Bright Era

Chapter 1954: Four hundred and twenty-ninth

Every time the tree fruit exploded, there was a **** storm within a radius of two hundred meters, and no nightmare knight could survive the dense wooden thorns. Accompanied by hysterical screams, the shock formation of 100,000 Nightmare Knights was defeated by dozens of war trees. The countless nightmare knights who tumbling down became the biggest obstacle to their colleagues. Many Nightmare Knights’ mounts were affected by these. The tumbling body tripped.

The momentum of the nightmare knight's charge was stagnant. Before they could recover from this sudden frenzied blow, with Lin Qi's soft drink, the black spirit man's magic crossbow made a dull roar, a wave The wave arrow shot out continuously. The two-foot-long, thick-thumb, alloy-cast three-sided armor-piercing magic crossbow made a piercing sound, shooting out like a swarm of crazy wasps.

A wave of crossbow arrows is nearly 10,000, and a wave of crossbow arrows at least one or two thousand nightmare knights have arrows. The mighty crossbow bolt ripped their armor, pierced through their bodies, and ripped their arms and thighs away from their bodies. On the crossbow bolt, the poisonous "black snake vine juice" formulated by the abyss black elves only took a blink of an eye. His effort allowed the person who was hit by the arrow to die without pain.

Three waves of arrows passed, and this group of black spirit warriors quickly retreated, and then nearly ten thousand black spirit warriors stepped forward with magic repetitive crossbows. Their formation was still a bit messy, and there was a bit of friction and collision when the two black spirit warriors intersected, but this did not prevent them from covering the queue of the Nightmare Knights with new arrows in the shortest time.

Thousands of nightmare knights were shot from their mounts and fell to the ground, and then another group of black spirit warriors strode forward with magic continuous crossbows. Batch after batch of Black Spirit warriors fired the crossbow bolts in their hands, then lined up back to the rear, and took over the continuous crossbows filled with arrows from the hands of the swamp murlocs and dwarves who were in charge of logistics work. , And then step forward again in accordance with the order to activate Liannu.

From several large swamps in the Black Spirit Continent, the swamp murlocs and dwarves with weird faces and weak and shriveled bodies, their individual combat power is almost zero, but they have long physical strength and tough personality, making them the best servants. Although they can't fight in the front, it is the wisest choice to use them as a logistic unit.

The swamp murlocs and dwarves of the brigade busily pry open the heavy wooden box, take out the sundered crossbow bolts that are neatly stacked and shining with weird jet black, and then nervously fill the crossbow bolts into the magic continuous crossbow that has been ignited. They worked methodically, enough to ensure that the black spirit warrior in front of them could continuously launch their crossbow attacks.

The nightmare knights let out an angry roar, they shouted the names of the soul **** and nightmare god, and launched a desperate charge forward. In just a few miles, they had left 30,000 or 40,000 corpses of their companions behind, but they still rode forward, and they were getting closer and closer to the coalition forces. Seeing that their nightmare aura can envelop the black spirit warrior in front, a bigger nightmare has arrived.

Twenty thousand people stood neatly, and the elves who had been posing for a long time finally shot. They slowly pulled away the longbows in their hands, and the magical arrows were like meteors in the sky, bringing a harsh howling sound to the nightmare knight who was charged in a mess.

These elves’ archery skills are extremely strong, and the penetration of magic arrows is extremely terrifying. Each arrow can bring up a stream of several meters in the air. After hitting a target, it can often penetrate several nightmare knights behind. body of. Lin Qi watched the wonderful scene where the arrows were flying like a falling star, and he couldn't help but exclaimed and applauded.

Except for a quiver behind the elves, their arrows are mainly stored in the ring on their hands. The quiver and dozens of arrows in the quiver are purely decorative tools. Every time they open a bow, an arrow will appear out of thin air in their hands, accompanied by the crisp bowstring chirping, these arrows will bring streamers and shoot forward.

But after watching it for a while, Lin Qi was suddenly vomiting blood because of the evil taste of these elves!

They are indeed killing those nightmare knights, they are killing those nightmare knights with terrifying efficiency. But what they killed were all the nightmare knights in scattered formations. Under their precise archery control, they cleaned up the nightmare knights who lost their formation and messed up on the battlefield, and then cut the team of the nightmare knights who had maintained the impact of the group into standard triangle cones. shape!

In just a few breaths, at least 20,000 or 30,000 nightmare knights fell under the longbows of these elves. But these **** elves, these elves who force themselves to maintain a certain artistic beauty during the battle, they are to those nightmare knights who still maintain the charge of the brigade-they actually are like gardeners pruning ornamental plants, using arrows to rain their The charge formation is neatly repaired!

The standard positive triangular cone charge formation, where there is a little bit of mullah, the nightmare knight in that place will be shot to the ground immediately. Lin Qi watched the unthinkable behavior of these elves, a mouthful of blood was already in his throat! He roared angrily: "Aim at their brigade! Aim at their charge formation! You **** long ears!"

The nightmare knight had already rushed close.

All the scattered nightmare knights on the battlefield were swept away by the precise and terrifying blows of the elves, but the five triangular-shaped charge group consisting of about 40,000 nightmare knights had rushed to the front of the black spirit warrior's defense line.

According to the strength of the elves, they can completely beat the team of these Nightmare Knights with a dense rain of arrows. Although their killing efficiency is still about 20,000 to 30,000, the scattered charge formation and five maintain a good formation. If you think with your ass, Lin Qi will choose to let these elves break up the five triangular pyramid queues!

Even if only 10,000 nightmare knights in the five charge queues can be killed, Lin Qi will give up killing two or thirty thousand nightmare knights scattered around the periphery, choosing to completely break up the formation of these five charge queues! And these elves, because of their stubborn, idiot-like artistic beauty, they actually did something that Lin Qi could not understand.

Standing by, Enzo slapped his face fiercely, then he turned his head back and glanced at Mr. Mo, "Am I having a nightmare?"

Mr. Mo spread his hands and his body was trembling slightly. This was not afraid, but Mr. Mo was almost unable to hold his smile! What a weird race, what an incredible art of warfare, it's no wonder that the elves have provoked religious wars on their own initiative, and every time they flee back to the elves continent with great defeat!

Recalling the dark history, the elves invaded their nests, and the huge army of elves broke through more than 2,000 large and small city-states in the Western Continent and directly hit the foot of the holy mountain. But the end result was that the church gathered its troops to carry it head on, and directly defeated the elven army, chasing and killing thousands of miles, until the elves cried out for mercy, and fled back to the elves continent.

The combat power of individual elves is indeed very powerful! But with 10,000 elves together, that is the least reliable army in the world!

Just as Lin Qi cursed in a gloomy low voice, the Nightmare Knights had already rushed over. Hundreds of nightmare knights were picked from the mounts by diagonally erected spears, and a lot of blood was spilled all over the ground. But then the black spirit warriors dropped their spears in horror, turned around and fled to the rear. The nightmare knights let out a low grinning laugh, they drew out their weapons, knocked down the shield severely, and smashed the weapons into the back of the black spirit warriors.

Blood was splattered, and nearly a thousand black spirit warriors screamed and died tragically by the nightmare knight.

An elf mage sighed sincerely: "The gray knight, the black creatures are struggling with screams and wailing, and the red blood reflects the glory of the sun. What a beautiful picture! This is art, this is fighting. Art, this is the art of killing! Hey, black-skinned people, can your posture be more graceful when you fall on the ground?"

Lin Qi turned his head to look at the elf mage. He raised his left hand, and a black fireball roared out and hit the half-god elf mage **** the chest. All the defensive magic devices on the poor wizard mage were exploded at the same time, and his robe was exploded to a pulp, accompanied by a dull roar, half of his body was wiped out in the fire.

The elf girl riding on the unicorn stared at Lin Qi angrily: "Do you dare to hurt my people?"

Lin Qi looked at the elven girl coldly: "Let your people seriously kill the enemy! Don’t show off your elves’ tricks here! The art of fighting? Do you like the art of fighting? I prefer to appreciate the elves. A pyramid of heads! Are you interested?"

A terrible green light flashed in the elf girl's eyes, she slowly raised her right hand, and a sharp green glow hovered at her fingertips. Lin Qi looked at the elf girl coldly, and suddenly laughed lowly, then he gently clapped his hands.

A weird figure flashed by the elf girl's side, a dazzling cold light burst, and the void seemed to have been cut open with a terrible crack. Accompanied by an unbelievable howl, the elf girl's body went from the sky to the spirit cover. Under the crotch, a thin, straight blood mark appeared out of thin air. A large cloud of blood sprayed from her body, and then her body was separated from the left and right, a group of gray flames wrapped around her body, burning her body clean in the blink of an eye.

"Nice job, Beep Beep!" Lin Qi muttered silently, and then screamed hoarsely: "His Royal Highness was killed! Who did it? A member of the Nightmare Knights? Give it to me. Kill them! Come, kill these **** nightmare elves for me!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is me. The greatest motivation.)

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