Bright Era

Chapter 1982: Predatory benefits (2)

"If the soul **** Thord swallows all the power in these soul spars, his strength should not be as weak as it is now. If he can convert all these powers into the power of the gods, then his combat power is likely to exceed Mudel, the **** of war." Lin Qi felt the huge power in the soul spar and shook his head gently.

"Conspiracy!" Shu Ling Gu Ling smiled gloomily: "He has stored such a huge power but does not absorb it, but hoards it in his lair. There must be a conspiracy! But this has nothing to do with us, it is at most. Some of their intrigues within the Azer Protoss. Now we have a big advantage, so what do we care about?"

Lin Qi smiled brightly, isn't it, he took such a big advantage, and what does his soul **** plan to do?

The spirit of the bald **** gradually merged into Lin Qi's body, and ninety-nine percent of the power was swallowed by the tiny origin in Lin Qi's body. A large amount of Genesis continued to gush from the origin, and the gray mist released from the origin almost filled Lin Qi's body.

Under the control of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and under the collective support of Heaven Mountain and their collective efforts, the power in the soul spar began to gush out in large quantities, continuously injected into Lin Qi's body, and continuously injected into the origin. Suddenly, Heavenly Mountain and Underworld Temple spoke at the same time: "It should be able to satisfy all the power needed for the next stage of transformation. This must be a certain thanks to the God of Soul!"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree happily waved countless rhizomes and laughed: "Then, let's start! It must be admitted that **** wars are cruel, but only the most cruel wars have the opportunity for rapid evolution. There is no doubt that Lin Qi It will be the shortest time-consuming existence from the imperial prince to the imperial prince in history! Of course, this is a bit dangerous, and it needs everyone’s protection."

Wonderful lights of various colors gushing out of Heaven Mountain and their bodies at the same time, turning into a dense large net that wrapped Lin Qi inside. The entire room was covered by layers of strange enchantments, and no breath could be leaked out, and the powerful presence of the outside world could not see what happened in this room.

Millions of soul spars disintegrated at the same time, and an incredible power between the power of soul and the power of flesh and blood poured into Lin Qi's body. The origin in Lin Qi's body suddenly turned into a black whirlpool, swallowing all the power in one bite. Lin Qi curiously used his soul power to look at the whirlpool that the origin had turned into, and as a result his soul was swallowed in a little bit.

Lin Qi was so scared that he wanted to withdraw his soul power, but the sweet-scented osmanthus tree immediately stopped him: "This is the most normal phenomenon. Leave everything to us, don't be impulsive. You just have to feel you. Everything you perceive is okay."

Following the words of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, endless illusions appeared in Lin Qi's'eyes'.

In the boundless void, countless nebulae in a vibrant universe follow a wonderful trajectory. The huge and magical power fills the void, giving birth to endless strange creatures and creating endless civilization. At this time, the universe is like an extremely strong young man, he is always expanding outward, constantly devouring the infinite source of the void and expanding outward.

If it keeps developing like this, this big universe will become extremely huge, and it will expand endlessly.

But no one knows what happened. The breath of life in the universe suddenly decayed! It's not that the vitality of those intelligent races has declined, but the vitality of the universe itself has begun to decline. The speed of his expansion began to slow down, and the speed of swallowing the external source force gradually began to slow down. In the end, he even began to slowly collapse inward and compress inward.

It may be a moment, it may be billions of years, Lin Qi saw the last scene of this cosmic twilight.

All the nebulae are backlogged together, and the nebulae collide with each other, swallow each other, merge with each other, the stars explode in the void, burst into the sky and rain in the void, and clusters of dazzling fires madly impact everything in all directions. . Then a tiny black spot appeared at the core of the universe, and everything was swallowed by that black spot.

There is nothing in the void, only the black spot with infinite mass and infinite power floating around with the violent source force tide. A little dark golden light spot is secreted from the void from time to time, the black light spot, or the light spot that does not have any color but contains all the colors, occasionally swallows some dark golden light, and then his own glossiness It gradually strengthened a bit.

"That's the eternal particle!" Lin Qi's spirit power was constantly being swallowed by the black vortex. He just almost instinctively felt that the dark golden light spots that emerged from the void should be eternal particles.

As the eternal particles continued to merge, the tiny origin that contained infinite energy and mass suddenly exploded. The power composed of pure source force exploded in the void. At the moment of the explosion, time was born and space was created, and the life imprints of some tyrannical beings left at the core of the origin in the last cosmic calamity actually blended directly into it. The source force tide.

I can’t tell how many years it was, or it was the moment of the explosion, or tens of thousands of years later, in the original universe where the temperature was as high as tens of billions of degrees and the pressure was too high to measure, some inherited the characteristics of the cosmic source force and absorbed The original life form with the life imprint left over from the previous Zhou Jie appeared. The forms of these original life forms are extremely huge, and even the size of some life forms spans the star field, and each scale armor can be as huge as a nebula.

Countless phantoms were born one after another, Lin Qi instantly saw the forms of countless miraculous and infinitely powerful primitive creatures, and developed the most intuitive understanding of their powerful power. Among these strange creatures, some have derived the strange parasites that absorb the soul fluctuations of other intelligent creatures, thereby enhancing their own strength and extending their lifespan!

The light and shadow changed, Lin Qi suddenly saw an indescribable height in the void, and even the nebulae around him were just as tiny as tiny giant giants as drops of dewdrops. Different from other weird original life forms, this sturdy giant is holding a shield in his left hand and an axe in his right hand, lying on all sides and sleeping in the void. His form is exactly the same as a human being, without any difference.

This giant, hundreds of times larger than other original creatures, slept in the void lazily for many years, and finally his existence attracted the attention of some fierce creatures. Large groups of original wishing lives rushed to the giant and launched an attack on him, wanting to devour his flesh to strengthen his own strength.

An unprecedented fierce battle broke out in the void, the giant holding a large axe and a huge shield, and slaying the original creatures while laughing. After the awakening, the giant began to run back and forth in the endless unformed nebula, and all the void creatures he encountered could not escape the attack of his big axe.

In the end, this giant with terrifying power slayed all the original creatures in that universe.

In the empty universe, there is only one person. The giant sat blankly in the universe for years, but he finally yawned boredly, muttered a few words to himself, and then strode towards the edge of the rapidly expanding universe.

He came to the edge of the universe and the infinite void. He swung a big axe and slashed madly towards the thin light curtain that could easily destroy the universe and the void. The void oscillated, endless light and heat were born out of thin air, and the giant was shattered by the backlash of the void, and even his large axe and heavy shield flew away without a trace.

The giant's flesh and blood flew in all directions along with the source force tide, some flesh and blood disappeared invisible, and a very small amount of flesh and blood fell in some newly formed nebulae. In the end, on a small planet in a tiny little nebula, in a vast and boundless continent with countless suspended peaks, some weak beings derived from those flesh and blood energies were born.

A primordial and primitive aura hit his face, and Lin Qi seemed to hear the unwilling, incomprehensible, and somewhat inexplicable roar of the giant giant before his death. Lin Qi could feel that the giant's IQ didn't seem to be very high, but he could even more feel the terrifying power that slaughtered all the original creatures of the entire universe.

He felt a **** throbbing that made his heart palpitating. In Lin Qi's body, a trace of extremely powerful, extremely pure, extremely ancient and wild bloodshot suddenly condensed from his viscous golden plasma.

This tiny thread of blood seems to have no color, but it seems to contain all the colors in the world. Lin Qi's originally dense golden plasma compared with this sliver of blood, it was almost as if the mist had touched mercury, and it was not at the same level. Lin Qi has a feeling that if he throws out this insignificant bloodshot, then this bloodshot, which is hundreds of times smaller than a hair, is enough to annihilate a continent in an instant.

"Remember this breath, remember this feeling!" The voice of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree suddenly sounded at the core of Lin Qi's soul: "The ultimate goal of human evolution is to find the purest and most original blood of the ancestors. The infinite power that shatters the void."

"Abandon those inexistent imprints in your bloodline, and discard those low-level bloodline imprints. What destroys the world, what crystal clan, what dragon clan, what three feather dragon gods, what spirit white tiger beasts, including those Elves, goblins, dwarves, and giants are all impervious things. Throw these things away and feel the throbbing of the most original blood, then, hold him and find him!"

Heavenly Mountain warned Lin Qi in a low voice: "Any bloodline has weaknesses. What we say, the bloodlines you have seen, they all have huge defects. What we have seen, the most felt. The bloodline that is perfect and has the least weakness is the bloodline of the ancestors of mankind. Therefore, discard those miscellaneous bloodline imprints and find the most powerful source of power you deserve."

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