Bright Era

Chapter 1875: Alliance (3)

Lin Qi's eyes opened suddenly, and a trace of cold sweat oozes out of his forehead. With such a fierce and strange blow, Lin Qi didn't discover where the breath was hidden. The Immortal Moon Wheel laughed mockingly: "Lu Sijia? I remember. Although I don't know her name, she did break into the depths of the Moon Palace with a group of women back then. It was I who inspired the Moon Palace. Self-defense system, a brilliant explosion, ha, although I was also seriously injured, she was actually blown up from the main **** level to an influential middle god!"

With a light sigh, the immortal moon wheel lightly circled the origin of Lin Qi's body a few times: "If not, I had suffered too much damage when I had not survived the last Zhou tribulation. They simply It's impossible to invade my core part!"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree gently waved a few long rhizomes, and patted the body of the immortal moon wheel gently. The eternal moon wheel sprinkled a stream of blue light, quietly covering the osmanthus tree. On the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, a large area of ​​sweet-scented osmanthus was in full bloom, and the quiet and fragrant scent echoed in Lin Qi's body. Lin Qi only felt cold and his body seemed to have been refined a lot.

The Immortal Moon Wheel sighed again: "But it seems that she really understands some of the core laws of the Moon Palace. The Moon Palace, high above, illuminates the world. Just like the Void Eye, the Moon Palace also undertakes the task of monitoring the world and everything. The most important thing is that the Moon Palace is not just a logistics unit that undertakes battlefield treatment, the Moon Palace is also a component of the ultimate defense line of the Metaverse, so the Moon Palace’s attack power is still very powerful!"

Is the Moon Palace still part of the ultimate defense line of the Metaverse? Lin Qi nodded thoughtfully, no wonder the sweet-scented osmanthus tree swallowed the gods and souls so cleanly, and the lethality of the two rabbits was so amazing. Judging from the ray of sharp power from the divine might emanating from Sha Xinyue, the attack power of Moon Palace is estimated to be extremely terrifying.

There was a heavy crashing sound from the side, and the **** of war furiously waved his mace, and slammed the floor of the hall. He roared in anger and anger: "Three! Three! Today I have seen three **** perverts! Damn, why are all of your god-chosen perverts like this? Look at their efficiency in absorbing power, see See how quickly they absorb power!"

Turning around, the **** of war kicked one of his chosen one out: "If you can’t behave better, if you don’t behave better than these three little guys, you will all die today! I will After you cook it, take it to the dog!"

Mu Wei smiled triumphantly, and happily grabbed Hu Xinzhu's hand.

Lu Sijia, the moon god, glanced at the hands that Mu Wei and Hu Xinzhu were holding together in astonishment, and then a psychic force quickly swept across Hu Xinzhu's body, and then gently shook his head: "It's a choice that shocked me, Mu Wei, I'm so surprised, can't you find a male **** among so many gods?"

Hu Xinzhu triumphantly waved his folding fan: "Dare to ask the respected moon god, who among the male gods of the Azhul clan is more handsome than me? Who is more handsome than me? Who is more wise than me? Wise? Who is more suave than me? Who is more knowledgeable than me? Who is more civil and military than me?"

Holding up his head proudly, Hu Xinzhu pointed to the **** of war who was gasping with anger, and laughed proudly: "Xinzhu is not talented. He is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Above the temple, I have a talent in the world, and in the world, I am also a good homemaker who can go out of the hall to the kitchen."

Lu Sijia, the moon goddess, looked at Hu Xinzhu dumbfounded. She had never seen such a narcissistic character who boasted and praised her?

The God of War on the side opened his eyes wide, his mouth opened, and a line of saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Then I heard Hu Xinzhu brag about it with restraint: "On the battlefield, I can strategize and win thousands of miles away, killing people in the wild, killing people and slaughtering the city. That is a matter of turning hands. If you want to talk about the world's big husband, who is it? "

He opened the folding fan and shook it a few times, and Hu Xinzhu's chin was almost up to the sky: "But in that boudoir, I was cautious and cautious, and served Mu Wei well and didn't need her for anything. Go worry. If you want to say that the passionate man in this world, gentle niche, who else can compare to me?"

Closed the folding fan fiercely, Hu Xinzhu pointed the fan to her nose: "A good man, Mu Wei's choice is absolutely correct!"

Lin Qi shivered suddenly, then stepped back subconsciously. The best man? This fellow talks less and less ashamed. With his identity as a Shahu family, Lin Qi couldn't believe it when he said this! Poor Mu Wei, the goddess of war, was fooled by this guy into the dark, lost his feelings and his body.

As the donkey said well, the members of the Shahu family, don't listen to their nonsense, meeting is a beating, and they will spit out a few truths when they are sobbed. Thinking of this, Lin Qi's fist tickled.

With a loud bang, the **** of war threw the battle axe and mace to the ground, and then he strode to Mu Wei's side, and his figure shrank to just over two meters in height. It was like a wall of flesh in front of Mu Wei. The little eyes stared at Hu Xinzhu, the **** of war screamingly asked: "Did you choose him? Have you been on good terms with him?"

Mu Wei stared at the **** of war fiercely: "What matters to you? Can you control me?"

The **** of war shook his hands in excitement, and then spread a hand in front of Mu Wei: "So, you are married, according to the family rules, such things should not be in your control now. Give it to I, hahaha, from today, the God of War series, I am the number one main god, and you have to listen in the future..."

Mu Wei kicked the God of War away, and then there was a violent multicolored light on her hand. The intense halo pierced Lin Qi's eyes with severe pain, even he couldn't see it clearly. What kind of strange artifact is in the light? Dozens of frantic colorful thunders roared and blasted down, smashing the **** of war scorched all over, blasting him to hiss, his huge body gradually became hazy and translucent, and it was about to be completely dissipated. Up.

The **** of war came here as a clone projection, probably possessing the strength of a middle-ranked god. But facing this strange artifact that Mu Wei took out, it was almost completely destroyed without any backhand strength. Lin Qi couldn't help but stared at the colorful light in shock. What is this?

"Damn it! That is..." Heaven Mountain suddenly roared in shock, and the entire Heaven Mountain shook violently.

"The imperial king-level'War Armament•Sky Fury Thunder' that incorporates eternal particles, **** it, who broke the prohibition and made them such a powerful weapon?" The numerous rhizomes of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree waved violently, one after another. It was messed up into countless braids, and dozens of rhizomes were accidentally twisted into knots.

It is rare for Lin Qi to hear a trace of anger and panic from the voice of Heaven Mountain. He hurriedly asked Heaven Mountain: "What happened? What is it? The Royal King's War Armed Forces • Sky Furious Thunder, what is that? Grade artifact?"

Heaven Mountain and Osmanthus Tree were silent for a while. After a long time, Heaven Mountain murmured in a low voice: "The information is incomplete, and it is impossible to verify the source of this royal-level war weapon. However, Master Lin Qi, please This war goddess has a head-on conflict. Of course, I think, with the conspiracy and tricks of you and the little white face next to you, if you can get this war weapon, that would be great."

Lin Qi was silent, and Lu Sijia, the moon god, showed a hint of panic. She screamed hysterically, "Mu Wei, how can you master this thing? This, this, this should not be. Stay with you, in your family?"

Mu Wei glanced at Lu Sijia who was panicked, and raised her head proudly: "When I left the family, I secretly brought it out. Only me and Mudel knew about it, but he didn't want to think about it, this idiot, I Is it possible to give him the sky fury thunder?"

Triumphantly retracted the magnificent multicolored light into her body, Mu Wei smiled sweetly, and nestled her little head into the stunned Hu Xinzhu's arms: "Hmph, whoever dares to **** my things must be done well. I am mentally prepared to break it into pieces! My Mu Wei is just'good-hearted' and'too lazy to care', do I really consider me a fool?"

"If I give the sky fury thunder to Mudel, will the Temple of War still have a place for me to speak?" Mu Wei's tone was very proud and contented.

The **** of war, who was almost smashed to pieces, got up from the ground tremblingly. His body has become as pure and transparent as a ghost. He grinned at Mu Wei for a long time, and suddenly roared in anger: "You have been Lie to me? You have taken control of the sky fury? But impossible! How did you do it? Mu Wei, with our strength, it is impossible for us to control him!"

Mu Wei tilted her head and snorted lazily: "Why do you think I want to be reincarnated? Where did my own body go? I hate the body that has been beaten to flesh and blood and has ragged eyes everywhere. So, I combined her with the sky fury thunder! So, I control the sky fury thunder!"

After a few triumphant smiles, Mu Wei raised her head proudly: "So, for so many years, when you have used the power of faith and the souls of believers to nourish the soul and repair the body, I don't need to pay attention to that. Broken divine body. All the power of faith and believer soul that I have acquired have been used by me to restore the divine soul. Therefore, my current divine soul is in its peak state and even has a breakthrough." (To be continued. If you like this You are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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