Bright Era

Chapter 1966: Elf tears (1)

Led by a metal warrior with a dark golden body, hundreds of golden metal warriors with horns on their heads surrounded the chariot of Eluxis. With a radius of nearly 20 meters, the car wheel decorated with countless cyan vines and lilies was chopped and chopped into a mess with a heavy axe. There were deep cracks everywhere, and there were broken wood scum from behind the messy vines. come out.

If it weren’t for this car wheel, it’s also a rare top-level semi-artifact-level defensive device. This group of golden metal warriors who have reached the demigod’s high-level and the peak of the demigod’s siege have long since dismantled this car wheel Shattered.

The bleak-looking Erosis stood on the wheel of the car, holding the golden longbow in her left hand, and constantly pulling the bowstring with her right hand. The sunlight in the sky continuously turned into golden light and injected it into the long bow, forming a one-meter-long golden arrow on the bowstring. Accompanied by the dull blasting sound, golden streamers shot out continuously from the longbow, blasting the metal warriors close to the chariot.

The bow and arrow skills of the elves are the best in the world, and the gods of the elves basically have a long bow as their life artifact. The longbow in the hands of Erosis is a middle-grade artifact given by the Elf Goddess ‘Daughter of Golden Oak Leaf’, enshrined by the sun elves, who masters the laws of sunlight, forest growth, and life soothing.

Although Eluxis is only a demi-god mid-level strength, but with the help of the power of the divine tool, the golden light she shoots has extremely terrible penetrating power, especially the terrible high temperature attached to it, which is the most feared power of those metal warriors. One. All the metal warriors who were blown into the air exploded large and small holes, and the golden flames wrapped around the wounds and burned continuously, gradually burning their bodies to melt and slide down.

The dark-gold metal warrior was holding a giant warhammer with a hammer head that was two meters square, standing still five hundred meters away, looking at Erosis, who was beaten by many metal warriors with great power. There was a faint low voice in his chest: "Elf, artifact... Devour, promotion! Only one step away is the lower and upper god! Devouring this artifact, my body can be stronger!"

Holding the long handle of the hammer tightly with both hands, taking advantage of the opportunity of Eruxis with his back facing him in this direction, the dark golden metal warrior with a height of about eight meters let out a low roar, and his body suddenly rotated in place. After three weeks, he dropped his hands and threw a heavy warhammer weighing hundreds of thousands of catties. Accompanied by a dull sound of breaking through the air, the sledgehammer brought a dazzling fire in the air, and in the blink of an eye it was behind Eluxis.

A rain of colorful petals spurted from the broken car wheel, and the petals condensed from a little divine light formed a beautiful defensive enchantment. The metal warriors near the chariot were all bounced off by this barrier, and the heavy hammer with a dazzling fire light hit the thin layer of barrier heavily.

Hearing a loud noise, the overwhelmed chariot exploded. Hundreds of beautifully dressed and beautiful young men and women with elves escaped from the chariot that exploded. Accompanied by a stern roar, these young Japanese elves and nobles hiding in the chariots were exploded and thrown to the densest place of metal warriors. Numerous heavy swords fell madly, chopping them into a mess of meat sauce. .

The huge warhammer hit the back of Eluxis fiercely. A fist-sized golden jewel on Eluxis' belt suddenly shot out a dazzling light. A elven beauty about ten meters tall The phantom of the woman appeared behind Eluxis, and a sacred oak tree emitting gleaming sunlight hovered over the head of this elf beauty, and a huge breath of life suddenly enveloped the entire battlefield.

With a ‘wow’, Eluxis opened her mouth and sprayed a burst of blood, and she was beaten up tens of meters away by the heavy impact. The golden jewel on her belt cracked a few tiny cracks, and the figure of the elven beauty behind her suddenly burst.

Amid the dull hum, the huge warhammer flew into the air and returned to the dark golden metal warrior's hands. A **** light flickered in his eyes, and the dark golden metal warrior reached out his hand and pointed at Erushis, and roared in a low voice: "Kill her! The bow in her hand is mine! Kill her, surround her. Get up and chop her up!"

Tens of thousands of metal warriors poured in from all directions. Gradually, within a radius of more than a dozen miles, there were already densely packed with various metal warriors. The dark golden gods, the golden demigods, the white and silver holy, the bronze heaven, and the black iron status. Hundreds of thousands of metal warriors crowded together, forming one An impenetrable enclosure.

Trapped in an encircling circle less than 100 meters in diameter, Eruhis's face became extremely ugly. Her slender body was trembling slightly, and there was no more blood on her beautiful face. She held her long bow tightly. If it weren't for the pride in the elf's bones, she would have fallen to her knees in fright.

Just a few quarters of an hour ago, she casually issued an order to slaughter all the human untouchables in several nearby towns. But just a few quarters later, the elven army she commanded had collapsed, all the elven guards around her were killed in action, and all the noble youths of the Japanese elves were beaten into meat sauce.

Such a thing is comparable to a nightmare, and even more incredible than a nightmare! Where did these huge, powerful metal warriors emerge from? Eleusis dared to swear with her own soul, she had never heard of such an incredible metal warrior. Their number, their strength, and their wisdom like living people, what an incredible existence this is.

With a ‘boom’, the ground trembled faintly. Hundreds of thousands of metal warriors approached one step forward at the same time, and the diameter of Eluxis' encirclement immediately shrank to less than ninety meters. The bodies of the metal warriors in the innermost layer squeezed magic against each other, making a harsh rubbing sound, and a large burst of sparks shot out.

These metal warriors were surrounded so tightly that there was not even a crevice that allowed Eluxis to escape.

Apart from the dark golden metal warrior holding a heavy hammer at the beginning, there are several other dark golden metal warriors holding various weapons, rushing over like a flies smelling blood. They stood hundreds of meters away, looking fiercely and ruthlessly at Eluxis. They all took a fancy to the golden longbow. For these metal warriors, swallowing higher-level weapons forged with magical metal is extremely important to their evolution and promotion.

This middle-grade artifact is enough for them to raise a level, from a lower-level **** to a lower-level middle-level or even a lower-level middle-level level. Nothing is more important than strength to the killing machines in which the killing instinct and the desire for war are inscribed in these souls.

Erosis's face was pale, she looked tremblingly at the dense metal warriors around her, and suddenly she bit her tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the golden longbow. A divine enchantment with a diameter of 20 meters, exuding a shining bright light, surrounded by golden flames immediately protected her in the center. Eleusis looked up to the sky and screamed sharply: "Your Majesty the Great Queen of Green Moon, save me!"

In the palace of the Queen of the Green Moon, the Queen of the Green Moon looked at Lin Qi and the others with an ugly expression: "The goal must be achieved to break the Holy Mountain in half a month! And those metal bumps, I need someone to go. Rescue Eluxis!"

Lin Qi turned his eyes, and he coughed softly: "Your Majesty the Great Empress, you will sit here personally and dispatch the troops of the elves to capture the holy mountain. Please leave it to us for the rescue of Her Royal Highness Erosis. Although Our Vias Commercial Federal Rehabilitation Organization is not strong enough, but if we just save one person, we are still a little sure."

After a pause, Lin Qi took two steps forward and lowered his voice: "You must sit here, otherwise no one can mobilize the elves' army. And I will take people to rescue Her Royal Highness, I need some of your These recognitions, if we encounter a tyrannical existence that'manpower cannot resist', we hope to be sheltered by the elves and gods."

The corner of the Green Moon Queen's mouth twitched slightly, and then slowly nodded: "You will be protected by the gods."

From her left wrist, she untied a bracelet made of prismatic green gemstones. The Empress Green Moon handed the bracelet that exuded a faint power to Lin Qi: "Take him. See this. , Eluxis will obey your orders unconditionally! At the same time, if you encounter some powerful enemies, you can use him to summon the corresponding existence to fight against them."

Lin Qi squinted his eyes, then smiled and bowed deeply to Empress Green Moon. He ended up with the bracelet, Mr. Xiang Mo hooked his finger, and then strode out of the palace hall. Enzo yelled loudly: "Then, if we conquer the holy mountain within half a month, our Black Spirit Empire has no objection, but this requires huge investment and sacrifice. I hope that all armies can accept my command!"

After a pause, Enzo deliberately asked loudly: "But I have to ask, why do you want to do this? Your Majesty! I only know why you gave such an order, and understand the causes and consequences, can I formulate the most perfect Battle plan."

Lin Qi had just walked to the gate of the palace, his ears moved, and finally heard the empress Green Moon’s a little irritated answer: "All the golden elves on Kimberlo Island have been slaughtered, except for one in the elves alliance. The 1.2 million golden elves, except for the 8,000 golden elves nobles who are studying in the temples of the elves continent, and hundreds of millions of other golden elves, have been shamelessly murdered!"

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