Bright Era

Chapter 1991: Impossible peace (1)

On the eastern border of the Great Yan Dynasty, the line of defense that was once like a copper wall and an iron wall has been battered, and Yingzheng’s palace was suspended directly over the ruins of a huge battle fort that was razed to the ground. The light court music spread all over the place. In the overlapping palaces and pavilions, stunning girls from the Blood Qin Empire, looted from the eastern subcontinent, enshrined in the temple, and looted from nomads, are wearing all kinds of costumes. Fluttering dancing.

In the largest palace in the palace, Ying Zheng sits on the throne alone, holding roasted lamb legs in one hand, and a pot of wine in the other, watching the three hundred and sixty court ladies in lotus-colored dresses doing the work. Dance of Lingbo. Except for Ying Zheng and these court ladies, there is no one else in the hall. Even the musicians who scored the music, they all played various instruments in the side hall next door.

Suddenly a little bit of aura appeared out of thin air in front of Ying Zheng, and a tyrannical will blasted into Ying Zheng's soul. Cold sweat suddenly seeped out from every pore, and Ying Zheng muttered in a low voice: "Actually, it is already so strong? It is already inhuman!"

Feeling the horrible pressure on the soul level that was like the sky, suppressing the terrible pressure of his own soul not daring to move, Ying Zheng's body trembled violently, and then took a deep breath. He grabbed the spatially positioned spar in his hand, and then sternly scolded it.

All the maids lined up in an orderly manner and withdrew from the main hall. Hundreds of thin men wearing black tights and a gloomy atmosphere all walked into the main hall. Ying Zheng threw a space positioning spar to each thin man, and then gave a few words in a low voice. These thin men showed a grinning smile, and suddenly turned into countless afterimages and rushed out of the hall at an extremely fast speed.

"I, I'm not a puppet that anyone can hold! Dominate the club? Hey, you can't even dream of it. Except for you, I still have a group of truly loyal confidants over the years. They have also created a huge potential in the Blood Qin Empire. !" Holding up his head proudly, Ying Zheng walked slowly to the front of the hall with his hands behind his back. He condescendingly overlooked the territories of the Great Yan Dynasty in front of the smoke and shook his head gently.

"On the day of half a month, the Great Flame will be destroyed. It is the Longshan Empire that can't move, it can't move. The soldiers are divided into two groups, attacking Gaul all the way, and attacking the holy mountain all the way. If you can destroy the holy mountain, look for a passage and invade the three abysses. World!" Ying Zheng snorted a few times, rubbing his temples with both hands, squinting and sneering deeply.

In a valley less than three hundred miles away from Yingzheng’s Chinese army brigade, hundreds of gods and venerables of Tianmiao were sitting on the futon, quietly looking at the brigade’s bald head, black clothes, straw shoes, and hand-held long. The sticks of Tianmiao believers passed in front of them. These Tianmiao believers are tall and powerful, and many of them have blood stains and some unknown meat sauce on their long sticks.

The monstrous killing intent hovered above these believers in the temple, and gathered into a light red cloud to hang around. Where the believers in the temple went, the birds screamed into the sky, and the beasts screamed and fled in embarrassment. They are like a group of demons walking in the world, so that all creatures dare not approach them.

The two black shadows brought a large afterimage in the air, and suddenly came to the side of the heavenly temple princes and venerables. They knelt to the ground and yelled respectfully: "Enlighten you all, your majesty will bring it here."

A five-meter tall, golden-skinned body, and a sturdy figure like a metal statue, behind him a looming three-headed, six-armed, three-eyed weird monk from the temple mumbled: "What's the matter? Have you encountered it again? Those remnants of the Western Continental coalition forces who are defeated? This seat, just like itching, wants to kill a few church gods and enjoy it."

The two dark shadows raised their right hands, and a thumb-sized crystal bead flashed dazzlingly in their palms. Without waiting for the Lords and Venerables of these temples to react, the two crystal beads exploded at the same time, and the light and shadow of two giant teleportation arrays with a diameter of more than fifty miles rose to the sky, covering the area of ​​a hundred miles around. The believers in Tianmiao were all overwhelmed by strong light.

After just a few seconds, the eyes of the Million Tian Temple army went black and then lit up, and they were simultaneously teleported to a dark day, but there was a strange light spreading in the air, and the visibility was no different from the cloudy sky of the ground world. world.

An army of millions of people occupied nearly a hundred miles of land, and they looked at the suddenly changing scenery around them at a loss. Then there was a panic scream not far away—a group of wind **** temple knights riding on the abyssal unicorn flying lizard suddenly collided with a group of heavenly temple warriors.

The fierce Tianmiao warriors took up their long sticks, and the shadows fell like a violent storm for a while, and nearly a hundred wind temple knights beat them like meat pie. However, these wind temple knights had crushed the warning magic charms on their waists before they died, and the most urgent red warning signal had been sent back to their nearest temple, and then they continued to use their strength to send back to the kingdom of God on the ground.

When these temples were teleported to the abyss world, the Yin Master was with a haughty smile, hovering in the air less than ten meters above the ground, coldly watching the warriors of the nightmare temple in front of him. Beside the Yin Master, millions of princes, generals, and soldiers formed a black and three-dimensional array, and waves of waves impacted a stronghold controlled by the unrelenting war-templar knights not far away.

Five men in black appeared silently in the army of Penglai's magical soldiers, and one of them appeared directly in front of the Yin Master. They also activated the spatial positioning spar in their hands, and then the five spheres of the gods soared into the sky, and the Yin Master, together with the more than two million Penglai gods around him, were simultaneously teleported to the world of Emore and directly to Lin. Outside Soldad, where Qi has raged.

The large groups of soul knights in the soul temple that are patrolling here first spotted the army led by the Yin Master. Accompanied by the harsh alarm sound, the soul knights like lunatics, driven by a tyrannical will, launched desperately to the **** army. Charged.

The Yin Master looked at the soul knights rushing from all directions like wolves on the prairie in astonishment, and roared angrily: "Damn Ying Zheng, you unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, you dare to pit me? You? Even I dare to cheat? Who gave you such courage!"

I don’t know how to be afraid, I don’t know the pain, and the powerful and powerful Penglai God Army immediately set up a solid defensive formation. Then, inside the formation, there are hundreds of chariots with powerful penetrating power. The assault formation has taken shape. In the yin master’s desperate screams, nearly a million Penglai gods, generals and soldiers drove tens of thousands of chariots, sweeping the battlefield like a sickle of death.

The weakest low-rank soldiers of the Penglai God Weapon are all at the pinnacle of status and the level of heaven. A slightly stronger general will have the fighting power of the holy rank, and the large number of gods have the demigod or even the peak demigod. force. When the enraged Yin Master urged all the combat power of this army of magical soldiers, the soldiers of the Soul Knights were unlucky.

A **** massacre started outside Soldad. The first wave of more than 100,000 Soul Knights soldiers who launched the attack lasted only a quarter of an hour before being crushed by the Penglai God Army's chariot formation. The Yin Master, with a gloomy heart and full of murderous tyranny, immediately issued a slaughter order against Soldad City. Over a million Penglai soldiers rushed into the ruins of Soldad City.

After killing the few soul temples in the city, the Penglai Divine Army followed a communication route and headed for another city not far away.

The light of the teleportation formations continued to flicker in the ground world, and large numbers of armies were continuously teleported into the three abyssal worlds controlled by the church. The Penglai **** of the Yin Master, the army of the Tianmiao, and the allied forces of foreign races, apart from the elite army of the Xueqin Empire, a large number of soldiers from the other three armies were sent in.

Outside a city on the territory of the God of Dawn, an army of alien races ruled by the Lion King Leon and Yin Qingyue suddenly appeared. What horrified them was that not far from them, an extremely large-scale mixed army of the Temple of Dawn was stationed.

This teleportation formation was created by Bilibili's skillful hands. This guy who likes to walk in the dark is proficient in the technique of hiding the figure. He deliberately arranged this formation within five minutes of the army of the dawn temple. Place inside.

This army is the first wave of reinforcements urgently mobilized by the Temple of Dawn and ready to send to the ground world. Among them, only the Earthwalker heavy cavalry in magical armor has ten legions of one million people. The other light cavalry, dragon knights, heavy infantry, crossbowmen, magicians, etc., have a total strength of A crowd of fifty corps.

This wave of the army mobilized by the Temple of Dawn, each of their generals and soldiers came from the most devout family of believers, and their families have been followers of the Temple of Dawn for generations. They have firm beliefs and strong willpower, and have received extremely rigorous combat training since they were young. They are part of the core force of the Temple of Dawn. The purpose of the Temple of Dawn of Dawn is to give their enemies a color in the ground world, and show off their strength in front of other temples by the way.

Because they are stationed on their own territory of the Temple of Dawn, the army of the Temple of Dawn of the fifty legions, their camps are closely arranged, and there are no defensive measures near the camp, not even a trench or a watchtower.

After all, this is the abyssal world controlled by the church. It has never been invaded by foreign enemies. On the ground of one's own home, there is no need to do much prevention. Therefore, the army of the Temple of Dawn of the fifty legions, they did not even arrange for a sentry.

The army of over a million orcs and savages under the control of Leon and Yin Qingyue appeared in front of these Dawn Warriors out of thin air. What is even more speechless is that a morning knight who was carrying a rock and running a circle around the camp for daily training, happened to have a face-to-face encounter with a group of pighead soldiers covered in blood. The distance between each other was even ten meters. Not yet.

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