my god, me, me..."

The body shook, and Hu Xinzhu assumed a posture that he could not bear such a mental shock and would pass out of a coma. Mu Wei hurriedly supported Hu Xinzhu, and the two entangled sweetly again: "Oh, my dear, I didn't mean to hide it, I just..."

The two hugged each other tightly, and then they uttered sweet words that made Lin Qi horrified. Lin Qi hurriedly walked a few steps to the side, only then, while swallowing the extreme elemental energy around him, he looked at the scenery of God's Domain.

This is an unexplainable space, anyway, with Lin Qi's eyesight, he can't see where the boundary of this space is. The sky here is pale golden, white clouds are floating in the sky, and strange light shines from the clouds. The void was filled with abnormal light, and there was not even a single dust in the air. Standing here, Lin Qi felt that his body and soul were going to be purified. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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