Bright Era

Chapter 1933: The collapsed nomad temple (3)

Aziz didn't say a word, apparently he didn't know which temple he was hiding in, and suffocated his breath.

In Lin Qi's body, surrounding his small origin, Heavenly Mountain, Underworld Temple, Longya, Doomsday Apocalypse Palace, Burial Ground, and Ancient Cursed Ling were all busy frantically. After the priest spar and spirit looted from the temple of inheritance were purified by the Shengxianchi, they were continuously sucked in to reform. At this moment, above Dragon Cliff, there is already a flame dragon whose body is hundreds of times larger than ordinary dragons circling and dancing!

This flame dragon, his aura is only the level of a lower-level god, but his dragon soul, but Longya used a high-level god's priest crystal to transform it. The strength of this giant dragon is still relatively weak, but given him a certain amount of time, as his body continues to strengthen, his strength will definitely become stronger.

With the existence of Heavenly Mountain and Underworld Temple, where would Lin Qi put Aziz in his eyes? Given enough time for Lin Qi to grow up, even Thord, the God of Soul, is nothing but Lin Qi's prey.

"Well, Mr. Mo, you can join Enzo and the others and go to the Black Spirit Continent." Lin Qi turned around, looked at the endless south of the sea, and said in a cold voice: "The speed must be increased, and it must be increased. I will Let the Abyssal World step up its manufacturing of armors and weapons, and other weapons will also be supplied. As for the church soldiers of the God of Season, Tams gradually... Strengthen their bodies at any cost!"

Mr. Mo bowed deeply to Lin Qi, and then suddenly turned into a colorful rainbow, flying across the sky silently.

After groaning for a while, Lin Qi glanced coldly at the misty nightmare regiment territory, then sneered and teleported back to the imperial capital of the Longshan Empire. When Lin Qi returned, a huge army had been transferred from the military camps in several provinces near the imperial capital of the Longshan Empire, and headed straight for the Eastern Great Plain.

The Dragon Mountain Legion, which was stationed in the original Haran Empire territory, returned, and Yun ordered an additional regular army to be sent to the Eastern Great Plain. The coalition forces commanded by Dragon City are fighting endlessly there with the Dragon Legion and the Nomadic Legion. Recently, Dragon City has suffered a bit of a loss, and sufficient reinforcements must be sent to him.

Suspended above the palace of the Longshan Empire, Lin Qi looked at the large group of young girls chasing in the palace garden, and couldn't help but sighed. In just a few days of work, Axi Mi'er, the Queen of the Burial Land, the only freak in the Metaverse who retains the ontological consciousness, has turned Longshan Palace into a daughter country.

In Esther’s unceremonious words, Ashmir is a **** who can’t walk when seeing a beautiful girl. In the past few days, Ashmir has used the secret intelligence network of the Longshan Empire to investigate After studying the family status of all the nobles in the Longshan Empire, she issued an order to transfer those noble ladies who fit her aesthetics into the palace one after another to act as personal maids.

In just a few days, Lin Qi's palace had more than 2,000 more personal servant girls! All of them are like flowers and jade, all of them are beautiful and beautiful, and all of them are youthful and lively. Everyone sees Lin Qi as if a hungry wolf meets fresh flesh and blood!

"There is no way to live in this place!" Lin Qi patted his head in distress. There really is no way to live in this place. Damn Ashimi'er, it was obviously the woman she hooked back to. Why did Yun, Princess Qingli, or Elysium all put this black pot on Lin Qi's head? The strong sour taste made Lin Qi have an urge to cry.

After flinching in the air above the palace for a long time, Lin Qi finally shook his head helplessly.

"Well, anyway, the state affairs of the Longshan Empire are dealt with. I am the emperor, but it is not a big deal!" Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi took out a crystal ball and left a few words in it. Very irresponsibly, he threw the crystal ball to the hall below, and then left the Longshan Empire in a flash.

When Lin Qi's figure reappeared, he had already arrived in the Eastern Great Plains and had come to the coalition camp commanded by Dragon City.

Longcheng, Yan Chimei, the family generals of Longcheng, and the close maids of Yanchimei were not there. They had been taken away by Mu Wei who had hurried over two days ago. Whether it was Dragon City or Yan Chimei, they were all the people that Mu Wei had already targeted. After Hu Xinzhu inherited the priesthood, Mu Wei also took Longcheng and the others to God's Domain.

The cursed spirit ancient tomb can control the divine realm, allowing 1,000 people to inherit the priesthood at the same time each time, but Mu Wei and others can't do this, they can only let one person inherit the priesthood at a time. So Longcheng and the others want to come back, it is estimated that it will take a few days.

In the huge tent of the Chinese military camp, there was only Hu Xinzhu who stepped on a stool with one of his dangling feet and crouched on a large table. He carried a jug of wine in his left hand, and a greasy wild boar hoof in his right hand, looking at the magic sand table placed on the square table with slanting eyes.

The terrain of nearly ten thousand miles is fed back in this magic sand table of twenty meters long and wide. There are only a few inconspicuous hilly areas in the huge plain. Now the coalition forces are in front of a hill of hundreds of miles, commanded by Diogo The Dragon Legion was stationed in that hill.

On the magic sand table, the color of the coalition forces is a bright silver-green, and now large silver-green spots of light are clamping the hill from three directions, representing the crimson spot of the dragon army, and the densely packed generals. The hills are paved.

"Are you ready to attack directly?" Lin Qi silently flashed out of the air, standing behind Hu Xinzhu and asked gently.

Hu Xinzhu, who was in a trance, let out a scream, and Lin Qi, who was so scared by the haunting Lin Qi, shook his hand and smashed the hip flask and pig's feet. With his hair almost standing up in fright, he crawled under the table, and then quickly sprang out from the other end of the table.

Panting and staring at Lin Qi for a long time, Hu Xinzhu yelled, "It's scary, it can be scary! Next time, don't suddenly appear behind me like this! You, you, how did you do it? How am I a little bit? Doesn't it feel like? Is the gap between us so big?"

Helplessly spread his hands, Lin Qi grinned: "It seems that our gap is really so big. Okay, let's not talk nonsense, what are you thinking about? Diogo's Dragon Legion? Maybe? , Can we personally wipe them out?"

Weakly rolled her eyes to Lin Qi, Hu Xinzhu took out the hip flask and took a sip. Shaking his head, he sighed: "No, we personally act to break the unspoken rules. Unless someone offends us face-to-face, otherwise our current status cannot personally act against any non-secret existence. In other words, we only You can kill Diogo with the strength of your hand."

Lin Qi frowned. Is this a hidden rule among the gods? Gods are not allowed to deal with mortals, that's really troublesome. But now that Lin Qi has a lot of cards in his hand, if he really wants to make a move, it seems that this unspoken rule can't help him. He doesn't do it himself, but there are so many weird existences around him. For example, mobilize the Bone Burial Legion, send hundreds of Legion Skeleton Monsters to flood Diogo’s camp?

Then I heard Hu Xinzhu muttering incomprehensibly: "What makes me feel strange is that Diogo, the Devil Dragon King, is acting a little weird now. He is not impulsive, nor risky, but steadily fighting. We entangled. This is not his style at all!"

Squinting, Hu Xinzhu muttered to herself with a bit of annoyance: "With the personality of the dragon clan, this guy shouldn't do this? He was originally from Arthur, and later wanted to become a country on his own in the Eastern Great Plains. He was forced to take refuge in the nomad army again. The most incomprehensible thing is here. He is Arthur's mount. The temple of punishment must have confined his soul. Why does he dare to join the nomad army?"

Lin Qi shook his head gently: "This is probably going to ask Gerdas, King of the Breaking Army. But I guess he can't figure out the reason for this. After all, Arthur is dead, Geer Das, he is just a lackey in the punishment temple. It seems that Gerdas's importance to the punishment temple has been greatly reduced."

Nodding thoughtfully, Hu Xinzhu recognized Lin Qi's statement.

At this moment, the two raised their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of Diogo's barracks. An uncomfortable chaotic energy gushed from the camp of the Dragon Legion, accompanied by screams and screams from far away.

Lin Qi quickly rushed out of the camp, then flew into the air and looked at the big camp of the Demon Dragon Legion that was dozens of miles away.

After Diogo took the Dragon Legion to join the nomad army, the Desert Temple and the Steppe Temple sent a legion of temple knight commanders to cooperate with Diogo. Probably the nomadic army of ten legions pressed down the camp on the two wings of the Demon Dragon Legion, and united with the Demon Dragon Army into a guarded formation.

But at this moment, countless half-dragons and other abyssal creatures are pouring out from the camp of the dragon legion in groups, launching a mighty attack on the camp of the nomad army. At least tens of thousands of dragons and countless flying dragons hovered and danced in the sky, and the breath of the dragons blasted down the nomadic army's camp like rain.

Diogo regained his body. He was completely dark and displayed all six heads. Diogo, who was more than ten miles long, was suspended in the air. The six dragon heads chanted the complex ancient dragon mantra at the same time, the powerful and terrifying dragon magic. It keeps falling in the camp of the nomad army, and with each blow, thousands of nomad soldiers are reduced to ashes in the fire. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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