Bright Era

Chapter 1899: Temple of Hades (2)

But looking at the power erupting from the Underworld Temple, the Dragon Witch King was really shocked, and he fell into a dazed panic. The breath exuding from the Temple of Underworld is so evil, solemn, so arrogant, so cold and bitter, the Dragon Witch King feels a group of greedy hungry wolves surround Lin Qi, tearing this poor lamb crazily. Flesh and blood.

"It doesn't matter!" Lin Qi gritted his teeth and comforted the Dragon Witch King: "It doesn't matter, it's just a normal situation. He, he has consumed all his power!"

"Damn it!" Heaven Mountain roared angrily: "He has consumed all of his energy, and even the last bit of energy to keep him asleep is not left. And in his warehouse, the **** thing, in his material warehouse No scum left! What did he do?"

A cruel and ruthless voice resounded abruptly in Lin Qi's spirit sea: "Stop wordy, I'm just looking for a secondment of energy and materials, like a lady! You birdies, there is no good thing! "

Heaven Mountain was furious, and countless white thunders spurted out of him: "What did you say? Hades Temple, I can refuse all your requests, you bastard, I can refuse all your requests!"

The voice of the Hades Temple suddenly became solemn and savage: "Try it? No one has ever dared to refuse my request! A little energy and materials, I will repay you ten times in the future! You think I am very happy to be with you, a respectable lady Do you deal with hypocrites?"

Heaven Mountain was so angry that it made a weird ‘chucking’ sound, and the Temple of Underworld sneered unhurriedly.

"Do you have a strong energy reserve? Let me divide it in half! Oh? Miracle, Miyin Mountain, Gem Lake, and Fine Gold Mine. You have all these materials and components found? Then, let me divide all the inventory in half. Well, you have also created so many energy cores of the archangel? I must point out that the top combat power of the archangel is not very powerful!"

"You should still play the innocent tricks of your Birdman Legion's sea of ​​people tactics. The glorious task of a front-on decisive battle among the elites is still up to me! You are a sissy, besides knowing that there are more people and less bullies, What else do you know?"

Heaven Mountain was so angry that he couldn't say a word for a long time. Lin Qi nodded secretly. Seeing this, the Temple of Underworld and Heaven Mountain are equal units at the same level? Look at the doomsday Temple of Apocalypse and Longya's silent appearance, the order of the Temple of Underworld obviously surpassed them.

With a soft cough, Lin Qi interrupted: "The Temple of Underworld? Are you still in good condition?"

After a long silence, the Underworld Temple coldly hummed word by word: "Who are you? Huh? A young baby who has just grown up! Report your rank and military position. Which battle zone and army do you belong to? Tell you Or I have the right to kill you!"

Lin Qi felt a sudden chill in his eyebrows, and an unprecedented sense of crisis made Lin Qi's hairs stand up. The fist-sized Underworld Temple body slowly floated up. His temple door was aimed at Lin Qi's eyebrows, and a very thin black cold light loomed deep in the temple door. It was this cold light that made Lin Qi stiff and unable to move. , Even the strength to speak is lost.

"Stop, you **** fellow, Master Lin Qi, is our highest commander today, this is his identity certificate!"

A rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree quickly turned into a blue light and pierced towards the gate of the Hades Temple. A few drops of Lin Qi's blood and a large amount of information were received by the Hades Temple along this blue light. There was a rapid flash on the surface of the Underworld Temple, and after a full quarter of an hour, the Underworld Temple said to himself: "Is that right? I have been asleep for so many years? I knew that I should keep a little energy to keep me awake occasionally. "

After a long silence, the Hades Temple said calmly: "Open your memory, Master Lin Qi, your identity is beyond doubt, you have the power to command me, but I must decide whether I will execute your orders 100% based on my judgment. !"

Lin Qi opened his mouth jaw-droppingly, what do you mean? Heaven Mountain, aren't they obedient to themselves? Why is there such a freak here? The voice of Heavenly Mountain resounded helplessly in Lin Qi’s spirit sea: "Accept his request, respected Master Lin Qi. The Temple of Underworld is the core of the first generation of the Underworld, and his status is even half an order higher than mine. His personality is awkward, if he is unwilling to obey your orders, then no one can force him except Yuanjie!"

Lin Qi sighed helplessly. Among these parts of the Metaverse, is there such a high-quality goods as the Underworld Temple?

Helplessly, Lin Qi opened his soul, letting out a few black divine lights from the Temple of Underworld, quickly invading the depths of his memory. From the moment Lin Qi just remembered it to Lin Qi's current life experience, all have been read through the Temple of Underworld.

"Well, yes, violent little guy, I like it!"

"Oh, yes, apart from violence, but also learned insidious and treacherous? I like it!"

"Ah, haha, good, good, cruel to the enemy, so many enemies can be killed at one time? Look, when you slaughter the clansmen from the Lion Clan and several other ancient clans, you show no mercy to them and treat them Killed cleanly. Well, well, and also, turning one's own elders into slaves, this is simply a genius!"

"Very well, if you can continue to maintain this cruel, looming and ruthless personality, respected Commander Lin Qi, the Temple of Hades is willing to obey all your orders! Do you want to destroy a continent? Do you want to destroy a star? Do you want to smash a piece of void? The mighty Hades Temple, willing to obey all your orders completely!"

Obviously, compared with the cold and solemn tone just now, the attitude of Underworld Temple towards Lin Qi is much more kind and enthusiastic.

Lin Qi rolled his eyes helplessly, because he was cruel, treacherous and ruthless, so this guy was so enthusiastic and willing to obey his orders? This guy seems a little unreliable! But if his strength is really as strong as Heaven Mountain said, then everything is acceptable.

They all have a bit of quirks in Heaven Mountain, but there are more quirks in Hades, so it's not a big deal.

"Shut up, Temple of Underworld!" The voice of Heavenly Mountain rang loudly: "Before you confuse Master Lin Qi to destroy a star and destroy a starry sky, check your own state! When will your Hell Legion begin to build? , What level can it reach?"

The Temple of Underworld snorted coldly, his body shook, and suddenly turned into a strong black light that hit Lin Qi's abdomen, and soon appeared beside Heaven Mountain. Accompanied by a low roar, patches of black smoke spread from the Temple of Underworld, quickly covering a large area.

The size of the Temple of Underworld rapidly expanded. Although his height was only one-tenth of that of Heavenly Mountain, his area was more than a hundred times larger than that of Heavenly Mountain. When he held it in his hand, the Temple of the Underworld looked like a single hall, but after he expanded it, Lin Qi discovered that the Temple of the Underworld had more than tens of thousands of large and small halls?

Between these halls, there are countless huge ferocious magic towers and other weird black giant pillars. The walls of each hall are hung with green ghost fires for lighting, and in front of the main entrances of those halls, The tops of the rows of stone pillars are burning with pale white ghost fires, blending with the light of the green ghost fires, setting off the ghostly spirit of the entire Underworld Temple is really scary.

Countless layers of weird black **** array patterns surfaced on the surface of the Underworld Hall, and the halls suddenly lit up, and then quickly extinguished. Underworld Temple screamed deeply, and after a long time, he roared sadly.

"Damn, I should keep a little bit of basic energy to keep the eternal energy furnace circulating in all the halls! But in the final battle, I received a dead order to cover a group of **** to escape. I ran out of energy and supplies."

"There is not a drop of energy left. If I want my own eternal energy furnace to start running, reaching the level of positive energy circulation and providing infinite energy, I need more than ten times the starting energy of all the energy you reserve today." He yelled very unceremoniously: "Heaven Mountain, the energy I need, seconded from you."

Heavenly Mountain groaned helplessly: "You, don't you retain any surplus energy?"

The Temple of Hades naturally roared: "War. This is war. If it is not dealt with, it will be broken into pieces. What do I retain the remaining energy for? If we win, what should I retain energy for? If we fail What's the use of keeping my energy?"

Lin Qi shook his head helplessly. From the words of the Underworld Temple, you can understand that this is a complete killing of embryos, a crazy war madman, he can make a desperate move for war, and he does not leave himself any back. .

With a helpless sigh, Lin Qi asked the Underworld Temple curiously: "You are not hurt at all? How did you do it?"

The Temple of Underworld laughed loudly, and the somber and solemn laughter made Lin Qi’s hair stand up again: "I exhausted the last bit of energy and created the last seven **** masters and sent them to the battlefield. Then I left the battlefield! Every battle is like this, I send the Hell Legion up, and then I command the battle in the rear!"

After a few triumphant smiles, the Temple of Underworld sneered and sprayed a black light on Heaven Mountain: "I am different from this group of idiots. When the Hell Legion strikes, I always let my body stay in absolute safety. The place. The daughter of a daughter can’t sit down in the hall. You should understand this sentence!” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support. Is my biggest motivation.)

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