Bright Era

Chapter 1947: Wizard (4)

The terms on the document are very simple. It is nothing more than the Vias Commercial Federation Restoration Organization to help the allied forces of the Black Spirit Continent and the Elf Continent to invade the Western Continent, and after the matter is successful, the Elf Continent and the Black Spirit Continent will support the Vias Commercial Federation. The restoration organization rebuilt its empire. In return, all members of the restoration organization will wholeheartedly promote cooperation between the two continents and so on.

There are a total of 13 clauses. Compared with the complicated, rigorously worded and full of trap clauses drawn up by the Elves, these clauses are simple and clean, without any omissions. This is a contract full of sincerity.

After carefully pondering the terms of the document for a while, the Empress Luyue smiled, her beautiful eyes flowed, and nodded to Lin Qi with a smile: "It seems that we can finalize this matter. We will use the utmost sincerity to help You build your empire. But I also have an additional clause. Perhaps, you can become believers of the spirit gods?"

Lin Qi smiled and nodded. He calmly said: "Since we betrayed the church, then we naturally don't mind betraying our faith. For the citizens of the Vias Commercial Federation, even the soul is just a commodity. , What is faith?"

The Empress of Green Moon pursed her lips, Vias Commercial Federation, a country full of copper smell. It is exactly the same as what Lin Qi said, these merchants can sell even souls, let alone faith? For the Queen of Green Moon, faith is such a supreme thing, and for some people, faith is just a commodity.

Two days later, on the outskirts of Black Pearl Harbor, a huge log altar stood. On the 100-meter-high altar, the Queen of Green Moon and the Big Black Eagle stood opposite each other, and a square table was placed between them, on which was a pale gold contract document. There are hundreds of powerful wills hidden in the clouds in the sky, and some indigenous gods in the Black Spirit Continent, as well as some foreign elves and gods, hide in the sky as a testimony to this contract.

In the sea off Black Pearl Harbor, 20,000 elven warships with a green body and countless exquisite patterns are lined up in dozens of squares, mooring there. In the vicinity of these elven warships, more than a thousand keel giant ships, more than 10,000 large and small transport ships and battleships have raised their sails, activated the magic furnace, and are slowly heading north.

In the wilderness outside Black Pearl Harbor, hundreds of thousands of elves are busy leveling the terrain, sketching the prototype of the magic teleportation array on the ground. Large groups of dwarves and gnomes are busy smelting magical metals such as adamantine and mithril, preparing to cast a large super long-distance teleportation magic circle. The piles of magic gems and magic spars gleamed on the side, emitting powerful waves of magic power.

Lin Qi stood under the altar and patted his hands lightly: "You can sign the agreement, two respected sires!"

The **** eagle greedily glanced at Empress Luyue's beautiful face, then stepped forward, bit his finger fiercely, and pressed a blood mark on the contract document with a snap. The Elf Queen flicked her finger lightly, and a drop of pale golden blood flew from her fingertips, blending into the contract document with a trace of moonlight.

A golden light rose to the sky, and the cooperation agreement between the Black Spirit Continent and the Elf Building was officially reached!

Lin Qi laughed a few times, and then he shot a fireball on the altar. The Empress Green Moon and the **** strip fell down, and the altar was burning. The elves of the brigade hurriedly threw the prepared sacrifices into the fire on the altar. The fragrant fragrance was flowing in the air, and Lin Qi noticed that when these elves were throwing sacrifices, they burned part of their souls into the fire on the altar.

The high-altitude elven gods were satisfied with the worship of their believers, and the golden light sprinkled from the height, shining on the 20,000 warships of the elves. All the elves suddenly felt the breeze entwined all over, the whole body was cool and refreshing, the mood was unprecedentedly peaceful and peaceful, and at the same time, there was a burning intent to fight born out of thin air.

The five-hundred-meter-long elven warships, each with only two hundred elven warriors and wizards stationed on them, stood on the deck, knelt down on one knee to the sky, and secretly prayed and swore with their right hands on their chests. Following an order, the elven warship drew 20,000 beautiful arcs on the sea neatly, and followed the warships of the Black Spirit Continent toward the western continent.

Lin Qi’s enormous spiritual power swept over these beautifully decorated and huge Elf battleships, and then he looked at the Empress Green Moon in a strange way: “On each battleship, only two hundred people are stationed? Including sailors and captains, including navigation. Two hundred people and first officer?"

The Empress Luyue squinted and laughed. Naturally, she didn't dare to neglect Lin Qi, who showed incredible strength. She approached Lin Qi and smiled softly: "You may know the habits of our elves. Every elves is a free individual. They like spacious and independent personal space. So such a battleship can only open up two With a hundred bedrooms, naturally only two hundred people can be stationed."

Lin Qi, Mr. Mo, and Enzo and the others were almost choked with blood by the answer of the Empress Green Moon. The 500-meter-long giant battleship, if it is a regular army of an empire, they can pack 2,500 combat soldiers with more than 500 sailors and logistics personnel; if it is a pirate, such a ship can be loaded From five thousand to six thousand people!

If you encounter a chamber of commerce that sells slaves, at least 20,000 slaves can be packed in such a boat, or even more!

In the hands of the elves, such a huge battleship can only hold two hundred people! Just because every elf needs a spacious and independent personal space, a battleship of this size can only hold two hundred people!

Looking at the smiling Empress Green Moon, Lin Qi sighed quietly: "I finally know why in history, every time the elves launched a religious war to attack the western continent, the navy of the elves was always the first time. The reason for the collapse of the entire army!"

The Empress Green Moon's face suddenly changed. She was silent for a long time, and then gritted her teeth and grunted: "Even if the casualties are severe, the tradition of the elves cannot be changed. How can noble elves interact with those humble humans? At a glance, crowded in a small cabin? The nobility and elegance of the elves can't be understood by those stinky guys!"

Holding her head up proudly, the Empress Green Moon smiled triumphantly: "Moreover, we have a better means of transporting soldiers. The magic power of the Elves is the world's best. Our magic teleportation array can transport tens of thousands with every single finger. Soldiers, we don't need to wrong our people in the space of the ship!"

Lin Qi shook his head speechlessly, very good, this is the custom and tradition of the elves, he naturally won't have any opinions!

I heard the Temple of Underworld sneer there a few times: "Ah, noble and elegant spirit! Master Lin Qi, you want to see them betrayed each other, framed each other, kneeled on the ground and wept when they were conquered by us. Begging for mercy, and even offering your wife and children to avoid death? I have a copy of the information on the conquering of the Primordial Elf Empire in the 19th and Ninth Tribulations of the year."

Lin Qi was stunned, then shook his head gently. Is there such a thing? Such ugly things can be done by these noble, elegant, and superior elves? However, since the Temple of Underworld has said so, will it be fake? After being silent for a while, Lin Qi smiled at the Temple of Underworld, "Stay, maybe it will be useful in the future?"

Underworld Temple sighed faintly: "Sun Elves, Moon Elves, and other forest elves, prairie elves, valley elves, these hypocritical creatures make me feel sick. On the contrary, it is the dark elves who are now rejected by them, Night elves, gray elves, blood elves, etc., these are not recognized by them as the existence of the elves, they are the last force to guard the holy land of elves."

"These guys are fighting us desperately. If it weren't for these noble and elegant sun elves and moon elves to take the initiative to sell these guys, it would be really not easy to conquer the elves holy land intact and transform it into a part of the metaworld. "Hey." Underworld Temple sneered'chichi': "And now, the people who betrayed the entire race are above the top, and the one who fought for the glory of the race to the end is driven into the abyss. It's really ironic!"

Lin Qi smiled lightly, wiped his hand in the air, and a huge magic map appeared in front of him.

Pressing a finger on the magic map, the entire southern territory of the western continent lights up. Pointing to the location of the Longshan Empire, Lin Qi said calmly: "After a month, the fleet can land, and the target I chose to attack is not the Longshan Empire-I hope you can understand that after the Longshan Empire is destroyed, we We will have to spend a huge price to rebuild in the future, which we cannot tolerate."

The Empress Green Moon smiled and glanced at Lin Qi, and then she pointed to the southernmost peninsula of the original Haran Empire, which was once the territory of the Acacia family: "In other words, we landed from this place? Territory of the destroyed Harran Empire?"

Lin Qi nodded earnestly: "The exiled aristocrats of the Haran Empire have established countless resistance forces there. I can let them serve as the vanguard and serve you. Now, it is a branch of the church that guards the Haran Empire. The Templar Knights dispatched temporarily, their main forces have been transferred to the Eastern Great Plains, if it goes well, we can directly attack the Gaul Empire from the southern part of the Haran Empire!"

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi's fingers drew an arc from the southern part of the Harran Empire, bypassing the West Sea of ​​the Western Continent, and directly hitting the northwestern part of the Gaul Empire: "A full-scale offensive was launched on land. At the same time, an elite coalition force will directly attack the rear defense line of the Norman Fort. Once the Norman Fort is breached, the existing strength of the Gaul Empire cannot withstand our joint attack!"

The Empress Green Moon nodded thoughtfully: "Does it attract the attention of the church on land? It's really good."

Lin Qi snorted coldly, and he said in a low voice: "The Haran Empire is rich and prosperous. It is more cost-effective than we transported food from the rear to collect the supplies on the spot. And as far as I know, the Longshan Empire and guarding the original Haran Empire territory The leader of the Knights of the Temple, the relationship is not very good. So when we attack, the Longshan Empire should not send reinforcements."

The Empress Green Moon smiled softly, and bowed to Lin Qi with a smile: "So, I will do you!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation. , Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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