Bright Era

Chapter 1971: Dry ticket (1)

The millions of elves who had invaded the western continent knelt on the ground at the same time. Those who worship other elves and gods just feel that their hearts are sour and their throats are a little blocked. But those elves who believe in the sun elves and the sun and life as their main beliefs wailed uncontrollably.

Especially the royals and nobles among the sun elves, they all fell to the ground convulsively, their noses and tears spurted out like spring water. Their eyes were red, and they wailed like a dying wild dog. Their souls were in severe pain, and the sacrificial **** pattern constructed in the soul by the secret method of the elves was collapsing, and the souls of a large part of them were instantly washed white.

The gods of the elves may be the most severe and perverted gods that control their believers' beliefs. The secret method of the elves has allowed them to construct a sacrificial pattern corresponding to a certain **** in their souls. This is a mobile altar that they carry with them. Every day, every time, and every moment, the elves use elegant and graceful words. Praise your gods.

In the praise of the elves, a large amount of the power of faith is directly harvested by those high elves and gods through the sacrificial patterns.

But now Lin Qi has killed the upper gods of the seven elven gods, and the followers of the seven upper gods have at least hundreds of millions. Their deaths directly caused the sacred patterns of hundreds of millions of believers to completely collapse, and their souls disintegrated. The souls of tens of millions of elf believers were severely injured, and they became idiots at the moment those gods were killed. .

The elves shed tears like rain.

There are a large number of golden and green lights flickering in the void. In a separate dimensional space above the elven continent, in a beautiful and luxurious temple, the seven high thrones suddenly annihilated, turning into large spots of light. in the air. More than a dozen people were sitting on the throne, and there was a word of nonchalant elves and gods who looked at the annihilated throne in amazement, and then screamed at the same time.

Seven high-ranking gods were killed at the same time, this would not even be included in the battle report in the Primordial Gods War, because such battle damage is really normal. But after the Primordial God War, in this era when the gods are gradually awakening, such a loss is simply unacceptable!

How many high-level gods are there today? The elven protoss are not the **** Azer protoss, they don't have the domain of the gods to pass on the priesthood of the elven gods who died in battle, this is one less death! The upper gods of the elven protoss can help those devout demigods at the pinnacle of elves step into the threshold of lower lower gods, but what is the use of lower **** servants?

The lower servants are pure consumables on the battlefield, and 10,000 lower servants cannot be compared with a higher god!

The elves either knelt on the ground, or slumped to the ground and wept bitterly, and the whole army of elves instantly became confused. If someone took advantage of the situation to launch an attack at this time, the army of elves would be chopped into pieces like vegetables. Not only these elves, but even the reincarnated elves and gods like the Queen of Green Moon hiding among the elves, they are also in a state of confusion.

The Empress Green Moon couldn’t figure out what happened. She didn’t even know that Eleusis had summoned her seven gods to join the battle. Her attention was not placed on Eleusis— -In the eyes of the pure Elfist Empress Green Moon, in fact, Lin Qi and the others will not rescue Erushis. As a powerful **** reincarnated and reborn as Erushis, she would not be in any danger.

So when the panic suddenly rushed in, Empress Green Moon was just looking at the sky blankly. She was engrossed in communicating with the elves and gods who were watching the battle from high in the sky. Which hapless people suddenly fell?

As for the elves and gods who focused their attention on the battlefield, they didn't figure out who was killed for a while. They were chattering like a group of female ducks who had just given birth to a duck egg in spring. They yelled for a whole quarter of an hour without discussing any valuable countermeasures.

It took a full quarter of an hour before the news came back from the Supreme Temple of the Elf Protoss—the seven upper and lower level gods of Eruxis fell at the same time, their gods were destroyed, their spirits were annihilated, and their The **** seat has collapsed, and all traces of their existence have been directly obliterated by a terrifying force.

"Erusis! What are you doing?" Empress Green Moon looked towards the west with cold hands and feet, her beautiful and noble face couldn't help convulsing. The seven upper gods belong to the gods, which is also a big loss for today's elven protoss. Why did they fall? In the early days of God's War, there shouldn't be such a thing happening at all!

Those are the seven high-level gods. Even the gods of the Axul Protoss with pure blood did not directly participate in the war. Everyone is still using believers to attack each other, and under the tacit understanding of constantly harvesting the souls of believers to repair their own injuries, The seven upper gods just fell!

The Empress of Green Moon wanted to strangle Eleusis now!

Angrily looking up to the sky with a scream, a large swath of clear spring water suddenly gushed out from the Empress Green Moon, little transparent orchid petals gushing out of the spring water, Empress Green Moon twisted lightly, and she became a The white fish more than two feet long, swaying with flowing transparent fins, quickly escaped into the water and rushed to the west.

Lin Qi's hands and feet and Bilibili and Arda looted the bodies of the seven elven gods. The broken **** armor was directly thrown by him to the Tu Junaxe and the **** tiger soul armor. The blood of the elven gods was beeped. Li Bili and Arda sucked cleanly, and the various artifact-level pendants and other jewelry on their bodies were also thrown by Lin Qi to Tu Junaxe and swallowed.

A fire burned the corpses of several elves and gods into a plume of blue smoke. Lin Qi grabbed Mr. Mo and their fingers, cut their fingers with the butcher’s axe, and took a drop of their blood. The Hall of Doomsday Apocalypse swallowed the blood of Mr. Mo and the others. Within a few breaths, Lin Qi waved his hands and several puppets were thrown out by Lin Qi.

The bodies of these puppets are exactly the same as those of Lin Qi and the others, and even the breath they exude is generally the same. Lin Qi slashed at them with his army axe, unloading them eight pieces and burning most of the corpses into a cloud of blue smoke.

Arda and Bilibili had a tacit understanding of releasing a strong devilish energy that was littered everywhere, the upper god-level devilish energy filled the void, and the remaining corpses were dyed black. Mr. Mo took out more than a dozen bottles of vicious god-destroying potions, and smashed the potion bottles on the ground fiercely. The god-destroying potions were flying around, turning the ground within a radius of a few miles into a dead place without a blade of grass.

Ess was chanting the spell whisperingly, and she gritted her teeth and condensed a trace of the divinity belonging to the line of the Azer **** race from her body. Lin Qi grabbed this trace of divinity, then broke it apart, crushed it, and spilled it all around. Therefore, in the rich devilish energy, there was also a trace of sacred and majestic aura. This aura was very cryptic, but it was absolutely impossible to hide the existence of Empress Green Moon's level.

In just three to five minutes, Lin Qi and the group hadn't even exchanged a word. When Lin Qi threw out the puppet figures, everyone arranged a battlefield after a fierce battle.

The metal warriors watched Lin Qi and their movements from a distance, the eyes of dozens of dark golden metal warriors flickered, and they seemed to understand what Lin Qi they wanted to do. A metal warrior with the tallest body suddenly raised his head, and was about to roar loudly towards the field where Qiu Fengjun and Eluxis were constantly devouring and colliding.

With a cold snort, Lin Qi raised his right index finger high. A white light, pure, extreme, full of destructive light and heat, suddenly appeared at his fingertips. The indifferent and ruthless voice of Heaven Mountain quietly sounded: "Absolute Purification•Light Curse of Extinguishing World!"

Millions of white feathers flew out of that little white light, and turned into tiny traces of white light covering the entire battlefield. All the dense forests were turned into ashes, and every white light hit the brow of a metal warrior. Only the glare of white light could be seen in the world, and everything else seemed to disappear.

When the white light dissipated, millions of powerful metal warriors were silently stiff in place. All their vitality was obliterated, and as Lin Qi grabbed his hand, millions of huge metal warriors turned into streamers and flew into his hands. Shengxianchi unceremoniously set off a huge wave towards the metal warriors. It was just a roll, and I saw these metal warriors quickly dissolve, and they were quickly purified into pure metal ingots.

Heaven Mountain, which was in desperate need of various raw materials, unceremoniously swallowed the millions of metal warriors, and the various materials were classified into a torrent of materials according to their respective needs and injected into their bodies.

"With one billion more supplements like this, I think the big guys will be able to respond seven or eighty-eight!" The Temple of Underworld hiccuped, and gave Lin Qi a very rude suggestion: "Dear Master Lin Qi , I think you should check the ins and outs of these guys, and then copy their old nest. The Second Sea God Temple? I have no friendship with him, you can trample him at will!"

Heaven Mountain snorted slowly: "Second Sea God Temple? Who has friendship with them? Metal living bodies? They have no need to exist at all. Providing us with raw materials is their only value! I really don’t understand. Why are even these uncompleted reserve units put on the battlefield? Is the core of Metaverse confused?"

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