Bright Era

Chapter 1908: Burial Ground, Queen! (3)

She opened her mouth wide in surprise, and then Lin Qi grabbed a hand from a female soldier next to him, and drew a snake from her body that was constantly twisting and jumping, crystal clear and without any impurities. Although this power of **** is full of negative auras such as chaos, evil, killing, and violence, this power itself is pure!

"Where is this place?" Lin Qi ignored the Dragon Witch King's weird gaze while looking at the power of hell, and asked the Underworld Temple directly.

The Temple of Underworld laughed loudly: "Aha, what is this place? Why doesn't that sissy speak? There are more opportunities to deal with him in this place! At least, at least, a long time ago, this place used to interact with him. He has broken out hundreds of thousands of wars, big and small! I said, birdman sissy, why don't you speak?"

Heaven Mountain snorted angrily, and he said in a low voice, "If I'm not mistaken, this is the place where the bones are buried. A place that is also directly managed by the Metaverse and the Underworld, and is full of undead. For a long, long time. In the past, before I was still in Heaven Mountain, and before I became the Metaverse•Divine Realm•Paradise Mountain, the Burial Land and Heaven Mountain had a war that lasted for hundreds of millions of years!"

Dozens of white thunders smashed from the top of Heavenly Mountain to the Temple of Underworld madly, and Heavenly Mountain roared angrily: "I hate this place, the **** Burial Land, and the person in the Burial Land, although that person's The body has died out, and here is just a copy of her, but I still hate it! I hate it a hundred times more than I hate hell!"

The Temple of Hades laughed strangely: "Oh, sissy is angry! He finally learned to be angry! Hello, are you really angry? Or are you giving me a massage? Dear Heaven Mountain , With a little bit of effort, it hurts and feels so uncomfortable for you to beat me? If you have something to say, beating is kissing, cursing is love, do you actually have a woman's heart, you fall in love with me?"

Heavenly Mountain uttered an angry roar, and his body trembled violently. The Gate of Heaven suddenly appeared above the Temple of Underworld. A huge white vortex within the Gate of Heaven formed rapidly, seeing a devastating torrent. Is about to pour on the top of the temple of the underworld.

"I surrender!" The Temple of Underworld immediately yelled: "Honorable Supreme Commander Lin Qi, I am complaining to you about Tianshan Mountain's reckless behavior and wantonly murder of colleagues! Military police, military police? Where is the military police? Damn it? Yes, I want to arrest Heaven Mountain, imprison him for ten tribulations, deprive him of all opportunities to replenish energy and materials, and deprive him of the evolutionary authority of ten tribulations!"

The Heavenly Mountain became angry, countless rain-like white thunders roared down, and the heaven gate trembled violently.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree and Longya stayed away without saying a word. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree, which is most familiar with Lin Qi’s body structure, slipped into Lin Qi’s sea of ​​knowledge and used his hundreds of thousands of rhizomes to entangle firmly. Lived Lin Qi's soul. Whether it’s Heaven Mountain or Hades Temple, their ranks are one level higher than the osmanthus trees. If the osmanthus trees are ordinary officers, these two are general-level characters. When they fight, they only have the osmanthus tree. Two don't help each other!

Lin Qi finally spoke: "Heaven Mountain, calm down! Underworld Temple, shut your mouth! I know **** is chaotic and evil, but I hope you will use your evil on the enemy! Don't provoke Heaven Mountain, absolutely not allow!"

Heaven Mountain stopped his actions, and the thick black smoke above the Temple of Underworld opened a gap. He asked Lin Qi with a strange smile, "I can use my evil means at will? As long as it is our enemy. , I can do whatever I want?"

Lin Qi earnestly agreed: "Of course, I am absolutely not opposed to your use of any means against our enemies, no matter how cruel and inhumane, just do whatever you want. But you can't do this to your companions. If something like this happens again, I will obliterate your current master control consciousness, and then change it again!"

The Temple of Underworld hurriedly yelled: "Great and wise Master Lin Qi, I will never provoke a sissy again. Oh, no, from now on, Heaven Mountain and I are good brothers, we are good brothers. Oh Huo Huo Huo, or is it a good sibling? Okay, okay, don't be angry, **** it. I will vent all my evil on our enemies!"

Satisfied with a sigh, the Underworld Temple smiled triumphantly: "If my direct commander had the wise and sagaciousness of Master Lin Qi during the Primordial Divine War, he would allow me to release those forbidden tricks against those **** gods. If we fail, we can at least increase their casualties by ten percent! Great Master Lin Qi, I love you!"

Lin Qi didn't say a word, his attention shifted to the outside of his body, he threw the pure undead power to the Dragon Witch King, and then said in a deep voice, "This is the place where the bones are buried. An extremely powerful one. Existence has forcibly opened up the dimensional space! The body of that existence does not know where it is hidden. Maybe she is lying in a corner of an abyssal world, but this is the space she has opened up!"

"No!" The voice of Heavenly Mountain resounded in Lin Qi's spirit sea: "It's here, the owner of Burial Land, right here. Go straight ahead, she is there for a hundred thousand miles away. Even so far away, I can still feel her smell. The bitter cold, evil and treacherous, smelly smell, she is here."

Lin Qi opened his eyes wide, and he looked at the Dragon Witch King: "Would you like to accompany me for a trip? It's a hundred thousand miles ahead, where the body of this buried land is hidden. Of course, if you If you think it's dangerous here, I can send you back to the Abyss of the Undead."

With the Gate of Heaven, as long as it is where Lin Qi has been, after the space coordinates there are recorded by the Gate of Heaven, the Gate of Heaven will be able to teleport Lin Qi there freely. If it weren't for Lin Qi's unwillingness to waste too much energy from the Gate of Heaven, in fact, it would be very convenient for him to go wherever he wants now.

The Dragon Witch King was silent for a while, and then he inhaled the pure undead power into his body. He shook his head and said solemnly: "In such a magical place, with such a pure power of the undead, you let me, an old undead who is intoxicated with undead spells, leave here? How is this possible?"

He stomped the skull of the giant beast under his feet, and the Dragon Witch King laughed loudly: "Go, go and see the owner here. I think I should be happy to give her advice! I will ask her for advice. , How can I make my undead power so pure. Especially, I am very curious what she did to Asir and Gust."

Lin Qi nodded, and then strode forward. Every step he took was hundreds of miles away, and after a few steps he was already thousands of miles away. The Dragon Witch King and the twelve **** female warriors also followed behind him with their magical skills. After just a few breaths, they had arrived at their destination, in front of a shocking huge palace 100,000 miles away.

"Really, it's too extravagant!" The Dragon Witch King looked at the giant palace in front of him blankly, and after a long time, he barely uttered these few words.

This is not so much a palace as it is a magnificent city. The towering magic towers are arranged closely together to form an impermeable city wall, which firmly surrounds the inner palaces. On these huge square magic towers, countless skeleton wizards with wild fires shining in their eyes, holding various bone staffs, standing in front of the observation window and looking around.

All the magic towers are built with huge bones. What is shocking is that these bones are transparent like crystals, and there have been condensed a number of clearly visible law runes. Any one of these bones in the ground world is a magic material that makes people crazy, and each one is qualified to be the main material for casting artifacts.

And here, these crazy bones, like the most common mud bricks, have been built into millions of magic towers. These magic towers with a length of ten meters and a height of 1,000 meters are arranged in multiple layers to form a magic tower wall that is thousands of miles long and wide and thick.

It is impossible to imagine how many bones condensing the runes of the law are used here. At a glance, these law runes gleamed with all kinds of light. The law runes condensed in these bones were not just those of the undead, but also the law runes of various elements of earth, water, fire and wind.

This majestic city wall, just the consumption of these materials, is enough to make people crazy.

Outside the enclosing wall of the magic tower, there is a dense ocean of skeletons and monsters. Numerous skeletons and monsters form a neat array, and they are roaring and fighting. Directly in front of and on the left and right wings of Lin Qi and others, countless ghosts, evil spirits, ghosts, ghosts and other soul-type undead creatures, like a positive tide, pounced towards the palace.

The overwhelming magic covered everything on the battlefield, whether it was the skeleton mage or those resentful spirit mage, they all poured out their firepower unscrupulously. The horrible explosion wiped out everything on the battlefield, whether it was a skeleton or a variety of undead, they were all broken into pieces in the explosion. However, hordes of skeletons and monsters are constantly joining the battlefield, and countless resentful spirits are pouring in endlessly. There is no hope of ending this war.

Occasionally, a few powerful anomalous Skeleton Kings and Skeleton Kings join the battle group. They wield powerful bone weapons with a quality no less than that of divine weapons, frantically harvesting the lives of those dead souls. But as soon as these strong skeletons appear, kings and emperors similar to nightmare ghosts and cursed wraiths will immediately emerge from the dead on the opposite side, and they will do their best to fight with the strong skeletons. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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