Bright Era

Chapter 1919: The Fall of God Lord (4)

"Dead!" Sitose stared at Lin Qi steadily. She dismissed Lin Qi's broken **** right palm, but lightly blasted Lin Qi's chest with a fist. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree just right extended a large number of rhizomes to Lin Qi's chest. The cyan rhizomes were woven into a round breastplate to protect Lin Qi's chest. Lixue Tiger Soul Armor let out a dull whistling sound and hung over Lin Qi's body, and then Si Tese's punch landed on Lin Qi's chest.

The breastplate of the **** Tiger Soul Armor exploded into countless tiny spots of light and shattered. Sitose's fists wrapped in gray smoke hit Lin Qi's chest heavily, and Lin Qi's chest skin exploded, revealing his darkness. With golden muscles and a large amount of hot blood sprayed out, Lin Qi only felt a terrible death energy invaded his body, almost instantly obliterating the vitality of all the internal organs in his chest.

At that moment, Lin Qi's upper body turned into a lifeless gray-white like granite.

Fortunately, the rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree protected Lin Qi’s chest. Sitose’s fist was firmly blocked by the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree uttered a low cry, his rhizome shattered every inch, and the terrifying force of death followed. His rhizome invaded his body, and countless withered leaves suddenly fell from the luxuriant osmanthus tree, and tens of thousands of tiny branches on the lush osmanthus tree turned into rotten ashes at the same time.

The huge breath of life flows out from the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree grows tenaciously with countless tiny green leaves, and the thin flower bones pop out densely on the branches. The rich fragrance nourishes Lin Qi's body. Lin Qi The gray and white lifelessness of the upper body was slightly offset by the fragrance, Lin Qi snorted, and sprayed out dozens of mouthfuls of black and stinky blood.

Quiet Yuchan was lying on the wheel of the immortal moon to rest up his mind. He suddenly felt that Lin Qi's body was being attacked by horror and death. He let out an exclamation, and then his body shook. The three toad legs broke at the same time. A wild current that turned into three greens filled Lin Qi's body.

The vitality was suppressed to the limit, and Lin Qi, whose body and soul were almost shattered, finally took a breath. He took a deep breath, spouted a black blood clot with countless visceral fragments, and then sternly yelled: "Curse Ling Ling, let go of your resistance!"

Cursing Ling Guling had already acknowledged Lin Qi's command. After receiving Lin Qi's order, he grumbled in surprise, but he quickly obeyed Lin Qi's instructions. The curse spirit ancient mausoleum, who was constantly repelling the invasion of Sistase's soul, let go of his resistance, letting Sistase's soul power invade his body.

Originally wanted to make up for a slap and wiped Lin Qi on the spot, Sistere suddenly smiled crazily: "I feel it, the core of the great law of death, what a fascinating and powerful law of death, death It is not a complete end. Death is the beginning of reincarnation. Death is another form of life. This is the true meaning of death!"

The huge aura in Sistose quickly decreased, and ninety-nine percent of her power began to invade the curse spirit ancient tomb. Her attention was all focused on the curse spirit ancient tomb, completely ignoring the forest suspended in her vomiting blood. Qi.

"Greed is the original sin! Sins must be judged!" Lin Qi grinned and vomited blood, and then muttered in the tone of Cologne 18 very cleverly. He stretched out his right hand and pointed it at Sitose's head, and said in a low voice, "Joining hands and destroying her!"

Heavenly Mountain trembled suddenly, the Temple of Underworld, Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, Dragon Cliff, Ascension Pond, Paradise of the Gods, Orchard of the Gods, the Moon Wheel of Immortality, including when he did not know when he appeared behind Lin Qi, he was pressing his right hand. All the energy in Ashimi's body in Lin Qi's heart was pumped clean by Heavenly Mountain at that moment.

"Respect the supreme will, bestow the doomsday! The guilty will eventually be destroyed! The innocent will eventually be destroyed!" Heavenly Mountain muttered in a deep voice: "No matter guilty or not, the blood of your sins will eventually be destroyed. Thoroughly cleaned, will be completely destroyed in the end."

Along with a low roar from Heaven Mountain, a magnificent white **** pattern appeared in Lin Qi's palm. The blazing sacred fire envelops the three-fold perfect circle of the **** pattern structure. An equilateral triangle constitutes the main body of the **** pattern. In the middle of the equilateral triangle, the cross **** inscriptions symbolizing destruction and purification sprays out a line that no one can Opening his eyes, everyone's souls could feel the extremely hot and painful white light.

Ninety-nine percent of Sistase's power invaded the ancient cursed tomb, and she was ecstatically feeling the core of the ancient cursed tomb. Shu Ling Gu Ling gave up all resistance, and he completely opened up all the secrets within him and let Sistase taste it. The death lord Sithese came to the sea like a fish, she almost madly absorbed the good things in this sea.

"Perfect composition of laws, perfect laws of energy, perfect laws of profound meaning!" Sistase is going crazy, as long as she is given a few more days, she will be able to completely replace the curse spirit ancient tomb and become this magical ancient tomb. Master of the tomb. Owning the profound meaning of the law of death comprehended by the tens of thousands of curse spirit ancient tombs, and controlling the main body of the curse spirit ancient tomb, he can create endless grievances and evil spirits at any time to serve as his own guards. Sitose only needs to return God's Domain, definitely able to easily control the power of God's Domain.

"I said, I will sit on the supreme throne and become..."

The white divine light pierced through Sitose's body, shattered her divine armor, and instantly burned her body to pieces. Setter’s spirit hissed in the white divine light. From the core of her divine light, the white divine light blasted out a crystal nucleus representing all the laws of death she had understood, and Lin Qi gave it a hand. Grabbing the crystal core in his hand, and pressing it on his brow.

The endless death uprising roared into Lin Qi's spirit sea, and was slowly absorbed by Lin Qi's powerful spirit.

"No... Maybe!" Sistase looked at Lin Qi with a horrified look like a real person: "How can you break out such a strong attack, you, you, this is the light and supernatural power of Heavenly Mountain! This is the most extreme. Light power! What are you...what?"

"I'm just an ordinary human being, and you are the **** lord of the Azur protoss, the greedy **** lord Sithese, your greed has made you lose your last chance!" Lin Qi blasted into Sithe with a heavy fist. Lin Qi’s fist burst out from the heart of the soul, and the gray destructive power continued to destroy the soul of Sitose.

Sistase looked at Lin Qi desperately. The power of the Doomsday Judgment almost shattered her soul. If Lin Qi hadn't let the Heavenly Mountain converge a little, her soul would have been blasted to pieces along with her body. . This is so, when Lin Qi's fist slammed into her extremely weak soul, Sitose still felt the breath of death.

"I can surrender to you!" Stoise screamed in horror: "I am strong, and you have already felt my strength! If it weren't for most of my power had been used on this **** ancient tomb... ."

Curse Ling Guling interrupted Sistase's words: "I am very grateful for your selfless dedication. Your 99% of your divine power is a great supplement to me. With this power, I will not use it for a few years. It will be able to complete the self-repair. Thank you very much, I will exterminate the entire Azer protoss to represent my supreme gratitude!"

The voice of Curse Ling Guling is ugly, low and hoarse, but it has an erratic smell like a ghost sigh. What he said to Sistase was full of ridicule. The divine body was destroyed, the divine soul was severely injured, and the divine power that Sitose had released from her was completely out of control. The divine power remaining in the ancient tomb of the curse spirit naturally became the best tonic for the ancient tomb of the curse spirit.

Even the divine body of Sitose, who had just been beaten by a doomsday judgment in Heaven Mountain, had fallen bits of the body residue on the floor of the ancient curse, and was swallowed by the ancient curse. The body of a divine lord, even if it is just a little bit of body residue, is a great tonic material for the curseling ancient tomb, enough for him to repair his badly injured body by several percentage points.

Sistase looked at Lin Qi bitterly, and said in a low voice: "Perhaps you need a loyal maid? And, I don't deceive you. I am proficient in all the techniques of serving a host. I can let you get the most perfect. No matter in which aspect, I can make you feel the most perfect. Killing me is of no value to you. If you leave me, you can have a loyal slave girl!"

Lin Qi looked at the precarious spirit of Sitose, and suddenly laughed: "Open your spirit and don't make any resistance."

Setose smiled brilliantly. She gave Lin Qi a charming look and said charmingly, "You made the wisest choice! I will let you..."

While talking, Sistase opened up all the defenses in her soul, and put on a posture that let Lin Qi leave a soul restriction in her soul at will. But she never dreamed that it was the Temple of Underworld that shot this time!

All the remaining energy of Heaven Mountain and the others was transferred to the Temple of Underworld at that moment, and a twisted black ghost claw was firmly grasped on the core of Sithese's soul, accompanied by the horrible howl of Sithese's hoarse voice, The Temple of Hades destroyed Sistase's consciousness and began to search all of Sistase's memories frantically.

Under Lin Qi's guidance, the Temple of Underworld is like a sharp kitchen knife, cutting Sitase's soul piece by piece, unearthing all the secrets in her memory. Especially the absolute secrets about God's Domain, such as the authority of the God Hell Inheritance Temple she controlled, the information stored by all the sub-gods and the gods of the Death God family, etc., were searched by Lin Qi.

"Sistase is a god? There are twelve gods who belong directly to her death **** family!" Lin Qi grinned weirdly: "Twelve gods, there are twelve gods around me, I I have the confidence to deal with the gods of the church!"

The Dragon Witch King looked at Lin Qi in shock, the death lord Sithese, whose name was famous during the Primordial War of the Ancients, and the Dragon Witch King witnessed the huge disaster brought by the Death Legion to mankind. But a dignified divine lord actually fell here? Actually fell into the hands of Lin Qi, a little guy far inferior to hers?

Subconsciously touched his nose, the Dragon Witch King smiled with satisfaction. He finally found a reliable ally, one who could kill the **** master-no matter what dirty means he used to kill a **** master, in short, he destroyed a **** master. Such an ally is exactly what the Dragon Witch King needs. Not only the Dragon Witch King, but all the old immortals who lived fortunately from that era to the present, they all need such allies.

After throwing Sistase's spirit into the Shengxian Pond, Lin Qi gave the order in a deep tone.

"Ashmier, and the cursed ancient tomb, clean up, we should go to the surface world."

"Yes, give some people a surprise! Some things should work." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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