Bright Era

Chapter 1892: The grievances of the year (3)

Mu Wei shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands: "As for the creatures of all races that can't contribute any power of faith, but still retain the ability to multiply, they are all... They are not naturally occurring life forms, they It's a magical, powerful, terrifying, and desperate existence, a battle puppet created by his various parts!"

With a light sigh, Mu Wei's little face showed a trace of despair and fear: "You have never seen his horror. When he woke up from his sleep, it was just a salvo attack, more than us, the main gods. The **** masters who are a hundred times more powerful, the leaders of the major **** masters, they are wiped out just like the ants. The metaverse, the core of the metaverse, will let..."

Taking a deep breath, it seemed that otherwise it would not be enough to finish her own words. Mu Wei suffocated her breath and said word by word: "I remember clearly. At that time, I was just leading the preparation from a distance. Legion, reserve generals ready to join the attack at any time."

Mu Wei's smiling face turned pale, and she firmly grasped Hu Xinzhu's palm, squeezing Hu Xinzhu's hand creaking. Hu Xinzhu wanted to scream in pain, but he was reluctant to interrupt the ancient secrets in Mu Wei's mouth. He could only gritted his teeth, crying with pain, and listened to Mu Wei's narration.

What a terrible scene, the incredible scene that appeared from Mu Wei's mouth.

When the army of the gods came, when they began to massacre humans, the Metaworld core sleeping in the human world was awakened by the warning signal, terrifying, the Metaworld core with the most powerful destruction ability in history began. .

Mu Wei couldn't see exactly what the core of the metaworld looked like. It was so powerful that the gods shuddered, and the terrifying aura made some of the gods standing close to wet their crotch. The huge enchantment surrounded the metaworld. At the core, Mu Wei only knew that it was a horrible existence that exuded the ancient aura, incredibly old, and shouldn't belong to this cosmic space.

The huge Metaverse core spread across the sky, and the sky was filled with the roar of the Metaverse unfolding. Many strange-shaped buildings appeared in the sky. These strange buildings and other strange objects exuding huge pressure, although the surface was densely covered with scars, their aura was still a hundred times stronger than the limit that the gods could predict.

Mountain ranges appeared in the sky, countless stars suddenly appeared in the sky, divine palaces and immortal palaces appeared in the air with ethereal music, and the powerful Yuanjie main battle army rushed out of the void with the aura of destruction. The soldiers of the Legion of Gods who were slaughtering mankind were immediately killed by the ridiculously strong and innumerable Metaverse Main Battle Legions.

Afterwards, Metaverse launched its first attack, and it was the only attack.

Just this attack seemed to exhaust all the energy that Metaverse had stored up so hard, but the brilliance and despair of that attack made Mu Wei sit on the ground for a long time unable to get up, scared that it was just a Mu Wei, a young girl, was sobbing and she dared not raise her head to observe the situation on the battlefield for a long time.

One blow, that blow is like ten thousand suns appearing in the sky at the same time. The terrifying light and heat cover everything. It is a kind of light and heat that the gods can't understand. It completely destroys and completely destroys all laws and powers. Light and heat.

The 1,578 **** master-level tyrannical existences closest to the core of the metaworld - including more than a thousand **** masters, including Mu Wei and Mudel's uncles, attacked at the core of the meta world at the same moment Completely vaporize. The body and soul are all annihilated, and there is no trace of residue left.

To bury them were 39,895 powerful masters of various races, and countless other high-level gods, middle-level gods, and low-level gods, as well as the army of slaves of gods. Originally a combined army composed of thousands of large and small protoss, nearly half of the protoss was completely wiped out in that single strike. From the **** master to the gods, from the lower gods to the slave soldiers, the entire race's army instantly evaporated.

It seemed that that blow had exhausted all the energy of the metaworld core, and the metaworld core began to gather, and then disappeared again. No one knows where the core of the Metaverse has gone, but the terrifying existence released by the Metaverse has continuously produced a steady stream of legions, and fought against the armies of the gods.

Orcs, elves, dwarves, giants, undead, giant dragons, hydras, and all kinds of strange creatures in the modern world have sprung up from the divisions of the metaworld. These expressionless combat puppets with a blank soul dealt an extremely heavy blow to the army of the gods!

Correspondingly, because of the continuous flames of war, terrible powerhouses continue to emerge among mankind.

"Humanity is really a very terrifying and terrifying race!" Mu Wei exhaled heavily, and then gently shook her head: "I remember very clearly that at the end of the Primordial God War, in our gods In the years when they were about to take absolute advantage, the strong among humans appeared like mushrooms in the woods!"

The body trembled slightly, and Mu Wei tremblingly said: "Can you imagine? From an ordinary and weakest mortal, to cultivate to possess the strength of the **** master, they only need two hundred years! And to the ancient gods! In the later stage of the war, when humans are about to fail completely, they, some of them burn their souls, and they can have the power of the **** master within a few months!"

Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu opened their mouths, and they couldn't say a word at all.

Sha Xinyue also stared at Mu Wei in a daze, the ancestor of mankind, the human beings of the Primordial God War, they were so brilliant! Compared with the proud ancestors who stood in front of the gods with their chests straightened, the current human beings who kneel in front of the gods and offer the power of faith to the enemies of humanity, you should die in embarrassment!

After swallowing hard and spitting, Mu Wei laughed bitterly.

"Moreover, they activated some strange things in their blood. Until now, we still don't understand why human beings can transform into those strange creatures made in the division of the metaworld. Orcs, undead, giant dragons, Elves, those humans can change into that appearance, and their bloodline inheritance will be fixed!"

"Only the members of the royal family and the royal family, as well as their mixed descendants, transformed from human beings can provide the power of faith."

"And the descendants of the battle puppets who reproduced and reproduced each other, they are just cannon fodder, they are just victims on the battlefield, they can use part of the soul source after the soul is recovered, they have no value at all. So, those cannon fodder, we We will always let them go to the battlefield to die on the premise that they retain a digital foundation that is sufficient for them to grow and thrive quickly!"

Pointing to the northwest, Mu Wei snorted coldly: "So, the messengers behind the **** Odin Temple, they use those humble cannon fodder troops to continuously consume the lives of our human believers. This is very Shameless thing!"

Lin Qi sighed heavily: "Fortunately, humans can reproduce much faster than those of other races! For example, a human can take up a sword and walk on the battlefield as long as fourteen or five years old, but a dwarf, at least fifty Years! Their fertility speed is completely incomparable with humans!"

Mu Wei smiled triumphantly: "Yes, that's the truth! So, Lin Qi, if you can kill the royal and royal family members of those alien races in large numbers, you will be able to obtain greater merits, perhaps, of course, just For you, Lin Qi, if you can destroy the orc’s royal family, I can even let a certain goddess marry you!"

Lin Qi licked his lips and hooked on a certain goddess? Perhaps this is something Arda and the others are very interested in, but Lin Qi, thanks to Bumin! Now that the few in the family are enough, Lin Qi doesn't want to provoke a goddess to mess up his home.

Of course, that can’t be said. Lin Qi, with a blushing face, warmly made a knightly to Mu Wei: "Respected Goddess Mu Wei, your generosity surprised me. Then, I will destroy their royal family. , I will cut off all sources of faith for those heretics!"

Mu Wei nodded with satisfaction, and she smiled triumphantly: "Victory belongs to the great Axul. As long as we cut off their source of faith and we have the advantage of God's Domain, even if there is another battle of God, we will also Will win the final victory!"

Turning her head and looking around, Mu Wei stretched out her hand and drew a circle around: "We, the Azhul clan, must monopolize all the human belief resources in this world. The Azhul clan must become the only belief of mankind, the Azhul clan. , Will become the supreme in this universe. Those humble Protoss, just kneel and tremble at our feet."

Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu looked at each other, then bowed deeply to Mu Wei at the same time. Hu Xinzhu solemnly said: "This is nature, the Axul protoss must become the most powerful and only protoss in the world. Any **** who dares to compete with us will fall completely!"

Mu Wei nodded in satisfaction, and then she frowned: "After all that, I should go back. There are still some things that I must handle by myself. Well, remember the tasks I assigned to you. Lin Qi, if possible, go to the Black Spirit Continent to capture some Black Spirits. After all, they are pure human beings. If they can be domesticated, their power of faith is still very abundant."

Lin Qi owed Mu Wei, and Mu Wei and Hu Xinzhu hugged each other and murmured some greasy words, and then turned into a golden red light and escaped back to God's Domain.

Waiting for Mu Wei to go away, the surrounding void finally returned to normal. The violent wind swept down the goose feather and heavy snow, and the void eye in the high sky had long since disappeared without a trace. Lin Qi looked at the ground that was densely covered with numerous cracks, and then an earth element blasted out. The ground in a radius of hundreds of miles was slightly shaken, and the rock formations and soil here returned to normal. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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