Bright Era

Chapter 1984: Predatory benefits (4)

In Lin Qi's soul vision, everything has become different from before. Lin Qi can clearly perceive the operating rules of the laws of the world's elements, and he can clearly grasp the actions of those elements. He even has a feeling that he is condescendingly overlooking the operation of these elements, he can intervene in the operation of these laws at any time, causing a huge impact and destruction on them.

Lin Qi now masters the original power directly extracted from the void world, the four original elements of earth, water, fire and wind, only those extracted from the void world can be regarded as the true original elements. Lin Qi grasped the origin of these elements, and then looked at the operation of the elements engraved with the unique laws of this world. Naturally, it was like a palm pattern, everything was in his heart, and everything became extraordinarily relaxed and comfortable.

Ordinary elemental magic has no meaning to Lin Qi, even if it is a curse-level attack inspired by the magic elements of the gods in this world, Lin Qi can do it with his hand. Unless those gods use their original divine power to launch magical attacks, it is impossible for those gods to pose any threat to Lin Qi.

The blood in Lin Qi's body had all turned into that dark golden light and dim, but it seemed to contain infinitely colored strange plasma. This plasma is more condensed and purer than the blood of the gods, and contains a greater power. He has merged that trace of primitive and primitive blood, and half of his foot has stepped into the threshold of the original life form.

In today's world, Lin Qi has gradually evolved to the level of a'rule breaker'.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi suddenly noticed Alda. This guy had just walked into the temple of the goddess of wealth, had just hooked up two goddess officials who were still pure virgins to a side hall, and had just taken off his clothes.

In other words, the process of transformation that has passed by hundreds of millions of years in Lin Qi's perception has actually only passed by a short quarter of an hour from the outside world.

During that process of transformation, Lin Qi's body was connected to the void world, and he was isolated from all connections with this world. From space to time, all the laws of power escaped from his body during that period of time. So Lin Qi might have spent tens of thousands of years transforming under the cover of the power of the void, but in this world, everything has only passed for half an hour.

With a sound of ‘om’, Lixue Tiger Soul Armor came out of Lin Qi’s body. This armor became more and more ferocious and mighty, and four sharp-edged metal wings appeared behind the armor. These wings were close to the armor and were continuously extracting the energy of water, fire and wind from the void. On the chest of the armor, that is, the center of the eyebrows, shoulders, elbows, knees, center of eyebrows, wrists, ankles and other important parts of the tiger statue, there are crystal blocks emitting a halo, which are stored inside. The power of the huge universe.

He clenched his fists heavily, and Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction. According to the explanation of the Temple of Underworld, they just injected a huge amount of rare materials into the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor. This armor has extracted a large amount of energy from the void, and also merged part of the eternal particles, so it has smoothly evolved into one. A two-star battle armor of the generals, comparable to the powerful armor of the middle-ranked master artifact.

The Tu Junaxe is the same. The new Tu Junaxe has become thicker and thicker, and the shape is more simple and simple, but his axe blade is getting sharper and sharper. Bilibili just glanced curiously at the Tu Jun axe held by Lin Qi, blood slid down from the corner of his eye, and the blade of Tu Jun axe was already sharp.

What made Lin Qi even more pleased was that he clearly felt the agility of Tu Junaxe and Leaning Tiger Soul Armor. Their agility has been fully formed, and their IQ is comparable to that of a fifteen or sixteen year old boy! As long as Lin Qi carefully teaches them and educates them, sooner or later they can truly evolve into human forms and become a real life form. At that level, the so-called artifact is the real artifact!

With a crisp sound of ‘Hola’, Lingwen separated directly from Lin Qi. Lingwen, who was a little dizzy, grabbed Lin Qi's arm, and then shook his head vigorously. It was easy to get a foothold. She blinked and looked around, then slapped her body vigorously. She also absorbed part of the power of the void origin, and smoothly condensed a perfect body.

"Master Lin Qi, I, I, I have a body?" Lingwen yelled in surprise, and then she staggered forward a few steps, tripping her legs on the carpet and knocking her head heavily. To the ground.

Lin Qi glanced at Lingwen happily, the strength of the upper and lower gods, and it seemed that he had acquired some magical power. This ‘little ghost’, originally hidden in the Royal Library of the Gaul Empire, now has what he should have.

"Very good, very good!" Lin Qi lightly patted the little head of Lingwen who was struggling to get up, and Lin Qi said calmly: "It's a very timely improvement in strength. I think we are more sure to give the gods a good look now. Yes. Bilibili, I'll give you a question. If we want to fight the goddess of wealth, what should we do?"

Bilibili's eyes rolled, and then he smiled fiercely: "Sack her treasure house and wipe out all her wealth!"

Lin Qi slapped his hands vigorously. Lin Qi exclaimed loudly, and patted Bilibili's shoulder fiercely: "It's a perfect plan. I must admit that I have a certain affection for the goddess of wealth, a person who likes gold coins. Even if it is bad, it should not be worse than others. At least the doctrine of the goddess of wealth is very gentle, so I admire her more!"

"So, looting her treasure house, instead of killing her believers or gods, say hello to her and say we have been here!"

After a few triumphant smiles, Lin Qi, with a sly look on his face, and an ignorant face like white paper, the three left the hotel and went straight to the central temple of the goddess of wealth. Tens of miles away from the splendid temple, Lin Qi could see that the three thousand-meter-high pyramid was shining brightly, and the countless fist-sized diamonds and other red sapphires inlaid on the pyramid were even more impressive. Lin Qi's saliva almost flowed out.

This is a real pyramid. The pyramid with a height of 3,000 meters and a base of 4,000 meters long is made of pure gold. This magical building is cast by supernatural power at one time, and the whole body is as smooth as a mirror, without any gaps. And this pyramid has an extremely magical place-as long as the gold is constantly placed on the altar, the pyramid can continuously swallow the gold and grow on its own!

Originally, the pyramid was only more than 300 meters high, but over the years, with the devout worship of countless believers, huge amounts of gold have been continuously poured into this pyramid, and finally we have a pyramid that is as magnificent and represents astronomical wealth.

Lin Qi and Bilibili walked towards the pyramid with green eyes, and while walking, Bilibili wiped the saliva from the corners of their mouths with their sleeves in a very impersonal way. Following Lin Qi, he did countless things for evil, and there were countless abyssal gold refined from the abyss world, but Bilibili has never seen so much gold at once!

With so much gold, how much money can be exchanged for gold coins?

When they reached a place a dozen miles away from the temple, Lin Qi and Bilibili stiffened there at the same time.

Just around the magnificent pyramid, there are tens of thousands of statues that are 100 meters high. Some of these statues are the living pictures of the goddess of wealth, some are godly statues of the goddess of wealth, and the statues of the archbishops who have made countless money and the famous merchants and rich men in history. All in all, the original template of these statues, everyone is full of copper smell.

What shocked Lin Qi was that most of these statues were made of blue gold, and the exchange ratio between blue gold and gold, as Lin Qi continued to invest huge amounts of gold coins in the ground world to hit the market, it has skyrocketed to a blue gold coin exchange rate. The level of a thousand gold coins.

There are tens of thousands of statues made of blue gold, and Lin Qi cannot calculate the value of these statues.

The other statues were cast from rare magical metals such as fine gold and mithril, and their value was countless times higher than blue gold. Among them is a bathing picture of the goddess of wealth. The statue of the goddess of wealth lying in the bathtub is about ten meters high and nearly a hundred meters long. This statue is carved with a huge magic ruby ​​that I don’t know where it came from. Made!

Lin Qi thinks that he is also a super-rich person. At least he said he is the richest person in the world on the ground. Even the three popes dare not say that his wealth will be more than that of the majesty of the Longshan Empire. rich. But Lin Qi never saw such a huge magic ruby!

From the depths of the crater of the evil ghost abyss, the largest magic ruby ​​mined by the flame dragons under Lin Qi's command is only five meters in radius, and the magic ruby ​​has been taken away by the abyss goblins under Lin Qi , Used it to make some Primordial Magic Device with amazing lethality.

If this huge magical ruby ​​is made into the core of a magic circle, if it is an offensive magic circle, it can destroy all the creatures on a continent at least once, right?

But here, the goddess of wealth, she actually made such a magical ruby ​​of infinite strategic significance into her own statue! And it's your own bathing picture! This woman whose mind is full of gold solution, what is she thinking?

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi nodded vigorously, then he grabbed forward with both hands, and grabbed it regardless.

The terrifying spatial fluctuations covered the entire central temple complex of the goddess of wealth that stretched for nearly a hundred miles. All living creatures in the temple were repelled by the strong spatial fluctuations, and then all the temples, together with those worthless statues and pyramids, flew. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a streamer and was collected by Lin Qi.

After this transformation, Lin Qi has opened up an endless void in his body, enough to store a huge amount of materials.

A sharp female voice suddenly rang from high in the sky: "My money, my money, my money!"

This time, nearly a thousand terrifying wills fell, and quickly covered the void of thousands of miles.

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